If you had a Time Machine, what would you do with it?

@biman_s (1060)
October 5, 2009 2:18am CST
Imagine that you have a Time Machine and you can use it to go in past or future. What would you do with it? Would you go to your past and make changes to all the mistakes you might have done? Would you use it to go to the future and see how everything looks? Make your imagination run wild and tell me what would you do.
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53 responses
• United States
6 Oct 09
I would go back to the time I left college and I would get a job straight away in the career I trained for and carry on with it, instead of doing different jobs and losing confidence. As a huge Doctor Who fan, my time machine would have to be a Tardis, and I would have to pick up the Ninth Doctor on the way. Actually forget time travel, I'd be quite happy stuck in that little blue box with him....lol
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Oct 09
[b]Woo HOOOO! Take me with you!!! Or...am I sensing that 3 would be a...er...um...crowd? Which one of the Doctor would you pick, anyway? Can I have #4? [ Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Oct 09
[b]Oops! Sorry--I got so excited I didn't notice you want #9! All of the Doctor are great choices, of course, but I'd be perfectly happy with #4... Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@ElicBxn (63755)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I'd arm wrestle her for #4, but she'd win, maybe a race? Oh well, I guess I could "settle" for #10!
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@jsitko (1169)
• United States
6 Oct 09
Time Machine - Time Machine; Would you go back in time or check out your future?
Hi Biman, If I could travel in time I would go back and visit the people in my ancestry. I know many of the members of my family tree as my Dad investigated much of it. We are still missing a few on his side. The one I am really curious about is James who came to the US with the first settlers and was kidnapped by the Cherokee Indians. I would really like to see who in the Cherokee Nation is my ancestor. I would also like to know more about James and his family before him. Then I would also do the same for the ancestors on my Mom's side of the family, go deeper into the past than we have already done. I would really love to meat these people. I also have a past US President in our family, Franklin Pierce. I did not make any mistakes in my past that I would want to change, for if I did change them, my present would be very different. The only thing I might have changed is moving away from my home state. I'm the youngest of 6 and the last one to leave my parents alone. They are no longer with us, so I regret the time I missed with them and sorry for leaving my Mom alone. If I did not move where I am now, I would not have had the time I enjoyed with my sister, who is no longer with us, and her son. So I do not want to change my past because I am not too sure what my life would be like now. I am happy and comfortable where I am now. I do not want to know my future. I rather take each day as it comes and feel blessed for what I get from it. If there is anything that I do not want to face but will have to, I do not want to know about it ahead of time. I will just take the journey as it is made out for me.
@jsitko (1169)
• United States
6 Oct 09
That is so true, wouldn't it be so exciting to find our one link to all and to sit down and have a chat? I would love to have the great opportunity to meet and talk to all of my ancestors and to get to know them, their hardships, good times and just the way they had to live.
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@biman_s (1060)
• India
6 Oct 09
May be if you went back to see your ancestors, you might find a connection between you and me, after all we are all connected through one common ancestor.
@biman_s (1060)
• India
6 Oct 09
Just imagine if all the people in the world realized that we are really a big family then there might a way to obtain real peace. I know I am optimistic, but there is a possibility.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
10 Oct 09
i would want to go to the future to check out the space age. and ride flying cars, go shopping and buy a space age outfit, take pictures and notes to record everything, check out the inside of people homes, and their cars, and what they own, and how it has changed. and when i return back to current time, i will turn everything into a novel.
