all i can say is....OUCH!!

United States
September 25, 2009 11:36am CST
So, either yesterday or today in Jakarta, Indonesia, a woman gave birth to a baby boy who weighed 19.2 lbs and was two feet long. Isn't that amazing? There is more info here (along with a picture of the baby along side a "normal" sized new born") The doctors think that appearently because the mother is a diabetic, the baby received high amount of glucose while in the womb, aiding him in becoming so large, though amazingly enough, still not large enough to beat the current world record of 23 pounds set in 1879 (even crazier!!) Luckily she was saved the ordeal of a natural birth, and a caeserian was performed, but that alone was risky because of the large size of the child. How would you react if you, (or your significant other) gave birth to a baby that was almost the size of a one year old? All i can say is..add this to the list of reasons why i don't want to have children!!!
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15 responses
• United States
28 Sep 09
All I can say is "OUCH, OUCH and OUCH"! The delivery probably wasn't the only painful part of the pregnancy. I know how uncomfortable it is to have a smaller baby doing aerobics in your belly, so I can only imagine how much worse it must be to have a baby that big doing them. Also, there isn't that much room in there to begin with, so again "OUCH"!
• United States
28 Sep 09
i hadn't thought of that! (probably my inability to think of all the other problems and issues comes from my lack of ever having children myself) I am sure that kid was kicking and punching the heck out of all her internal organs!!
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Sep 09
I was thinking the same thing! I'm surprised that she didn't have some internal injuries from it, because there were a couple of times that I seriously thought that I might have them from the force of my little ones hitting me in sensitive areas. It is all worth it, though, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Sep 09
all I can say is ouch too! I have seen 15 pound babys and they took him home in a littel pair of coveralls so cute. But 19 pounds way out there and very rare.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Sep 09
yup I agree!
• United States
27 Sep 09
very rare in deed! I have had friends who have had a baby close to ten pounds, and one just barely over ten pounds, and they were HUGE compared to most newborns!!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
26 Sep 09
i saw that on the news here in canada and the kid looks like he is already a year old! i have to agree with you. even by c section, it would still be pretty painful because of the extra amount of cutting they would have to do. i had 2 sections and they sure are not fun.
• United States
27 Sep 09
no doubt! In order to remove a child that large, i am sure they had to slice her right open all the way *ouch* and then to top it off, with him being so large, it is going to be quite a while before she can even lift him!!
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
27 Sep 09
My largest baby that I have given birth to was my oldest son and he was 9.4 lbs. I thought that was quite big and I have heard about 10lbs babies and thought oh my. I am so surprised that the Indonesian baby boy was born at 19.2lbs. That is huge and the lady must have received way too much glucose in her pregnancy. He is probably wearing clothes for 12 to 18 month olds. I like to have natural births so I prefer to have normally sized babies.
• United States
27 Sep 09
wow...yup, i would normally consider even a 9.4 pound baby to be on the larger end of the spectrum!
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
26 Sep 09
I read about this news yesterday too; on the net. It was a real big news. Must be really painful for the mom; but since she gave birth by the C, it would be another kind of situation altogether. But I wonder about the developments of the child. Hopefully that the baby would be able to lead a normal life; just like other babies. Amazing news, totally..
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
30 Sep 09
I can only imagine how she must have felt, hmmm ..
• United States
26 Sep 09
hehehe...BIG news....sorry, i found that "pun-y" I can only imagine her discomfort in carrying a child that big inside of her! I too hope that the child carries no lasting side effects of this odd begining....
• Philippines
26 Sep 09
It's really amazing story, i really know this story here in internet. When i see the picture of a normal baby to compare the abnormal babies, i really don't know if it is true. I can say is God,,,, not ouch. God is my only impressions during i have seen and heard some other amazing things here in the world.
• United States
27 Sep 09
well, i made sure my link to the article was from a reliable source, MsNBC...and i saw it originaly as a segment on my local news, so i am sure it is true
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
25 Sep 09
I thought a seven pounder was big! I can't imagine giving birth to a child of that size......not only that but it doesn't look like a new born. I really would not have any more if the first one had been that big! Ouch! Is right!
• United States
26 Sep 09
and to think....if it was four first baby, how difficult it would be to start out lugging around a newborn infant that weighs almost three times what a normal one weighs?!?
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
26 Sep 09
I read the story online the other day and could not believe how much he weigh and how long he was. It was good that she had the baby Caeserian. I was also shock to hear that a women in 1879 had a baby that weight 23 pounds. It is just amazing that they women could even have they babies.
• United States
26 Sep 09
i am really curious as to how the woman in 1879 was able to have a child this large. Maybe i should do some more research, as since medical technologies are not what they are today, i wonder if either she or the infant (or both) survived the ordeal..and with out any major medical problems to boot!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
25 Sep 09
Hello fruitcakeliz, I saw and read it(whew) really big baby huh...and it also eat too much(drink milk). I couldn't just imagine how big he will grow after a month if he keeps eating too much too. Thanks for this information my friend and have a great weekend
• United States
25 Sep 09
no doubt! i wonder if his growth rate will remain that of a normal infants, as they grow pretty rapidy the first few years...that could wind up being one huge person!!
