Fingernails Are Pretty
@princess07031980 (5412)
United States
September 23, 2009 11:14am CST
Fingernails have become quite a thing of a fashion statement to some.
Girls: How do you wear your nails? Acrylics? Natural and well manicured? Short and clipped? Do you bite them? Do you paint them or do you leave them unpainted?
Guys: Does it matter what girls' nails look like? Are you attracted by fancy nails? Do you like the plain and simple look?
I don't do anything with my nails. I keep them short and unpainted for the most part, although once in a great, great while I will paint them, but not very often at all. My current beau had asked me right after we first got together why my nails weren't done. I was little offended, as it seems like he was directly stating to me my hands were not very pretty. I got a little defensive because I personally don't like them on me. And I had them done once, and I guess I am too rough with my hands because half of them either popped off or broke within a week.
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18 responses
@daliaj (5674)
• India
24 Sep 09
Every girl like to keep her finger nails pretty. When I was a teenager, I used to keep longs nails with polish on according to the color of my dress. I also tried different designs of polish, but now I don't have time for it. I am a responsible wife and a mother and at the same time I work for a company. So, now I keep my nail short, but keep my toe nail long, shaped, and with polish on.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I used to paint my nails constantly when I was a kid and teen. I do have an abundance of nail polish now, and i enjoy being creative on my toe nails, but not on my fingernails.
@DCLehnsherr (1037)
23 Sep 09
Hi Princess,
I seem to be keeping my nails short at the the moment, but it hasn't always been like that ~ Cue flashback music lol ~ When I was younger I always used to bite my nails, but somehow I managed to break that habit and instead started growing them. When I was at university I was commonly known as the girl with long nails because they got to a few centimetres in length before they started getting in the way. Most often I would break them while bowling, or they would get on my nerves while typing and would break. At the moment, probably due to the typing, I tend to keep them short, though I don't cut them unless they break. They just don't seem to be growing at the moment lol!
Not sure what I would have thought if I had a boyfriend who had complained about them though. I mean in the past my ex's used to be a bit shocked at their length, so I don't think they would ask for them to be longer
. Away from that I never paint my nails, I think I did a few times when I was younger, probably to stop myself biting them, but I get so annoyed when it starts to flake off that I stopped bothering. That and I used to attack the nail varnish to peel it off, so I also stopped as I was weakening my nails
Oh well, I am happy with them at the moment, as long as I always have nails on the end of my fingers I shall be happy. Oh and I would never get fake ones, long nails are bad enough after you have time to get used to them being there, randomly adding some over night would probably completely throw me and remove the ability to type or go anywhere near my laptop lol!
All the best,

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@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I can't imagine the ongoing maintainance that fake nails cause-having to go to a boutique constantly and having to pay all that money for what? It's a big business though. I can name a hundred things ver fake nails that I would buy with an extra 20 bucks in my pocket every few weeks.
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@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
23 Sep 09
I cut my own nails and polish it with natural transparent or pinkish manicures. I rarely used the acrylic types except in special occasion where i match the colors of my nails with the color of my cloth, bags and shoes.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Well, to me, natural short nails go along with anything, and it is far less maintainance. LOL I just don't make time to do those kinds of things I guess, but specifically, nails were to much of a burden for me anyway.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
24 Sep 09

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@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I do not paint my fingernails. I try to keep them short and clean. When I was a kid I used to bite my nails but I have not biten them for about 40 years now. When I let my nails grow I am alway catching them on something and have to clip them so there is no way I would ever put on false nails.
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@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
24 Sep 09
Well simplicity attracts me more that makeup. I can see the real person and not some one hiding behind the mask of make up. Though the make doesn't bother me so nails without nail paint are good, but then one must always try to keep clean and maintain there natural beauty.
Also if I have to choose from people/ girls wearing nail paints I will most probably choose with the most beautiful nail painted one, but offcourse they must also have naturally beautifull fingers to go along.
Take Care
@mzz663 (2772)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Once in a while I'll go get acrylic nails put on and they look really nice, I only wear my rings if my nails are done. They are hard to get used to at first and I have to find a different way of doing things, though. I have the nail tech put them on and make them short, they like to make the ends flat and square when they're short but I like them when they're oval, or rounded....I think they look more natural.
