I can NOT believe this!!! Can You!!??!?!?
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
United States
September 4, 2009 12:49am CST
So, this morning as I was trying to fall asleep I had my radio on, and my station started giving some news stories...
A woman had her 2 year old daughter with her, and the baby was crying (big whoop right?)...well, this man that was also in the store walked up to the woman and said, "I'll shut her up for you."
The man then proceded to SLAP the BABY in the FACE, MULTIPLE times!!!!! Then when he was done he said, "see, I told you that'd shut her up."
While the man attacked her baby the woman had screamed for security, the cops came and arrested the man for felony child abuse. The poor baby had bad red marks on her face from the assualt.
I'm not judging the mom and questioning how he got multiple hits out, maybe she was on the other side of the cart and tried to get to him, everything probaly happened so fast. But if that were me, I would have body slammed that guy so fast he wouldn't know what hit him!
But can you believe that a man would slap some strangers baby in the face!?!? I mean, abusing kids whether you know them or not is awful...but COME ON!!!
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28 responses
@jemifer (124)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
I believe that man who slapped the baby's face is really insane. No man under his right mind would do such cruel thing. I hope that man will be put in jail. And also I just can't imagine how the mother let the man do that thing to her child. Maybe the mother is carrying the baby at that time and the child's face is facing at her back. And the man slapped the baby's face without the mother seeing.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Oh no! The mother was aware of what was happening...the man talked to her right before he slapped the baby...I think the baby was in the cart though, I can't imagine him getting multiple slaps in if the mother was holding the baby.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
Hi LilyoftheThorns, if someone could kidnap an eleven year old girl and sire her two daughters, so can some lunatic could come slapping some crying toddler. Our times now are full of unbelievable stories but we better believe them. Scary, definitely! Sad that these stories unfolded, absolutely! I do pray these do not happen again.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Yeah you're right...it's a shocking shocking, scary scary world we live in! I need to find some nice small, happy town to move to! lol
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
lol thanks!! :) A place like that has to exist SOMEWHERE...I hope I don't have to leave the country though...lol.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I think a hefty fine might be a good start for this raving idiot. Touching someone else's child is a no no in my book. His so called authority to stop the child from crying was way out of line. Jail time might straighten him out but generally money talks. A big fine might prevent him from doing this again when out in public. I feel sorry for his kids and grandkids, if he has any.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Yeah I defeniatly would not want to be related to someone who could do this!
But he is facing a felony so it probably has some nice jail time and fines attached to it.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Lily, Judging from your picture, Anyone who came up and slapped your baby in the face would have to be just plain STUPID. You have a sweet and pretty smile but also some serious Arms!! I would not want to be on the receiving end of that body slam!!
Seriously though, That's pretty despicable. I remember once when I was cashiering at an art supply store and this lady came through my line with a crying baby. He was probably close to two years old actually, because she set him on my counter when she finally got to the front of the line. (this was before scanners when everything, Price and dept had to be entered by hand) She made absolutely no effort to quiet this kid and just ignored him. So I got right up in his face and yelled. AH!! Short, quick and loud. It shocked him more than anything and he instantly became silent. The mother didn't even flinch or say a word but the kid never took his eyes off of me the whole time he was there.

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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Sep 09
LOL Thanks morethan, but my arms aren't really big O_o I'm defeniatly not muscular! lol. DO they look like that in my picture!!?!? Cool! :P
LOL! This might make me a little bit evil but I laughed whe I read your story! :P You didn't harm the baby so you aren't a monster like this guy. I could almost picture it you yelling in the baby's face! Shocking a kid into silence is defeniatly not as bad as slapping one in the face!
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@doryvien (2284)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I can't believe this! An old guy smacked someone else's baby?!! What is happening to the world? Is he out of his mind, is he insane? Mentally deranged maybe? Well I hope he is coz if he's not, what kind of person is that? That would be even more frightful! That guy should rot in jail and or in a mental institution, that's where he belongs!

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Yeah, I can't imagine someone doing this without having any kind of psychological issues!!!
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Oh that would be bad! But even if he tried to take her I couldn't imagine him gettig out of the store! The mom's screaming would cause to much attention on him and someone would stop him (I wouldnt think everyone in the store would be so low as to let a kidnapping happen right in front of them!) hehe
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
7 Sep 09
There is so much being said these days about kids out of control and parents not being able to control them ...you hear many people have a suggestion as to what to do to these kids or the parents....I guess this guy thought he had had enough and he was within his rights.
