Do you know anyone like this?

@kitty42 (3923)
United States
October 9, 2009 10:16am CST
[b]Nasty all the time, always giving off attitude for no good reason, one day they can be nice the next time you see them you can't get a hello but as soon as something happens to slap them back to reality they call you crying and say why is this happening to me, I am such a good person I don't deserve this, oh really wow, I have someone like this in my life and it always amazes me when she calls me crying, wake up and smell the coffee, your attitude stinks, try being nicer to people and maybe things will work out for you, people need to realize karma is real, you reap what you sow, think about that next time you are nasty to others for no reason at all. Do you know anyone like this? if so please share, people like this makes me really sick honestly.[/b]
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19 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Oct 09
Hi sweetie Kitty, we're here at the same time, but very briefly for me. Yes I know someone like that but the bad side only came out after a year. I actually have no time for people who play the hot and cold game, I like consistency in a person and calmness. I don't want to wonder what the mood will be that day. So I've distanced myself from that person as especially when a child is around consistency is needed. Soneone can't make a big fuss of a child one day and the next ignore. It's a woman of course but I've seen moodiness like that in both sexes. It just doesn't fit well with me.
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my wonderful friend Well this is my sister and she is the worse, sometimes she will walk in the house and not even speak to my grandson and she does not see him that often, it breaks my heart because he is young he don't understand why he is being treated this way, all he knows is his aunt does not talk to him, its sad but I don't have the love I should have for her, yet when she is down she calls me and says why is this happening, go figure. Thanks for sharing my friend.[/b]
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Oct 09
hi kitty42 oh yes and that woman Emily fired me for being almost 80, she was up one day and loved all us employees, complimenting us all so flowery and sweet, the next day she was down and angry and mad at anyone who came close to her, complaining and bit#hing all the day. I found out that she was bi-polar and refused to take her medications' that would even her mood swings she would go back' and forth. One day she would be complaining and in tears, the next she was just bubbling over with joy. up and down. and this person was the branch manager of our library. she was utimately fired for firing me on ageism grounds. they asked me to come back but I had had it. no more. 23 years was enough anyway . I just retired.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend Wow, I never thought about that, could this be the case with my sister, she doe act like something is wrong with her, she makes me so sick my friend, we never got along growing up, she did some horrible things to me, I will talk to my mom and ask what she thinks. My sister is a horrible person no one likes her, they only put up with her so she wont cuss them out, when my daughter was a month old she was in the hospital I would run home shower and go back while she slept, this day my mom was not home, I don't know what I said maybe said something like excuse me and she started to fight me, thank god the door was not locked she picked up a stick and went for my head I started screaming help me, help me and someone came and grabbed her, thanks to her I could not feed my daughter that night when the nurse came to get me, my head was killing me I said I am so sorry can you feed her for me, the nurse said no problem, all they did for my baby was medicate or anything to the affect I took care of her personal needs, and my sister took that away from me, I was crying so bad because I wanted to feed my baby, the nurse gave me tylenol but it didn't take away the pain in my heart. Thanks for sharing this my friend, if this is the case she can keep her bi-polar behind away from me, she makes me sick, this is just one example she is a devil.[/b]
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Oct 09
hi Kitty my friend If your sister is bi=polar she 'should go to her doctor and get the medications for this,as I have friends here who take the medications and nobody would ever guess they 'are bipolar,they now act like normal human beings.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend She is so hateful my friend, I will tell my mom to talk to her, but I promise you she will say nothing is wrong with her, they only way someone will get her to take something like this is if they tied her down, she is really stubborn and unapproachable, I wish her well maybe something will work out, I will share this with my mom for sure, in her case I hope this is the problem. Thanks my friend.[/b]
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Oct 09
I can't think of anybody I know like that and you can keep them! Yep it's karma. You'd think people would learn, but some just don't!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Oct 09
If she is bi-polar, it's possible that getting her on the right meds could help a lot. If she is willing. Good luck with it!
