Do you think that God create evils? Why?

@pormadi (1300)
September 4, 2009 4:40am CST
I just try to reflex that who creates evils in the world. Does God create evils? And Why? There are many evils in the world. In my reflection, I think God creates evils for the goodness of humankind. According to you, does God create evils and why?
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10 responses
• Australia
4 Sep 09
No, pormadi, I do not believe God created evils, though I certainly can understand that thinking. I believe God's revelation of Himself, as He led people to write many hundreds of years ago. I am referring, of course, to the Bible, which I believe to be the Word of the living and true, Creator God. We know that God created the universe out of nothing. In His original creation, He had many thousands of angels. The most beautiful of all the angels was Lucifer and he became so proud that he rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven along with about two-thirds of the angels who supported him. Everything God created was perfect. When He created Adam & Eve, Lucifer tempted them to disobey God. They did and thus evil (sin) entered into the human race. Adam & Eve, created perfect, were now subject to a sinful nature and all succeeding generations were born with that sinful nature - a bias towards sin. We do not teach our children to lie or be angry: it is their basic nature. We could ask why God created Lucifer and humans with the ability to disobey. That is a logical question. God's desire was to have a people with whom He could have fellowship - just as He did in the Garden with Adam before sin prevented it. He didn't want a mob of robots who had no option but to love Him. As a mother of five children, I can see the point. Many times my children would do things because they were told to do them, but what a JOY it was to me when they did something to help, out of love for me, and without being told. There are many good people in the world, but none are perfect. There are also many evil people in the world. There are many good people who have, through ignorance, done the wrong thing with our planet, and centuries of wrong things have resulted in many upsets in our earth, causing many disasters. There are people who deny God. There are people who shake their fist in God's face. No, pormadi, God cannot create evil, because God is perfect. I'm afraid mankind has caused all the catastrophes in this world, and if we want to take it back to the root cause, we can go back to Lucifer, who is also called the devil or satan or a number of other names.
@pormadi (1300)
• Indonesia
7 Sep 09
So is there something beside God that is not created? How about disasters? Are disasters the will of God?
• India
7 Sep 09
I truly agree with your comments. I would now like to add here by saying that God loves us and he will always remain for us. When we sin against God, we go away from him and we get traped by the evil force. Thats the time when we have to repent for our sins and come back to God and we should always make it a point to be in God's presence in our words and deeds.
• Australia
7 Sep 09
Pormadi, you ask if disasters are the will of God and I would have to answer in the negative. Disasters are not in the will of God. He created everything perfect and His will was for us to live in fellowship with Him in His perfect creation. Mankind has led this world on a downward path ever since man rebelled against God and went his own way. No one denies that mankind has destroyed much of the vegetation of our lands, and has poured smoke, fumes, chemicals and all kinds of pollution into our world in various ways. And that only touches the surface. God doesn't create disasters: mankind has done a good enough job himself, and God lets him go his own way. One day - and I believe and hope it will be soon - God will step back into the affairs of man. Christ could return at any moment and a new heaven and a new earth are not too distant.
• Trinidad And Tobago
5 Sep 09
God is the creator and the giver of life. God created the heavens and the earth. God created Lucifer "the prince of light" a heavenly being. When God created man they were given a choice to eat of EVERY fruit bearing tree in the gargen EXCEPT this ONE. But Lucifer's quest for leadership put choice into effect. Would the giver of life lead brother to kill brother?....Cain/Abel. God did not create evil...evil came to be when these first two major choices were made.
• United States
5 Sep 09
don't think G-d creates evil. I think He stes up scenrios for us but evil? No. I see G-d and the Devil as twin brothers. They have the same amout of power but they use it in different ways. G-d can't kill or destroy His brother and vis versa . so there is evil and good in the world.
@sugarlen (138)
• Philippines
5 Sep 09
I think God doesn't create evil but He allows evil so that we will realize the value of His eternal love.
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
7 Sep 09
I don't think that God created evil. Though He has given us the freedom to decide for ourselves how we will use our freedom, in a positive or negative way. Much like the person who invented the knife or makes knives is the creator of murders or stabbings. The knife can be used in constructive ways or destructive ways. Each of us decides how we will use the knife.
@kholid78 (341)
• Indonesia
5 Sep 09
God created everything in this world, so that there balance happenned. Human who would think to be able to pick the perfect wisdom at all.
• Malaysia
4 Sep 09
hi pormadi i my religion, we have a 'cycle' that we have to go tru in our life .. and in the cycle we have times when wealth are brough in and some where tests are imposed on each and every human ... the problem arises when the some people cant take the challenge of this "test" and fall for vice and commits sins .. For the stronger people, we turn to god to overcome all the "problems" that we are facing at this time ... conclusion : if every human can overcome our "tests" then there will be reduced evil or sincs
@May2k8 (18445)
• Indonesia
4 Sep 09
It does, because too many people out of control that was good can become evil. Perhaps the reason is if the number of people is not reduced then the living in the world will be crowded and there was no place else to accommodate all the creatures in this world.
@bird123 (10659)
• United States
5 Sep 09
A person can never learn unless they have freedom of choice. Without this freedom, man would just do the opposite when freedom does arrive. With freedom of choice, comes bad choices then consequences to teach. Those who choose evil simply do not UNDERSTAND what evil really is. In time consequences will bring understanding. For the rest of us who see, it is merely a reminder of what the right choices really are!!! We must all strive to help those understand. To ignore evil sends people the wrong message. It tells them nothing is wrong.
• Philippines
4 Sep 09
I believe we were all created by Good with pure soul. If there was such evil, is that some choose to do so simply because we have free will and choice. to be honest, God always has plan if evil exist, probably realize for us to know what's good and right