Of course he was very wrong in his thinking and his actions but I'm sure many people would feel like doing that to the parent...not that they would follow through like this bad dude did.
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@ElicBxn (63797)
• United States
5 Sep 09
no, a 2 yr old knows its doing wrong... now, she might be tired, but mom shouldn't be dragging her to the store when she should be home in bed - I do NOT understand those couples who are at the store at MIDNIGHT with their kids - why aren't those kids in bed - gee - I wonder why they are tired and cranky
probably why I don't have kids, don't even like the breed
give me a cat ANYDAY
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Babies that young usually have a reason to cry--it isn't just to piss people off. hehe. And this woman was at the store during the day, not at midnight. For all we know the baby just had her nap and wasn't tired at all.
I'm sure the mother doesn't mistreat her baby--a man attacking her baby should not have people going against her, she's a victim, just like her poor little baby.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Well a crying two year old isn't really a brat, they aren't aware that they are misbehaving or anything. I do think people who let their 5+ year olds misbehave in public are really annoying, but I still wouldn't think those kids should be punished by a stranger.
And you have to consider that this mother didn't have anyone to watch her baby, maybe she's single, maybe she's living pay check to pay check...she still has to continue on with her life with the baby, and that includes shopping.
Understanding this womans personal life would be informative, but it isn't really anyone's right to get into her business. There were two victims in this story, and one perpetrator; this was 100% wrong and there is no excuse for this guys behavior.
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@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Yes, I heard about that news. I think her 2 years old daughter was crying and then the man told the mom about this kid crying was bother him so much. So the mom moved to the next check out to avoid him. But the kid was still crying, and the man walked up the kid start to slap her. Oh god!!! if I was her, I will do just about anything to get him back. I will not let him touch my daughter at all... he has no right to talk or to look or to put any finger on her. I will die to kill him back.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I know! She left the area and he followed them!! He is terrible!!! It's not like they were doing anything to this man on purpose...it is not impossible to ignore a crying baby.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
4 Sep 09
They're letting a lot of emotionally disturbed people out of hospitals before they're ready. That is the only thing I can think of. Some are ready, but they quit taking their meds.
Sadly, probably the way he got his own kids to stop crying.
Babies crying in a store drive me crazy, so I either go to a different part of the store or leave. Before when people lived in multigenerational homes, babies stayed home until they could handle being in a store (like 5 years old). Grandparents took care of the kids while the parents went out and shopped. Now grandparents live on their own, in a nursing home, or have Alzheimers.
I left one store 5 times. The baby screamed at the top of its lungs for 20 minutes. I've never had a child and why should I be subjected to that? I still wouldn't slap the baby, but when people used to be able to afford a babysitter, we used to be able to hear ourselves think when we shopped. Babies have a 5 minute or less attention span and most people need to shop for at least half an hour. What a set-up for disaster.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
a crying baby might annoy you...but you would never be able to justify attacking one physically right?
And anyways, when the man first approached the mother and told her to "shut that baby up or I will" she left the area, but he FOLLOWED them. If he didn't want to around the baby he should have left them alone and went the other way.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Yeah, he was defeniatly looking for a fight, and the worst part is, his beef was with a baby!!! He either had a lot of crap going on in his life, or he just has mental problems like you said!
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Sep 09
If he followed them, then he was looking for a fight. When babies get on my nerves, I leave. I certainly don't follow them. That possibly makes him a stalker, too. I stay with the first idea, probably emotionally disturbed.

@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
4 Sep 09
That IS pretty wild!
But you know, nothing surprises me much any more.
Though I'm with you...if it were my kid, that guy would not be here today.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I'm not even sure it would have to even be a kid I'm related too...if I saw this in a store I would jump in and help the mom out! I would be so worried for a babies life...it doesn't take much to do permanent, deadly damage to a child, especially one so young and small--I'd act fast to try and avoid that!
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@commanderxo (1494)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
I'm with ya all the way on that one.
I'd be right in there like a dirty shirt, and quickly teach the guy a lesson on child rearing. He certainly get MY message, hard...and fast, and it wouldn't be the child that'd be crying either.
