A friend is having trouble in My Lot...help if you can, please...

United States
September 25, 2009 9:19am CST
Hi everyone. A good friend to many of us is having a problem posting on my lot or even contacting admin. She can get into her page, but when she tries to post it tells her to try again. Is anyone else having this problem? Has anyone had this problem and not what to do about it? I have sent a letter to admin alerting them to the fact that tatty can not post. Also a few of her discusssions have been deleted. Can you help?
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14 responses
26 Sep 09
Hi moondancer, I am very sorry to hear this is happening to tatty, I remeber she had that problem on the other site she had, I just cannot understnd what is happening and why were her discussions deleted? there was nothing wrong with her discussions. Hugs. Tamara
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• United States
26 Sep 09
I don't understand it either really. I saw nothing wrong with her discussion. I even went back and read and reread them...I have them in my computer still. I saw nothing wrong with them. I do hope this gets cleared up. I also wish that the person that keeps reporting everyone for little mistakes would let us know what we have done wrong instead of reporting every little mishap. They are mistakes not a vagrant attempt to get away with doing wrong.
• United States
30 Sep 09
She has changed her name, it's putttatt. This is me, moondancer...I'm at my moms.
30 Sep 09
Hi moondancer, Ye she is back, its puddytatt, isen't it great, now I am happy, love and hugs hun and give my regards to your mom. Tamara
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• Finland
25 Sep 09
This is something new to me i dont have eny problems right now. Maybe her account got deleted or suspended? Do they do it here? i woud wait admins answer in your case good luck..
• United States
25 Sep 09
Yes, they do suspend a person from posting if someone has reported them for not keeping to the rules of My Lot.
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• United States
25 Sep 09
The problem with waiting for a letter from admin is, sometimes they do not respond.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
25 Sep 09
'they do suspend a person from posting if someone has reported them for not keeping to the rules of My Lot.' Can we alter the way you said that? If a post is reported and it is within the rules, it will NOT cause an account to be suspended. If a user violates the rules THEN they could be suspended and banned. Users are NOT banned just because they are reported. It is admin who decides. I am beginning to wonder if admin is checking the posts recently and the clean-up is not all due to the reports. There are a lot of posts being deleted
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@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
25 Sep 09
Sorry I am not having any problem signing into my account here on MyLot. If her discussions have been deleted than MyLot officials found something wrong with them. It may not be on her part butcould because of the way someone sommented to her discussions. Sounds like MyLot may have one away with her account...not sure why..I sure hope that isn't the case if there was no ill intet on her part. I hope it gets sorted out soon.
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• United States
25 Sep 09
She was just telling us about a few things she had found out about. The woman that way over feeds her children, a found bunch of gold and another one. She did paste and copy. I think someone called her on that...or reported it because of that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
25 Sep 09
hi moondancer I haven't had any problems but Tatty having troubles,that's interesting, she is my friend also and I'can not imagine why anyone would delete her discussions nor why she cannot get on to post. did she change her browser? Gosh I just responded to several of her discussions last night I do hope they were not deleted. I know that mylot admins will answer you and hope they will let Tatty post again
• United States
25 Sep 09
I'm sorry Hatley but they probably were, the over weight child and the gold find, I know were deleted. I wish there was something I could do to help her. But I think she just has to wait.
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• United States
30 Sep 09
She has a new name, puttytatt. Please add her.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
26 Sep 09
Hey moonie This did happen to me a little while back. I can't really remember what I did. I may have given up and then the next time I signed on it was ok. I do remember how irritating it was. Sorry, I wish I could help. Leenie
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• United States
26 Sep 09
Leenie, just being here and showing support is enough, I think. Tatty is so worried, upset, and yes down right peeved that this is happening. It is frustrating when you have no idea what someone thinks you did wrong!
• United States
27 Sep 09
leenie,you can help! I have constructed a letter to admin about this subject. I wrote a discussion about it too. If you could send a letter to them it might help. Check out my new post.
• United States
30 Sep 09
She has a new name it's, puttytatt. Please add her as a friend. This is me moondancer. I'm at my moms. I come down her once a month.
25 Sep 09
Hi Moondancer I wish i knew what to do to help Tatty, but i am fairly new here, and am cluless to what is going on. :(
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• United States
25 Sep 09
It sounds like someone has reported her, that's what I think anyway. I just hate it when people do this and do not say something to the person about what "they feel was wrong with the post". Yes, sometimes we are so excited to post something that we have found out and we may forget to stick with the guide lines. It happens. But for a person to be so cold as to not mention it to the person and instead just be a gut less swine and go report them...well that is low. I will remind somene of the guide lines and let them know they forgot something. I don't report them.
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25 Sep 09
I agree, i would not report someone, just let them know, they slipped up, or whatever. I really hope she gets this sorted out, and soon.