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend I am going to bring this to my mothers attention, knowing my sister she will be offended inturn will get defensive, I will tell my mom and she will know how to handle it, it wont come from me, unless I catch her when she is in a good place and on the phone not face to face Thanks my friend,[/b]
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@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend Well I lived with this person for years, but now I am reading this could be bi-polar related in this case I hope so, god knows she needs something to justify her nasty attitude, this is my sister by the way. Be glad you don't know anyone like this, its really sad when you have to deal with people so nasty on a daily basis, no one likes my sister except friends she just meet, once they get to know her, they run. Thanks my friend.[/b]
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@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
10 Oct 09
I'm related to somebody like that. It's like walking on eggs around her. We're always worried that she'd get upset over something. The thing is, when she's upset, she makes sure that the others suffer along with her. Oh, but when she's okay, she's so funny and fun to be with. She has real charisma - just don't get her in a bad mood. We haven't had her checked out, but she certainly seems bipolar.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
10 Oct 09
[b]Hello Sounds just like my sister, when she is fine she is the funniest person in the world, she make the silliest things funny, its really sad, has she always been this way? my sister has, and its really sad because no one likes her and she can be likable if she put an effort into it, I hope bi-polar is the case for her, if not then gob help her, I give up, she sounds so much like my sister when shes in a bad mood you must be in a bad mood with her,she even takes her anger out on the kids, she yells all the time poor kids don't know how to act when she is home, they are so happy when she goes to work so sad. I read a little about it today, they said people with bi-polar have alot of energy, and my sister works two full time jobs, and spend hours at the gym, so far she sounds like a candidate, we shall see. Good luck my friend, maybe you need to look into this as well. Thanks for sharing.[/b]
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Hi Kitty. Oh yes, I think I know a few too many people like this, but fortunately, most of the people I know are truly good at heart! Thank God for that. I refer to these as "toxic personalities" and spend as little (or NO) time as possible with such people. Karen
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend But after starting this discussion bi-polar could play a big part in this, I only hope this is the case, some people are just nasty after reading about bi-polar it looks like my sister could have this, I just hoe this is the case, they have a pill for everything but its sad because some people are just nasty, or so I thought maybe there is no such thing, maybe every nasty person should be medicated who knows, seems to me nasty people do not exist they have bi-polar and that is that, after reading about it, it sure looks this way in my sisters case, I hope so for her sake, no one likes her, they don't want her to come in the stores in my moms neighborhood and these people know everyone in the neighborhood but they told my other sister to tell her to take her money else where, how sad is that. she did not tell her ofcourse, if she did she will go in there trying to fight everyone. Thank you my friend. [/b]
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@Jigilmore (106)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Hi Kitty, I don't really know where to start with this one...I have seen people that suffer from Bi-polar disease and it's really sad. I think they feel already as if they have no one to turn to and as if they are constantly being judged...I have to wonder sometimes is it really that person's fault because they have a disease? And maybe if I'm more loving toward the person maybe they can get better or would want to, if they feel like someone cares...I can't say that I would hate a person that acts like this (because their sick), but I would want to know why...Maybe they dealt with something traumatizing in their past and being this way is how they have learned to "cope". I think It really depends on how you treat a person...people can tell when you don't like them...maybe if you can really take time out to sit with the person and get an understanding of what they are going through, you may understand why they behave the way we do. Sometime I feel as if we live in a very judgemental world, sometimes we as humans don't give other humans a real chance. I think the "hot & cold" concept is really based on how you treat a person, you can't treat someone bad and expect them to treat you good.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Hello my friend Although this is a great response, this is so not the case for me, I never treat people bad, the person I am talking about is my sister and she has never been miss-treated she does this to people not the other way around, I am beginning to think this is the case, if she gets medication and change then I will change my feelings toward her, my sister is a terrible person, she has been this way all her life, me on the other hand I am good to everyone all the time, its hard to be nice to someone that likes to argue and fight, I choose to stay away from her, I really hope she has bi-polar really, being able to justify her actions will make a lot of sense, I read a little about it and it sounds like this could be her problem, I will tell my mom to talk to her. So please don't take my words the wrong way, someimes a itch is just that a itch minus the b, I know what you are saying but this is so not the case for her, she is nasty and no one likes to be around her. Thanks for sharing my friend.