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@ElicBxn (63755)
• United States
15 Oct 09
THAT is an AWESOME idea!!!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
15 Oct 09
[b]Amen to that! I'd buy the book! Wow! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Oct 09
[b]I'd go in both directions! First, armed with the knowledge & wisdom of my adult brain, I'd revisit key points of my life & give myself a lecture about the choices I was about to make--after proving who I am to my younger self, so I'd take me seriously! (I'm not the first person writing science fiction to gripe about the difficulty of tenses in the language one must use in time travel stories, so I plead for your pardon with my probable goofs! ;o). Mainly, I'd learn how to make friends a lot earlier, & I'd also become Conservative from the get-go, rather than coming to it so late (I was in my late 30's before I made the complete transfer from Idiot Liberal to realist...sloooow process.... ). I'd also start looking up people before they got to be famous so I could become their pal, so they'd know I liked them for themselves, & not because they were famous (&/or rich). How I'd get to Scotland at the time when David McCallum was still doing neighborhood theatter, or to England to meet Tom Baker when he was just a bricklayer, to or others I admire...well...I'll cross that bridge if I ever get to it! LOL! I'd also look up Elic when we were a lot younger. She's already my oldest & truest friend, & I'd love to have more time to have fun with her! In the future, I'd see the way America turned out post-Leftist takeover. Find out if we ever recover (I have my doubts), & heck, if things actually worked out okay in spite of all that, actually go into space, since if we ever get our act together, it ought eventually to become common, even for geezers, to make a trip! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
7 Oct 09
[b]Why, thank you Thezone! Ah, yes..since great minds think alike, I feel as if we know one already, therefore, shall we drop formalities? May I call you "The?" Yes, I got to interview Tom once, & he has this typically self-depreciating idea that no woman would have thought him interesting or desirable before he became famous. "Au contraire, mi amigo," I wanted to say, "but you are sooo wrong!" Naturally, I swallowed my drool & shushed up that little voice before he could hear it...! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
7 Oct 09
[b] Agh..."...know one another already..." Sorry. Maybe it's time I hit the hay! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
6 Oct 09
I like your thinking "Tom Baker when he was a bricklayer", how cool would that be.
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• Philippines
5 Oct 09
I will go back to the middle ages and make a new world order, conquer kingdoms, become a lord of a manor and change history! ( I really want to see my name as a famous king of a European territory in history books). But I know it is impossible right? Because such machines, if it will be available in the far future, people will impose regulations against its misuse and abuse. But well, a wild imagination doesn't harm anyone? right?
@biman_s (1060)
• India
5 Oct 09
That's right its just an imagination only, otherwise if in the future such a machine is really invented then people should be restricted or some regulations must be imposed on its use.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Oct 09
[b]BIMAN: Perhaps you don't follow quantum physics (I do), but scientists have already achieved time travel--on a sub-atomic level--in cyclotrons. It'll be awhile before you can hop into a machine & go to different times, but it's being done now, (so to speak...assuming our race survives long enough to perfect the technology). You should assume that at least some of the people you see at large or well-known events may be historians from the future, come back to be witnesses. The only thing we can almost be sure of is that time travel wasn't already invented. Think--seen anyone lately dressed in ancient attire? Totally out of place? Consider: If you wanted to blend in in the future...how would you dress? I'm just sayin'.... Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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• China
5 Oct 09
hi,my lotter,I think your question is very interesting.If I have a time machine,I will return to the past. I like history,so I want to go to living history events.example the age of Napoleonic and ancient Chinese Dynasty.Similarly,I also use Time Machine to buy lottery tickets,I would like to see the winning numbers to the future,then come back to buy the winning numbers.haha,Thus, I become a rich man.
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@ElicBxn (63755)
• United States
15 Oct 09
but do you speak the language - that's a factor seldom thought about - do you speak French or ancient Chinese?
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
15 Oct 09
[b]Heck, he might even "talk" like Boomhauer for all we know, but in any case, he could still communicate, at least on a rudimentary basis. If he just went there as an obvious foreigner, he could do what people from other countries do when faced with that dilemma. If he went to France, even though English has changed, I'm sure he could find someone to translate for him. Well, unless he really does talk like Boomhauer... In old China, he'd have to do a total submersion & use lots of gestures--at first. If he stayed long enough, he could work out some form of pigeon-lingo, eventually becoming fluent enough to find a tutor to improve further, if he desired. This would take time, but hey, he has all the time he needs, right? The man's got a freakin' TIME MACHINE! He could stay for years, & return to the date he left. Course, he might shock his contemporaries, if he's gone bald or gray! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@chertsy (3798)
• United States
7 Oct 09
If I had a Time Machine, I would set it to Oct 13, 1998. I would tell my brother that if he went home the next night. We would never see him alive again. I would warn my niece of her step grandfather on her mom's side that he will try to hurt her. I would warn my sister to stay away from a certain man that he would only hurt her in the long run. I would write down a lot of things to leave for myself to find. Maybe in hopes that it would better my families future. Not only money wise.
