NY Govnor's Wife accusing Obama of Discrimination
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
September 23, 2009 11:14pm CST
Ny Gov. Paterson's wife is more than a little mad at Obama right now.
It seems Obama called her hushand and asked him not to run for re-election.
Here is her take on it:
"I have never heard of a president asking a sitting governor not to run for re-election,"I thought it was very unusual and very unfair."
When asked if she thought it was because her husband is blind she replied "most definitely."
So what is your take on this? Why do you think Obama asked him not to run for re-election? Should Obama have done it? Is it discrinimation to ask a Gov. not to run for re-election because he blind?
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9 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Oh, he is most definately prejudiced. But I don't think he did this because the man is blind. I think he did it because there is something political in it for him. Just like changing the MA law to make sure a democrat who would vote positively for his healthcare bill...was for political reasons. Obama is a narcissist...he really thinks he is emperor and can do whatever he thinks will further HIS agenda without being called on it or made to stop. What really angers me is NO ONE is calling him on it. Or at least no one who CAN be heard. Thanks to the media worship of this President. Congress would be calling for an impeachment of a Republican president who did and said the things Obama is doing. Or at the very least crucify them in the press.
What I cannot understand either is why the STATE governments are not up in arms about his meddling in state business, especially ELECTIONS. Isn't that something real close to illegal?
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I think being too deep into politics causes people to begin being delusional. When they can no longer see what life is like for the average citizen and work toward protecting that way of life for the average citizen, and not tax the average citizen into oblivion for things that average citizen won't even get ANY benefit out of, that to me means they have become power hungry and power drunk and delusional. Unfortunately, the people who would make any positive difference are so afraid that getting involved would turn them into just another power hungry, power drunk, delusional politician that they stay miles away from it all, and I think it will always be like this. I don't want to rub elbows with the evil that is the government, can you imagine what might happen to me? I'd probably get murdered.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Sep 09
You would think all the states would be up in arms about Obama messing with a state not federal matter.....but you wont.
The press is having a love affair with obama. NOthing we can do about it. In time it may wear off. We can only hope so.
As for being marcissist.....name me a president we have had that isn't? It takes a huge ego and tons self confidence to even think you can be the "ruler of the free world"...much less actually run for the job and get it.
Unforunately it seems to be a common trend with our presidents....the power and prestige goes to their heads.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Oh I agree. A HUGE Ego can get you into trouble....big trouble.
But I can't find one president we have had that has not had one.
It would be nice to have one that didn't.
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
24 Sep 09
He is very controversial and has been known to annoy some, whether that is good or bad depends on which side you are on at the moment. My husband likes him, i do not I feel he is not all that qualified, and I think that is the real issue.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
24 Sep 09
Barbie, that is NOt the real issue by a long shot. the REAl issue is a sitting president telling the governor of a state not to run for office again. My GOD ma'am do you have ANY idea how serious that is and the implications of it? NO president or ANYONE in the federal government has any authority or right to dictate state politics and governence, NONE. This crosses SERIOUS constitutional lines and is contraray to the form of government estabished in the united states. THAT is the real issue. Whether or not Patterson is qualified or ept governor or not is an issue for NOBODY but the people of New York.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Sep 09
But is it Obama's place to call him and tell him not to run for re-election?
Doesn't he have more important things to worry about.....like the job we tax payers are paying him for.
It is up to the people of the state of NY to decide if they want him to stay on as their Govnor....not the president of the united states.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I could be wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if this were more common than we think. Kitty made an excellent point that in this particular case if anyone BUT President Obama were to approach Paterson about not running they'd have been accused of racism. They were saying about it on Morning Joe moments ago, with more to come, that it's now alleged that Obama had been pressured by various N.Y. Democrats who fear Paterson will drag the party down in the state. I think Mrs. Paterson is now grasping at straws if she's claiming it's because he's blind. I hadn't heard about that until I read this. Who was interviewing her? It almost seems as if the reporter may have been trying to goad her into claiming discrimination.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I don't believe any other politician or government person has the right to goad, harrass, or bully someone into not running again if they want or intend to. It is none of anybody else's business and they ought to remember the rules they learned back in kindergarten - keep your *bloody* hands to yourself and if you don't have something nice to say, keep your da*m mouth shut.
