Selfless Acts of Kindness
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
United States
September 6, 2009 2:15am CST
Well, I'm staying at my sisters house for a couple of days to visit with her and my 2 year old nephew...everyones sleeping right now, I work nights so I'm up. My sisters downstairs was messy with my nephews toys and stuff all over the place (kitchen, living room) I decided to clean up for my sister, so she'd wake up to a surprise!! :) My sister really likes to have a clean house, but I know it's hard for her with a husband and baby. So I know when she wakes up and see's that it's all cleaned up, she'll be happy!
So I just started thinking...what do other people do? I know I'm not the only person who does nice things for others. So I was wondering, what are some things you guys have done? What's the last 'act of kindness' that you've done for someone (stranger or family/friend). Or your favorite...last or favorite act of kindness you've done. And if you have any, also share what someonehas done for you :)
I figure a discussion like this could make the world seem a little brighter!! :) So
Thanks for sharing! :)
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11 responses
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Well aside from holding doors from people and leaving extra change in penny dishes and the recent MD donations, I'd have to say a recent major act of kindness was cleaning up my folks entire basement and garage... (it was bad...really really really bad). And was apart from the time to time visits and occasional cleanup/help with chores.
Ah before I forget, there are plenty of times I've set aside significant time and effort to help out mylot members and I recently did a few of those since coming back. Worth a mention I think.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Wow! Cleaning out a basement AND garage is defeniatly a lot of work! I hope you had some help with it!! :P
Yeah, I do "mini" gestures too---like, 2 bucks of every paycheck goes to an animal charity, I always tip well, I defeniatly hold doors for people!
What kind of things do you do for mylot members?
@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
6 Sep 09
No, I pretty much did it myself. The main work took a week, but read this... it was 30+ years worth of junk (and a lot of it...)
Things for mylot members? I was talking about answering particular discussions. But who knows, maybe someone close will show up?
Anyways, here are a few of the discussions as an example
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@theprogamer (10532)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Ah Lily, sorry about the lack of compliment for your hard work in your selfish act. You did something great and I'm happy for you and your sister's family. Grats on the clean house.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
6 Sep 09
That was a very thoughtful act on your part. I know your sister will appreciate it.
I'm glad you started a discussion on this. I think talking about it does encourage others to think about what they do, and what they COULD be doing.
Most of my acts of kindness happen at my son's school. I volunteer there in a variety of ways. The most frequent place that I find myself doing small acts of kindness is when I'm working in the school store. There are times when a student needs to buy something and they are a little short on the money they need. Sometimes it's as little as 10 cents and sometimes a dollar.
In the past, I've seen people let these students go without what they need.
General I let them have what they need and ask them to bring the money the next day if they can. Most of the time, they do. If they don't, I figure it's worth the loss to allow the student to have what they need for that particular day.
My latest effort is going to be to try to get some recognition for a student who did "the right thing" in returning something that he found. This particular student apparently is know as a bit of a "trouble maker" so I figure that if he gets recognition for doing something good, it might encourage him to continue making the right choices.
I am a very strong beliver in the the "pay it forward" concept. If you make soemones day a little brighter, they just might pass that feeling forward to someone else!
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
6 Sep 09
That's defeniatly some nice gestures on your part! It's not like the kids are bringing 10 cents, or even a buck less than they need ON PURPOSE! :( And thats a good idea with the little trouble maker boy! I'm sure he's gotten in trouble in the past and didn't like it...he certainly will like praise though!
"Pay It Forward!!" All the way! :) *That movie made me cry!
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
22 Sep 09
Hmm, I consider myself something of an altruistic person, but it dawns on me I've not been involved as a giver or recipient of anything more than general cordialness for quite some time. It makes me think.... I do have a couple of pamphlets for volunteering and I do give a lot to charity--but I need to do more.
good posting,

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
26 Sep 09
I work mostly in the photo lab of a national retail chain (hesitant to say the name online because they're rather Orwellian and vindictive), I am an ordained (non-practicing) minister, an experienced counselor, pursuing a master's degree, am hunting for much better things after recovering from a serious health issue that cost me pretty much the loss of everything physical/financial, leaving me with depleted savings and not even an automobile. Sigh, so is life. I'll get it all together I know, but I had that stage of re-building.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
22 Sep 09
Hey! Giving to charity is really great! Volunteering is also great. You shoudldn't feel like you aren't doing enough because I think you defeniatly are! :)
Thanks for your response :D
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
25 Sep 09
lol! thats a nice image. :P I have a lot of intentions too, so I see where you're coming from.
Aww I'm sorry :/ I'm not 100% happy with my job right now either--that's why Ive been looking for a new one. There are a lot of things I want to change in my life, and I'm on my way!( hopely ) lol. Can I ask, what do you do?

