Serena Williams fined for $10,000 for improper conduct in the tennis court
By hotsummer
@hotsummer (13838)
September 14, 2009 12:39pm CST
As we all know serena williams is one of the tennis player in our time. So it got me surprised to read that Serena had this improper conduct inside the court. She was faulted for foot fault, though it was clear she didn't make a foot fault, in a way that didn't give her right to give out swearing words and bad words against the person who made the call. she shouted at the linewoman and in the process the linewoman felt threatened and the officials asked the lineswoman what serena said to her. and the officials decided to give her fine. I was not able to watch the game actually but from what i read that she losing early in the game anyway as she was up against a very strong contender. and so her opponent won the game i just don't know if they were able to finish the game or was it stopped after the improper conduct from serena.
Do you notice that there are so many crazy behavior from famous people or celebrities, like kayne lately after dissing taylor swift, then this one. i think that these people should learn how to behave and respect other people.
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8 responses
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
yeah i think they actually penalize serena quite fast and also serena admitted she was wrong and did over react. but i think that she was forgivable as she realized that she was wrong and admitted it.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
serena said on paper that what she did is not something that worthy of imitating and that she was wrong and not justified to react the way though the linewoman had a wrong call. and that she was ashamed of what she did. and that the linewoman should not be blamed. that is really good that serena feel that way and this actually put this problem to end. but still serena has to bear the fine or punishment for her ill behavior.

@Citychic (4067)
• United States
14 Sep 09
Hello Hotsummer, thanks for sharing the info involving Serena. I do happen to believe that there is something that goes on in the world of sports that tend to cause players to get sometimes an air of superiority or a short fuse. While I"m not saying this was the case with Serena, all I'm saying is that it's something that I have definitely observed just since I've been affiliated with a few athletes. So far I haven't been able to figure out if it's the nature of the games that breeds this unsportsmanlike attitude or if it's something else. But I do believe it's a real problem and can often stop people from enjoying the game to the fullest. As for celebrities as a whole, I think that sometimes they get a bad rap simply because they are caught up in a very tough position. While they must try to be loving and all to the crowd of fans that support them, it's not an easy road to walk because they will always catch havoc from the camera people and the poperozzi. I mean after all they are only human and who among us don't lash out at others at some point in time?
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
yeah i do agree with you. i feel that once an athlete had established a name for him/herself that they kind have this feeling that they are superior already to those working on the court like linewoman, referee and judges and so forth. it is like that they should act little arrogant to show or act according to their new status as very popular and known player internationally. and they could hardly put their feet back on the ground. and it makes them feel that only those who have low position can act with respect toward those people working on the sideline and not them. and these high profile athlete or celebrities don't want to feel that they are in the same level as those working on the sideline.
but in the kayne west. i don't see any reason for him to act strangely. he was not called to speak up on the stage. he was not being harassed by paparazzi in any way. i think it is more like he is wanting to get more attention from paparazzi specially that he is losing popularity already for his improper behavior even before this event in VMC music awards. so in kayne west case, it is not a case of too much popularity or pressure, it is more the pressure to get noticed once again which is driving him this way.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
she said a lot of bad words. actually it was clear the words she said. it was on news now and they played it and just muted those mean words but you actually tell what she said when they muted it.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
15 Sep 09
Yes, There certainly has been a lot of strange behavior going on when it comes celebreties these days. I like to call it, "Rich people gone crazy!" What happened was the other player was ahead, but it was close enough that Serena could have caught up. When the fault was called she lost the point, and that ticked her off because the game was pretty close and she still had a chance to win at that point. But when the fault was called it hurt her chances of catching up. Then after she had her outburst another point was taken away and she automatically lost the match at that point.
She still made $350,000 dollars from the tournament however and after she pays the fine she will still have cleared $340,000 for her part in the singles tournament alone and would still be eligable to win more from the doubles tournament.
For as violent of words that she used and her violent body language I think $10,000 is a small little smack on the hand considering what she still earned. I beleive we all have our moments, and I don't hold this against her, but she was not punished very well at all.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
16 Sep 09
as you mentioned that she will still be guaranteed $340,000 after the fine, i think that they should have given her other punishment besides the $10,000. i agree she was not punished very well. they should have added suspension along with the fine like she would not be allowed to play on her next match or suspended for two months or just a bigger amount like $100,000 so that she would really feel the punishment. $10,000 fine, should could hardly feel she lost money or being punished at all. the only punishment that is really hurting her a lot now is the bad news going around the media about her. that really hit her hard and that is the reason mostly i think that made Serena sorry if she was really sorry at all for what she did. .
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
14 Sep 09
Celebrities are regularly treated in such a way that it causes them to believe that they can get away with just about anything because they're famous. They're surrounded by "yes men" and hangers on who feed their egos and approve of everything they do and say. Without benefit of the normal boundaries, they become more demanding, more obnoxious and believe that they have more *rights* than others.
I saw both the incident with Serena Williams and Kayne at the VMA. Both of them were out of line and both should be punished in some way for their bad behavior. Serena's threats were captured on video and audio for the world to see as was what Kayne did to 19 year old Taylor Swift. I hope their fans don't have short memories.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
15 Sep 09
totally true. they are in a way feel that they can get away with every thing though it is not true. but i guess being a celebrity really feeds their ego and they are actually helpless about it than let it make them feel superior and kind of better than others.
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
17 Sep 09
Hi hotsummer...I briefly saw the clip and agree with you that people aren't respectful of others. I especially think this is shameful as children look up to these athletes and believe that this is acceptable behavior. I will not be teaching my son that such an outburst is acceptable.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
i guess that serena was in too much pressure, but she was able to realized what she had done and how wrong her reaction was and she did make a sincere apology out of what happened and said it is not something she is proud of and not worth imitating. and so she emphasized that.
and yes i think that fine given to her is good enough to let people what she did is not something worth imitating and i hope children saw that she was fined and was sorry for that. but still her fine was so light though she was sorry and meant it. i think she needed a more harsh penalty or punishment just a small fine.
@arvindneemuch (662)
• India
7 Jan 10
serena is known for her hot temper anyways. i guess sme people are hot tempered and we have to accept them like that. they do pay for their acts, both off and on court, but then thats how they are. probably their aggression also helps them to even an extra boost of energy edge over opponents, who knows ! seeing serena, i do get sucha feeling though..
what she did was unjustified and she was also fined and criticized for her act, i hope she takes it as a learning lesson and be more careful in future.
@hotsummer (13838)
• Philippines
14 Sep 09
yes they should fine him. thankfully they booted Kayne west immediately after that outburst. and this fine for serena was just so right too. i hope that she learned her lesson and that she would learn how to respect those staffs and other people in the event. they were their job and she had no right to belittle them and talk to them like that.