How do you feel about smokers & smoking & has it affected you?

@ilyzium (1197)
September 5, 2009 6:49pm CST
I have never understood why someone would want to pollute their body with what is such an unhealthy, disgusting pastime. Not only does it affect your lungs, voice, skin, etc. I mean why would you want to smell like a chimney? Anyway, my gripe is about all of the selfish smokers out there. No not everyone is selfish but I have met many that are, such as the case with my mother's friend. My mother's friend is married to this die hard smoker who has been smoking for yrs inside his home and refused to give up or smoke outside. His wife has now developed emphysema and he still won't take it outside. That is one selfish *****! I'm glad that where we lived they passed a law where it's not prohibited to smoked in bars, restaurants and many public places. I only wish they implemented it more in Europe where you see a lot more smoking. I always say if a smoker wants to die of lung cancer, they are more than welcome to do so, just don't smoke around me! What are your thoughts on it?
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15 responses
@54susan (281)
• China
6 Sep 09
i dont like ppl that smoke.i just cant understand them,it's 21centry!and they still carry on smoking. when someone smokes,i usually just go away.or tell him to go out of the room it's luky that none of my friends smoke^^
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi Susan, Weird I just commented back on your comment, and the message got deleted? Anyway, I can't say that I have any smoker friends, though I used to have a friend that smoked and she would make sure to go outside for her smokes. Fortunately, she quit the habit when she became pregnant, so I think that was the best thing that could have happened to her.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Ah well it doesn't make him live longer or give him pleasant breath, so I would say no.
@54susan (281)
• China
6 Sep 09
yeah,i hope everyone gives up smoking like she does^^ someone says that smoking makes a man mature,i think it just makes him disgusting expecially those young man
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
I personally don't smoke and have no intentions of trying. I really hate people smoking. By just seeing then playing with smoke just got me thinking. Have they don't know mercy. I know that they are quite aware that smoking is really dangerous to our health. Lucky for them they are not affected by this so called effects of smoking because their bodies build up this immunity against the smoke. How about the second hand smokers. Have they not though of destroying other people's lungs. I say we isolate them to a plave and let them breath their own air until there are no more smokers in the community. I agree with you that they are being rude and not thinking the sake of others. There is a very great risk of smoking. It does not only affect the one smoking, but also the people around the smoker will suffer too with the diseases brought about by smoking. Say no to smoking.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
MArctiu, Oh well I do try. ;) But he is a pretty good guy and he saw that his smoking was really bothering me. I am allergic to it after all, plus I told him when we first met that I don't date smokers, which he hid from me until we were engaged!
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi marctiu, Good glad you don't smoke. :) Well, you know some might be affected by the ill effects of smoking but not know? One day a person starts suddenly starts coughing, and dismisses it as a cold or something, however as time goes by it may turn to lung cancer and they might not even know they have it? That actually happened with my father in law. You know I often wonder about that...if they're even aware or feeling somehow guilty at exposing non-smokers to second hand smoke? Or just don't care? I don't know. Oh you mean like putting all smokers in one village where they can live happily ever after and breathe each other's smoke...I like that idea. lol Maybe then they'd be less inclined to want to smoke? ;) I mentioned it before but when i first met my husband he kept his smoking habit a secret from me until we were engaged, because he knew my policy on dating smokers, and rightfully so! I almost broke up with him and fortunately managed to help him quit.
