Thought I'd mention Halloween and ask....

United States
September 22, 2009 11:42pm CST
Do the people in the country where you live celebrate Halloween? We do it here in the US each October 31st. If you celebrate, too, what are the special or traditional ways you do that? For me, it's always been a nice time to decorate outdoors with corn stalks and pumkins or jack-o-lanterns. And I love it when the kids come trick-or-treating all decked out in their costumes. When I lived in the countryside, we always had a campfire and roasted hot dogs and made s'mores, or had cider and doughnuts, and then played hide and seek after dark...adults and kids alike! share :) Thank you. Karen
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14 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
Before I continue participate in your discussion, karen. I want say a pleasant hello, because your my dearly friend here. Well same here in the Philippines, some people celebrate that but i notice only those rich and have known in life. For me, my friend I didn't celebrate that because I am a religious person and just read on the Bible, that no such events being celebrated. Pardon me if not that kind of person. Celebrating Halloween...Wish you enjoy the that celebration in your country this coming months of october...have a nice day!
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
24 Sep 09
Perhaps you right, karen. People nowadays do that just for fun. It's not like in the old days. This activities done in connection of tradition, but I see observe now that is doing for fun. Once again, karen. pardon me if not believe in it,okay! And am glad that you respect what I am believing. Thanks and have a great day always my dear friend...
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• United States
24 Sep 09
I very much respect your beliefs, Aerous, and I think it is always best to follow our hearts and the Lord and not go against our conscience. Take care and God bless you, Karen
• United States
23 Sep 09
Hello my friend. I hope you've been well :) I, too, am a believer, but celebrate Halloween. I do respect why you think it best for you not to celebrate it. Some in the USA avoid it for reasons that are probably similar to yours. But for myself and for those I know, it is more about fun than about anything of the occult or the "dark world." I don't participate in such things as that, of course. Thank you for sharing you point of view, and have a beautiful night! Karen
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
23 Sep 09
Hi Karen, over here we don't celebtate Halloween, it's not one of our customs at all and I would hate to see it imported as each country should have it's own customs. We have Ochi day instead on October the 28th where all the schoolchildren dress in blue and white and parade with Greek flags, then recite poetry and readings from history as a reminder of why they are parading. It's a very moving event and everyone lines the streets to see it and to listen to the recitals.
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• United States
23 Sep 09
I totally agree that the uniqueness of each country's people and customs should be preserved. Your Ochi day parades and recitations sound very lovely. I think it is wonderful when a country involves its children in tradition and history. It is such a good experience for them and a great opportunity to learn. Thank you for telling us about Ochi Day! Karen
• United States
4 Oct 09
I'm in the US too and my family does celebrate Halloween. Not only do we celebrate it, it's my favorite holiday! I really can't wait. :) I think I am more excited then the kids!
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• United States
6 Oct 09
Hi Sparkle. I love Halloween, too! Even better than some of the other holidays. I live in a small town where many people really get into decorating, dressing up, and having special family get-togethers or parties at the schools for the kiddos. It's great fun! So enjoy it when it comes. Karen
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Well, we're in the same country so you already know the answer to this one. I usually don't participate in Halloween but I am sometimes tempted to get into costume. It might be fun to see if I could fool people.
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• United States
6 Oct 09
LOL, I say go for it! I loved Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating when I was a kid, and so did my daughters when they were young. I've been to several gatherings and dressed up as an adult, too, and it was a lot of fun! Karen
• United States
23 Sep 09
Hi PeacefulWmn! I'm in the US too, and I love to celebrate Halloween! I like to carve some jack-o-lanterns and put some other decorations outside. I don't get many trick or treaters where I live, so I usually go to my sister's to pass out candy. Sometimes we even get dressed up. Some friends of mine used to have a huge outdoor party every year, and it was always fun. They don't do it anymore because of getting older, and his health isn't real good. A friend that I've made just in the last year and I were talking today, and it came up that Halloween is on a Saturday this year, so she said they might have a bonfire and invite some people over. Sounds good to me!
• United States
23 Sep 09
Hello Silver. Isn't Halloween fun?? I love it still, even though my kiddos are grown. And it is so sweet when my grandkids come trick-or-treating. A lot of us here dress up for passing out candy, too :) The bonfire idea sounds great! I miss doing that, so have a ball if you go. Karen
• United States
23 Sep 09
i just thought i would respond to you your discussion every time i make one no one responds lol but anyway i go to knots scary farm for Halloween that my tradition :D
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• United States
23 Sep 09
Hello Choob...thank you for responding, and welcome to MyLot! I like the sounds of your sounds like fun! In my area we have pretend "haunted houses" for people to visit and enjoy being "scared." And there are always parties at the schools and the traditional trick-or-treating. Halloween can be a lot of fun for grown-ups and children both. Karen
@ilyzium (1197)
• Canada
24 Sep 09
Hello peacefulwmn. Yeah I think that we pretty much celebrate it the same way that our neighbours in the US do. We do the usual carving of the pumpkin, each year trying to be more creative, I always make the house very festive with my decorating, putting up pumpkin and bone lights everywhere, spider webs, bones, gravestones that I've made. If I'm staying home and not going to a party, I'll be the one giving out candies to kids, so I'll probably be dressed up in something scary. Well, I always get a kick of of scaring kids with my costume, also it's really cute seeing little kids hobble around in their costumes. I'll also rent scary horror movies with the husband and watch them with the lights out. I really love that time of year though and enjoy Halloween more than Christmas I think. Oh almost forgot to mention, but last year my husband and I were traveling all over Europe. Anyway, we were in Slovenia at Halloween and saw that American customs are certainly being introduced over there, just like Halloween. There was this very "happening" Halloween party that we didn't know about, going on in one of the Medieval castles there in a little village (It's a country of tons of castles btw), and I thought to myself that I would have really enjoyed being there. People were all decked out in scary costumes, and there were candles lit everywhere. But I think that the way you celebrated was quite special as well.