@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Sep 09
The most selfless act anyone ever did for me and I will remember it always was: Give me a ride home for free when my Mom was diagnosed with cancer. Also a hotel in VT gave us free room for Christmas when she was diagnosed with terminal cancer after they couldn't take it all out and it had spread everywhere.
I gave a ride to an elderly woman that I didn't know home from a wedding her daughter was in. Her daughter was going on her honeymoon and had driven her Mom to the wedding, but forgot about how she was going to get a ride home.
My husband and I compete to see who can go pick berries and surprise the other one first. So we watch the raspberries and blackberries. This year I surprised him with the raspberries first and he got me the blackberries. No grapes this year, so no surprises there.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Oh no! I am so sorry about your mother :( I can't even imagine! Has she passed on?
That is really great things for people to do for you and your family. Did you even know the person who gave youa ride how from the hospital or did they just happen to hear about your situation and offer?
Aww that was nice of you to give the girls mom a ride home! I bet they were really worried about her getting home safely until you offered!
Mmmm I love most fruit!! I don't think I've ever had Blackberries....raspberries are okay, but I can't eat more than a few at once.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
10 Sep 09
Oh no! I'm sorry! That must have been awful, losing all 3 of them so close together! I defeniatly could not even imagine! :*(
I'm sure everyone felt better that the mother got a safe ride home!!
I THINK I've had a blackberry yoplait yogurt before, but I'm sure that it's not really the same as having the actual fruit.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
11 Sep 09
Aww, well it's good you found someone so close to the time you lost so much. I bet he helped you through it a lot! :)
I will defeniatly remember that! Hehe, I wouldn't want anyone being left at my wedding! :P
I like most fruits, there are just a few I stay away from.
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Hello lilyoftheThorns
What a beautiful thing you did
you would think most people would think like you and appreciate things like this in my case I always do things for people but they think I should do these things so they don't appreciate me when I do it, right now I have my niece with me not that she is here because I did my sister a favor she is with me because I miss her, anyway my sister her mom did not call me to wish me happy birthday
as I said I did this for myself and my niece but to think here I am taking care of your child and you couldn't call to say happy birthday or thank you.
Don't mean to put a damper on such a wonderful post just that I am a living act of kindness but get no appreciation for it.

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Oh i understand! I have 2 nieces and 1 nephew that I like to see. I don't get a lot of time with them because I work nights and I'm always asleep during the day. I know tomorrow(Monday) my mom is watching my nieces so I'll be able to see them--and I'm going to work on my older nieces writing with her (i bought her a new notebook and pencils :D)
My sister knows I bought the stuff and was going to work on my nieces writing with her, but she never said anything to me :/
Happy early/belated birthday from me! lol
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Thank you! :D They are defeniatly fun to hang out with, even though sometimes hey can me turds lol. But I love to write so I think I'll enjoy teaching my niece to write (she says she wants to, I'm not forcing it on her!) :)
I want to help them with whatever they want to do. Both my nieces like making little movies with the camera, so they might want to act. My younger niece LOVES to sing (she memorized the FULL Phantom of the Opera song BY HERSELF when she was about 4! And she still knows it, she's 7 now). :) So if she wants to sing I'll help her memorize songs and work on her voice, I'm not a pro but I think I could help a little if I just work with her.

