Someone Please Explain to Me Why Christians Judge

@ZephyrSun (7381)
United States
August 31, 2009 7:11am CST
This really bothers me that people that call themselves Christians will judge other people. I have seen it and heard it so many times I would love to just shake them and say, "who gave you that power"! I went to church, I've read the Christian Bible and I don't remember ever being told that as a Christian God gave them the power of judgement. Could you give me a single line in the Bible that I must have missed somewhere, that this ability was passed onto man? I was just reading a response about Kennedy not being a good enough Catholic therefore he didn't deserve to have a Catholic funeral. Now, unless God has become a mylot member I really need some Bible proof giving a person that calls themselves a Christian the power to pass judgement.
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16 responses
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Somebody said that about Kennedy? Wow. Just, wow. That's wrong. I'm not catholic, and I'd never say that somebody didn't deserve a proper burial. Sheesh! I guess it's just human nature to judge people, but you're right, Christians shouldn't judge.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
To take your word wow. You shocked me. I've seen some of your discussions and I'm sorry if I'm insulting you but, I and just so shocked. LOL not many people have that ability. I'll have to add you to my list of reasonable conservatives. Sorry that probably doesn't make sense to you but, there's just some conservatives that I try not to "talk" to because they are unreasonable. I really hope I didn't offend you and if I did, I'm very sorry.
• United States
1 Sep 09
Th person who said it is not Catholic either and as a matter of fact she HATES the Catholic church and seems to enjoy bashing MY religion by posting things that are not true, just her own delusional assumptions about it. The person who said it is one of those self righteous bible thumpers who seems to have missed out on all the stuff Jesus said about not judging others and loving your fellow humans.
• United States
1 Sep 09
Also, the person in question who has revealed her hatred for Catholics has made it onto my list of insane small minded folks who I will try to avoid in the future unless it is to tell them off when I catch them spreading lies. Zephyr has long been on my list of "reasonable liberals" there are actually quite a few of them. Zephyr is open to other points of view and does not attack people who see things differently than she does.
@mdrgsm (61)
• Ukraine
1 Sep 09
Hi ZepyrSun and anyone else interested, I am a Christian and I will tell you that the bible does infact say that we are to judge others! However its more in a holding them accountable way. We are NOT to judge their faith, or their relationship with God. But we are to judge their actions. If someone claims to be a christian yet doesn't live their life accordingly, we are told to judge their actions. They are setting a bad example, therefore may hinder anyone who is new to christianity. We are to "judge" people by the fruit of their life! A good tree bears good fruit and vice versa. But we are not to judge on their eternal judgement, that is left for God and only God to do! As Chrisitans, we want to bring more people to the understanding of Christ andfor them to have eternal life in his kingdom! We are told to be the "salt of the earth and a light to the world"! But we can't do that without holding others accountable for their actions. Hope I didn't confuse or offend anyone. Have a Blessed Day
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
2 Sep 09
Hi mdrgsm You didn't confuse me and I see mostly that Christian time and time again judge others on their relationship with God. If I say that I am not a good Christian that's fine as far as I'm concerned but, when say my neighbor that goes to church says I'm a bad Christian, that's really none of her business.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
2 Sep 09
I see what you are saying but, my point was that these people that call themselves Christians that are calling other people bad Christians should first pray for that "bad Christian". My grandfather was a minister for over 40 years and we had many conversations about "bad Christians" and he said you always start with praying for that person, ask God to help them see that they are setting a bad example.
@mdrgsm (61)
• Ukraine
2 Sep 09
Well I don't think people should go around saying that other people are good or bad christians, that's not what I meant in my comment. But I do think that we are to hold people accountable for their actions. For example: We as christians are to set good examples. If we are getting drunk every weekend and then going to church with a hangover, we aren't setting a good example. Instead of someone coming up to them and saying "your a bad christian", maybe they should suggest to pray for them for anything they are struggling with. But if the christian is mature enough, they should be able to accept when other christians call them out on what sin they are living in. Again I don't condone being rude in how you tell people what they are doing is wrong, but sometimes it takes being confronted for them to realize that they are in the wrong and are in need of repentance and forgiveness.
• Canada
6 Sep 09
I've often wondered the same thing. What ever hapened to "judge not, lest ye be judged?" In my family there are four very different branches of Christianity represented (one the religion I was raised with, one the religion of my step-dad's family, one my husband's religion, and one the religion that a number of his daughters converted to) and I just shut off religion, because if I favoured one, I'd have to favour them all. My husband never pushed his religion on me, but those in his church tried to push him into pushing me, and tried to push me themselves.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
6 Sep 09
You ask a very good question, one which I do not know the answer either. Having all those religions must be hard. Isn't your husband a mormon? I don't really know about that religion I honestly don't know anyone that is a mormon but, I remember when I lived out West there were a lot of mormons and they hung out at my school trying to get kids to convert.
