Have you ever Twittered with someone that was not your spouse?

@Bytemi (1553)
United States
September 15, 2009 10:54am CST
Have you ever Twitted without somethat was no your significate other? Did you get in trouble for it? Do you have fun while doing it? The Marketing Director at my company needed some help in web site advertising and I suggested that he starts using social marketing, facebook, myspace, twitter, stuff like that. Last Friday we spend the day in my office creating the accounts and twitting. We are both pretty goofy so the laughs lasted all day nothing inappriapriate, just fun. When I got home I told my husband about it and he did not seem to appreciate the fact that we were working and having fun at the same time. What do you think?
2 responses
@rainmark (4302)
15 Sep 09
Maybe your hubby is a jealous type of man. For me, i think it's alright as long as you don't do any inappropriate things and everything is just all about business.
1 person likes this
@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
15 Sep 09
My husband is not the jealous type. I am not sure what the problem was here. We were working and making an unenjoyable task more manageable and fun. I don't see the problem in that.
• India
27 Oct 09
hi, any one looking for Twitter Followers... I can exchange, you be my follower and ill be yours.