@rachelannea (58)
• United States
6 Sep 09
That was a very nice gesture you have done. I am sure she will be very thankful of your kind deed. Helping out with everyday chores is a blessing. The last kind deed I performed was also for my little sister.
I was 20 and in college as well has holding a full-time job. y sister was only 12 and had been saving her allowance up to buy a new stereo. She saved and saved for months and when she finally saved up $300 she was planning on going to the mall to buy it. I was making really good money at the time, about $300 a week so I thought it would be great to buy the stereo she wanted and let her keep the money she had worked so hard for. Well the next day I take her to the mall and she shows me the stereo. I go over to the sales clerk and explain it to him and pay for it while she is not looking. They go ahead and box the stereo up for her and hand the package to her. She looks confused and the clerk told her it was hers. I told her to keep her money that she earn a good gift. It really made her day. So much so that she took me out for lunch in return and we had a blast all day together.
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@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Thank you! :) I just know sometimes she gets stressed out and I know not having to clean will relieve some of that. I'm actually the younger sister :P Although, I'm always taking my younger sister to the movies--I guess that's kind of nice too lol, but I'm not sure it'd be considered some kind of gesture.
WOW! That is a really nice thing! I bet she felt really happy having 300 bucks that she could save for something else!! It's also nice that she treated you to lunch as a thank you :D You two defeniatly paint the picture of a very nice family! :)
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
6 Sep 09
I can recall those days when we had toys all over the house. It was so helpful when someone helped me pick them up. My in-laws were good about helping. So kind of you to help your sister.
I'm always doing something for someone. Primarily one of our kids. The list is so long I wouldn't know where to begin. If they need anything they know they can call and depend on me. I am at my happiest when I can do something for a family member or friend. Makes my heart feel good.

@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Aww :) I bet it is!!! I'm happy that you're happy with the way yours, and your children's lives turned out :D
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Parents are always doing acts of kindness; putting up with their kids for one ;P lol. Even the littlest things can be big gestures to kids! :)
Thanks carol :)

@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
I remember i have done it before with my mother. My mother was the one taking care of us when we are going to school. She does it too with my younger brother. She told me that she will be late going home because she will be going to some place. She told me to look after my younger brother and she will be back but late. So what I did was to helped my brother with his uniforma and some snacks, to shortened I prepare my brother to go to school. Actually I was the one brought my brother to school because it was already time and she was still not arriving. When she arrived she was looking for my brother and i said I already brought him to school because she was late with a smile. She hugged me and thanked me and said, thanks for being responsible.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
14 Sep 09
That is defeniatly really nice to help your mom out with your little brother. I bet she really really appreciated it--and I bet she loves that now she knows she doesn't have to worry about you taking care of your brother if she gets held up somewhere!
Thanks for the comment! :)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Sep 09
hi lilyofthe thorns you were a realsweetie to help your sisters'and
I know she must appreciate that so much.Iknow I would.As for my'acts of kindeness Itry to pull out the chairs for people who are using a'walker or a wheelchair so they can sit down easily. I also act'as a sort of interpreter of foods for my new tablemate who is from the Phillipines.she doesnt seem to know a lot of our common foods so I tell her what they Are made out of. she seems to apreciate this. I also move a stuffed chair for my friend alice who uses a walker and has two badly twisted hands from rheumtoid arthritis.she cannot really use her hands all that much so if I position the chair for her she really does appreciate it.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Thanks Hatley! :) It was funny...when my sister got up this morning she walked around...asked me if I did anything in the kitchen because it looked different...and then she was like, "OH! You cleeaned!!!!" lol. She was very appreciative (we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast :P) lol
Wow, that is some great stuff you're doing for your friends and other people!
@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
6 Sep 09
That's nice and I it's a good way to repay others kindness too. When I become a guest and a friend or relative's house, I'll try to find a way to repay their kindness they've shown me. Washing the dishes and help with cleaning the house a bit is what I can do. I will make sure that I am not being sarcastic by cleaning up for them but it just a way for me expressing my gratitude.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
7 Sep 09
Yeah, most people hate to clean but they do it because no one wants to live in a dirty house. I'm sure when someone else cleans up for them they really appreciate it! I know I would :)
@grace12bueno (140)
• Philippines
6 Sep 09
That is very nice of you! I wish I also have a sister like you. keep it up. You will be blessed by your selfless acts.
I, I do not how often I do such act. More often not, my loved ones are the ones who do selfless act for me than the other way around. But I know that, sooner or later, things will change. I will change. :)
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
6 Sep 09
Thank you grace :) I try to always be kind to people, but I don't always do things like this...sometimes I just surprise people(including myself).
It's good that you have so many loved ones around you :)