E-mailing the tooth fairy?

United States
September 8, 2009 4:39am CST
my grandson is five & has not lost a tooth yet but knows that he will. he is all freaked out about a fairy coming into his room he ask his parents if when he did lose his first tooth could they just e-mail the tooth fairy & tell her so she wouldn't come to his room. It is funny but i think it's sad to that he is afraid of that happening. What do u think?
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25 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
Hello Aunty, can you ask him to put in a good word for me with the tooth fairy please? Personally my answer won't go down to well I'm sure but as the tooth fairy is actually imaginary but the idea is scaring your grandson then he should just be told the truth right off. I always presumed that children just go along with these ideas to humour their parents anyway but he needs to know there is no such thing as the tooth fairy, it's all made up. I can't remember actually ever believing in anything like that, including santa, but I always had a very questioning streak even from a young age and the idea of fairies just didn't seem very realistic. My own son has inherited my cynicism and the only part of it he believes is that some money will materialise under his pillow but he knows exactly where it comes from. And believe me it hasn't ruined his childhood. So I think of good injection of reality is called for, there's enough real things in the world for your grandson to be afraid of without the need to invent childhood creepies.
2 people like this
• United States
8 Sep 09
I agree w/you. I haven't seen him since i heard this story in fact i wasn't told about it my son put it on facebook. He has always been afraid of things & i don't like for him to be that way. He can be & is all boy but at times i see this in him & it worries me. They treat him too much as an adult i think sometimes.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
8 Sep 09
I don't see that telling him about fairies is treating him like an adult but I don't know why parents do tell them all these made up things in the first place. If the child believes in any of that then he's only going to be disappointed when he finds out the truth and wonders why his parents lied to him when they are meant to be the ones teaching him never to tell lies. I asked my own son for his opinion on this after responding earlier and he just laughed at the idea of anyone believing in this kind of stuff, chip off the old block I'd say. If you're son has got time to put things up about your son on an internet site why can't he phone or email you to keep in touch? It must be horrible to find out things about your grandson on the internet Aunty.
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• United States
8 Sep 09
I didn't mean telling him about the fairy was treating like an adult but talking about other things that they do. his mom is sort of a scary person about things & i think it has rubbed off on him. She wouldn't scare him intentionally at all. They just pick up & sense things sometimes that they don't need to & i think u need to be careful what u say in front of small children. That is a very good point, niece is why i found out about this on fb.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
hi antiquelady! i hope ur grandson did not see the movie tooth fairy because it was a horror film. and i did not watch it either. but it was really funny of him telling his parents to email it. i think he just need to know that he wont get hurt and he will never know when it's there. like santa, the tooth fairy loves kids. :)
2 people like this
• United States
9 Sep 09
Thanks for your response. I hope he didn't either but this may be wgere it's coming from . I have never heard of any child being afraid of the tooth fairy. Have a great day.
• United States
9 Sep 09
diamond, I am sure he's is way ahead of me, lol. i don't watch all that crazy stuff. i'd probably be afraid to if i did.
@cherrc (661)
• Philippines
9 Sep 09
yes, diamond dogs. toothfairy is supposed to be a lovely fairytale. thanks for ur comment. :)
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Isn't it amazing what their little minds come up with!.....My little granddaughter thinks of things like that too....what if's....they are amazing!
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• United States
8 Sep 09
HI JILL, I think it's sad that they worry at that young age. I think sometimes they can be too smart about some things. Bless their hearts, they have a lifetime to worry about things.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Sep 09
Oh the poor little tyke! Someone needs to send him an email pretending to be the tooth fairy and explain what she does and that's it ok and nothing to be afraid of and that's she's looking forward to seeing him sleeping like a good boy while she exchanges his tooth for a shiny new quarter...........
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Sep 09
Let me know how it turns out Jo. I've written so many of these things for friends kids. I don't know a kid over the age of 3 these days who doesn't know about email! LOL
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• United States
8 Sep 09
ThanksSparks, that is a very good idea. think i'll try it. I hate to see him afraid of things. KNOW ur son is looking forward to u getting there. Y'all are in my prayers. hugs.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Sep 09
I will let u know, thanks for your interest. He hasn't even lost a tooth yet, lol. Have a good sunday, hugs.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Sep 09
Children have all sorts of interesting fears. I guess they could arrange the tooth fairy to visit another part of the house!
