It's Finally Happened - I'm On SARAH'S Side!!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
September 5, 2009 4:12pm CST
Everyone probably has heard by now that Sarah Palin's ex-future-son-in-law and the father of her first grandchild Levi Johnston has given an interview to Vanity Fair magazine entitled "Me and Mrs. Palin". I'd actually defended Levi in the past, to the horror of some of Sarah's staunchest supporters, but he's really crossed the line this time.
Levi is young and foolish and trying to milk as much as he can from his fifteen minutes of fame. I guess any 18 or 19 year old would try to capitalize on the attention Johnston has gotten since being introduced at last years RNC Convention. However, he's said he wants to be a good father to his son but this is certainly not the way to go about it! In this article, which I haven't read in its entirety, Levi claims Sarah doesn't cook, clean, do laundry, do much parenting, hunt or fish and that she hated being Governor. I guess I kind of summed up what I've heard in one sentence!
It's certainly never been a secret that I'm not a "fan" of Sarah Palin and I'll probably be accused of starting "another Palin bashing thread" with this discussion but that's NOT my attention here! I doubt there are any of you, especially among those of you who are Sarah fans, who haven't heard of this unfortunate magazine story so I'm hardly "spreading any rumors"! I just wanted to say WHO CARES if some of the things Levi's said are true or partly true? WHO CARES if she doesn't cook or clean? Who cares if she b1tched about her job in the privacy of her own home now and then - WHO DOESN'T DO THAT??? Finally, who the he11 is Levi Johnston to judge her "parenting"? What's wrong with the older kids in a family helping out at home or helping the younger siblings with homework? It's actually pretty typical in well-adjusted households!
SHAME ON YOU, LEVI!! You're NOT setting a good example for your son!!
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12 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
6 Sep 09
As ridiculously innocuous and pathetic as these revelations are, I can't say I even believe half of it. He's shown he was out after whatever he could get after Bristol kicked him to the curb. He's obviously trying to make a few bucks and he's making it look like she resigned as governor in order to go on talk shows, which is pretty funny cause he's the only one trying to get on talk shows. I think it's great if the older kids help out with the younger, that's the way large families work. I had two sisters much older and they cleaned and cooked and took care of younger children. I know that nowadays, teens view their younger siblings as some kind of disease to be avoided. Poor Levi, he got on some reality show or something I thought. Ah well, there will always be people who are eager to lap up this drivel so they will probably sell lots of copies. Glad to know you saw through the little twerp and didn't take it seriously.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I can't say I believe any of it either and it wouldn't matter if they were true. I value my privacy and respect other people's and I think it's really small of Levi to have stayed in someone's home and then go and tell things he was privy to as a guest in their home. Also, I'm a mom and a gram and I can't sit back and let someone's parenting be attacked in such a childish way without saying something. I may not be a supporter of Sarah Palin's politics but I've never doubted her to be a loving mother and now grandmother. It's certainly not all about cooking and cleaning. It appears that on top of everything else Levi might be growing up to be quite the chauvinist as well!
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Wow Annie. I must say when I read the article I thought to myself, "Crap, Annie's gonna use this tabloid garbage to attack Palin, it's just a matter of time". I'm glad to see you didn't let your personal feelings about her make you take Levi's side on this.
I've read the article. It's pathetic and it looks like he got the script directly from DailyKOS. He even claims that Sarah Palin TOLD HIM she wanted to pretend that their son was hers to avoid the media storm, but he refused. He must have been paid by someone to perpetuate such crap since the DailyKOS already started that disgusting rumor about her son Trig.
Right now he's just a little scumbag trying to milk this for all it's worth and he's willing to say or do anything to get publicity.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Sep 09
Gee, Taskr, maybe I should be hurt that you assumed the worst about me! My "personal" feelings about Palin have nothing to do with her as a wife or mother. Besdies, as I've already said, I respect people's privacy as I'd like mine to be respected and Levi was a guest in their home so for him to now make claims about what he allegedly heard there is indefensible and totally disrespectful. I agree, he probably got the idea about keeping Bristol's pregnancy a secret from the previous rumors because I don't think he's bright enough to have come up with that "plot" himself!
