How would you react?
@camomom (7535)
United States
September 26, 2009 7:28pm CST
I belong to another site similar to MyLot. I posted a rant about a fight I had with my step-son who is 8 years old. I wrote it before I had a chance to calm down. My hands were even still shaking. Long story short, people started calling me a bad parent. I caused the blow-up. I need counseling. It's all the grown-ups faults for how he behaves. He's not the problem.
Nobody seemed to understand that I was just venting and that things were said out of anger and frustration. He has issues and yes, part of it is some(one)of the adults faults. He is in counseling. He has depression issues, ODD and emotional issues. He refuse's to follow rules. He is violent towards me and sometimes his little sisters and once towards his dad. No punishments seem to work for him. Talking to him doesn't work.
I get so angry when people blame me for his behaviors. I am the step-parent, I try to treat him as my own and I love him as my own. People that don't know me and even some that do know me, blame me for him being violent, for him not listening, for him ignoring us when we speak to him.
His dad is an awesome father to him and his sisters and does the best he can for all of them in every way.
No, I don't know how to handle his behaviors but neither does his dad and his bio-mom doesn't care as long as he loves her more then us. We do need help but no one is giving us advice except that we need counseling and he doesn't. That's just BULL****!
We have asked the counselors what to do and how to handle things, they give us advice and it doesn't work. We ask about it and they say ALL 3 adults need to have the same rules, disciplines and expectations for him. He needs consistency in both homes. We, his dad and I, ARE doing everything that they say we need to do. His bio-mom refuses to even go to the sessions. She refuses to speak to either of us. If she does speak to us it's to start fights.
How would you react to people that don't even know you that act like that and say those types of things to you?
They could atleast ask questions before judging me.
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14 responses
@trm820 (222)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I have three brothers and the middle aged one, when he was in his teens, was awful. He once hit me in the eye and fractured a bone there. I had the police take him away. I dont put up with that no matter who you are. It had finally gotten to the point where my mother was worried and fearful that he would harm her or someone else so she did the only thing she could do. My mom locked him up in a juvenile facility. I know it might not be what you want to do but it might be something that you may have to do.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
We have considered military school (his dads a Marine) but bio-mom won't agree to it so we can't do it. The only reason he's in counseling is because the school recommended it. When I suggested it 3-4 years ago she refused it. Our hands are pretty much tied because of her.
Unfortunately, with his violence we had gotten to the point at one time that we were going to let her have full custody since she wouldn't even let us put him in counseling. We know that that is NOT the best option though, so we just keep trying. I have been scared for my girls because of him. He has tried to kick, hit and push me. He tried to push his dad down a flight of steps. He's thrown things at his little sister and tried to push her down the steps.
He's almost as big as me. It's to the point now that I almost feel like just letting him do whatever he wants to do just so he won't try to hurt anyone. BUT I know that's not what's best for him.
It's just frustrating that she won't do the right thing and help us try to help him.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Unfortunately, the principal that recommended the counseling is now a teacher at another school. We are starting all over again where the school is concerned. If he isn't acting up as badly as he did last year, in school, they won't help.
@trm820 (222)
• United States
27 Sep 09
You said that the school recommended the counseling. What I would suggest is you going to the principal and asking him/her for help. Explain to the person that you believe he will be better off in military school where he can learn other ways of discipline but his biological mother wont allow it. Ask the principals suggestion on the matter and if he/she agrees and if so would make that as a recommendation. If that does not work then my suggestion for you would be to take the mother to court.

@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I think you are doing great if you are the step parent. Ultimately he is not your responsibility. I have two children and they have a step mother, but ultimately they are my kids. People who don't know the whole story are going to be quick to judge, and every one likes to be the parent, and everyone thinks their ideas are better. If the couselor isn't working maybe you need to try a different counselor. Is he biopolar, or just depressed? I have a friend who was diagnosed with bipolar at a very early age. No one will understand what he goes through emotionally except another bipolar person. The best thing anyone ever did for him was research the disease and at least try to learn about it and know what causes his brain to work the way it does. He is 26 now and still doesn't understand. I am sure your 8 year old doesn't understand why he is so unhappy when the majority of 8 year olds are. I have respect for you taking someone in as your own, especially someone with these kinds of health issues. Maybe his biological mom needs to be court ordered to go, because ultimately what is important is his well being and it sounds like she is not contributing to that. I hope things get better for you. Try not to take things so personally-- people have to completely understand the situation before they can even begin to judge.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I know he is not my kid but I feel like he is. He's been in my life for 4 years. I love him as my own.
I think the counseling would work if bio-mom would show up for the sessions and cooperate with the counselors.
Just depressed. But just depressed is a big thing. I have been there. I was the same way as a kid.
I'm sure that he doesn't understand why he feels that way either. I didn't know when I was a kid.