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
That's really great maam. I congratulate your husband for doing a wonderful job quitting on his hobbies. Thank you very much. I believe that you have a great power to stop your husband from his bad habits.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
6 Sep 09
I know its a horrible disgusting habit. I don't understand why anyone would want to spend so much money only to end up getting sick down the line. Meanwhile you age faster, you smell, many times you have a horrible cough. I really don't understand people. I agree please don't smoke in my space I don't want too get sick with second hand smoke. My mom has lung damage because my dad smoked for years. I have found now I'm allergic to the smoke. So I stay away from people who smoke. I just wish people would realized and wake up to what they are doing to their bodies.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi lelin, Yes I agree with everything you've said. I'm really sorry to hear about your Mom though. I bet she's not too impressed with your Dad about that, and I hope that he feels guilty about it. That's what I mean when I refer to the selfish smoker, that smokes in the presence of others and endangers their lives. Funny but I only attempted to smoke once and found that I was extremely allergic as well, from severe nausea, problems breathing, etc. I say if they're going to smoke, to give non-smokers the consideration not to do it in their presence.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
8 Sep 09
When it comes to my parents they are in their seventy and when my Dad started to smoke it was back when he was fifteen. Back then they didn't know the danger of smoking. So I don't think my Mom is really blaming my Dad because it was hard to quit after so many years. For many years he had to smoke only outside winter or not. He quick about 15 years ago but of course the damage was done already.
@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
smoking is one thing i never do, never ahve done..and will never even try.. i know people who smoke a lot... my brother is a chain smoker... some of my friiends are too... when they smoke,i try to get away from them as possible for fear I will catch the second-hand smoke which we know is not at all good for us. smokers are i guess addicted to it already and no matter how anybody tells them the dangers of it they'll still do it.... so i just do what i can to stay away from the effects of it
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
hi there ily..yeah i know...and it doesn't do you any good at all... however people who smoke tend to be stubborsn because they find it hard to stop... they suffer bad withdrawal symptoms and they end up smoking again
• United States
6 Sep 09
I don't like the smell and i know that for most people once they start it is hard for them to stop even if they want to. I myself have never even tried it. I've always thought a woman smoking looks so nasty because her breathe stanks.
@mansoak (510)
• India
6 Sep 09
I dont like smoking. It is injurious to health. It effects lungs, brain and many other problems. One should quite smaking because along with him others suffer when they inhale smoke. Please tell your Father to quite smoking . You have to serously do something regarding this matter.
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
6 Sep 09
I never did take up smoking, I guess because my parents were so against it, I was the only one amongst my friends who didn't smoke and I am very glad I never followed the crowd and took it up because I guess some thought it was cool...when I think back all the money I have saved and today I think I am better off healthwise.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi lilaclady, That's great that you took a stance and refused to smoke - good for you! I hope your friends have stopped since then? That's true what you just said, smoking is an incredibly expensive habit, especially if you're smoking 10-20 packs a day! Ladies, think of all the shoes you could buy instead? ;) Or dinners out maybe?
• India
6 Sep 09
I have stayed in a hostel for more than 6 years and during that time I have lived with lots of smokers around. And I have been passive smoking for most of this period. It is not a very pleasant feeling getting all those smoke into the lungs. But it has a mild euphoric effect. I have tried it a few times out of curiosity to know what's attracting millions to it. All I have to say is that smokers smoke not only to relieve their stress but it turns out to be a routine. I had a lot of friends who started their smoking habit out of nothing. No stimulation whatsoever. It was for fun or for giving company- I do not know. But there have been a definite increase in the number of bossom smoker buddies after a 6 year tenure in the hostel. Surely stress busting is just a lame excuse. I get thirsty and disgusted after a few puffs. And the odour and irritation may persist for a few hours. It is a big distraction. Surely I have seen many of them smoke more frequently during the pre-exam days. But the frequency does not decrease much when they are idle or doing nothing much. So the stimulus is not just stress it is something else. Addiction can be the term. It is funny to think that they do not follow what they preach. My comrades who practice medicine and talk lectures in smoking and it's hazards, de-addiction and the benefits of stopping the habit, will have a burning stump sticking out of their lips during the post session. I have had no ill feelings against any of them, but i felt sorry for a few. They had spend lots of money on this enough to buy a home. And rising prices never stopped them. How loyal! Maybe because I have no smoker at home, I am not strongly against the smokers. But surely the tables may have turned if I had to passively smoke even at home. There is truly one good side of this. Be it a chronic smoker if he gets proper de-addiction and quits smoking, then the chances for him contracting any diseases due to his habit will decrease dramatically over the years.So there is a chance for everyone except for those who have had developed any oral or lung cancer symptoms/ lesions. If it is stress busters they are after, then go for something that hurts no one. I listen to music when I get stressed out. Eating snacks, playing mobile games , taking short naps/breaks ,watch a tv show or a chat with anyone can loosen up the strain and liven up the mood. That's what I used to do during my exams.
