I am worried!

United States
September 17, 2009 2:03pm CST
My daughter will be 2 years old next month! She barely talks.. She does say a few words and can understand direction very well! The other day she was playing with a little boy who was 20 months and he was so well spoken for his age... And as for my daughter people can't hardly understand what she might be saying! Am I doing something wrong?
10 responses
• United States
23 Sep 09
Children learn best from other children, does your children go to daycare or play with other children a lot? Try getting your child out around children that are talking clearly, talk to her all the time and don't baby talk to her, talk to her like you talk to any adult. Each child devolops differently she will come around, if not you might want to have her hearing checked.
• United States
23 Sep 09
Thanks for responding mneff! No she is not around other children as often. I am a stay at home mother and she is the youngest within both families. My friends have children about her age, we all get together now and then but not as often as I would like. I know she will burning my ear off soon!! Lol. Honestly. I can't wait. Since I started this discussion. She is starting to talk a little more. Maybe all she needs is sometime. Thanks again. Have a nice day!
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
22 Sep 09
ONe thing i have learned in my few years of being a mom is every child is different. They all learn different things at different times. My friends son just turned two back a month ago. He cant even mumble a word. They thought at first it was autism but the doctor said he just wasn't ready to talk. So i wouldn't worry she will talk when she's ready.
• United States
22 Sep 09
Thanks for your response jessi! I have noticed that she is starting to say a few words here and there... I guess she is not starting to feel like to talk... Thanks for your response again!
• United States
18 Sep 09
NO NO NO you are NOT doing anything wrong... If you had asked me this 8 years ago i would have no clue what to type to you, my daughter who is now 8 when she was born i focused on everything by the books, i lucked out that she was right on track with what others "think" your child should be doing by that age... NOW... i have a set of 21 month old twins. One boy one girl... When they went for there 18 month check-up my daughter had the developmental skills of a 2 and 1/2 year old.. she is way above average on all the doctors charts... what the "books" say she should be just getting at NOW she was at Months ago. My son at the same check up was totally oppsite then her but he was right on track according to the doctors charts and books etc.. Now, she can , talk, pretty much potty trained, loves to clean, knows how to count to 5 and say her alpha bet up to j. She knows so much! sccording to books shes doing things children aged 3 should be doing and shes not even 2! My son on the other hand, barely talks, doesnt seem as advanced to me as my daughter and according to the books hes not on track... my doctor assured me that all children grow differently mentally and physically, and hes not slow i didnt do anything wrong its just the way he is.. dont feel bad your not doing anything and unless your doctor shows any concern you shouldnt either.
• United States
19 Sep 09
Wow! Congrats on the twins! They are different aren't they? That's cute! With all the wonderful responses that I have been getting, I am starting to take a "chill pill" lol.... As, I said before, as a first mother, I worry about everything... I never knew how much you can love a little being until now! I have a doctors appointment in a few weeks for my daughters 24 month check up! I am going to be sure to ask! But I am sure she is going to tell me, the same thing that everyone has been telling me! Which is not to worry! Thanks so much for your response! You really made me feel a lot better! Have a nice day!
@rainmark (4302)
18 Sep 09
Don't worry, your daughter will going to talk proper words when she's ready. My son, his 20 months old but he can't talk yet but he is clever. My mu in law says, that keep talking to your child so that she can learn to say proper words. Some of the kids were advance, and some were late talkers.
• United States
18 Sep 09
Thanks for your response rainmark! I will talk her little ear off!
@Raven7317 (691)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Good Afternoon! I know how you feel, we were in your situation 2 years ago... My son was approaching 2 and he only spoke about 10 words - and half of them were code and only I understood them. Long story short, we put him in speech therapy. It was fabulous - we had evaled by private sp. therapist as well as by EI. We got a weekly session with EI home visitor, and our insurance allowed us 2 weekly visits to a private therapist - one individual and one group. Fast forward 2 years - he's been privately re-evaluated and they say he's right at age level now! HE never shuts up! LOL Don't worry too much - have her evaluated by a speech therapist. Try to get EI out for an eval too... It sounds daunting, but really it's not. At this age, it's a play date to them! It won't do any harm. Good luck!
• United States
18 Sep 09
Thanks Raven! We have an appointment with her doctor in a few weeks! I am going to be sure to ask about speech therapy and if she needs it or not! Thanks you so much for your response! I really appreciate it! I am so glad to hear that your son is a little chatter box now! Take care!
@malamar (779)
• Canada
18 Sep 09
Kids are funny little things, aren't they? The fact that your daughter understands words and directions indicate that she is well on track regarding her development. Many children talk later than others, and it is not fair to compare them unfavorably. She will talk when she is good and ready to talk. Just keep talking with her, and encourage her to verbalize back. Sometimes we understand our children and their needs so well, there is very little need for them to actualize speak to let us know what they want, or how they are feeling. Believe me, there will come a day when you may wish she wouldn't talk so much!