I wish we could afford a lawyer to force her to go, but we can't. We have no proof of any wrong doing.
Thank you so much.
1 person likes this
@mansha (6298)
• India
27 Sep 09
I think its a big thing to raise one's own kids but to raise another's requires a great deal from the person. He is just eight year old and still you are having fights that means there's something really wrong and confusing inside his heart. I am quite certain having to stay away from his bio-mom is the root cause of the whole problem, child is confused and hurt and is not able to relate to the new and changed circumstances and no matter what you do unless his own mom takes it seriously you are heading in to big trouble just think of the time when he enters his teens. I agree you must involve the court and force the bio-mom to come for the sessions otherwise she will end up messing up her son's and your life too.

@Mickie30 (2626)
28 Sep 09
What someone said about counselling might not be such a bad idea. Why I say this is that people seemed to have judged you on that site and just answered back to you. However as a person who has studied person centred counselling to a high level I know that it is about sitting back and listening to a person. That's what it sounds like you need at the moment. Not to be judged or told what to do, but just allowed to vent and say what you need to say knowing that there is someone listening and not judging you. Counselling allows you to say whatever you want to say without having the fear of being judged. Either that or a good friend, but then friends seem to advise us without actually just listening. I hope this doesn't anger you, but it is just my opinion.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I agree with you but unfortunately, I don't have the financial means to do it for myself. I have gone to counseling when I was in high school and you're right it does help. I usually vent to my husband because he's my best friend and my best listener. I just for some reason didn't want to talk at that moment but I needed to get it out. Maybe I just need to start a journal or something to let out my frustrations without feeling like I'm burdening him with it. I feel like I put him in the middle all the time and I don't want to do that anymore. I want to be able to wait until I calm down and then talk about it with him. I don't want to drag him in at the heat of the moment. I hope that makes sense. Thank you for your advice and no it does not anger me.
@horsesrule (1957)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I'm sorry, I know its hard when there is a child who has problems. So many people out there are going to blame you, it's unfortunate and people who have never had a difficult child will NEVER understand where you are coming from. Most of their child experience comes from having a so called "normal" child. I moved in with my adult daughter and her three sons some years back because she needed help with raising the boys and I was having some bad health problems but, long story short (sorry for the ramble) we have three boys and one of them, the middle boy is ADHD and the youngest boy is on the autism spectrum. We have come under attack by terrible mis-informed people who think WE are terrible people, terrible parents because of how the children act. We even had to quit taking the youngest in public because of his shrieking and out-of-control running around. It almost like he's crazy and you can NOT stop him. We can't use one of the leash harness things on him because he gets flat out hysterical in one. And he is too young for meds at only 4 years old. We have had people who have the utter nerve come up to us and tell us to control our child, to stop him from yelling, to make him behave. One awful stressful time, I lost it and told them, good luck with that, he's retarded. I hated it that I said that and it's not true but there are times when it's just too much. And no one gets it, not even people who come over for a visit to our home. Only those who live with him can possibly understand.
The middle boy, the one with ADHD, we used to have to put one of those harnesses on him, the kind with the leash? I don't know if you've seen them but it was the only way we could keep him from taking off and running, into the street and acting like a hurricane coming through. He wasn't quite as bad as his little brother but we were so scared that he would get hurt. We had people come and say to us, is that really necessary about the harness and I'd say, yes it is if we want him to stay alive and not destroy things. Now, he is on meds, he is 8 now and he is somewhat better until they wear off and then, wow.
People are cruel and they make our job as parents to special needs children even harder with their misinformed judgments and ignorance. All we can do is the best we can and it sounds like you are doing everything you can to help your step son with the counseling. There will never be any way to get his mother to cooperate though so don't even waste your time with her. And if you need to rant now and then and oh boy, don't we ever, then go for it. Those ignorant people will have to answer for their meanness one day but until then, all we can do is ignore them because there is no changing their closed minds.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I know exactly what you mean. I'm sorry you have had those issues but I do understand them. I think the people that do know him and us a s parents see the good behaved side of him and the stressed out frustrated sides of us and that's why they think we are too hard on him. They see the "normal" child. Like you said, unless you live with him you will never understand. Thank you, Dear, you have helped more then you know.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
4 Oct 09
You're right. 100%. I was having a really bad time when i wrote this and the other post. I should have calmed down before even considering writing it. I just needed to get it out at the time. I was afraid I'd take it out on the wrong people. I shouldn't take it out on anyone actually. He comes back to our house tomorrow so it's time to try again. Thank you so much.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I think you are doing a great job I know once my daughter who was four at the time started throwing food in burger king an no we do not throw food at home so I don't know where she got it from any way i asked her not to throw the food again an she did an I poped her hand not hard just to let her know no means no any some guy who don't know me cane over theating to call child abuse on me for tapping her on the hand my daughter is now 16 an guess wht I think that tap on her hand is the only one she got so how do i say this nice the heck what they say you know better don't let it bother you I also have 2 step daughters that as far as i an concern they are mine so if you need to talk or need advice i am not an expert but i did take care of ten kids at one time an they are all great kids
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
27 Sep 09
one last thing let me share with you what my hubby's granny told me with my kids everyone came out of the woodwork giving me advice on what to do with my kids she said the best thing about the advice i was getting is I can take what I need an use it an the advice i didnt like throw it out the window an yes she even said if I didnt like her advice smile at her an thank her an then when I get hime throw it out the window
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Thank you and I think I'll take her advice and keep it. I really appreciate everything you have said.

