Where do you like to fish?
By AnnaShanley
@AnnaShanley (22)
United States
September 14, 2009 9:58am CST
What is your favourite fishing hole?
I know winter will be upon us soon, but I love to fish in the early morning hours when all is quiet, and you can nearly see the fish in the water.
It has been a long time since I have been able to fish.
I like hearing fishing stories. Do you have any?
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9 responses
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
14 Sep 09
Oh I love to go out on the boats out into the ocean. Fluke is a favorite dish of mine but I like to catch the blues. My husband never did much of that as a kid but was quite happy the first time we took him out a few years ago. We do not live any where near the ocean now so we do mostly pond and river fishing, which is cool in it's own way. I have to say the river has an interesting variety and I was a little startled when I pulled out my first eel, who knew they could get up to 6 foot long in a river!
@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Eels...I have never caught one OL, but I have seen them. You know people in Europe love to eat 'jellied eels'.
Oh yes, I imagine they can get quite long.
Ocean fishing must be wonderful..I have never experienced it. Happy Fishing OL.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
18 Sep 09
They both pickle and smoke the eels here. I haven't really a taste for them my self but those who grew up here love them
@p1kef1sh (45681)
14 Sep 09
I have a fishing story. I used to be a keen fly fisherman (very hard things to catch on a hook are flies!). There's a kind of gently art to casting your line well and getting the fly to drop right where you want it to. Dusk was close and the shadows were lengthening as I made a mental note that it was nearly time to call it a day. A soft "plop" caught my attention and I sent my next fly in that direction. There had to be a trout rising there. Well I cast several times without success. Darkness was falling and I was casting into a shaded area where I could barely see anything. One final cast and BINGO fish on! It didn't feel like a big fish and it moved kind of erratically. Then it shot over my head!!! My fish was a bat! I don't know if you've ever reeled in a bat. They don't like it much and they're wriggly creatures. Fortunately the hook was in his wing and was removed quite easily. Once released I packed up my gear and went and leaned on an old stone bridge and watched the bats and the fish compete with each other for the small hatch that was occurring. I never caught another bat and I don't want to. But it was an adventure. I have several other stories, but they, like that big fish that I know lies under the overhanging willow, can wait for another time.
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@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Oh dear PIke
You had me dying laughing now with that one..a bat indeed!
I got a bat caught in my hair once while night fishing..oh my.
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
14 Sep 09
I don't have just one favorite fishing spot. I depends on the speicies I am fishing.
If it is for brook trout I have a spot on a specific brook that mid August it becomes very shallow and the big brook trout know just where to go to get cool fresh water running over them and that's when I get out the fly rod and head to that favorite spot.
I have a couple of favorite spots for Atlantic salmon. Was just there a week ago and caught two very nice salmon, the first was too big and had to let it go but the second one was in the slot limit and made a great BBQ dinner.
For Chain Pickerel, they are very similar to Norther Pike. I have a couple of places I like depending on the time of year. A few of my favorite spots dry up mid summer so I have to move to a few other hot spots that stay hot spots right through to closing on Oct. 15th.
Then I also have a couple of hot spots for smallmouth bass as well. The spot I pick will depend on whether I am using my spinning rod or my fly rod.
Just wish it was summer time all the time here.
I have to go south to warmer climates to continue fishing as I can't take the cold any more and don't care much for ice fishing.
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@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Hello WM
Sounds like you are a very avid fisherman.
What an exciting life..I would truly love to be able to take fishing trips now.
@antarcticpostcards (472)
• United States
14 Sep 09
My favorite place to fish is a small lake they have up in the nearby mountains. They stock it with trout and it is just a general fun and relaxing place to fish with great scenery. Also, nice place to get somewhat away from the summer heat in the valley. I also like when we take the boat out, but we do not do that often, since my dad is so hard to make plans with and it is his boat.

@antarcticpostcards (472)
• United States
19 Sep 09
It is not exactly shady, as the side we fish on is the part with a paved path, so my bro in his wheelchair can get to it and that side is the sunny side. It is just cooler because it is in the mountains.
@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Hello antarcitc
The cool shade sounds lovely out of the heat..it is so nice to fish like that.
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@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
25 Sep 09
Mountain air is lovely..good air for your brother in the wheelchair..
@redeemedBYgrace (13)
• United States
8 Oct 09
Any place! LOL I wish I had a fishing buddy! :( One time I had grandaddy catfish on my line, at least 40 pounds. A drunk with a lit latern jumped in the river to help get him out, yep his latern hit the line and burnt right threw it! Bye bye fish!:(

@redeemedBYgrace (13)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Yes! Anna! LOL I can not believe I did not think of both being "lit"!
@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
8 Oct 09
A lit lantern usually does the trick, doesn't it redeemed?
Also a lit man lol!
How funny a story..yes me too, wish I had a fishing friend!

@tdemex (3540)
• United States
14 Sep 09
Hey Anna! I grew up in Michigan real close to a giant lake, I was blessed! So I caught just about everything in freshwater you can imagine, it was lake St. Clair and there were 56 varieties of fish there! I've fished off the coast of Fla. mostly for Red Snapper, But we caught a lot of varieties there also. I learned river fishing in Sun Valley Idaho, there are world class Trout there and that was really cool. I also used to go up to Vancouver Island Canada and we would put out crab traps on departure, then we would go Salmon fishing off the coast there, deep trolling we did well there! On the way back we would pick up the traps and get many giant crabs! but ice fishing in a shanty is the most fun, I built a shanty in Sun Valley on a big reservoir there, no one there had seen one, we had 4 holes in it, a barrel for a fire, a stereo, two windows and a door for a house! It was very large, we had to move it after we first put it out there and we found a sweet spot! We caught tons of trout and perch there! There is a hot springs at the fer end of the lake and brine shrimp are there for fish food! The trout are a deep pink color and very tasty! That was a very exciting time for me!

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@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
19 Sep 09
Hello TD
Sounds a lovely place to grow up indeed.
I would have loved it myself.
I fished a lot when a young child in lakes around the state of Missouri with my Father on his fishing trips.
@indaryana (80)
• Indonesia
22 Dec 09
some where that have fresh air, good nature sightseeing. but everything not be problem however hot, bad nature condition if we can caught fish
@bryan21764 (277)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I like fishing in old quarries. The ones that never connect to the river unless there is a large flood. The fish that can hide in these areas are usually huge. That and you can usually find fish that you would not usually find available anymore in old quarries because there is not that much activity.
My father got me hooked on this around 1997-98 and I have loved doing it ever since. The only downside is there is usually a lot of misquitos. But nothing some spray can not take care of. Also wanted to note that old quarries are great places to jug and limb line fish for monster catfish, gar, and carp.
Hope you get a chance to fish in the near future.
@AnnaShanley (22)
• United States
25 Sep 09
Hi Bryan
Sounds like you really know how to fish..the old quarry area sounds like the perfect spot that I never would have thought of.
Thanks Bry..oh yes me too..I hope I can do one of my fav things soon..fish to my hearts content.
@daveraj (2)
• Trinidad And Tobago
15 Jan 10
Where I live, we are surrounded by the oceans. The Atlantic on the east and the Gulf on the west. So it is mostly sea fishing. These days fishing is bad though. Can't catch anything. Rough seas perhaps. Any of you guys heard of the circle hooks? I hear with these hooks you're sure to catch. Never tried it though.