Most of the time I keep them short, I have the bad habit of biting them but things seem a lot easier to do, I don't have to find an alternative way of doing something and it's cheaper not to worry about getting my own nails filled in every couple of weeks or so.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I couldn't do anything with those stupid nails on when I had them! I had to change the way I held a pencil when writing, I had to open my car door differently (learning that one after I pulled on the door handle really roughly and I found myself retrieving the detached nail from under my car-LOL), and changing my poor baby's diaper-I kept poking her and she would cry. It was a disaster. Never agin, I said.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I used to be a Nail Technician. However, I hardly ever take the time to do my own. When you do nails yourself, you're usually too tired to do your own nails after working on other people's nails all day. Like you said, I only paint my nails once in a great great while. I remember when I was younger, I used to manicure my nails once a week. That would be on Saturday Night so they would look good for Sunday Morning. I wear my nails short because I play the guitar. You can't have long fingernails if you play the guitar. It's hard to have long fingernails when you do other people's nails, too. Since I type on this computer so much, they would probably stay broken, anyway. Dolly Parton plays the guitar and she has long acrylic nails. I don't know how she does it, though. Kathy.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Me, I never do anything fancy with my fingernails. They right now are in their all natural state. I will also bite them as much as I don't like to do that, it is a habit from childhood that has been impossible for me to break. I will only paint my nails very occasionally because I can't stand the smell of fingernail polish. I've had fake nails all of one time in my life and that was for my wedding, I liked them a lot and probably would have kept them were it not for the fact that working in a hospital we weren't allowed to have fake nails.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
I don't mind nail polish at all, and I do usually have my toes painted, but not my fingernails. I have worked jobs too where we were not allowed to have painted nails-especially restaurant work, and for good reason. I have never been a nail biter. I have a hard time even biting off a frayed snag or a hang nail! (Psychologically speaking, I can't bite off my own flesh I guess, or maybe it's the texture and having a loose piece of nail in my mouth that I find gross. LOL)
@magickat (381)
24 Sep 09
I keep my nails mid-length and natural. Sometimes I grow them long but then it is very obvious when one breaks! As a teenager I used to paint my nails all the time, in all different colours and patterns. The children who came into the library where I worked at weekends used to love to see them. These days I don't really have the time and they get chipped so quickly. I would never wear false nails.
@jodylee_04530 (1097)
• United States
24 Sep 09
My nails are natural, I clip them when necessary but that is about it... I am lucky if they are all the same length most days. I am sort of a down to earth crunchy girl and often get looks at my feet for the Birkenstocks, my unkempt nails, and my fun colored clothes. I never get offended, I figure that it takes all kinds to make the world go round!
@dadedade (88)
• Romania
23 Sep 09
I talc as a boy. Yes fingernails are very pretty for a girl,I like them at a girl to be long and always paint because it would too bad for a girl not to take care of them and paint them to lock pretty.For a girl their fingernails has to be like a vizit card.The finger nails can be paint with all paint models and colours
@involved62 (790)
23 Sep 09
I keep my nails short, unpainted because it is easier to do chores in the house as opposed to having long, manicured nails. In my lifetime, I probably painted them with nail polish 3x. And my toenails, they are the same. The one and only time I painted them, my husband remarked, "Your feet are quite ugly". Straight to the point and it discouraged me from doing it again. I must say though that he is right and besides, having a manicure/pedicure takes a lot of time and patience.
In response to your question, I don't like artificial nails because they are that - artificial and not real. I imagine my husband would make worse comments if he were to see me with artificial nails.
@princess07031980 (5412)
• United States
23 Sep 09
It is hard to keep them nice, I agree. Even paining them for me, by the end of day 2 they are chipped and stripping and they are not pretty at all. I keep them clipped short because my nails are not very strong. I have tried growing them out and keeping them filed and painted, but it doesn't work. They snag and flake, and they are more of a hassle to keep up. I think some women look really nice with their nails done, but it's just not for me.
@jugsjugs (12967)
23 Sep 09
I am a nail biter and so i do not have nails.I know alot of my friends that wear false nails that look like real nails as well as they actually paint them with patterns on they do look great as they look like they are the real thing and they look like they have had them done by a professional.
@fruitcakeliz (2638)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Because of my work,i find that painting my fingernails or getting tips done or anything just doesn't last/ I do too much with my hands, and with in a couple hours i have chipped the paint and broken the nails.
Though the last time i did get french tips done, they actually lasted almost two weeks before i popped one off. I was amazed! And by the time this happened i was in need of getting a fill done on them anyways, and didn't have the time to keep them up, so i just removed them all.
I would LIKE my fingernails to look nice all the time, i like the way it makes my hands look very femine and graceful, but unfortunately i am not able to kepe them looking that way for long! So instead, when i want to pamper myself, i do my toenails instead, and then wear strappy, cute, toe showing shoes! I actually purchase artificial nail kits for my toes and do them up that way, as my toenails do not grow and are not pretty to look at. It takes a little time and patience, but they make my feel look so cute!The last time i did them was for a wedding. I got SO many compliments that whole week whenever i was wearing sandals. Here is a picture of how they turned out. (the picture turned out kind of dark when i took it, sorry)
@phoenix1344 (698)
• United States
23 Sep 09
Well, I've never really been one for fake nails, I just don't find them attractive at all. Which works out because my boyfriend doesn't care for them either.
But actually, up until this year I had the worst habbit of biting my nails and they always looked terrible. So I made it a new years resolution to stop and so far I've kept it up :)
I love it because now my nails can grow long and look pretty naturally. I don't paint them though and that is because they look weird to me when I paint them, lol. But I do put on clear nail polish that make them always look clean and glisteny.