Grandaughter throws grandmother out because she LOOVES the guy!!!!
By indybaty
@indybaty (368)
October 9, 2009 9:09am CST
Hi guys, I hope I can get different opinions about this because this is something thats affecting everyone in the neighborhood.
Next door, there was an elderly woman that lived there and worked very hard to obtain her house. She had a minimum wage job and raised her 3 grandchildren. The first eldest ones married well, but the youngest one threw out her years began to be more and more rebelious. She began to be very promiscous at a certain age until she said finally she met "the man of her dreams".
Without asking, she lets this guy move in with her at her grandmother´s house. Because grandmother was too weak to even object, she didnt complain to her. Grandaughter got pregnant and had a baby boy, and when he was a 1 year old, she found out that mr. dreamguy actually had other women before her with children of their own. And would "occasionally" pay the visit claiming that he was going to check on the children, but was actually still sleeping with the prior wives.
For 2 and half years now, grandaughter´s life was tormentous because she constantly fights with him and he has no respect for her or their son. Grandmother calls the police one time because the argument turned to a huge fight, he hit her, took their son and left. Grandaughter changed the locks of the house so the guy wouldnt come back. Once he did, all he had to do is sweettalk her into bed and she forgave him. And here´s the kicker, once grandmother was back from an errand with her grandson, she finds out with a note that grandaughter KICKED her out. She didnt even had the courage to do it face to face.
Now, this couple fights daily and the 2 year old might witness the arguments.
I mean, what is wrong with her? I mean this is the person that raised you and you choose some guy who´s a jerk in her place?? My god I cant believe how unfair this is! Not to mention the little boy involved too.
What do you think should happen with these 2? Most neighbors are tired of the yelling yet they dont want to do anything about it, I seem to be the only one that allthough not directly involved have called the police myself when the fighting is at night.... what do you think should happen to someone like this? and do you think you could forgive someone like that if your son, daughter, grandson, nephew or someone you raised do this to you?
Nooo thank you.
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7 responses
@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
10 Oct 09
Wait a minute, this is HER house? This is a bit confusing to me.
You mentioned in the other response that she 'willed' the house to that Granddaughter. What happened to the other Grandchildren? Were they left out of the will?
And also, what is kind of aggravating to me, unless there was physical violence, is that I'm a Grandmother too, but I'll be danged if I'd let that happen to me. It's tiring to hear about how many 'elderly' people get pushed around, taken for thousands of dollars because of some scams, abused by family memebers, what's wrong with these people?
And are there no 'child services' where you live that this can be reported to help out that little two year old? The Granddaughter is certainly no Mother to me, and that poor little boy should be in a foster home taken care of properly, OR, with the other Grandchildren.
I'm sorry, this is just a ridiculous way for someone to live today, and it sounds like you need a new police force. No, I would not let this happen to me, no way, no how.
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
10 Oct 09
From what I know it was a conjoint will. The other siblings didnt want to be in it, since they live by themselves in different homes. Even if times were hard, they thought they didnt feel it was right since it was their grandmother´s house.
Its being checked on NOW.. after what, like 6 months ago that it was reported? we do have our system, unfortunately it is way too slow and in the meantime, they are still there. Luckily the siblings will take the case to court and hire an attorney for that. It just amazes me how fardid it go threw. Not to mention the grandaughter.
The worse part is that grandmother has Alzheimers as well... I failed to mention that before and I apologize, there was a black out here and wasnt able to answer in the morning. But she´s lucky that she has her other grandchildren.
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@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
10 Oct 09
Ohhhh, well since she's ill that makes a completely whole different story. I apologize, I didn't know that.
I just get so angry when I read some of this stuff, you know? It's just so heartbreaking and I just want to go and kick some butt, haha! I hope it all works out and the little boy and Grandma are together again someday, and this works out for the best. SOON and QUICKLY would be nice too. Someone needs to kick that Granddaughter in the booty, down the stairs, and out into the street.
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@indybaty (368)
• Panama
11 Oct 09
Tell me about it!... I mean the nerve of her doing such a thing to the one person that raised her! There is absolutely no excuse or something for you to do that. I mean, I know people that has placed their parents or the ones that raised them in nursing homes because they cant afford to be in their house and well, the elderly lost their former house themselves, but its sooo upseting.. this whole situation for me, because that girl is not in her right mind to do that.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
9 Oct 09
How can the granddaughter evict the grandmother if the grandmother owns the house?! I would call the police!
It is too bad that things turned out like this for the young girl. Where are her siblings that married well, can they do anything? What a sad situation, especially for the little child.
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@indybaty (368)
• Panama
9 Oct 09
Good question.
Unfortunately, grandmother stated in a will, that she wanted her grandaughter to enharit the house, but a will is after she would pass away, as far as I know its no living will or nothing, and people have called the police and those turkeys dont even bother to come outside or they leave.
