Not having a baby, does it bother you?
By pormadi
@pormadi (1300)
September 17, 2009 1:51am CST
According to my culture, not having a baby after gettint married is something not acceptable. Adopting a child is not normal choice for my culture. I have married more than 2 years ago, but I do not have a baby. It bothers me.
As for you mylotter, what do you say? Do you feel the same like me?
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32 responses
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
25 Sep 09
Having children was a difficult and unhappy time for me. It's not all joy.
Are you ready for children? Are you settled in a home with good finances? Do you have set ideas, your husband and you as to how you will raise your children? Do you have friends and family who will support you with love and care and not interfere or neglect you? Do you know what to expect from a pregnancy, birth and the next 18 years?
If you are fully prepared and you and your hubby know what to expect and are ready then you should probably visit your physician to see if everything is ok with you both.
Please don't rush in to anything with thinking it through carefully.
Best wishes and lots of luck.

@moondancer (7431)
• United States
18 Sep 09
After I married when I was younger it was this way with me. It didn't help that my mom would constantly ask me when I was going to make her a grandmother. I felt so bad and like I wasn't whole.
I was married for 5 years before having my first child. I had given up. You see my husband had been married for 5 years before he married me and no children of that marriage. I was also told about an accident when he was younger and he also had polio when he was a child.
So it was thought that he would never produce a child. I had gotten in touch with an adoption agency and was working it out to get a child. I of course wanted a newborn which they said could take at least a year.
This went on for about 6 to 8 months and I found out that I was pregnant. WOW, what a pleasant surprise! I told the doctor about before and asked why I finally got pregnant and not when I was first married or even later.
He told me that when I was under pressure to have a child that I could not conceive. But as soon as I thought I could not have one of my own then my body relaxed more and I was able to get pregnant. It made sense to me as I always was hoping to get pregnant and was never relaxed. Then when I thought I could not have a baby there was no pressure to have one. My body was relaxed and I enjoyed love making more with my husband and I got pregnant.
A very valuable lesson learned.
I wish you lots of luck having a baby.
Although I think that a couple needs at least 5 years together with no children so they can have quality time to themselves and with each other.
having a baby takes a lot of your time. Many peopel resent the time the baby takes and no time for each other anymore.
So when you do have a child make sure you and your husband still make time for each other. And relax'll get pregnant when your body is ready if you'll just allow it to.
Tell the family not to pressure you or you may not have one any time soon.
Relaxation is the key.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Thank you. I do hope she does too. I know how distraught I was and it did not help with family asking me all the time when we were going to have a baby that we had been married...X amount of years.
With his previous marriage and no children, I finally come to the conclusion that "we" were not going to have a baby.
What was really bad is I had been told all of my young life that when you sleep with someone the first time you get pregnant. This to me was validated when my aunt Elle got pregnant the first time she slept with her fiance.
I had more baby clothes and things in my hope chest than I did things for the house and trust me when I say I had A LOT of things for a house.
So when I did not get pregnant right away and then not even 1, 2, 3 years etc. later and with no child in the previous marriage of his then I thought it inevitable that we would not conceive.
You'd be surprised just what will keep you from getting pregnant.
Also I meant what I said when I say that a couple should be alone, no children for at least 5 years. Their relationship has a better chance of making it if they do.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Sep 09
What a great testimonial!
So true that the more you want something the less likely it is to happen. Then when you finally accept that it might not and get on with doing something else, then is when you get the surprise!
I hope this user will read your response and will be aware tha the more she worries the less likely she is to become pregnant too.

@SViswan (12051)
• India
23 Sep 09
Not having children would have bothered me too...because I've always wanted a houseload of kids. But you need not despair. My husband's aunt had her first child 7 years after marriage...not by choice. So, it's not too late.
Look at things positively. You've got more time to bond with your partner and understand him better. I had my first child less than a year into my marriage...and that wasn't a very good idea either. We ended up fighting all the time because we didn't know what ticks each other off and we also had the added responsibility of taking care of the baby which we couldn't push aside.
Maybe you should go to a doctor and have a checkup to see if everything is alright. But I still say, it's not too late and you can have a baby.
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
24 Dec 09
Have a medical examination for both of you regarding this issue. Identify the problem and proceed with medicines.
Extreme climates prevents production of sperm probably. Let him lay in bathtub with cold water for sometime everyday [:p]
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@vicky30 (4766)
• India
23 Nov 09
It will not bother me
.I will leave it all up to the hands of God.When we do not have a baby we must pray with faith to get a baby and God will see our faith and answer us.Here in meetings i see people who get babies very fast and i see people who do not have a baby for more than two years.Still i see joy on their faces as they might expect a baby in the future.

