Money - why MUST life revolve around it?

@Jennlk84 (4205)
United States
September 30, 2009 4:17pm CST
I am SO sick of being frustrated/upset/worried about money. It sucks how the world revolves around it! It just seems like the past few months something is always going wrong that requires money. Like in the past month, my husband's car has needed $3000 worth of work done on it and we don't have the money for that. So it went on our credit card. And yea we will somehow manage to fit it into our monthly budget to get it paid off, but that means no spending money for us. Plus, we were suppose to start saving money for Christmas this upcoming month! UGH. I'm not looking for sympathy - I'm just wondering if anyone else out there is feeling the same way? I don't want my life to revolve around money but sometimes it's hard when it seems like the WORLD revolves around money. I'm not use to being a big spender, but I am use to having some spending money each month to spend however I want and not having that is making me grumpy. My husband and I moved, he got a better job and I got a job that doesn't pay as well but we're still making more together now than we were a year ago, I just don't understand how our finances got so much worse! UGH. It's all of these unexpected expenses called LIFE!
18 responses
• United States
1 Oct 09
oh I agree... just this past month my cars heater core went on my car and my bday was this month so I had to get the new policy on my insurance on the car and get my tabs for the car, which were late because of the car breaking down...granted now we have it all paid and caught up and all before the month end, but there is nothing left and we are starting out the next month (october) with nothing. oh yay, we get to start all over from scratch --new month, no money!! *sigh* even my sons school is having fun run this week and they wanted all the kids to pledge at least 20.00 per kid.... now that may not sound like alot but since money has been tight this month I had to front that money from our grocery money... again something else unexpected and another reason to be at 0 balance again. then school pictures are next week... its like it never ends!! yep, I agree everything revolves around money and it truly sucks sometimes!!!!
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@Jennlk84 (4205)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I can't even imagine once kids come along. I know how expensive they are!
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
30 Sep 09
I totally agree with you life revolves around money and I too am sick of it. Everytime you think things are getting better something happens and there goes your savings or worse you have to put it on a credit card. I truly wish we could do away with money all together and just go back to the Barter System where we trade one thing for another. People I think would be kinder and life would be less stressful.
@Jennlk84 (4205)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I agree! It would definitely be interesting without money, lol.
@popciclecold (39860)
• United States
1 Oct 09
Hello Jennlk84, You are not alone, there was a time, and sometimes still I kept a calculater in my hands constantly. My husband is on medicare, and we thought to join what we thought was a better plan. I went to the pharmacy, thinking that I was going to pay $30.00 dollars as I had been paying, only to learn that the medicine is $224.00 dollars, I nearly fainted. Come to find out, that the insurance pays the first $2600.00. We must now pay $1400.00, after we pay that, then the insurance company will pick it up again. UGH is right, but be grateful, that you had a way to pay for it, because it could have been just the opposite. popciclecold
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
1 Oct 09
Yes, money is king of this economic system and that's what makes the world the way it is.There is never enough money to make ends meet,you've always stealing from Peter to pay Paul...I don't have no answers for what should be done,but, I know one thing we need to change the paradigm of this economic system and we should start with wages I myself would prefer a "Living Wage" I think we all can go for that because if that was in existence today you could afford to repair your car...
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@buggles64 (2709)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I totally understand where you are coming from. I often wish we didn't have any money, and why do we have to have it anyways??? It does get frustrating, I mean afterall when we leave this earth we can't take any of those possessions with us. But we need to get around, we need food to eat so we can live. We need vehicles so we can get to and from the grocery store. Even if we didn't have a vehicle we would have to spend money on a bus for transportation, or if you are lucky enough you can walk to work, but if your work is to far away you wouldn't be able to walk. And Christmas is coming up...I just want a nice old fashioned Christmas, with a pretty little tree, some home made gifts and some good food and lots of family and hugs for everyone...ahhh, that's nice.
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@patofgold23 (5069)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Oh i feel the same way Jenn... Talk about monthly bills alone... Inetrnet, school fees, bills.... that is apart form unexpected expenses.... I prefer not to go out at all just not to be able to spend money... All the ways I can find just to save more, i always do it. I am soooo stingy just to have extra spending money for my son. I work hard every single day and I am able to put money in the bank..but leaves me just enough for our needs. It's so sad why everything has to be about money...and how i hope it doesnt have to be that way.unfortunately, that's how things's a tough world and nothing comes free...
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
2 Oct 09
There are months when it does certainly seem over whelming. Just when we take a risk and do anything then something bad happens and it seems to pile up financially. $3000 for a car is a lot of money. I hope it works really good after all that money. Things keep happening to my dad's car like that, I swear that car is sucking him dry. I would be nice to not have to worry about money, but I can't see that ever being a possibility unless we win the lottery or something.
