My Child Doesn't Do Any Wrong!
@princess07031980 (5412)
United States
September 22, 2009 5:27pm CST
OK-I am mazed at parents like this. You know, the ones who baby their children or really don't go after them when they are mean to other kids, but when some other kid is mean to their kid, it starts a big fiasco. Example:
A friend of mine was here at my house and had brought another friend and her 3 year old. I have a son who is a little younger than her child. My son had started hitting her child, and she was like "Oh, I guess it's time to go home." And I asked, "Why?" Her reason because my kid was being mean to hers.
Then just recently, my daughter who IS quite a bit older (7) was caught while kicking her daughter while we were at their house. Her behavior was completely uncalled for, and my daughter completely knows better. But my friend came to me and said we had to leave because my daughter was being really REALLY mean to her daughter and for no reason. (Her exact words.) So we left.
But her daughter has been really REALLY mean to my kids on a couple occasions too, but I hadn't ever said anything to her, and I surely don't kick someone out of my home for such a thing. Kids need to learn how to treat others and what is acceptable, and I don't think making people leave is the best thing. She has never made us go home for her daughter's behavior, such as suggesting to the her, "Well, if you are going to be mean to the other kids, then they will have to go home and you won't be able play anymore." She seems to make my kids out to be the bad ones, which doesn't happen too often unless they all start to fight. Then it's off we go.....
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14 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
23 Sep 09
I am a Parent and Grandparent who helped to raise 4 Good Boys. Let me begin by stating - Nobody Ever does anything that they deem wrong. Everyone has a good reason in their mind for doing the things they do, and this reason is not " because its wrong!" Simply, because its right for the time and conditions the person ( or child) finds themselves in, at the time. Going home when things are not going as the parent wishes, is taking the lazy way out. There has to be a better way to show the offenders that their behavior in not good taste. Perhaps concerned parents could commit more of their time to overseeing and guiding, in order to show the children the difference between the polite, and impolite way to play.
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@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I used to get angry with my own kids when they were little and they would be hitting or kicking someone. It wasn't like them to be playing and then end up doing that kind of stuff. What I found out (and you could ask your 7 year old) was that the other kid would either be hitting, kicking, teasing or taking toys away from them and my kids would be defending themselves or each other. One time my daughter was 3 and bit another little girl! My daughter was out of the biting stage and I was angry at her for biting another kid, I got her home and she had all kinds of bite marks all over her arms. The other parent was mad when we left, saying that my daughter needed disciplined and I need not go back. I got my daughter dressed and went back over to their house, I walked in and asked if the child my daughter bit was ok. I was told yes, the mark had went away but the mother was still angry and could I leave now?
I lifted off my daughters shirt and said 'this is what your kid did to mine, now whose kid do you think needs disciplined?' I had told her maybe she needed to start screaming and yelling about her own kid before she tried it to someone else's .
Talk to your daughter, maybe the kicking wasn't just because she felt like kicking someone and maybe she wasn't the one that started it...
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Wow-that is awful. I hate parents that go to that extreme, fully blaming another child. Seriously, why would parents really think that if one child can be mean, why couldn't theirs be mean too? She is my friend, and for the most part, she is more than fair with my kids. But I feel when my kids do in fact turn on hers, she segregates them like they are awful and we have to leave.
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
23 Sep 09
I would so be angry at that too.....I think some parents turn a blind eye when something like this happens...
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Well, her kids are not perfect either, and her younger child has turned on my kids a time or two here at my house. Her younger child is unruly and doesn't listen at all at times. But I don't target her and make her feel bad about her child. i mean after all she is a child, right? The more good, consistent repsectful adults that the child can learn from, the better off she will be to learn and understand social aspectd I believe anyway.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
23 Sep 09
People like that drive me absolutely nuts, and I don't tolerate it. i watch to see what happened in both cases, and I listen to both sides of the story, making the other mother see that it may just be her kid's fault. Yeah, a few people have gotten annoyed with me for being so honest, but those people weren't really meant to be my friends in the first place, if that's the way they were going to act.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
23 Sep 09
In my line of work I work with parents like this quite often. I've had parents complain that their child's bad behavior is caused by other children when those kids are the ones starting the issues constantly and therefore get all the other kids riled up.