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
7 Oct 09
I would venture into the future and see what life's in store for me. In this way, I would not have wasted days or hours on certain things I have acquired or days wasted aimlessly. With a time machine, I might be able to capitalise on my existence.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
7 Oct 09
I think that I might smash that time machine, unless time travel was only to observe and not change anything. Changing the past means that the present would be changed. For instance, had our children's father and I not married, they would not have been born. As to changing things in the future, I'm not sure that we should be meddling in those people's lives, either. Our education and experiences are not the same as what people in the future will have had. Let them handle their own affairs. Probably it's best that we don't know what the future holds.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
5 Oct 09
How I wish I could go back to my past and fix the mistakes I made because then my present and future would be better for me. I would be more financially secure. I wouldn't be stressing about it and be happier person. Being able to help my parents and family financially would be something I would love to change. If only I knew 35 years ago what I know now.
@biman_s (1060)
• India
5 Oct 09
May be now you can teach others not to make the mistakes that you made. What we learn from our mistakes makes us a better man. Thus it can be said that mistakes are necessary to live in this world, but may be not too much.
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
I would use to it turn back time and make changes for all the mistakes I did before. To deal with all the opportunity I've missed and neglected. And after that I will live my life as perfect as it could.
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• Haiti
6 Oct 09
If I had a time machine, I would go in the past making a lot of changes about my mistakes and to see If our national heroes were really like the way we describe them in the history of our nation.
• United States
5 Oct 09
Go back in time and capture baby Hitler, baby Stalin, and all the other evil historical figures. I of course couldn't kill a baby, so instead I'd raise all the babies in a special prehab day care center where they would be raised so that their evil potential would not manifest itself. THE EVIL BABY ORPHANAGE!!!
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@biman_s (1060)
• India
5 Oct 09
Good you shouldn't kill a baby. Changing the past to make a better future but don't you think that even if you stopped old Hitler and Stalin, someone else with such evil intentions could have been born. We do learn from our past and its because of Hitler and others like him, we know what too much power can do.
• United States
6 Oct 09
I would go visit some times in the past. To see cool things that you could only read in books. However, I also don't think that going back to the time of the dinosaurs is such a good idea.
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• Australia
5 Oct 09
If I had a time machine, I would destroy it. The past is past. I learned from my mistakes and from the mistakes of others. Even though I had a horrific first 22 years of life, I would not change it. I have become thankful for it, because it helped make me what I am. The future is yet to be. It is an adventure. I want to live it moment by moment, full of its surprises: good and bad. I do not need to know what the future holds, because I know my Father God holds the future and He holds me in His loving arms, guiding my way. The present is now. The present is a gift and I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate my life the way it is. I am happy. If I had such a thing as a time machine, I would totally destroy it.