1 Oct 09
Well, I think a lot of people are on the same condition of yours. This is life, and we have to deal with it regardless we like or we unlike it. And talking about money, we talk about something which has beginning but never has any ending. We need money, and who doesn't ??? Eat, drink, shower, shopping, even breathing are sort of things which cost us money, and we however have to spend some money for those. It is just how me manage our money and we MIGHT get a little freedom. I suggest you not to worry about the condition, leak of money, because it is very common and however there must be other way to solve it. And yes, LIFE is full od unexpected, unwanted, and unhappy events. But believe me, these things make you survive the jungle out here. =)
@moneymaya (901)
• India
1 Oct 09
because people have lost believe on god and only try to secure their future without thinking about present which is only present,other wise no such condition would be raised, u can see all around of you that only human are involve in earning other than all creatures created by god , all are other than human are living so cheer and bliss fully than thinking about future... happy mylotting :-)
• India
1 Oct 09
Hi, i am suneetha. now i want to share few words about the sentence like "why must life revolve around it" why i am giving importance for money means now i want to eat one chakolate, so i satistfy my feeling, then i whent to shop and i saw that chacholate, but i have no money with my self so here money takes more important to satistfy that feeling. in the same way one day or two days or no of days we stay with our own to take water and to take air in the world. so after then days what we are, nothing so we want to survive in the society so we must gain the money, for money purpouse we want to do some work then we want to gain money and we satify whatever we want. in same way per day we want some 100rs or 50rs for our self to satisfy our hungry and etc.. but we want to gain more money, for why it happens, because of we want to gain more name and luxary in the socity then what we say means we have to gain more and more money for our luxary life. So hence we want to gain more name. so we have to work with each other very compitativly. we around living different people in the society so all are giving preference to the money minded people only now really its happend in the society. we want to enjoy with money only. some times somepeople do not say like that but this is my real example whats happening in around it. so money make many things i belive this quotation and some times i remember this quotation.... so what is your openion?
• United States
1 Oct 09
I know how you feel. I don't believe life is all about money so I resent that it HAS to be, and I wish I knew how to get away from that so that our focus could be somewhere else, because although I KNOW that its not all about that, the reality is it affects everything. I have been unemployed and looking for a job since February, and though I am very grateful to have been able to receive unemployment benefits, it is a struggle to balance bills and food and healthcare and the like. I am trying to make a determined effort to pay down our credit cards, after which I will close the account with the highest limit and keep the one open with the smaller limit, which is realistic to pay off regularly if we use it. I feel we will be a lot more free once we don't have monthly credit card payments and interest hanging round our necks!
@kid221 (150)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Hi Jenn.. In my opinion, money is only a medium of exchange for goods and services rendered or availed. In the financial aspect view, it is a determinant of our economic status as individuals. Basically if you have money then you can enjoy anything your money can buy. Conversely, then we will have a hard time to budget our money for our immediate needs. Money always change hands. It is only a tool for our transactions. We should be able to set our limits for our projected expenses. If we have allotted this much, then that will be the amount of money to be spent. In excess of that will create problems in the future. Our ability to control our lifestyle is one secret to save our finances from being used up. Why use the car if your destination can be reached by foot? Why turn on the TV if you're using the computer at the moment? Let us spend our money in the right manner based only on our needs. Happy lotting!!
@riyasbass (118)
• India
1 Oct 09
I want to tell you that money is the main thing that people care than life and than love ....Each and everyone among man kind is responsible for it ..Even you because your wishes cannot fulfill your needs and wants...And to live in this world you should also love money... i also advice you not to take credit,it is not a believable one ,better borrow from your friends
@taureiel (26)
• United States
1 Oct 09
I completely know you feel. It seems like literally every single thought I have somehow related back to money. Paying rent, buying food, it's all pretty stressful and then you throw in birthdays and holidays, then you feel guilty lol! Well maybe someday I'll be financially stable, but until then I'm frustrated like everybody else =P
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
1 Oct 09
Money is not everything but without money we are nothing. It seems that every move we make today involves money. Money for every thing as if we live and work just to get money, sometimes it gets frustrating isn't it. At least we have the consolation that we are able to make ends meet with what we receive and that we are not in debt otherwise we will have to work just to pay for the debts which is ever more frustrating. Cheers.
@mohitseth (568)
• India
1 Oct 09
money is the vital and foremost necesarry in lif. money help us to buy luxarious things for us and money also help us to fullfill our basic needs and it is the thing that is needed in evey field. today if you want to have good girl friend also then also you need to have money. money makes you a real human being. happy mylotting.
• India
1 Oct 09
Money is more important in world. every one needs money without money no one can live in the earth
• United States
1 Oct 09
Money is the staff of life. It directly represents wealth and resources, because its backed by government (dollars are backed by federal reserve). You dont HAVE to have money, but you cant get all the stuff you want and need from society without it. Capitalism might seem like a selfish, harsh system, but it works. Communism has been attempted - a system where everyone does their work towards the whole and everyone is taken care of, but it failed and led to a new form of tyranny and the deaths of millions. Capitalism and a life based around money is the best anyones come up with.