I'd personally start calling her out on it whenever you see her kids acting up you need to tell her that she needs to leave because her kids are being mean to your kids. Give her a taste of her own medicine. It'll totally tick her off but sometimes parents need to see the harsh truth. Heck, video tape their behavior and show it to her. That'll get her head spinning.
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@malamar (779)
• Canada
23 Sep 09
Kids bicker and squabble, that is a fact of life. However, hitting and biting are wrong. No matter who started it, who continued it, or who ended it, it is wrong!
When your child (or hers) gets older and hauls off and decks someone, they will be charged with assault. It won't really matter who is right or wrong, it is a criminal offense to strike another person.
Teach your little children to tell you when they are being hurt, assaulted, abused, whatever you want to call it. Explain why it is wrong and unacceptable to strike back at someone else. Remove your child from these situations if need be. I don't think it is right to try to justify it because the other one "did it first".
If your 7 year old "completely knows better" and was still caught kicking your friends child, why be peeved off at your friend for asking you to leave? Better to spend the time reinforcing the rules with your 7 year old, no?
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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
you have brought up great points that I agree with, but asking us to leave was out of line. Why? Because we are all friends-the adults and the kids-and to teach a child that when things are wrong, you have to separate, that is extreme and they won't always be able to do that. yes, any assault to anyone is wrong. But isn't the point of prenting to teach problem solving and how to make wrongs right? Reinforcement should include the problem solving and communication. Teach children to speak and to communicate with the issues that are going on. Throwing them out teaches nothing but to ignore situations.
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@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Oh wow sounds like she is really nieve, her kids will disappoint her one day because she puts them up so high, I think her actions towards the kids behavior was un logical and those type of people I would suggest you stay away from
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Well, she is my friend, and we do hang out a lot, so for me to stay away-at least at this point, isn't an option. I am not one of those people to harp on someone's techniques as a parent, and if we are asked to leave her home, we leave without argument. But I see true lack of parenting skills on her behalf (not to be judgemental totally-because she is a very good mom in many ways too.)--by letting her 3 year old walk all over her, such as dinner last night. We were hanging out and I had gone home to get food for my kids, so I whipped up plates for them and then brought them back to her house so my kids could eat with her youngest child. My kids did not complain, nor did they say anything that my friend's daughter had different food from what they had. They ate what they were given with decent manners at the table. Her daughter was throwing a fit, trying to take my son's food off his place, jumping off her chair and running around saying "No dinner!" I was a little shocked-my kids do not act like that, and they never have. So basically, her child refused to eat what she was given, so the mother went to the kitchen and made her a new dinner. I don't do that either. I cook what I want my kids to eat. If they don't eat, then they go hungry. It's worked well for the most part. They know they don't argue with what is served and they know if they finish what is given to them, they have the option for a snack later they may enjoy more than what was for dinner.
@AcousticSoul (1309)
• United States
23 Sep 09
well thats understandable, for her to react like that made me beleive you guys were not so close and just hang every now and then, but some people are who they are and will never change,and some parents cherish their kids so much that they don't realize until its to late that they are hurting them rather than helping them, but if I were you I would tell her how you feel talk to her it will only make your relationship stronger, and if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be good luck :o)
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
23 Sep 09
I have a 16 year old and a 3 year old quite an age gap.....When my son was younger I used to spend alot of nights with a friend and her 4 boys.....She lived in another town at the time then I did but it was less then an hour drive away....So we would visit often....Her two oldest are around my sons age and her second oldest would pick on my son all the time.....Hit, kick, you name it to make my son feel bad....He would come and tell me I would just say try to ignore it or hit back....My son was an only child at the time and this boy had 3 brothers so of course they are used to rough housing....I tried to bring this up to my friend and she would sluff it off everytime....Oh well boys will be boys is what she said....I knew my son well enough that if this continued he would eventually get sick of it and snap well one day that is exactly what happend....My son was so upset with being picked on he pushed this boy to the floor not hard and started hitting him....I sat back and watched it and was going to stop it if he really started hurting this other boy....His Mother walks around the corner and tries to give my son crap for this....So I piped up and said oh I see it's ok for your son to constanly pick on my son hit him and torment him but when he defends himself your going to stop it now? Needless to say that changed her tune in a heck of a hurry....Well then my daughter ended up being the opposite she was into the mine mine mine and wanna hit stage....And she picked on an only child....I think when kids have siblings or even if they do can make a difference...I hope that things get worked out for you sorry for the long winded response!