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25 Sep 09
Thanks Lamb, she has got the email addy now, and written to them, here is hoping it works, and they get her back on. Thanks, she appreciates it..x
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Sep 09
I had that Problem last week and it was a Glitch on Mylot so hopefully Tatty will be able to post again soon
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
26 Sep 09
For goodness sake who would have a go at Tatty, this is getting stupid, I have never seen her being awful or nasty to anyone this really annoys me The address you have been given is Tatty's best go as that is the main Email for mylot I really hope she gets back here Tatty if you can read this I am so sorry this has happened to you and sending you warm hugs
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• United States
26 Sep 09
gabs, she is so upset over this. She tried to get back in this morning with no luck. She is monitoring the discussion. She can get in, she just can not respond to anything or start a discussion. It is sad, very much so that someone reads as many posts as they can to find faults and then reports them. They even look for them.
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• United States
25 Sep 09
Hers is not a glitch gabs. Someone reported her discussions. She wants me to let everyone know that she misses us all and it is frustrating her so badly that she can read our posts but she can not respond to them.
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
29 Sep 09
Hi moondancer. I had to skim the responses to see who you were talking about. I had no idea tatty was having problems. I went to her page, but it's blank. So I'm guessing that admin canceled her account. I wonder what happened? Do you know if she came back under a new account? Or has she given up on the site?
• United States
30 Sep 09
yes, she closed the other account and started a new one.She is puttytatt here now. Please make sure to add her as a friend...anyone that is her friend and sees this please add puttytatt... By the way, this is moondancer...when I'm at my moms and respond here it comes up under her unsername. lol
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
30 Sep 09
I would if I could. I just tried to go to her profile and I got an error message instead.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
25 Sep 09
Oh No! I was reading the other responses to find it's our dear tatty having trouble. You don't think the same person that gave her trouble at that other site is here at MyLot and has some kind of sick vendetta against her do you? PM me or email me about this okay since we can't discuss it here
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• United States
26 Sep 09
I wrote to you...thank you for your concern. I know tatty appreciates it. She misses everyone so much...
• United States
25 Sep 09
Hi,moondancer I am sorry tatty is having problems..I do not know anything about posting..I hope they will find out what is wrong and fix it so she can post again.. Blessings to you..I hope you have a good day..
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• United States
25 Sep 09
Thank you on both aspects. I came in a minute or so ago and was cecking to see if I had any more responses before I go lay down. I'm really tired and need to take a nap. It's early I know but I am so tired. You have a great day. I love you.
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• United States
30 Sep 09
She has a new name it's puttytatt. I hope this comes up since when I come here when I'm at your house my posts come up under your name. We will see, lol.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Sep 09
Hey moondancer! You are talking about Tatty! Get our of here! That is crazy! She had no trouble yesterday! She had a whole bunch of discussions! There is no way that she should have any of her discussions deleted! She is one of the sweetest people here on the lot! I will be more than happy to write to mylot admin if this is still a problem! I am posting from my email so I will read the rest of this discussion and if it turns out that this is still a problem I will write to them too! Tatty has been a very good friend of mine for a long time now and I would be very upset if anything happened to her!
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• United States
26 Sep 09
Yes, opal...it is tatty and she is still having the problem. I'm sure she would appreciate any help. I would love to have you back up the kind words I said about her to admin. I told them that she has many friends here and that she is one of the sweetest people here and that if she did something wrong it was something she ws not aware of. I asked them to please email her and let her know what is going on. They usually don't do this...but maybe they will this time. They do sometimes if it's a problem they need to sort out they will let her know, if it's going to take some time.
• United States
30 Sep 09
She now has a new name, puttytatt. Please add her to your friends list. This is me, moondance. I'm at my moms.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
26 Sep 09
Hi again moondancer! Consider it done! I am so very fond of Tatty and will take care of this immediately! And if you can read this Tatty, I love you and don't worry girlfriend!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
25 Sep 09
I wish that I could help but I am so last century with technology. Just stopped bye to say hello and have a wonderful weekend
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• United States
25 Sep 09
I understand cynthi. You have a wonderful weekend as well.
• United States
30 Sep 09
She has a new name, puttytatt. It's me moondancer.
@rtslvtwy (1088)
• Malaysia
26 Sep 09
One of my friend has experienced this before. It's mainly because his account is being suspended already. Even if you try replying to discussions you will get the same message. If I am not mistaken, you can't even Private Message a person as well. All you can do is log-in that's all.
• United States
26 Sep 09
I believe you are right, they can not post anything...but they can log in and read things that are posted. Is this the first time being suspended for your friend? If so, how long has he been suspended? Thank you for your response. It is appreciated.
• Philippines
26 Sep 09
hello moon-dancer, Well, it seems that your friend is in deep trouble. but the bad news is, i don't think she can get her account back. you see, this has happened to me too last april on my old account. I did everything after the time i couldn't post anymore. and then when ever i tried to view my account, it won't show. it took me three months to realized that once my account is already suspended, then it's already set for deletion, which was deleted eventually. the only suggestion i could give, is to start over. i believed some one reported her to mylot admin and that happened. which has happened to me
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• United States
26 Sep 09
WOW, letran did you figure out what not to do and change your responses? SO you would not loose your account... I know they suspend being able to post a couple of times and then you can be banned if you make a mistake again. I think that's how it goes, usually.
• Philippines
26 Sep 09
this is a new life..there's no way i would want to be banned again
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• Philippines
26 Sep 09
well, zhandi, who wouldn't report me for posting a very vulgar language that i just copy paste from youtube and either some one had a grudge against me or simply i violated rules too many times that i didn't realize any more...
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