Even if he has a rotten approval rating and the state hates him, let his fate rest with the people, with the voters. they'll speak if you let them.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I don't know who the reporter was. It was a story on CNNs website. I dont think he was goading her into saying it. He (or she) asked why Obama asked him not to run for re-election. The correct answer would have been "my husband has an 18 percent approval rating and NY hates him." But she is not going to say that about her husband now is she? Nope she said it was because he is blind.
I do think the Head of the Democratic party should have been the one to do it. They can hardly be called racist. And if Paterson did scream racist it would not have been creditible and would only have made himself look even more like an idoit.
Obama is the President of the United States. He has the G20 going on, the health care bill stalemate, the economy, two wars, our national debt and budget deficit to worry about. Running airens for the Democratic party on a state (not national) issue is not what he is getting paid for. Nor is the country in such wonderful shape that he has a lot of extra time on his hands.
Plus it set the President of the United States in a position to be criticized for discrimination against a blind man. Not good. Obama is open enough to criticism as the president....without adding to it needlessly and carelessly.
If this story gets legs under it the press will talking about it more than the G20 or the new health care bill. At least for a little while. Which means the press will be all over Obama...not asking important questions....but asking about this Paterson nonsense.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I don't know who the reporter was. It was a story on CNNs website. I dont think he was goading her into saying it. He (or she) asked why Obama asked him not to run for re-election. The correct answer would have been "my husband has an 18 percent approval rating and NY hates him." But she is not going to say that about her husband now is she? Nope she said it was because he is blind.
I do think the Head of the Democratic party should have been the one to do it. They can hardly be called racist. And if Paterson did scream racist it would not have been creditible and would only have made himself look even more like an idoit.
Obama is the President of the United States. He has the G20 going on, the health care bill stalemate, the economy, two wars, our national debt and budget deficit to worry about. Running airens for the Democratic party on a state (not national) issue is not what he is getting paid for. Nor is the country in such wonderful shape that he has a lot of extra time on his hands.
Plus it set the President of the United States in a position to be criticized for discrimination against a blind man. Not good. Obama is open enough to criticism as the president....without adding to it needlessly and carelessly.
If this story gets legs under it the press will talking about it more than the G20 or the new health care bill. At least for a little while. Which means the press will be all over Obama...not asking important questions....but asking about this Paterson nonsense.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I don't doubt that he would have discriminated in any form, shape or fashion. He has already proved this in his short 7 months in office. He is changing the definition of prejudiced. It seems it is ok to be prejudiced against anyone except "African-Americans" in his book. He has proven this many times already. There is no such thing as reverse-discrimination in his book.
Many of the democrats in office are afraid to stand up and vote for what they believe in, because they are afraid the he will play the "African American" card. But it is ok for him to be prejudiced against white people, or blind people, or anyone else in the world. Just as long as no one is doing anything to African Americans. As a matter of fact, they get privileges now, that other people don't get.
Sorry, I had to vent there. This has been building up for some time now. And I am sorry to do so in your discussion. I hope you will forgive me.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Sep 09
um....I don't think you know this but Govnor Paterson is black. He is blind also.