• United States
18 Sep 09
Lol... Thanks for your response malamar! Yes! I do know my daughter to WELLLLLLLLLLLLL! I know what she is going to want before she even reacts! Its like ESP or something?!?! Thanks! Have a nice one!
• United States
18 Sep 09
All children develop the same skills at about the same time, but some children just acquire some skills faster or slower than others. It's not uncommon for children to barely speak close to two. I'm a teacher of one year olds and we just transitioned a child this week to another classroom that will be two next Friday. All she does is talk. She never shuts up. We have another child that will be two next month and he is as quiet as a mouse. He's very hard to understand and only says certain words but he's not behind. He's exactly where he should be for his developmental level. If you're really worried about her language skills work with her. Name everything. Explain to her exactly what you're doing while you're doing it. As you're changing her diaper, talk to her about what you're doing and what you're using. Read, read, read to her! Encourage others to talk to her constantly. Skip baby talk and just talk to her like you would an adult but use smaller, simplier words since she is so young. When she points at something, name it. Don't talk for her and tell her that you want her to use her words. She will talk. Sometimes it just takes a lot of push from the parents or caregivers to get children over the hump of not talking.
• United States
18 Sep 09
Thanks so much highflyingxangel! I have never spoken baby talk to my daughter... She always understands me if I ask for something or I ask her questions she responds sometimes... She is a fast learner. Potty rained, knows how to clean up her room, knows her colors if I ask for a blue block she always hands me the correct ones! So thanks! You made me realize that I am just going to push her a little more! I can't wait to hear the sound of daughters voice telling me that she loves me!?!? lol. Since your a teacher, do you think it can be that, I am a stay at home mother, most of the time, its just the two of us, maybe that might have something to do with it?
@twooten (64)
• United States
18 Sep 09
dont be alarmed prikayhjo. some children develope faster than others. your daughter isn't the only on so don't feel alone. is this your only child? my youngest son started walking at 11 months where as my oldest son started at 9 months. at two my oldest son was fully talking. my youngest son starting just before the age of two. children are different and they develop at their own pace. i say as long as you keep her updated with her regualar check ups and her doctor says its okay, i wouldn't worry about it too much. Most children when they are late speaking, when they finally do then they talk too much. if you know what i mean. when my youngest son started talking he asked so many questions in one day it was mind boggling for me for a while til i got used to it. children are just really curious when their growing up. his favorite question was why? why this? why that? sometime i would just say i don't know son but when i find out i will let you know okay. be encouraged and be happy with the time you have with her while she is little cause that time passes so fast it will seem as though it was just yesterday that she was in diapers. :)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Thanks for your response twooten! Yes this is my only child, we are starting to talk about adding a new member, but we are afraid of how my daughter might react! All this advice is helpful! It makes me not worry to much! I am doing the best that I can with her... Later in life I will know whether or not I did a good job!
• United States
17 Sep 09
Of course not! Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it's very easy for parents to compare their children to other children. The truth is that children progress at different levels. My son learned to speak later than my niece who is only two weeks older than him. However, now he has a much more complex vocabulary than my niece. So it just takes certain kids time to speak. My nephew who is three years old says only a few words at a time. Just keep talking to your daughter and her language skills will develop. And if you're really worried, just talk to your doctor to see if you should be concerned. However, I'm guessing that they're not too worried and you shouldn't be either!
• United States
17 Sep 09
austensawyer, Thank you so much for your response... My Boyfriend says the same thing, that I over stress the issue! I guess its mainly because being a parent, you just want the best for your kids. Want the best and want them to be the best. Late speech runs on my side of the family, well my little cousins had delayed speech! I don't even know if that matters! But again thanks! I will try to calm down! lol
• United States
17 Sep 09
I'm a new Mom, but my thing is my nephew is also 2 years old and he doesn't hardly talk either. Every child develops on their own time, I do know there is speech therapy and that sort of stuff that you can enroll a child in. I know this because my niece didn't speak till she was about 3 or 4, but that's tied into her being autistic. Now I don't want you "freaking out" cause my niece didn't talk because she's autistic, if everything else is going good with your daughter she's fine. It's great that she understands, that I'm thinking is a good indicator that everything is ok. Maybe she's just gonna be a quite little girl. That could be a good thing. ;) I completly understand my son is seven months old, doesn't have a single tooth. While his cousin who is a month younger has almost a full mouth. I worry myself all the time...when are they gonna come in, are they gonna come in, does he even have tooth buds, is it gonna be worse because he's gonna be so mature when they finally come in. All we can do is sit back and help guide our children the best we can.