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I don't really like children, or at least, I don't want to be bothered; so I don't feel at all the way you do. Some people should not be parents, and I'm one of them.
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@moondancer (7431)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Bravo for you, for being able to admit that you should not have a child. Whatever the reasons are you know them and you know "you" best. I hope that you are taking measures to "not" make it possible for you to have a child at least until and if you are ready to have one.
I commend you for being honest with yourself and speaking up for what you believe in for you.
@hottiebartender (14)
• Jamaica
22 Sep 09
I use to be just like you. It seems like I just could not get pregnant. But I remember reading a book and the lady said that if you want soemthing you have to envision it and plan for it. She bought baby clothes, saw herself pregnant and put pictures around her of pregnant women. I also did some of these things, as well as pray. Remember Hannah in the bible who prayed to God for a child and He answered her prayers. Soon after I got a vision with a voice that said God has blessed you with a child, a male child. Now my son is 8 months old and very dear to me. Try it it just might work. Take care
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
31 Dec 09
pormadi I am an American and no this does not bother me as we do not marry solely to have babies, we marry for love and companionship and if we have babies fine, if we dont, we are
sad but if we really want children we can adopt. I understand
we all have different cultures, and am not at all criticizing yours. We all have our own customs. But two years is not all that
bad as you are still fairly young and it can happen any time.
sometimes Ihave seen couples get really upset because they were still without a baby but just as they were set to adopt the woman becomes pregnant. sometimes we want it too much and both man and woman get all uptight and that sort of slows down the whole scheme of things so just relax and see if pregnancy does not come after all. good luck, hope you soon have a baby . God Bless.
@cinderella2007 (2662)
22 Sep 09
Obviously your culture is putting a lot of pressure on you - you have to get married and then start a family. It is seemed the 'norm' but Im talking from someone who doesnt follow a religion. I wasnt brought with being told to get married and have a family.
I am currently pregnant and unmarried, it annoys me when people especially family members ask about me and my partner getting married. Im not really interested in getting married, maybe in 10-15 years but not now.
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@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
1 Oct 09
Yea I think that many couples should start thinking about having a baby 2 years after they get married. I think that yea, it would bother me, I mean it wouldn't bother me as much if we actually tried to plan when we could have a baby. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!

@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I feel sorry for the women in your culture who opt to remain child-free. I have several friends who don't like and don't want kids, and that's their business. But they're entitled to their own opinions, just as I am.
I don't have a problem with it. If they don't want kids, then God speed to them. I am a mom. I know it's not for everyone. I know several people WITH kids who should have aborted before they were born as they are horrible mothers. At least the child-free people KNOW they don't want kids and for whatever reason, may not make a good mom and they are reasonable enough to realize this and NOT bring a child into this world that will be abused or neglected.
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
Actually it depends on our longings in life, there are people who seemed not care having children, but personally I want to have children, so it bothers me to have none at this point in time because I am still single.
Well, you have just married for two years, so you have still plenty ahead of time, actually there are people I know in my country who have children 12 years after they married. Just pray hard for it, God never fails you, try to ask heavenly and divine intervention for your longing and everything will be put into order.
Remember the story of Samuel in the bible?Samuel mother was barren and for many years of her marriage she longed for a child but everything is fruitless, until one day she asked fervently to God with tears for a child, then later on she got pregnant and named him Samuel. We all know that Samuel became the last judge of Israel and he was the one who anointed Saul and King David.
So keep on praying nothing is impossible if we offer yourself to God, surrender all your worries and fears to HIM and just believe in your heart that miracles do happen everyday. God bless you and Good luck!sooner or later you will become pregnant, mark my word.
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
17 Sep 09
I think you need to have patience and always pray to God I think you going to get pregnant very soon. Don't worry so much and be relax because the more you think about it the more you get depressed and your body will be affected. I'm still single so I can't relate how you really longing to have children. Some couples test their patience and faith to God some married women gets pregnant after 7 yrs. or longer than that. The good news about it God gave them not just one baby but twins. Don't lose hope it is very early to give up and trust God always.
@moondancer (7431)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Yes, patience is a virtue. The powers that be will know when it's time. You need to do all that you can to better yourself before you have a child to be responsible for. Learn your patience and then be more prideful when you have the baby in knowing that you did all you could to grow inside yourself before the child came into your life.
Please respond to all of the people so kind to respond to your discussion.
@xingxingsky (176)
• China
21 Sep 09
Two-year is not a long time. So take easy. I know there are so many people who get their baby 3-5 years after their plan. In fact, this time is becoming more open and tolerant. It's ok even if having no child. DINK is a new fashion style of life. Whatever happened, just accept it and enjoy it.
@hankerChinese (205)
• China
17 Sep 09
Just for2 years, no problem.
But, maybe, from now,
your hubby and you should set down a BABY PLAN.
Good luck for you.
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@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
19 Sep 09
Yea well most people don't really want to have a baby too soon, but I think that after about a few years, you should start thinking about having one. Don't have one at a too old age, because it will be harder to bring up the little one. Make sure you have a good day, Happy Lotting!!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
I don't think having a baby, is not a big deal, my friend. You must think liberal in these days, my friend. Do not believe in that customary because they are incline with the commandments of God. Only God, know better for us.
having no baby after the married is really happen. This is because of some defect and other consideration or condition in maturity...If you get married older than the regular age of entering marriage. Expect that you cannot have a baby at once but wait... Do not be worried if you haven't any baby yet. just patient to wait for the right time. If you are educated, and knows some scientific base why you are not having a baby after your not influence from your belief that is against your will.
have a nice day!
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hello Pormadi,
It is samething happen here in my culture. when ever the couples get married. Both side of the parents expect them to have children as soon as possible. It is something not accepting if you married with no child in my hubby family. Always this happen in those traditional thinking family.
Just don't give up, you have only 2 years past. You can still have time to get pregnant. Maybe you can go for a relaxing vacation with your hub. 

@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 09
Hi Pormadi,
Don't be sad. Getting pregnant is not easy for a woman. Some woman can easily get pregant and some are not. Don't pressurised yourself!!
They are several factors need to be concern about before getting pregnant.
In my culture, It is important to have a kid after getting married. But it does not mean it has to be a COMPULSORY. If God given me a kid, I will treasure him/her and try my best to give him/her the best.
Since you are very concerned about having a kid for yourself.Try to find a time to talk to your partner,Visit your gynae together and have a proper chat over your case. Get a proper check up and find the problem on why you are still not conceived yet.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I believe if it is meant it will happen when the time is right.
I have one so I can't relate, but I know people that have and I often ask myself, why? I also know people that don't have and I think its a good thing, would not call this a cultural thing for me, just sixth sense.
Not all woman are meant to be parents in my opinion, but I feel really bad for the mothers that try really hard and it takes longer than they wish, I hope you will have your bundle of joy soon, don't lose hope