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• United States
24 Sep 09
Hi Ilyzium. Oooo, it would be fun to spend Halloween in a Medieval castle! I would make the scarey stuff that much scarier. I like the way you celebrate it, too...going all out and dressing up. The kids love that, and of course, so do we adults. I think of them all, I love the fall holidays the best! Have a wonderful day. Karen
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
we don't have trick and treat in the philippines. we only commemorate that day by lighting a candle on their stone in the cemetery.
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• United States
23 Sep 09
Hi Hotsummer. I am gathering that this celebration takes different forms in the Philippines? I do like the idea of honoring those who've departed with a lit candle. Very respectful tradition. Thank you for sharing it. Karen
@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Yes. Halloween is the celebration of the anti-Christ. I remember hanging inverted crosses around the house with my family. We would also drink goats blood and read each others futures in a cup black cats urine. Women would dance naked in the moonlight and the men would chase them. Most Americans celebrate the holiday wrong. They made it into a childrens holiday. When I was a kid we would overturn gravestones and speak incantations over a sacrificed lamb. Fun stuff. A lot funner than eating candy and dressing up. j/k
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• United States
23 Sep 09
Yup, I've been doing it all wrong these many years lol. Thank you for the gruesome picture of an alternative to trick-or-treating. Do have fun on the actual day. Karen
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 09
we don't celebrate Halloween in Malaysia, it's not in our custom or belief. Though it must be fun for kids to walk around the neighbourhood to collect candy. But we already have celebrations when children can walk from house to house to collect angpau. Angpau is small envelope containing money. It's a gift from the host when they're leaving.
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• United States
23 Sep 09
Hi Prinzcy. Our various countries and their beliefs and celebrations designate us as unique, and I've enjoyed hearing about Angpau in Malaysia. I am sure the children and the hosts both enjoy it, just as our children enjoy the trick-or-treating here in the US. Thank you for responding. Have a happy day! Karen
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Hello my friend My grandson always looks forward to halloween, I never really get in to this much, one year we did something special for the tenants, well children in our building, we decorated the hallway, had candy bags for them, and it was really nice, this was during the time they suggested kids not go out, so we decided t bring halloween to them, really nice. Thank you.
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• United States
24 Sep 09
Hi Kitty. Oh yes, I can imagine that like all children here, your grandson does love Halloween. It was always fun helping the kiddos pick out or make original costumes and such for Halloween, or going to their school parties and taking them about on trick-or-treat night. What you did for the children in the apartment building...well that was great! Karen
@teeger39 (14)
• United States
23 Sep 09
In my country we don't have Halloween but we have similar celebration and it happens on each July. I don't remember the exact date but the night of date each house put out a basket of candies for the ghost(eventually for children) and also put some plants in the house to prevent bad ghost entering your house.
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• United States
23 Sep 09
Hi Teeger. Our various countries celebrate things differently, but sometimes in similar ways, but at different times of years. Yes, you July celebration does sound very much like the way the US celebrates Halloween. I like hearing of the interesting ways and customs of the various countries around the world. Thank you for sharing yours :) Karen
@malamar (779)
• Canada
23 Sep 09
Halloween is a tradition we celebrate as well. I don't personally participate in the trick or treating part, but we do decorate the front yard a little bit. Mostly we do this for those in the neighbourhood that still have small children that will come calling. I love to see the really little ones coming up the driveway. So excited, yet not really understanding what is going on. All they know is that every house they go to is giving them treats, so all is good in their minds - lol. We have never had a campfire, but I think I'm going to give that a try this year, it sounds like fun. It can be chilly here by the end of October. Have a good one, M
• United States
23 Sep 09
Hello Malamar. I love to decorate for Halloween and welcome the little trick-or-treaters, as well. And yes, do try the outdoor fun...bonfire or campfire and such. I think you'd enjoy it! Take care and thank you for contributing to this discussion. Karen
• Brazil
23 Sep 09
This sounds so cool. I envy you a lot. Since I live in Brazil, we don't have Halloween parties. Only on some isolated American wanna be places. I mean, there is no decoration on the houses, there are no children running around asking for candies, trere aro no people in strange clothes. Yeah, Brazil suck on Halloween :(
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• United States
23 Sep 09
Hi Loganirado. Aww, but you must have other days and fun celebrations and traditions in Brazil?? I do love our Halloween customs here, and I have since I was a child. It is a fun time of the year for kids and adults alike. Have a nice evening! Karen