@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
25 Sep 09
I read about this yesterday too! Well, I have gestational diabetes (it's a condition that happens when you are pregnant, but it goes away after giving birth). I am in great medical care . . . I am on a special diet and have to check my blood sugars to keep things under control. If it's not under control, the baby's health (as well as my own) could be at risk . . . large amounts of glucose can make the baby big. And it's not just about problems in giving birth because of the baby size . . . the internal organs of the baby may not be so well developed as it's bigger outer shell . . . the baby could possibly be diabetic or have other health problems. Me and my baby are monitored regularly and we are doing well (the baby is at average size and is healthy), but I don't know what kind of medical care they would have in Jakarata! Well, I hope the story of a 19 pound baby doesn't turn you off to having children! If you are in good medical hands, your baby will most likely not get overgrown from diabetes (if you happen to get gestational diabetes) because your doctors will be really strict about things - and you will be happy they did. I can't imagine carrying a 19 pounder inside me - let alone 15 or even 10! I am very small framed . . . so that would be a pretty crazy feat for me!!
• United States
25 Sep 09
Don't worry, it is not tha this turned me off from having children, i didn't/don't plan on having children wsa just another reason to add to the very long list of why. I am glad you and your baby are doing well. Yes, i suppose that maybe the mother wasn't receving proper medical treatment for her condition during the pregnancy, and that could be the cause for this strange occurance. According to th article, the baby is in very good health and doesn't seem to have any medical problems..for the present that is.
• United States
26 Sep 09
I have no idea... I don't even think I would be capable of giving birth to it! I am barely 4'11 and if that baby was two feet long??.. thats ALMOST half the size of me??.. I probably wouldnt even survive giving birth to a baby that big.
• United States
26 Sep 09
oh my! that really puts it into an even different perspective. Someone of smaller stature like yourself would really have a hard time carrying a child that large to full term!! Luckily this is a VERY VERY rare occurance, so most women will never even have to worry about it!
• Philippines
26 Sep 09
As a guy, I don't know how you women feel when you gave birth. But, as a nurse, I'd seen how you gals endure and suffer the burden, most especially when the baby is large. CS or Cesarean Section was the only way for her to deliver the baby, otherwise, it wouldn't be possible. Yes, it can be dangerous, but it has a high success rate.
• United States
26 Sep 09
yes, i certainly can not imagine how a woman would have been able to give birth to a baby of that size naturally. Thank god for modern science!
• United States
26 Sep 09
I don't even want to think of having a baby that large. For one thing to have a child in side of you that big is crazy, and then to have to try to push him out. I DON'T THINK SO!!! I had a C-Section with my son, and he was 7lbs 14oz and 21.5 in long and even then they had to "cut" me even more open then they had expected. I don't even want to know how big her scar is gonna be. Also to be honest, I don't know how far along she was either. I just looked quickly over the article and I think part of it is because maybe women aren't aware of all the things that happen during a pregnancy. I know when I was expecting I read every book and belonged to about 5 different websites. Granted, I drove my nurse crazy when the day finally came, but anyways. Maybe in Indonesia women aren't aware of the effects of things like Diabetes. Maybe that's why we don't hear of things like this happening often, much less in the US. But you really shouldn't decide having or not having a child based on what's basically a fluke thing like this. Every pregnancy is different.
• United States
27 Sep 09
As i said to a previous poster, i was already decided about my decision to not have children, this is just ANOTHER thing i can add to the list on the side of why! LoL No doubt, i can't imagine how big she must have been! She had to of been convinced she was havings twins or triplets i am sure!
@mom_2009 (12)
• United States
26 Sep 09
wow that is crazy i wouldnt be able to do it... my son weighted 6 lbs & 4 oz... and it was hard for me to deliver him..... there is no way that i would deliver a 19 pound baby plus two feet long there is no way.....what a women i give her props for doing it...
• United States
26 Sep 09
well, as i pointed out, it was NOT a naturaul birth...i know a woman is capable of extreme measures during child birth, but i don't think THAT extreme is possible for anyone!!...
@fineartist (1217)
• United States
25 Sep 09
That is an amazing and wild story! And to think there is a world record for a 23 pound baby that was set in 1879! Whew!!! It's good that this is such a rare occurrence! If I had given birth to a baby of that enormous size I would probably have gone into shock or temporarily lost my mind! But, given today's technology, I would know about this happening well before the birth of the child. Well, thanks for this post which is extremely interesting. Thanks, too, for providing info on why the doctors think this happened. Have a good day and weekend!
• United States
25 Sep 09
That is very true. With the technology we have tody, a mother would know well in advance that the baby was going to be of unusual size. Back in 1879 i really wonder what THAT mother thought....and how she made it through the birth!! As even though they did caeserians then, it would have been far more rudimentry and risky!