• United States
10 Oct 09
Oh, I understand...that's a different story. If someone is just being nasty to others who try to respond to them, I think it's their own fault if no one likes them. Mistreatment is not deserved by someone trying to be a friend...I would be upset in that type of situation also.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
1 Nov 09
Yes I did my Ex Husband was like that but only with me, it was like walking on Egg Shelves He was abusive towards me and I never knew when he was in a good mood or bad He would change just like that with no warning I was married to him and took it for 21 Years then I got the Strength to get out of it 6 years ago
• India
12 Oct 09
yes, I have known a few people like this and believe me, its my firm conclusion that they are very very sly people at heart. They don’t need to really wake up and smell the coffee, they know how they are…its only that the world is basically too polite for them and they get away with their tantrums and obnoxious demands. Most people would rather turn away and do their own job rather than face them and go for a verbal war time and again! Such people are used to twisting others around their little finger and they know that their act of anger and shouting and generally creating a scene, gets the work done by them. Its only now and then that they come across sterner stuff and then they put on another show of the hurt victim…they are great liars and actors and know very well what exactly they are doing. Experience has taught me to avoid such people as much as I can…in office, I just try and be polite to them for office work purpose, otherwise I’m never too friendly with them. I’ve burnt my fingers a few times before (you know they actually have the cheek of thinking you are stupid if you just believe their story everytime and try and help them and after their work is done, they laugh behind your back for falling for the trap!) and now am over cautious of such types.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
9 Oct 09
Hi Take care my friend. Mike.kitty, I had a boss very similar to this, except she never rang me up crying, however some days, I was treated like a long lost friend, others I was ignored. She treated other sobordinates with contempt, and even though she presched "hands-on,' 'pro-active,' and 'eam player,', she was none of them. I got to despise thie person because, of the way she treated her staff. I could rant on all day here, in fact I wrote a novel using her as my main character. One day I may get it published.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend I think starting this discussion could actually be a good thing, I learned so much, never thought bi-polar could be the issue, maybe your boss has the same problem, my sister is terrible and no matter what she is just mean, even to kids, my niece hates when she is home all she does is yell at her, only nice when she wants her to do something for her, its terrible, when we take my grandson to see my mom and his cousins she will walk in the house and he will say hi and she wont speak, imagine he is 7 why would you act like that to a child, I said to her once it would be nice if you would say hi to people, her response was don't start with me I don't have time for this nonsense.I hope in her case she does have bi-polar it will still take me a while to get use to a change in her, but if meds will help her I am all for it, she needs something. Thank you my friend.[/b]
@savypat (20216)
• United States
9 Oct 09
When I was the Boss and had employees I use to tell them that their attitude is one of the most important things they had going for them in public service. A good attitude could get you to the top and a bad one would sooner or later get you fired. But best of all they themselves were in charge of their own attitude.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend That was smart my friend, if I was in your position I would have done the same thing, bad attitudes is something that should not be tolerated in the work place Some people go to work acting like they are doing someone a favor, not under my supervision, I would put a stop to that real fast. Thanks for sharing.[/b]
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Hi kitty! I have known many people like that. I agree with you that they should stand back and think about the effect their actions and attitude has on others. I think that karma is very real too. Maybe one day they will get the picture.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello my friend The discussion is about my sister, but I know others as well, reading the responses tells me that most of the people like this may actually be bi-polar I hope so in some cases, I still think some people are just mean and see nothing wrong with it, but who am I my sister has been this way all my life, she tried to get her roomates dog to bite me, if not for the roomate he was heading right for me, I was so scared, just to think after all these years of dealing with her nasty attitude there is a chance medication could have helped, I hope in her case this is what is needed. Thanks for sharing my friend.[/b]
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Oct 09
Hi Kitty dear, Nasty people are those who need attention and care. That's their way of calling our attention to care for them. I've counseled a lot of people who's into trouble because of their nasty attitude and at the end they just want to belong and be accepted. They just don't know how to show their love and nice attitude. For them it's easier to be nasty than to be good. But if given the chance they're one of the nicest persons i've encountered after that "nasty episodes".