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
31 Aug 09
If a group or society have set up a code of conduct,Laws, or rules to govern the actions of those within that society,anyone seen not to be adhering to those rules will find themselves in a position to be judged by those who do follow them.It then depends on what those who enforce the Law decide should be the outcome of the transgression..does it warrant a talking to,prayer,ostracism,or a Prison Term or worse? How does it work out for an infraction by someone who's not a member of that society? The "Golden Rule" covers much..
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
31 Aug 09
Those doing the Judging think they have the moral high ground to be able to pontificate on the actions of others..very few are that righteous..The Golden rule should be observed...
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Thank you for clarifying that. I think we were pretty much on the same page, you just said it much more eloquently.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I was a little confused by your post but, I think what you are telling me is that if the Christian that judges doesn't want to be judged by his fellow man than he should not judge. Am I correct in my thinking, or am I still confused? Thank you for the link, that is very interesting. I never knew that "The Golden Rule" was so universal.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I have often wondered the same thing! THey study the BIble then act like they are better then anyone....they have an attitude.....well it says in the Bible to be humble...yet they are some of the biggest blowhards and very judgemental! I thought that was God's department!
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Isn't it odd? I mean, people who will quote the Bible nonstop and then fail to remember the part about judgement. Who am I to say what God is thinking, maybe there's a good reason for people living their life in a way that may be against the Bible. Maybe it was "God's plan" anyway that the person does the things they do.
• United States
1 Sep 09
Most of those bible thumping lunatics re NOT Catholic, we tend to mind our own business.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Did someone say they were?
• India
31 Aug 09
In fact, what we see in the Bible is not to judge anyone, for if we do judge or pass judgement on other, we too will be judge. So, the only things worth discussing here is, to my belief, let's not judge our fellow men. When we think or ask why people pass judgement of judge, then that is exactly what we are also doing. Anyway, the only thing or reason that i can think of is those are people who cannot see the splinter in their eyes. Maybe those people might also be trying to protect the religion itself, because one little bending of rule can led to more in the future. The important thing is we should learn from it and not become a stumbling block to others.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I never really thought of it as passing judgement when asking one why they became the judge. I'm not sure I really agree with it but, I see your point. And, you are so correct that once one starts bending the rules, they bend all the rules. I remember my mother saying something like I give you an inche and you take a mile. It must have been about breaking the rules because I did that a lot as a teen lol
• India
31 Aug 09
I can say that they becomes the judge when people ourselves appoints them and gives them the power to lead them. The only thing is we should not be a blind follower.
• United States
31 Aug 09
Its human nature to judge people, its not right but its something people do to make themselves feel better. I've done it and I'm not proud of it. I think you are putting Christians up there and then pretending they are supposed to be perfect in every way, that is not the case. We are all sinners in the sight of God but that also comes with forgiveness if you know Christ. Don't lump all people who say they are Christians and judge as the authorities of their religion, they are not spokenpeople for all of us.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
Did I really give the impression that I was lumping Christians? I said people that call themselves Christians and they judge others. Do all Christians do that? I didn't think all did because I know several hand fulls that don't.
• Philippines
31 Aug 09
I think it's because their christians? lol. I've seen so many christian judge other people. But I do not think of it nemore, I'm just getting annoyed. lol ^_^ I thought they were the one who understands more because they are devoted and close to god, I thought is not correct and I see most of them, uhmm like when your not one of them, you'll get bullied? I dunno what's the term in english it's like they make fun of you. lol ^_^
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
There's lots of English terms that would fit, you would have to take your pick: jerk, fool, idiot, nincompoop (my favorite). You're right though it is really annoying and it makes all the other good Christians look bad.
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• Philippines
31 Aug 09
Wow! that's very rude, i call these hypocrite people, this is indeed giving Christianity a very bad name. not to mention that they even pick on late Senator Kennedy, i believe that remark is immature, the old man gave his best even though he wasn't that appealing like his other brothers who got killed. they just don't follow the Christian Principles, or just too basic reading the bible.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I agree, when people that are not Christians or maybe I should say non-church goers hear people that say they are Christians doing stuff that seems to go against the Bible, I'm sure that they would really be turned off by it.
