Do You Need a Friend, Too?
@TheHumanExperience (25)
United States
October 2, 2009 12:24am CST
Do you ever feel more like a hampster in a wheel than a human being having a meaningful or spiritual human experience? Do you feel the balance between work, family, play, relationships, spirituality, and time for yourself is just not evening out? Wish you had a friend to confide your deepest feelings to, but everyone is just too busy with their own life to act as though they really care? Have a secret desire to LET IT ALL OUT? To tell the world EXACTLY what's on your mind and in your heart without fear of judgment, ridicule, rejection, or embarrassment? I'm here to listen and very interested in starting a dialogue with others who may be like myself and have slim to no support in this thing called life. Ever had a journal talk back to you? Let's chat!
5 responses
@pagirlintexas (5)
• United States
5 Oct 09
Yes Yes my life is hard in that area I am from Pennsylvania all my family and friends are there and I moved to Houston where I am attending College trying to better myself for me and my children I don't have no one to talk to about various things and support from my fiancees family(here in Houston) is slim to none I stay in my room and veg out on the tv or surf the web when not in school they always have something going on and at times I feel left out needing and wanting my own family. Its not that I am not included they really just never do things I like to do Its a one way street basically well anyway I'd love to chat
@TheHumanExperience (25)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Hi there. Sounds like you made a BIG move, which took a whole ton of courage for you to do, and I applaud that. I have been a single mom also for a lot of years until recently I got married to a Middle Eastern man... in the Middle East lol. We are waiting now for his immigration to finally be approved and are very deeply in love.
I tried moving myself and 3 kids from Iowa to Washington state once, because I just wasn't cutting it here. But that lasted all of 3 weeks and I wanted a tractor and a cow more than anything in the world lol. So I do understand how it can feel being in a new place.
Have you ever watched a film called The Secret? It's about the secret Law of Attraction. It really makes you think, and could change your life. It did mine. In it's most basic teaching, it states, that "Thoughts... Become... Things" And this can be GOOD or BAD. It's really up to us, it really always has been and maybe a hard pill to swallow at first. I know it was for me. But the concept is simple and life changing nonetheless. I hope you'll come chat soon. I'd love to hear what you think of the film! And when it gets to the part where you have to drive a pretend car... you just GOTTA do it lol... it's really FUN! Keep in touch. I know the feeling of isolation, having had little support or family around me all my life, but we aren't alone out here! I'm glad you took the time to write, and look forward to chatting more soon! Keep your chin up!
@pagirlintexas (5)
• United States
6 Oct 09
No I have never seen that Movie and It sounds quite interesting I'll be sure to Check it out most definitly. My my dreams as a little girl are way so different from right now I never dreamt I would have three children and be raising them on my own well my mother has them now until i graduate She is a Big Big Help and she sure is one hell ofa blessing she raised me and my brother on her own Now she is there for me still holding my Hand It is just hard now cause she is so far away I want so bad at times to just throw in the towel and go crawling back home but I Know I can suceed at this thing called life and make a bettewr way for me and my three children My biggest fear though is the cycle repeating itself with my two daughters My oldest Cierra reminds me of me when I was young I got to finish what I started here and make a way but coping with the solitude is a definite challenge There is only so much one could do Well on a good note I only got about 8 months of school left and I am maintaining a 4.0 average
@TheHumanExperience (25)
• United States
6 Oct 09
WOW That's awesome! A 4.0?!! That's not easy to pull off. What is your major?
From my experiences, things almost never go as planned. There are things that have turned out not as I'd have hoped, but all things work together for good. And I'm happier now than I've ever been. We can't direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails. I admire your tenacity and spirit. Sounds like it runs in the family.
Will you stay in Texas?
@tixepower (1195)
• Sweden
6 Oct 09
Well, I just usually tell everything to my girlfriend and don't care if she wants to hear it or not! :D
• India
3 Oct 09
There was some time when I felt like needing a friend to talk about secrets. However now I don't feel like it. I also tend to listen to others problems and try to help them.
Good to hear that you also like helping people emotionally.

@TheHumanExperience (25)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Thanks. I think in helping others we help ourselves. I know you understand.
@sderringer (303)
• United States
6 Oct 09
I am very lucky when it comes to having people that I can talk to when I am down or sad. When something bothers me though that I feel I can't discuss with family or friends because I would be embarrassed, I just write about it at one of the content sites that I belong to. It has been my self-help tool of sorts and it works. I think it is nice of you though to offer your friendship (and your ear) to people. And I got a chuckle out of you saying, "Ever had a journal talk back to you".
@TheHumanExperience (25)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Hehehe Thanks! Writing is an AWESOME tool for developing yourself and learning about yourself. Sometimes looking back even a month is frightening, then going back 10-12 years... WHAT A LAUGH! It's great that the internet allows us all to connect in ways that would have been impossible even as much as a decade ago. I love to talk as much as I love to listen. I hope not only to help others with this live dialogue but hope as much to learn. Glad to hear from you!
@malamar (779)
• Canada
6 Oct 09
It is very difficult not to feel like a hamster in a wheel some days. It is especially difficult when loved ones are scattered far and wide across the country.
Journals are wonderful, but, nope, have never had one talk back to me. Sometimes though, by revisiting an older journal entry, I can often read or "see" a message that I had previously missed. That is just one of the bonus things about journaling, in my opinion.
Social networking sites often work for some people as well. You sometimes read the posts of a stranger, and are so touched that you feel the need to reach out to that person. I have had many experiences where the plight of a virtual stranger gets so stuck in my mind, and I wish to hear the rest of the story, so to speak.
Anyway, welcome to Mylot. You are going to have a good time here, I have no doubt of that. Cheers!
@TheHumanExperience (25)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Thanks! My family is all sorts of split up. We don't even do holidays. Well, if we do, I would be the one doing the cooking and cleaning anyway, so if I look at it this way, it's easier to go without all the "to-do" lol. Anyway, my most amazing and absolutely "to die for" husband is on his way to us very soon. And that gives me an amazing amount of encouragement and hope. Take care!