• Australia
5 Oct 09
I would still choose to destroy such a machine.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Oct 09
[b]Luddites always see the "worst case scenario," which is myopic, & rather sad, really. Yes, there would doubtless be abuse, but I like that Meteor idea. Good folks might make mistakes & cause havoc, bad people would definitely be a problem, but perhaps the machine could be restricted to people who could prove they weren't monomaniacs intent on ruling all of time & space. After all, the moment humans got Fire, there was always the potential for great wonders, & great destruction. I'm glad we went with keeping fire. Hiding from the infinite possibilities of any tool is to stagnate. If that weren't so, we'd have stayed in cold, dark caves. Or maybe we'd all just be Amish... Just a thought. Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@biman_s (1060)
• India
5 Oct 09
You are right to a certain point but consider a situation like this--- A large comet has been detected, which is on a collision course with earth. Impact is within 5 hours. What will you do? Things might have been different if you had a time machine and gone to past to alert the officials about such an event. Situations like these can turn the human civilization, or even earth into dust. Technology can be very good when used carefully like 'Nuclear Energy' but can also be very bad when used wrongly like 'Atom bomb'. I thinks its up to us how what we choose. Total denial or acceptance is not an answer to anything.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
6 Oct 09
I think changing too many things in time could affect other things and mess things up. The only thing I would do would be to stop myself from going crazy with my credit card when I first got married. I would go back in time and spend some time with my grandma, my grandpa, my aunt, my husband's grandpa, my sister in law and my mother in law as they are no longer with us any more and it would be nice to see them again, and I would go back and hug my dog.
@ElicBxn (63755)
• United States
15 Oct 09
ohhhh, I'd go back and keep Sab and Leontyne inside so they didn't get sick and die
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
15 Oct 09
[b]Oy. Shove over then, because that's something I want, too! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@biman_s (1060)
• India
6 Oct 09
A simple change in the past can create a chain reaction and alter everything in the present time. Good choice.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
5 Oct 09
If I had a Time Machine I would have it in my living room as a centre piece, the envy of all my friends. It would be for display only, so no one would be allowed to use it
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
6 Oct 09
[b]If no-one ever uses it, how do they know it really is a time machine? If all you want to do is impress your more gullible friends, then just construct some plausible doodad, plop it in the middle of your living room, & throw a party for all your pals! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
6 Oct 09
It would be very good to tease my friends with indeed. Maggiepie , you have a very good point there, if it was never used no one would know it was real. I think I will go construct that dodad right now and then call some friends over. A Time Machine party seems like a very good idea
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@biman_s (1060)
• India
5 Oct 09
I real unique thing to tease your friends but would your living room be a safe place to keep it. After all such a thing can attract a lot of people, specially the terrorist.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
You know,my friend. When I was a kid, I heard from a radio station about time machine and this really good heard about because people can travel go back from the pass and to the future. If that is real I like travel to the future to see what will happen in there so that I will be ready in case of any calamity that will come in our life...Have a nice day!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
7 Oct 09
Thanks, my friend. For your response to my comments. I hope we can build a time machine to see the futures...have a nice day!
@biman_s (1060)
• India
6 Oct 09
Yeah, natural calamities are a real danger and it has already caused a lot of damage worldwide. Keep that good thought going and keep posting.
@jhimx28 (20)
• Philippines
6 Oct 09
I will go back to my childhood is so happy to become a kid again.
@ElicBxn (63755)
• United States
15 Oct 09
but hun, you'd be going to see yourself as a child, not become a child again - different "technology"...
@biman_s (1060)
• India
6 Oct 09
Thanks for responding and sharing your wishes.
@taraelocin (1138)
6 Oct 09
Good question. To be honest, I am not sure I would go into the future. Maybe for a short trip, just to see how my children and grandchildren would do and what the human race makes out of the planet. But I wouldn't want to go and check what the consequences of my own actions are. That would just get me paranoid and I'd have to check constantly if I haven't messed up my future somewhere today! I would love to go back and check out different centuries in the past. As long as I know how to fix the machine and have loads of spare parts with me. I woulnd't like to get stuck - I quite like it here!
@biman_s (1060)
• India
6 Oct 09
You have pointed out a very important point. It might stop working suddenly and then you might be stuck in a different time zone. It would really be very bad, unless you go back in the past and become a king of a huge kingdom. I don't think you are a king in this time zone.
6 Oct 09
No, I'm not a king! But I don't think I'd quickly become one by travelling the time neither! And I wouldn't want to be a king in a time where the country is in war.... :-)