2 people like this
• United States
9 Sep 09
i HOPE they can work something out for him.
@suzzy3 (8341)
9 Sep 09
Suggest he leaves his tooth down stairs in a special place near his mum and the tooth fairy will sort it out for him,poor little lad.The things kids worry about,if money or presents were envolved none of mine used to worry.He is a sensitive little guy isn't he ,bless him.
• United States
9 Sep 09
Thank you, blessings to you & yours. He is sensitive , too much so sometimes i'm afraid. He's a sweetie & i love him dearly.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
8 Sep 09
your grandson sounds so sweet!!my kids are now 7 and 3 years respectively and the elder one understands that these stories are all bogus and she guides the younger one too with her superior knowledge!
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• United States
8 Sep 09
Thank u, of course i think he is sweet.I just hate that he's worrying about the fairy coming into his room. Small children shouldn't have worries like that.
@mayka123 (16847)
• India
8 Sep 09
Fairy - The fairy magician to solve your problems
Poor little kid. Tell him not to worry. I have told this fairy not to come into his room and scare him. And tell him that fairies are very friendly and do not harm us at all. Provided he is a good boy and does not eat too many sweets!!!
2 people like this
• United States
8 Sep 09
Thanks for your response. iI haven't got to talk to him yet about it.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
8 Sep 09
That's pretty cute. Maybe you can just tell him that the tooth fairy is very light like a feather and he won't even hear or feel her. Maybe the tooth fairy even waves her wand to make sure he has a pleasant nights sleep.
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• United States
8 Sep 09
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@Humbug25 (12540)
9 Sep 09
Hi there ANTIQUELADY Aww that is kinda sweet but like you say a bit sad too. My kids can't wait for their teeth to fall out so that they can have some money!! I have to keep them away from the pliers! hahaha.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Sep 09
They grow up way too quick.
• United States
9 Sep 09
I love it. Thanks for your funny response. Take care of yourself & those younguns'.They'll be grown & gone before u know it.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
9 Sep 09
Yeah I know what you are saying, my youngest starts school in the new year
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Heyya Jo! I think the idea of a strange fairy sifting under your pillow for a tooth can be a little unnerving if you think about it..lol..He's a smart one.I think I would try to set up someting through the postal service..lol...have fun with him...hehe
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• United States
8 Sep 09
iT IS TO HIM UNDOUBTEDLY, BLESS HIS HEART. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF ANYONE BEING AFRAID OF THE TOOTH FAIRY. hE HASN'T EVEN LOST A TOOTH YET & IS ALWAYS WORRYING ABOUT IT. I thought about suggesting the fairy leaving it at my house but don't know how that would go over w/his parents, probably wouldn't.I think i will ask my son about that. Don't want him worrying over it. He'll have enough to worry about when he is grown. Thanks JEN.
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@quita88 (3715)
• United States
8 Sep 09
I think it is cute too,but he's been scared somehow by somebody that the tooth fairy is bad. Try to console him and tell him the tooth fairy is like Santa Clause and he or she is good and not bad like we see monsters on TV. He'll be fine, just needs some extra support.
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• United States
8 Sep 09
He had been frightened of alot of things. i blame his mom & big kids at his day care. He takes everything to heart. he's a sweetheart.
• United States
8 Sep 09
i'm not saying his mom scared him of the fairy but know he has had fears of things before. i don't think his mom would scare him intentionally over anything but i do think they need to treat him more as a child instead of an adult like they do.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
8 Sep 09
Why would his mom want to scare him about the tooth fairy? I can see bigger kids scaring him, but mom? I know he's a sweetheart, but part of being a kid is the tooth fairy. Like santa clause. Guess it's up to you to fix what others have made bad for this boy. You go girl !
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@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
8 Sep 09
That is soooo cute. I'd tell him that the tooth fairy just knows when he'll lose his teeth. It's one of her magic abilities and her well kept secrets. I'd say, just put the tooth at his bed side and in the morning, he'll have some money next to him.
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• United States
8 Sep 09
Thanks so much. I just hope he will get over his fear, bless his heart. Have a great day.
• United States
9 Sep 09
How nice u are. Of course i think he's wonderful. Thanks for all the kind words. Have a happy day & blessings to u & your family.
@rg0205 (2636)
• Hong Kong
8 Sep 09
You are most welcome! Thanks for sharing. Your story made me smile. Your grandson sounds like a wonderful little boy. Blessings to you and your family. I hope he gets over his fear soon.