So it would not be "reverse racism". WHich I agree most people think does not happen. But it does. But in this case...it seems to be that Paterson's wife thinks it is because he is blind.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Sep 09
What else is his wife supposed to say? That her husband is an inept, bumbling idiot? Either way, Obama was wrong for even contacting Paterson, and the best course of action here is for them to ignore that contact and run again. Odds are, the voters will vote him out but at least that will be the fair way of going about things. Honestly, if someone asks you to do something you don't want to, it's very easy to tell them to take a long walk off a short bridge. There is never a reason anybody needs to feel obligated to do something, especially in a case like this. I'd consider it just revenge if he ran again and won... I mean I'd be sorry for the people of NY but I'd be laughing because of the context.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
25 Sep 09
As inept as Paterson is, I hope he DOES run to spite those who presume to tell him he shouldn't and I might even consider voting for him for that very same reason! My state is totally dysfunctional and has been for many years, I don't think it will change no matter WHO is up in Albany so I actually COULD vote for Paterson with no guilt at all. He is ineffective and a bit corrupt (cronyism), but we've had worse! I'm actually feeling a little sorry for him these days, he looks so sad!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Well, I don't know WHY he would have done a thing like that but I think it is RUDE and DISGUSTING whether there was an actual reason or not. For him to have the NERVE to make a phone call and a request like that?! Heh. I'd keep re-running and re-winning the seat over and over again as long as I could, just to get him back for the perceived snub. Obama apparently has all sorts of reasons he considers valid to snub or overlook people, to not listen to people, and to push through his own agenda no matter whom he hurts or whom he steps on to get there.
I personally feel it is discrimination to ask a Gov. not to run for re-election for ANY reason, not solely because of a disability. The only allowable situation that I can think of is if the gov had been caught in some type of scandal (proven, not just suspected) and it would drag the whole of his staff through the mud politically as well as cause instability for the state, etc.
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@BlueGoblin (1829)
• United States
24 Sep 09
I don't know much about the governor Paterson. I do know that you can't go anywhere in life without playing the victim card. Sad but true fact of American politics. I read above and you say he's black. I wonder if this isn't the guy that has used his race before. However, I thought he was from Philly or Pittsburgh, so maybe I'm thinking of a different man. Anyway, I doubt it was discrimination on the part of Obama. Perhaps Patterson is just really bad at his job and this needed to be said. If so, Obama did a good thing here.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
24 Sep 09
Paterson IS really bad at his job, which is why he is so very unpopular here in NY. Just a few weeks ago he actually went on a radio show ranting about how people didn't like him and the media didn't like him only because he is black. He even went so far as to try to link himself with Obama which did NOT go over too well at the Whitehouse or anywhere else. LOL
@deejean06 (1952)
• United States
15 Oct 09
Hi lilwonders...I know I'm a bit late in catching up with my mail but I don't think it has anything to do with his blindness. I think it has to do with the fact that he's doing a poor job and just taxing and spending. I think his job approval rating is decreasing and the President knows it. The President has a couple of more years to tax and spend but the Governor does not. It would be much better to run a different Democrat with a better chance of winning the election in order to keep a Democratic hold on the State.
@Laurie1986 (384)
• United States
25 Sep 09
I have to agree with those who are saying that this probably goes on more often than we think it does. I really do not think that there are any legal implications here, despite what some are trying to claim...this was a personal phone call on a personal level, and so long as the president doesn't pull a Blagojevich (there's a much more realistic example of Narcissistic Personality Disorder--as is Spitzer) and try to strike a deal or bribe/blackmail him with anything, I really don't think he's breaking any laws.
As to whether it's an immoral thing to do--I don't know, probably. But we do need to remember that everybody we're dealing with in this scenario is a politician, and politics has a different moral code than the rest of creation. That doesn't mean they're above the *law*, but we live in a country where the law has no bearing on our personal morals. He made that phone call because Paterson stepping aside is in the best interest of his party, and he is just as tied to his political party as any other politician. I think Paterson is showing more narcissism here by hanging onto something he knows he can't win, than the president is showing by making a phone call asking him to take one for the team and to do what's best for the party.
I'm in New York, too, and if Michelle Paterson honestly believes that her husband's 18% approval rating has anything to do with his race or his blindness, she's delusional.
@UCantSeeMe (116)
• United States
25 Sep 09
Well im waiting for the verdict on this one to come out. It will be offical when Kanye West gets in front of the camera saying "President Obama hates blind people."
Until then Ill just stick with a lady that has gotten use to the way of life and not ready to let it go.