Can you debone fish in your mouth

@cwong77 (2010)
September 18, 2009 7:21am CST
I had fish today.. and while eating, my mum saw me had a piece of bone with the fish, and I just put it in my mouth.. knowing myself very well, I can take out small tiny fish bones when I feel it with my tougue, therefore I had no worry on chocking on one.. my brother was saying that I am crazy, since I know there is bone, how come I didn't take it out before putting the fish in my mouth.. I like chuck of fish in my mouth and I slowly chew on it.. and once I feel the bones, I will just take it out.. and I don't like to eat fish in small pieces.. I remembered once, I had with friends this fish with lots of bone, and I am the only one that didn't get chock by it.. how about you? can you debone the fish in your mouth? thanks for responding.. and happy mylotting
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11 responses
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hi Cwong, I can't do it like you. Normally ,I will debone the fish before putting it into my mouth. I will eat very slowly when comes to fish. I scared to get chock with the fish bone. It is super hard to take out the bone and very painful. When I was young, there is once where a tiny fish bone stucked at my throat. I eat plenty of bananas,drink alot of water in order to get rid of the bone and lucky after trying for 10 mins, the bone was no longer at my throat. This is the scariest experience I ever had with fish . From that time onwards, I will pay special attention to the fish meat before putting to my mouth.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
shia.. most people will get worry with fish on the bones, and to also on the chocking part. even we know fish is so good, however we just always worry when taking fish ya.. btw, next time you are choke with fish bones (if you are) trying by swallowing a big mouth of rice instead. This will help as rice got the substance of starch that and 'glue' the fish bones that is stuck at your throat. I have also few incidents of fish bones in my throat, and by having rice, it's cleared it's way fast enough. Water don't help you to wash down the bones (especially the tiny ones) as water is too slippery for that. Like what people says, practise made perfect, and therefore I get to do the debone process after more and much more of chocking..
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Hello Cwong, I can not do like you, putting the piece of fish with bone into my mouth. I don't know how to debone fish. I am very careful when eating fish. I don't or I just hate to eat fish that has many bones. I am afraid I will get chock with bones. If the fish is got too many bones, I would rather skip the dish. For my mum, she can do very well when eating fish. She just put the whole thing in her mouth, and take out the bone easily with tongue. I always ask her don't take the risk to eat fish this way because she will get chock with the bone easily. But she just likes to eat fish this way. I always need to cook fish porridge for my baby. I come to extra careful to prepare the fish for the porridge.
@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
vingyan.. I was just sharing with the previous MyLotters that what I normally do with the fish of my baby's porridge. I will buy the whole fish, and ask the fish seller to debone it for me! and cut into smaller pieces so I don't have to do that myself. and after debone, the fish seller will return me the bones, and I will normally used it to boil soups or sometimes, I will put the soup to replace the water I use in my baby's porridge. Oh, your mum is also very superb in eating fish ya.. and no worry, practise make perfect!
• India
19 Sep 09
We Eat A Lot of Fish As We Are From Coastal India .. We Always Eat fish The Way You Have Just Explained .. I Don't think It is Extraordinary, If you Do Eat Fish .. Thanks For reading through ..
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 09
prashanthalva, so more of it is that we practise made perfect ya.. and thanks for sharing.. if you have read the other responses, you will find that not many people eat fish that way though..
@Tantrums (945)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
I usually check for bones first before chucking some fish into my mouth. I had a horrible experience with trying to debone a fish in my mouth... I nearly chocked and my throat really hurt.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 09
Tantrums, oh yes, it's actually very painful to have fish bone in our throat.. I had a friend who ended up now not taking fish as she got bad experience with that too.. even those salmon fish we get from Japanese restaurant, she will also not eat..
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• South Korea
18 Sep 09
Yeah, I can debone fish in my mouth but I rather check for bones before putting it in my mouth and I do not like eating fish with a lot of bones. So, I usually try tuna in cans or sushis. haha
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
lovecat! that's what my boss told me too!! She is not a fish person, coz she just don't enjoy the bones of the fish, therefore, having sashimi, sushi or tuna will be her best alternative!
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
Wow! You have some talent there huh! I cannot do that. I can tie the string of the cherry fruit by my tongue but never do like that. There are so many times I choke because of fish bone and it's really painful. Its hard cause the bone sticked to my tonsil, drink lots of water and eat banana but the pain is still there. That's a very terrible experience. So from then on I am very careful.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 09
lovelyn_medrano, the next time you got yourself choke with fish bones, try rice instead of water. I was just sharing this infor with another MyLotters who commented here too! wow, I can't tie the cherry fruit with my tougue no matter how hard I try! You are really good!
• Philippines
30 Sep 09
Yes I heard about rice before but not tried it yet. I'll do that if ever but hopefully not cause its really not a good experience. Regarding the cherry fruit, just keep trying. The first time I did that was not successful also. Just keep on practicing. Its fun to show this trick to young ones.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 09
cwong hi oh no I cannot I have to debone my fish before I will eat it as it scares the bejabbers out of me to feel bone in my mouth. I will spit it out and go over allthe flesh of the fish and get out all bones. they can lodge in your throat and make a bad infection for you if you miss a bone. no I dont take anychances at all.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
Hatley.. what you are scare of is basically what others concern too.. well, it's good to have a double check avoiding all the unnecessary unpleasant experience with fish, and at least with that, you can enjoy more of the dish right..
@anna728 (1499)
• United States
18 Sep 09
Eek, I don't even eat fish but if I did I would be worried to do it. Even besides the risk of choking, I wouldn't want it to poke me or something. Like, if I were to accidentally bite down on the bone it could break and become sharp and hurt me. I don't know if that really happens to people, but I would worry about that I think.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 09
anna728, I can tell from the comment that you are really worry when come to fish. I suggest you can get those fish that has been debone as then you could still enjoy the tasty fish without having to worry about the bones..
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
18 Sep 09
Hello cwong, that's a great ability you had for deboning fish while eating and chewing it.I don't have that ability my friend so,before putting the chunk of fish inside my mouth i surely check with the bones,or maybe prepared to buy a deboned fish. Happy weekend my friend.
@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
27 Sep 09
jaiho, here we do not really have de bone fish, but those Japanese eel that is ready pack. What I normally do, if I really want the fish to be de bone, I get the fish seller to do that for me. I will buy the whole fish, and asking the person to get it clean up and debone for me. I do that to the fish I bought for my baby's consumption. as the fish seller has better and sharper knives in doing this, it will be the best for them to do the job. After debone, the fish seller will return the fish to me in different pieces inclusive of the bones.
• Philippines
19 Sep 09
I can only do it if it's a large fish because the bones are easier to feel in the mouth than the smaller ones. Sometimes I also eat the bones if deep fried (small fishes only) and crispy, you can actually chow down even the head.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 09
janunez, I agree with you.. if the fish is being fried till crispy, I can chop down the head too! I love that!! I like the crispy fish crashing in my mouth while I chew on them! and it's whole lots good of calcium intake!
• Bulgaria
18 Sep 09
I can to some degree... Since i dont like eating in small bites as well xD But damn... u seem to be very talented in working with ur mouth and tongue :D (Im just joking around , sorry if i sounded too perverted and inaproperiate , i didnt mean to =3 ) xD
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
28 Sep 09
StormWindBG, I agree I am good with my mouth and tougue when come to do with fish! I since young been doing this.. however, if you want to think otherwise, I can't stoop your imagination running wild..