@med889 (5940)
4 Sep 09
This is awful,I mean I cannot imagine someone is slapping my baby infront of me and that person is even unknown to me so this is really bad and I dunno what I would have done to that man though!
If I want to understand that man also I fail to completely do so because he can dislike babies but it does not mean to slap the babies of others!
He is probably mad at children and these people really exist makes me feel bad.
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@dex1007 (556)
• Malaysia
4 Sep 09
oh my god, that's awful. nasty. the lady was probably in shock, she could not reach fast enough. or perhaps she was afraid if she got any closer he might get more violent. but still, body slam sounds pretty good at that moment. god, how weird can humans get these days.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
4 Sep 09
Yeah I wouldn't blame her if she was in shock. But nothing could stop me from stopping a man from hitting my baby (if I had one, lol). I'd rather him get violent with me rather than a baby--and I could defeniatly defend myself a lot better.
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
12 Sep 09
I am too got shock, what on earth can a mother allow someone to hurt their child. Maybe that mother was shock can't move an inch by the slapping, I mean late reaction on her side. If I was the mother, i will move down my baby and kill that man. Thanks that he is now on assault.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
12 Sep 09
Yeah, I'm with you--if that was my child I would have been all over that guy! lol. But I really can't blame the mother, we don't know the circumstances. Plus, the guy was really big--maybe she was trying to get her baby away from him and he just overpowered her. Who knows!?
But someone would defenaitly have to pull me off that guy if he ever tried something like that in front of me!! Whether it was my child or not.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Nov 11
hi lilyof thethorns wellhad it been my baby daughter he might have hit her once but then he wo uld be hopping up and down screaming as I ran my f ull grocery cart over his foul feet, or sl ammed the cart into him. he would not get another chance at my child.some moms run into the unusual and just plain freeze. one must not do that.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
17 Nov 11
Oh yeah, freezing up when it comes to children is a bad habit that needs to disappear.
I don't know if I would have used the cart as a weapon, but only because the baby was in the court and I wouldn't want to endager her. But I def. wouldn't just stand around and call for other people to stop him...a good kick where the sun don't shine might take care of him! lol
@deborahkat (519)
• Brazil
4 Sep 09
He is sick, I mean really sick. If a baby child cries something is wrong and the baby is just giving a sign about that. No baby will cry if everything is ok. So it´s the case for him to be hit in the face also cause he is a monster.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Yeah, a baby that young usually doesn't cry for no reasons...tantrums come on a little later lol. When a baby cries they usually don't feel good, or are hungry...it doesn't take a lot to keep a baby entertained, so I wouldn't really think it would be boredom.
Thanks for the response! :)
@gelibean (158)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Oh ny goodness I can not believe that man had the audacity to hit someone else's child in the face. What on earth would make him think this was a good idea? If I were that mother I would have tackled him and hit him myself there is no way someone can just hit my child. I understand it probably happened fast and she was panicking but that man was totally wrong. I'm glad he got arrested.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Yeah, I would be shocked too--but anger would defeniatly be my dominant emotion...and that would have me reacting quickly.
@moneymakingtoday (4061)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
all sorts of things happen. for sure, i would be very mad with the man. i might even resort to hitting him with whatever i get hold of.
with the commotion and my screaming, people will be attracted, security guards come a-running and this man arrested.
i will file a case against the man.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Well apparentyl the mother "forgives him" so I doubt she'll file against him him...which I can't believe!
I wouldn't even worry about getting hold of anything, I would be so mad all I would need to fight him would be my hands.
Nothing I've read said anything about people coming to the mothers and daughters aide, but I can't imagine no one did--I wouldn't be able to just watch that!
@AngieGonz (5)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I do agree with you that I would have body slammed that man also. I don't know how he got so close to her baby in the first place but that is just outright crazy. I tend to be overprotective of my kids as it is, if a kid seems to be playing too rough around my kids I call them on it, if a kid is mean, I have no problem saying something to them so there is no way I would ever allow some stranger to get so close to my child that they can slap them in them in the face not only once, but multiple times!! Poor baby. That's just crazy!
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Well apparently the man grabbed the baby from the mother before slapping her--and even though he is older, he's a big guy so it probably wouldn't have been too hard for him. I can't imagine she didn't do something to try and stop him, nothing I've read about it has been very detailed about the attack.