@calypsojeep (89)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Levi is what we call a LOSER. He's really whoring himself out to make a buck, and Hollywood is eating it up. No one in the real world actually cares about him.
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@calypsojeep (89)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I mention it because he went to some awards show with Kathy Griffin and the media loved it.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Sep 09
Speaking as a father, I can say that if you truly are a good and attentive father, you just do it, you don't go on national tellivision, or magazine interviews and talk about it, you JUST DO IT, quietly. Cations speak far louder than words. If Levi had any interest in being a propper father to this child, this is what he would be doing. He has no place judging what real parenting his, he so far hasn't even shown interest in raising his own. I admiree the Palin family, the way they all pitch in in the household and take charge of the younger children is becomming a rarity in this day and age, it is a hrakening to a gentler more family oriented past, where running a household and raising children was a family wide affair, all people should be so lucky as to be brought up in such a family.
Oh.....and mumble mumblegood job anniemumble mumble
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Sep 09
What was that, X? I COULDN'T HEAR YOU...!
There's only my brother and me in my family and I only have one daughter (we lost a baby when she was 6 months old) but my husband, my son-in-law and a few of my best friends who also happen to be my husband's cousins all came from large families, 5, 6 and 8 kids respectively and they've often spoken of how the older kids did chores around the house and looked after their younger siblings all the time. In my family my brother often watched me, took me places and helped me with my homework. If that's a bad way to live we need more "bad" today!
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Come on X, you can say everything (especially the last sentence) a bit louder. ;p
*hands over a custom Theprogamer megaphone*

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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
5 Sep 09
Pinch me, I gotta be dreaming!
Levi's hitting on anything and everything he thinks will make people think the worst of Palin. The evidence shows this isn't true. You don't spend as much time with your kids as she does and not do the things a mother does.

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I think this is really going to hurt Levi's chances of making the big bucks he's obviously got his eyes on. If during the time he allegedly stayed at the Palin house he didn't see her doing a lot of cooking or cleaning, so what? I'm not from a big family and I don't have a big family but I know lots of them and it's usually the norm for the older kids to do some cooking and cleaning and stuff like that. My daughter did her share of chores when she was still living at home and she often started dinner when I got home from work later. That didn't mean I "didn't do much parenting".
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Levi Johnston in Vanity Fair? Oo, haven't they dropped their standards, wonder what their agenda is. Isn't Vanity Fair the rich switch magazine what in the world are they entertaining Levi Johnston for unless their just putting words in his mouth because I do not think that boy can even think for himself. For someone who has just had a baby I would think he has better things to be doing instead of contributing to gossip. Make's a pathetic image of himself but it will be these same people he's entertaining that will be going after him later.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I think Levi is all talk and no action when it comes to taking care of his son.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Levi is a little boy with big dreams. He believes he is going to be the perfect father without realizing all the hard work that has to be put into it. His mom was probably the stay at home mom that baked cookies. I do agree with you Annie never should he have said anything that was going on. Kids nowadays think they know all. He will find out the hard way.
I also think there is more going on than people may see, At this age in a young mans life and being a young father I am sure that Palin has (by nature) try to tell the boy how and what to do with his son and taking over the parental role.(unintentionally) He got ticked and fought back without understanding the ramifications that come along with it. The you hurt me and I will hurt you mentality. This is how the kids think of it.
Being a parent of a single parent mom it is hard to see your child struggle to raise your grandkids you automatically just step in when you really shouldnt lots of time. His thought is I am the father and you have no business, but what he doesnt realize is Sarah will have more rights to that child than he ever will as long as he is not married to the babys mom. They feel short changed as the parent. They think of children as being "MINE" property. He will learn and he will grow and he will realize he needs to grow up.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I just hope Sarah is getting smarter and not taking the bait...