The 2 year old is who really worries me from all of this. The good siblings are caring for the grandmother and very very upset at their sister for doing what she did. I think even one of the siblings offered to take care of the 2 year old and she just slammed the door at him. Those 2 dont have enough to pay for the property taxes so who knows how it will turn out.
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
11 Oct 09
OMG... this is really bad... i feel so sorry for the grandma... how ungrateful the granddaughter is... i am not a grandma yet... but i won't let any of my grandchildren to do that to me when i am a grandma in the future... no way... i will definitely take some actions and report them to the police so that they can be send to prison... i hope all will go well for the grandma and the 2 years old boy... i feel so so sorry for them... take care and have a nice day...
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
12 Oct 09
Thank you lingli.. how are you I hope you are well.
For sure when I become a grandmother I wouldnt want to expect no ungrateful, cold, grandchildren to want to do something like that.
Unfortunately this is something that I ve seen that is a bit too common. Why is it that when their is property or money or whatever involved the kids or grandkids become voltures?! I have absolutely no clue.
It was a surprise for all of us to do something like that. Ill keep posted on whatever update there is concerning this, so far its still the same.
Grandmother being ill and all, she just took advantage of her in the worse way possible.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
12 Oct 09
If I were grandma, I would call that cops on that no good granddaughter. How dare that girl throw her out of the house! I would love to slap that granddaughter of her's. I would never do that to my grandmother. That is her grandmother! Whatever happened to "respect your elders". People are really losing respect for those who took care of them and brought them into this world.

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
13 Oct 09
I know what that child is going through. I know children, even teens and young adults, who parents fight all of the time and do horrible things to others. Children should not be exposed to that at such a young age. I am beginning to lose my faith in humanity.
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
12 Oct 09
Truste me rowgue13xmen13, I have felt the same myself. Just to slap her silly until reality caves in and realizes what she has done. But I cant meddle in directly.
I apologize, at the discussion I failed to mention that grandmother has Alzheimer´s and she is being taken cared of by grandaughter´s siblings. And they have called the cops on them so far, but the whole process is just really really slow. Almost as if nothing is being done. The main concern as well is that 2 year old boy that sees his own parents fight too often.
I mean, she´s like totally obsessed with that loser of a husband. That guy leaves her, comes back drunk, smelling of God knows what and she argues and fights and believe me they fight really loud. When we call the cops, they arrive, knock on the door and no one answers. Once they leave, they get the hint and stop fighting, only to continue the fighting the next morning before leaving to work... I mean, I dont know how that poor boy is coping. He´s so innocent but as he grows, he´ll notice. Children can tell when something is wrong always.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 09
Those two have a lot to answer for. for one thing the man should be charged with wife and child abuse, and put in prison, and secondly the mom should be charged with felony child abuse and cruelty and battering to an elderly woman, and also sent to prison.the child should be given to grandma and grandma should be back in the place she was kicked out of.grrr these people are horrible.I could not forgive my son had he done something like that to me. no way,no how.
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
11 Oct 09
Exactly Hatley!.. Im sorry for responding so late. I dont know how to like put a sign and say sorry technical issues with electricity (we´ve been having black outs lately).
I hate sometimes when some people think they can get away with something like that. I mean, authorities are checking on it now and it all looks good for grandmother and the other siblings. Grandaughter has a LOT of explaining to do and that guy, man I so feel like I wanna punch him and knock him out of his sockets!, I would never think of doing something like that to my parents, I dont know how could she.
@my_name_is_coco (4333)
• Philippines
11 Oct 09
the granddaughter doesn't have any right to evict her grandmother.after all,that's the grandmother's's a shame that a young,robust girl like her who can work and earn her own keep is dependent on her old grandmother for shelter.if that happens to me,I will take her out of my will and leave her with nothing.
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
11 Oct 09
Tell me about it.
Grandmother made that choice when grandaughter was younger. Before she met that loser for a husband. Im not saying its entirely his fault, she just turned into a rotten apple. I remember before she wasnt like this. She had had strict moral values and a sense of goodness, only God knows what happened to her for her to do such a thing.
That´s another thing too. She has a job that earns her a lot of money, she could have moved out with her husband somewhere else. One of their many arguments was that I remember, she said she was moving into a house just like her grandmothers. That was the ONLY way she would be moving out.
Gimme a break!.. my mother has a big house and I got myself an apartment because that is what I can afford. She can probably afford the same as me but doesnt want to because she is more "comfortable" where she is at.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Oct 09
I'm quite sure that the granddaughter has no legal right to evict the grandmother. It is HER house. The grandmother is obviously old and tired and not willing to fight for her rights. Someone has to intervene. This is not just dysfunctional, it is dangerous. I would not just call the cops....I'd call child services. Where is the grandmother now? The granddaughter does not sound mature enough to be in charge of the home or even her own child. The father just sounds abusive. The whole situation is wrong. Now where are the parents of this girl and why did this woman end up raising her grandchildren?