@iskayz (5420)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
Oh, I also hate it when someone smokes near me. It usually happens when I'm riding a public utility jeep. I know a law has been passed already here in the Philippines that no smoking in public areas but people are just so damn stubborn. I hate the smell of it. Even on my clothes, it will have that bad smell. What I do is to cover my nose really hard and I try to show the smoker that I'm feeling dizzy and would continuously cough and show that I'm getting pissed off. Hehehe it does work most of the times. Ciao!
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi iskayz, That would be aggravating I do agree and I think if you're riding with a smoker in the car, that the smoker should have some consideration for the non smokers not to smoke, of if he/she is really dying for a smoke, pull over and get out of the car and have your smoke. How hard is that? You know part of my allergic reaction is that not only do I get extremely nauseas but dizzy as well, which is why if I'm around it I try really hard to hold my nose in so as to avoid inhaling any of it in. I really hate the smell of it on my clothes, or in freshly washed hair and will immediately wash my hair when I come home.
@doryvien (2284)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Hi Ilyzium, It's sad how smokers ignore the harmful effects smoking does on the body. Worse, they don't even care who gets to suffer while they enjoy their deadly vice, and most likely these are the people they love. I pity the kids born to parents who smoke and just don't care, in all likelihood they become helpless victims.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi doryvien It is really sad isn't it? Oh I know I feel terrible about these poor children that have to suffer living with these smokers that are endangering their children's health! Now I think that's a form of child abuse that should be illegal -smoking in front of your children!
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
i honestly dont like people smoking. and i really appreciate them going some place far just to smoke. and i actually pity them too. i know these smokers are educated people and have read all about the bad effects of smoking; i know that they are also having a hard time to break the habit. It does piss me off when people smoke near pregnant women and children. Secondary smoke is a harder too! Just imagine your health being affected by an insensitive incessant smoker.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi again, Oh that really bothers me too if someone is smoking around a pregnant person or children, that's so disrespectful isn't it? I'll often be driving along and I'll see these parents smoking in the car with their small children in it! That boggles my mind how these people can be so thoughtless, completely unconcerned about endangering their children's health! Parents if you're going to smoke, don't do it around your children! :(
@mansoak (510)
• India
6 Sep 09
I dont like smoking. Smoking is injurious to health. I destroys lungs. There will be breathing problems. Please tell your well wishers and friends who smokes regurally to completly stop. I think smoking should be banned .
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi mansoak, While in theory that would be nice if it were banned, unfortunately that would be next to impossible implementing something like that. Some people will always be consistent to change, and addiction as we see is a difficult thing to change.
• China
6 Sep 09
Mang people believe that smoking can refrieshing,elimitnaing fatigue, lifting trouble,trigger inspiration. As everyone knows,this is without any scientific basis.
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
6 Sep 09
Hi Kelly, I know but I guess in their mind's it does, and you know how the mind is a very powerful thing. If you convince your mind of something, it becomes your reality.
• India
6 Sep 09
in my knowledge smoking is the worst habit that one can get is not only hazardous for the person smoking but more dangerous for the people around him/her. i don't know why these people don understand that if they want to smoke ,smoke at their home or somewhere but not at public places like bus stops,railway stations,offices,etc. there is a need of a strict regulation over smoking at public places. awareness programmes to reduce the number of smokers should be carried out.
@asweetie (1187)
• India
23 Sep 09
Hi ilyzium, Smoking is something which is not looked upon something which is very good these days and it is so good to see that Government of India has made so strict laws. Anyone found smoking would be fines rs 200, and even if anyone gives them match to light a cancer stick he too is fined. I have never smoked nor like anyone smoking in front of me. None of my male friends smoke when girls are around as it is seen as dis respecting girls here and think of not only the smell but what it does to the body of the smoker and the ones who inhales their second hand smoke.. it is so horrible. I would wish i get a husband who dont smoke at all .