• Malaysia
31 Aug 09
These Christians are not doing the right thing. By passing judgment, they are actually stumbling others of the same faith.Many will leave the religion because they see the injustices of it all. Nothing in the Bible says that we can prejudge. Judgment is God's alone. We must have church leaders who can spread this message so Christians do not become overbearing and start accusing others as less holy.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
You're so right, it is actually one of the reasons why I quit church. I couldn't stand the "do as I say, not as I do" part of church. My grandmother always said to live your life as if everyone is watching when you are a Christian because they will see and you need to live your life as an example.
• United States
31 Aug 09
Firstly please do not be judgemental of Christians by saying they are all like that! am a Christian and I agree with you that those who behave like that are very much missing the point. And I do, honestly, understand why people do feel this way sometimes. No, it is not, as I said, fair to assume that anyone who is a Christian judges, but I see where the idea comes from because that, even though I am a Christian, is something I have struggled with within the church. Sometimes, when I have been through some serious stuff, I felt the most unsafe place I could be open was in the church, whereas my friends from outside were supportive. I struggled for a long time to trust people in the church again because they were the ones who should have been helping me. When I was at college, doing a drama degree, my final piece was a theatre piece on eating disorders, based on my own experience, and the message of it basically was to say 'wake up, church - we are people who should be showing compassion and reaching out to those in need, and in fact people are saying, I can't go there because I will be judged!' We need to get over ourselves and start listening to people. At the end of the performance, my college friends stayed around, but the church people on the whole left the building without speaking to me. So, from the inside, I know what you are saying. And I am sorry if you have felt judged, or observed judgement from Christians. I want you to know that this Christian does not think its ok. It is not what Jesus taught, it is not what the Bible we claim to follow says. People are behaving in a way that is not consistent with what their faith is. I can do the things like the theatre piece, and I know there are people who are not like that. But in the end, all any of us can do is watch and learn and make sure we are open, compassionate people who never treat others that way ourselves. Thanks for a great question. I will add though, that judging is certainly not limited to Christians!
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
31 Aug 09
I hope I didn't give you the impression that I thought all Christians do this, because that is not how I feel. I grew up in the church listening to my grandfather preach the Bible and he lived the Bible. But, I must add that I grew up in the era of Jim and Tammy Baker, Jimmy Swaggart and et al preaching not only to their church but to the world and then not living by the "Word". There are so many items that the church frowns upon that they could actually help with if they would "open their eyes" and see. Jesus didn't turn his back on anyone that came to him in time of need. Unfortunately, a lot of members of the Christian faith have forgotten that. I know that Christians are the only ones to judge it just looks doubly bad for them since the Bible tells us that God is the judge and He will judge us in the end. "Those without sin may cast the first stone".
@gmode8 (60)
• United States
1 Sep 09
After reading all the comments on this subject I see that the same thing happens that always happens in discussions about judging others. People get mixed up on the words: judge and judgement Your question was as clear as a bell. You ask about judgement in the sense of people having or not having the ability to judge what another person does or does not deserve according to their actions and beliefs. NO ONE has the right to do that. BUT..we all have to the right to judge whether or not we want to be associated with certain people and whether we want them in our lives. We can judge whether or not a person is guilty of a crime based on evidence but we cannot judge their eternity and their standing with a god being... if one believes in that kind of thing. Christians will always pass judgment on others and will always try to pass laws to force society to live according to the rules they follow. This is of course wrong..but they will never see it.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
2 Sep 09
There are always a few that don't actually read the discussion and it use to bother me but, not anymore lol. Welcome to mylot, you'll see that a lot. I can't agree with you more on everything that you said! I'll have to remember next time I ask questions to link the dictionary with the definations of the words LOL
@gmode8 (60)
• United States
31 Aug 09
They don't have the power to pass judement and make it law but that does not stop them anyway. The comment about Kennedy was probably really political propaganda. But christians judge others all the time. They even judge themselves. If it is not thier way then it is against their way and a threat to their beliefs and way of life. I am personally sick of it.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
1 Sep 09
Very true. I too get sick of it.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
25 Mar 13
Jesus said to His disciples (Matthew 18:18) 'what things you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, & what things you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven,' and also 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Those are taken out-of-context (the main caveat being that you must be binding/loosing/asking IN ORDER TO FOLLOW THE JESUS, and not 'because you would like things bound/loosed/given). But that's one place Christians get their self-righteousness.
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
1 Sep 09
i really am not sure about this one. i guess it is an extension of childhood fantasies. kids watching harry potter movie start imagining themselves to be harry potter and fighting evil characters.
@Shavkat (140313)
• Philippines
28 Jan 13
I feel so disoriented in work, especially if they don't give the full descriptions. In times like this, we need to have our own initiatives to find ways to understand the real nature of the job. Same with the beliefs of a christian towards other people.