@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I know what site you are referring to, I am going to read the discussions. I know I left a comment, I hope you don't think I was judging you, I was not. I tried to give some advice about kids that age. Being s step parent is very, very hard especially when the other bio parent is not working with you. It is hard when they do what is best for themselves or out of spite to their ex, rather than working in the best interest of the child, and that includes discipline. You are in a very hard position and I feel sorry for the postition you are in. I wish I could give better advice, but I know you are in a hard postition, and his mom is not helping the situation at all. I believe she is certainly a big part of what is going on, and getting her to cooperate would be better for everyone, but that is so much easier said than done.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
28 Sep 09
You were one of the few that I did not feel was judging me. I appreciate your advice here and there. I think you actually live in my house by your comments. You hit the nail right on the head. Thank you so much for being there for me and understanding.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
27 Sep 09
How do you react to the people that judge you? You ignore them camomom! I am a single mom and one of my daughter's was just impossible to deal with. I did the best I could. I sought advice and councelling and went along with teachers and later the law. her father did not back me. Raising her on my own with 3 other kids was very tough. Yes, there were times that I lost my cool...said things that I didn't mean etc. It is very very very frustrating. At one point we almost lost the roof over our head due to her antics. It was a tough time. I did my best to lead her in the right direction. I never abused her. I tried to ignore the judgements of others. In the end, a judge praised me on being a strong parent and this was in the face of losing my apartment. She had gotten arrested and the cop who arrested her actually went to bat for me so that we could stay where we were. She is older now and doing much better but those years were tough. Please stop kicking yourself. I've seen enough of your posts on here. I know you are a good and loving mom. You also are human and humans aren't perfect. It sounds to me as if you vented and there is nothing wrong with that.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
THANK YOU so much!!!! I'm trying to let it go and ignore it but I'm tired of feeling like I have to prove myself to everyone. I beat myself up because I love him so much and want to stop his being unhappy. I can't seem to help him no matter what I do. When I can't help him, I start to believe those judgments. I do know that I'm a good "mom" to him deep down but it's hard. The counselors and principal have told me that I'm a better parent then she is to him and that they have never seen a a parents partner (we were engaged at the time) so involved in a child s life.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Sep 09
camomom I remember that and I felt so sorry for you as those
people did not even know you, so how could they judge? What'made'
them judge and jury? you knew what you were doing and you'
were doing the best you could . nobody should judge anyone'
else specially in mylot. we should be supportive not
critical of each other. Of course you love him and you are'
doing the best you can,and with all his problems that
cannot be easy either. HIs bio mom could also help A bit
'if she would.that is so sad.Maybe these people who gave you'
such a bad time have never been taught to judge not,lest you
be judged.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Thank you. I was always taught not to judge people. I don't understand how people don't teach their children that.
@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Hi Camomom...
Wow I sure feel for you...
I raised 4 step daughters starting when they were 8, 5, 3, and 2
and it really can be very very frustrating...especially when the bio mom wants nothing more than to cause a rift between you and the kids and the hubby and doesnt put the kids first which was also the same situation i was in...(they are all grown now and in their 20s)
What makes it even more frustrating is that you not being biologically related to the kids means you have absolutely NO rights legally and very few people will consider your feelings AT all or listen to anything you have to say about the situation because you are an outsider even though you know that you know better than any of them what the situation is...
Step parents tend to be pretty much ignored..especially in legal matters or medical matters...
You have every right to be frustrated and getting on line and ranting about it is a good outlet if you ask me...I didnt have a computer back then so no option for that but i dont see anything wrong with it....
And from what you say about bio mom the kids are probably taught to disrespect you all the time at her house so it makes it really hard for you to get anywhere with them...
I cant tell you the number of times I wanted to just give up and run away myself....but you cant do that cause they really do need you...and when they get older they will start to realize that you cared about them and were trying to take good care of them.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I can tell by your words that you really do know what I'm going through. I'm glad and sad that I'm not alone in this. I got online to rant because I didn't want to take it out on any of the kids or my husband. It helped me calm down and get it out of my system without causing more issues in my home.