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
No worries, I appreciate you response. Yes, I think that's what it is-some parents allow their children to be mean to others but they absoultely won't have it if theirs child is being picked on or bullied, and it's not right, and definitely teaches the unfairness of social problems at an early age. I realized that I need to bring her daughter's bad behavior when it occurs to my friend's attention adn see how she handles it. That way I can see how similar-or different-the reactions are between her children and mine. I think I am actually harder on ym own kids then on others for the most part, and I am not saying my choice is right, but that is how I choose to handle things. After all, I am the parent, and I don't make decisions for other parents. I let them handle their own, unless it is clear that they won't, then I offer suggestion or try to help.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Sep 09
hi princess sorry but I kind of see her point. when your son started to hit her child, you should have stopped your are the mom, she wasnot.if she had rebuked your son,you apparently would have been incensed. so what did you expecther to do? just let him keep hitting the others child? she has a responsibility only for her own child not for yours. Yes your daughter was wrong and you should have been johny on thespot to stop her, maybe even a swat on her sweet little butt seeind you knew that she knew better. its not up to the other person to discipline your own kids. what else did youexpect her to do.she did what I would have done,taken her kids home. yes you kids do do wrongs as do her kids but you have to stop them not the other person.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
No no, I didn't mean for her to take action for me on behalf of my kids. I am merely stating when her kids do wrong to my kids, they are rarely punished, they may be told simply to stop or what not. but when my kids are caught being mean to hers, she gets loud and angry and says, "OK that's it-you guys have to go home." Now it wouldn't matter to me so much if she reprimanded her own children with punishment the same way my kids are, but they are not. Her kids are told no-my kids are accused of being very mean and are sent home. I realize my kids are not her kids and I take full responsibilty for my children. But she portrays my kids as the attackers when hers are the "little lambs," and it aggravates me because my kids are pretty well behaved, and for the most part, they are very polite and respectful while away at friends houses. They get defensive when they are treated unfairly (by the other children at times), but who wouldn't?
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I understand what you are saying but it is her house and if that is what she decide then you have to except it. I know that her children started the fight but your children did also kick her child. To me by taking your kids home both are being punish because her children and your children will not be playing together. You should be telling her when her daughter is mean to your child so she will know that it is not just your child. What it comes down to is both of you should tell them that if they can not play together without fighting then you are going to have to leave and go home.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Sep 09
It has been recently that we've started to have to deal with similar situations regarding my son. He is almost three years old and a few weeks ago I took him to art group where there were three other children close to his age. After the children got done with the art, they were playing together. Paul had a plastic golf club and hit one of the girls on the back. I don't think he necessarily did it out of meanness, but I immediately removed him from the group and gave him a good talking to. Then I told him that he had to go apologize to the little girl he had hit. That seemed to resolve the problem just fine.
@hvedra (1619)
23 Sep 09
The problem with this leaving and asking people to leave reaction is that it places a huge amount of power in the hands of her kids. All they have to do is start wailing and they can control the situation totally and as soon as they realise this she's in for some real fun!
Kids will squabble and fight but they need to learn to play together. Yes, sometimes the adults have to step in but the way forward is to teach kids to resolve their conflicts together.
@mneff2003 (14)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I understand what you mean and I probably wouldn't be as polite as you were. I would be telling her that taking the children away is not going to teach them what they did wrong and talk to them, possibly make them sit and go from there. But when her children do something to my children they have to follow the same rules. Parents are all about their children being perfect and its everyone elses children at fault.
@kienne (14)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I agree with your friend. If I bring my child to interact, or a child comes into my home with the intention of interacting with my child and the child is consistently abusive and the mother of the child doesn't step right in and execute an immediate ending of the physical abuse. GOTTA GO! It is the mothers responsibility to teach their children that This behavior is not acceptable. Perhaps you should have spoken up when it was done to your kids. I know I would have. That crap should never be allowed by any children or parents.