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
5 Sep 09
GreatWhiteBuffalo, I have not seen you for quite a while. Hope all is well with you!
@Savvynlady (3684)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I'm going to put this down to youth. Not that I care for the young boy or Sarah Palin, but seems to me if he thought carefully about the fact that he has to deal with her down the road and then could make life hard for him to see his son, he would keep his mouth shut and concentrate on being a good father to his son. But it's kind of hard when folks flash dollars at you, and you run your mouth before you think. And it seems to me that this isn't the first time the young man has spoken. He already put out some stuff on Mrs Palin already alleging that her marriage is not the picture perfect it seems to the public and all. Some things you best keep to yourself.
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Maybe Levi is just trolling Vanity Fair? Oh wait...
Nah he's just attention starved. And he's doing what he thinks is in. You'd be surprised how much saying the negative about certain high level people is worth to many in the media (dependent on leaning/agenda of course).
Okay thinking back, I'm convinced Levi is just trolling it. The worst part is he's likely to get something from some clowns in the media or some news dregs for doing something like this. But on the plus side, Levi's stunt hurt him more so in the eyes of those that can see straight as opposed to the (very!)few that actually liked it.
Grats on failure Levi.
Here is a picture commemorating your achievement
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
5 Sep 09
I haven't read it or the excerpts, but I agree. I have always defended what was defendable about others, even GWB, when I knew it was absolute hogwash. I didn't like him either. But, I won't be party to fabrication or slander for slander's sake. And, as you said, who DOESN'T b!tch about their jobs once in a while?? No one is going to love every single day behind a desk, counter or under a hydraulic lift. I don't cook, rarely clean (my daughter does) and I can guarantee that, despite how much I love my kids, I wasn't the best parent in the world. There are many far better than me at parenting, without a doubt. But, am I going to put her down for that? No -'s true but she criticizes others who do likewise. Then, I'm primed and ready to go - hypocrisy is something I'll line up in the crosshairs. But, if that doesn't happen and someone is just living their lives in a way that is not unlike others in any extreme, then that's just their lives. I cannot judge them since I am far from perfect myself.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
6 Sep 09
My mom was never home. We kind of raised ourselves. Half the time we had no supervision and as the youngest I spent more time than not alone in the house. We had housekeepers when I was growing up so they had more influence on me than my own mother.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Woohoo, get yer sleds cuz there's a blizzard in hell!
I'm proud of ya Annie! I am neither a Sarah supporter nor detractor, but I read about this in the NY Post a few days ago and thought it was crap. I was actually gonna PM the link to you as a gift if you hadn't already started a thread on it! LOL
I agree with you, this kid is just trying to get some media attention and he is doing it in a most underhanded low-brow way.
Want a sno-cone? I got syrup! 

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Sep 09
I'd LOVE a sno-cone! They bring back childhood memories!
Everyone thinks I "hate" Sarah Palin but that's not true, "hate" is a very strong word that I don't use lightly. I didn't like it from the beginning when some people said she had no business being in politics because she has five kids and I said so on more than one occasion. I thought the sick stories about Trig not being hers were, well SICK. When Levi gave his first few interviews I felt bad for him at first because he seemed genuinely interested in being a good dad and I didn't know if he was telling the truth about being kept from seeing the baby as much as he wanted to. However, for him to now tell stories about things that HE SAYS happened while he was a was a guest in their home is indefensible. I guess if he wants to talk about his and Bristol's relationship that's between the two of them and if he wants to talk about things that affect him directly, such as his son, fine. That's not saying many people will care to hear or read it. If he were truly interested in being a good father to his baby he'd be trying to mend his relationship with his son's mom's family so they could at least be civil to each other for the baby's sake. I think he's destroyed the chances of that happening along with his own credibility.
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