I'm one of the lucky one's I guess because the school and the counselors actually do listen to me. They see how bad bio-mom is and how she is never involved in anything. The principal and head counselor have both complimented me on my devotion to my stepson and his well being. they have also said some not so nice things about bio-mom to me and my husband.
Thank you Hon. I'm glad things worked out for you in the long run and hope and pray that we have that sort of outcome.
@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
27 Sep 09
I'm sorry that happened, even the most innocent of situations being posted can cause an army of poeple to blame you for being unreasonable.
You are doing what you can and it sounds like bio-mom could care less and there might be head games there too with your step son because mom doesn't want to be involved. From what I've seen they do the dirty work behind your back and are never really interested in the damage they are doing to their own children because they are justifing their own actions through the behavior that they are encouraging in their own children.
I agree with what was said here that this should be all 3 parents getting involved and creating consistance there. I also agree what if problems continue, especially violent out breaks that this should be court ordered to have a mediator come to both the homes and see why his counciling isn't working.
It's a hard pull on the heart when you see a child hurting. I understand this with all my heart and the sad part about it is you have to involve outside resources to get bio-mom to wake up and get a clue.
Best of luck to you on this.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
28 Sep 09
You are more right then you could know. I appreciate everything that you have said here. Thank you so much.
@venkat_readingmails (82)
• India
27 Sep 09
how does an eight year old behave? . just like any other immature person. you cant expect for an eight year old to behave as maturely as an eighty year old man.although what you are doing or trying to do is good,i think it's time to send him to live with his bio-mom. only in her presence could the child change. when he si not comfortable to live with you and your family, let him go.there is no corner for emotions in this case.if he continues to behave like this or doesn't want to go to his mom, then it's time to visit a boarding school.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
He lives with her every other week. She's the problem. No discipline. No rules. No teaching him respect and good behavior. He runs wild at her home. She doesn't care as long as he loves her more then he loves his dad. She spoils him. If he is bad at her house he gets rewarded with toys, TV or video game time.
The right place for him is with his father, whether he likes it here or not. His father and I do what's best for him. We care enough to discipline him and have rules for him. We are the one's getting him help with the counseling. We are the one's that take him to the doctor when needed. We are the one's that have health insurance coverage for him. We are the one's that make sure that he is at school on time and that he goes everyday. We are the one's with a steady residence. We are the reason he has stayed at the same school since kindergarten, so he would have consistency and wouldn't have adjustment issues. She moves every 6-12 months and wants to change his school every time she does so.
Living with her is not a good idea.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
27 Sep 09
hello camomom,
It's a very hard challenge to every parent in the World if the child seems to be unstable or simply just misunderstood. I think you're a GREAT MOM, and these people who judges you are just nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites and jerks who i prefer to deal with their businesses and not others. probably there's something wrong with boy because of his attitude, some times the deeper the pain, the deeper the bad attitude goes..for me, something happened to the boy long ago that changed, it should be traced back and hope it could settle him

@camomom (7535)
• United States
27 Sep 09
Well there have been a lot of changes for him in the past 4 years. I'm sure that he is lost and misunderstands a lot of it himself. we have tried to talk to him about everything but he just gets worse and worse. We are trying to figure it out along with his counselors.
@craftyhomebody (443)
• United States
27 Sep 09
yes you our right people should ask question first before they judge i to have a step-son like your and he was my biggest problem except for he would lie to his dad and tell him he saw me at the store with another man and was kissing and everything he pulled this trick 3 times and when it didnt work it would stomp his feet and hit his head on the wall call us all kinds of names no one could control him so we had to make a desicon and that was to put him in a place where it was structured all the time he had to earn points in the week or we couldn't visit and he didnt care he went 3 months before he wanted to see us. he still is in that place because when you let him out he cannot function he does thing so he can go back and when our insurnce ran out we had to give him to the state so he could stay on the boys ranch where he functions so don't feel bad get him help before he hurts one of you or some one else.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
28 Sep 09
I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through this. I feel for you. *HUGS* I am trying to prevent something like that from happening with him. His dad is trying to prevent it too but bio-mom just doesn't seem to care. I know that she loves him but it seems like nothing else matters in the world to her except her being loved. She has to be loved more then my husband by their son, so she does whatever she can to make him dislike us. My heart breaks for you and your stepson.
@dilanmelany (3)
• Romania
27 Sep 09
I have a little cousin who is creating a lot of difficult times to my aunt too. She is alway stressed about this. People just like to judge and they all think that they would be better parents. I guess you never know until you are in that situation.
Try to not listen what everybody says. Just stay calm and give him his love like you are allready. In a few years may be it will all be a funny memory.