How long do you take to get ready in the morning?

@jhannon (1406)
United States
August 29, 2006 6:08am CST
Is it 10,20,30
2 people like this
48 responses
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
Time - Time
I took abt 1 hr as I will make up & bathe & pray to my Kuman Tong "son"...before I set off for work.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Dec 06
5-10 minutes to get ready
• India
25 Dec 06
????10 mimutes are you you hav the pill of bath or somthing magic.
@cubanito (597)
• Italy
26 Nov 06
i take to get ready the morning milk and coffee and buscuits
@cubanito (597)
• Italy
26 Nov 06
and i'm ready for exit in 1 hour
• India
8 Jan 07
i require atleast one hour because first i brush my teeth then take bath and freshen up!
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
9 Jan 07
just getting ready, I'd say about about a half hour, maybe 40 minutes. that's shaving, showering and getting dressed. That gives me plenty of time to either eat breakfeast at home or go out to eat.
@kidsrock (64)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Well since I stay home with the kids I probably won't get ready to do anything until around 10 and by then it will take me about 30 mins to take a hot bath and get ready to go.
@kulanuwun (1404)
• Indonesia
6 Jan 07
I think not for thats long
@prafull (80)
• India
8 Jan 07
From bed to car it takes half hour only.
• India
30 Dec 06
i take 30 min to get ready.but when i am really getting late ,i wind up in 15 min..
• Pakistan
8 Jan 07
5-10 mnts seriously
@freesoul (3021)
• Egypt
8 Jan 07
It depends on if I'm having slow day or rush day, on a slow day i would take my time and read the newspaper, etc but if I'm not up early and if I'm on a hurry, I can be out of the bed and in the street in 10 minutes :)
@luckyjohn (169)
• Pakistan
6 Jan 07
hmmm well nice question . well i take about 15 minute to get ready sometime it increase to 20 to 30 minutes :)
@Lady_Vincy (1538)
• United States
5 Jan 07
It takes me about 30 minutes to get ready in the morning. Sometimes it may take me a little longer depending on what I have to do during the day.
@hh9905 (1275)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 07
It depends. My self alone, 15-30 minutes. But i usually take an additional 15 minutes to prepare stuff for my husband, i.e. iron his shirt, etc. And it doesn't include preparing breakfast.
@xtinelee (3371)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
45mins.. for me to eat breakfast, shower, change etc.
@manyana (294)
• Singapore
28 Nov 06
at least an hour. i usually drag myself to do everything!!
@dsunny (999)
• India
28 Nov 06
i take about 40 min...2 get ready..
@Tejass (108)
• India
15 Dec 06
ammm one hour all toogether!!!
@aditya007 (163)
• India
25 Dec 06
At least one hour.
@kavita23 (2995)
• India
26 Dec 06
15 min.