• United States
9 Oct 09
I know people like this. Most of the people I know are like this. Just kidding. I have, however, run into a few in my life. I think we should take pity on them. They obviously have no control over their emotions and mind. They may even have some mental problem like being "bi-polar". Maybe the best thing to do is explain that the way they act is not in accordance with karmic law. They may not even know anything about karmic law. If they are still irrational after trying to discuss their situation in a civilized manner, then go ahead and slap them in the face. Just kidding..........the best thing to do would be to avoid them if possible. Let life keep teaching them a lesson and hopefully one day they will learn it.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello You are funny bi-polar could be the case its really sad, she has been this way all her life, I never thought of this ever, I just thought she was a nasty piece of crap, I hope this is what is wrong with her, need to read about bi-polar do they just label every nasty person this way, or is this really a illness, very interesting. Thanks for the laugh.[/b]
@anthony89 (154)
• United States
9 Oct 09
Hello Kitty, I know many people like the kind you mentioned. These people are mostly old so called friends that pretended to be my friend. At first they would come to me when they were down or stressed and ask me to help them with their problems. I would help them by talking to them and being there for them because that is how much of a friend I was. After doing that, these same people would see me in person and never say hi or ask how I was doing. When I was the one struggling and stressed and I asked for just someone to talk to, they ignored me and acted like they didn't even know me. Shows how SELFISH people can be.
@kitty42 (3923)
• United States
9 Oct 09
[b]Hello I honestly believe there are mean people in this world, but now I am learning mean people all the time have a greater issue they can be bi-polar, in your case these people are selfish I only hope thats is the extent of their problem, they have some nasty people in this world if their is a chance we can get them all medicated then thats fine with me, its really sad, I work in the medical field and never thought this was the problem, I will try to help my sister she may have deeper issues she don't share with us, reading about bi-polar it said you can hear voices, it say you have so much energy and this is true for my sister she works two full time jobs, come home and spend hours at the gym, she has been doing this for a while, between you and me I don't see much of a change, so what is she doing there? oh well wish me luck. Thanks for sharing.[/b]
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Oct 09
I have known people like this. I believe in Karma. It has kept me out of the Home for the Very, Very Nervous several times. These types will be visited by it that is for sure. I stear clear as much as I can. Selfish and self involved mostly and think that they deserve so much and can't understand why they have been short changed.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
10 Oct 09
so you know some of my family lol. j/k oh lord yes. i know some who think they can say or do whatever they want to others. and they are god gift to the world. and as soon as someone get upset with them, they sit there and think no one should be mad at them. they will sit and complain about life. and then want someone esle to fix thier life for them well they sit there. the ones i know learned to dont bring it to me because i will give them attuide right back to them
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
10 Oct 09
Hello friend, The answer to this question is yes, I think that we have all ran into people like this before at some point in our lives. But it's best to just bite your tongue and as you say allow Karma to handle the person. Surely they will reap what they sow. There are some friends that don't bother to call us until they need something. But are they true friends? I tend to think not............ so it's best to let it go. Take care, happy mylot...........peace out. E.
@stephon8 (300)
• Philippines
10 Oct 09
Hi kitty42 I think im the male version of your friend, don't slap me. People think im snob, jerk, arrogant and i admit to that. I don't wanna be like this but what can i do this is me. I think only few people recognizes the kindness in me and im so thankful to them. I feel like im not a bad person actually im a little shy that's why they think i have an attitude.
@sasalove (1709)
• China
10 Oct 09
Hi Kitty, It reminds me the movie, THE EVIL WEARS PRADA, have you ever see that movie? In my life, I do have a close friend like that. She will be mat at you for no reason or suddenly cry in the crowd while we are walking together. I feel so embarrassed in the public with a friends like that. At the very first begining, I have the same feeling as you, I do not deserve for such manner, I did not do anything wrong and we are just friends. But serveral times happened, I take it as granted as I know her a lot. Maybe she will feel relaxed in such kind of manner or maybe she really wants others to take care of her feeling. I don't know. But just strange that we are still good friends even though I don't like her manners sometimes as she treated me well most of the time, whick will definitely not affect the friendship between us.