1 person likes this
• China
8 Sep 09
Hello,your grandson is very cute, and his views were very native, but full of fantasy.
2 people like this
• United States
8 Sep 09
Thank u & thanks for your response. welcome to mylot.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
13 Sep 09
We push our kids so hard about being safe,stranger danger, I think it is kind of sad. Might be easier on the parents, though. Not having to sneak in to leave the quarter or whatever the tooth fairy leaves now.
• United States
13 Sep 09
I told my son i had never heard of a child being afraid of the tooth fairy, i think it's said to. even tho he's all boy & tough as nails when it comes to sports & things like that he has always been afriad of things coming into his room. maybe by the time he loses a tooth he'll understand it better or we 'll work out something. Thanks for responding.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Sep 09
yes sad tha the is scared of the tooth fairy . You could try the email thing but I have never heard of a kid doing this I got mine all excited about getting money from the tooth fairy lol
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Sep 09
hm I guess so!
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Sep 09
Mine were to but different strokes for different folks i guess.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
16 Sep 09
Awwww that's sad. It makes me wonder why he feels like he does. Maybe if you talk to him a little more, you might find out. Tooth fairies leave money behind for their teeth, like a dollar or two so it'll be a good thing, not a bad thing. Maybe then he'll find the joy in having the tooth fairy come into his room. It's worth a try.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Sep 09
He has always been frightened of things coming into his room. someone has scared him about that, bless his heart. I talked to him about it a little bit sat. when he was here but didn't want to make a big to do about it. thanks CATS.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
17 Sep 09
well hes pretty young to have to be told the truth but you may have to. my grandkids know the truth but just pretend they dont as they put the tooth under their pillow anyway, then complain if they know someone that got more or hold onto it till friday then tell their mom for when she gets paid. thats really ingeniuos of your grandson. they learn so much so young through internet these days
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Sep 09
Thanks for your response, Bon. I agree something is going to have to give. He hasn't even got a loose tooth yet. Kids are smart nowadays for sure. He is such a blessing to me.
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
20 Sep 09
It's funny and we all know that kids say the darnest things. Email the tooth fairy... heehe very creative and original I have to say. I can't help but chuckle on that. Kinda cute too. On the other hand a kid has a lot of imagination. That all depends on how you want it to come out sooner or later. It's like he doesn't know the difference from a tooth fairy and the bogeyman. Have you tried talking to him and giving him some confidence that a tooth fairy is someone that we shouldn't be afraid of? That stories of fairies are something on the nicer side of life? Like good old santa isn't really gonna bite or something. I think it's just a matter of talking to him to give him some good guidance about nice stories and all that. I was a kid once and I always loved to sit down and listen to good stories from my grannies. That usually keeps me feel safe talking to my grannies. At a young age I always thought that my grannies knew everything and were the best in handling things and as a matter of fact I still do. I still believe my grannies know more alot about the world than anyone else. Cheers!
1 person likes this
• United States
20 Sep 09
Thanks for responding. He is a special little boy to me. I loved mygrandparents to. I am so glad u have good ones. I hope my grandson feels the same way about me always. U are very sweet to express your love for yours.
@wolveren (1586)
• Cebu, Philippines
20 Sep 09
You are welcome. Yes I loved my grannies a lot. I learned so many things from them. They were very wise. And they had a way to talk to little kids. Specially my grandma. She always knew what to say to me. I grew up in a really tough neighborhood, I was surviving during my teens. I had to be tough sometimes ruthless to the baddies to survive. And granny was always there, she seemed to always have a nice outlook at things no matter how harsh it was. That's where I learned to balance good and evil pretty well. Dealt good with plenty of good in return. Figured the bad and misguided from the really bad and beyond help and bullied the bullies. Granny was really something. The neighborhood tough guys seem to bow down to her. I wonder what she was keeping under her long skirt. Shotgun with flowers perhaps. heheh. Gee, I miss her already. I want my granny!!!
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
15 Sep 09
my daugher was scared of santa clause for some reason and it is sad he is afraid of the tooth fariy maybe they can let the tooth fariy come before he goes to bed or leave it with Tj or his Mom
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• United States
16 Sep 09
Bless her heart, i didn't know that. they are going to have to work out something for him. It is sad that he hasn't even lost a tooth & he is worried about this. I told t. maybe we could do it here. Thanks anniefannie.