
United States
October 9, 2009 12:09pm CST
Are doubts OK in a relationship, or are they for people who should be single because they don't know what they really want? I'm in that boat right now. Very familiar story... he's such a great guy, but I don't know if we're right and should I go for adventure or grow up and stay with the engineer with goals, a good education, and job...oh dear. I've always been restless when it comes to relationships, I suppose that may be referred to as fickle by some. I want someone I KNOW is the one, not one I think may be... But that may be just dreamer wishful thinking talk. Perhaps even a religious or spiritual perspective. So what I ask again, how far should questioning a good guy go?
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9 responses
• United States
9 Oct 09
I believe in every relationship you come to a point where you start to question, "Is this right for me?", "Is this really who I can see myself with forever?", "Am I wasting my time?". These are all questions I've asked myself when in a relationship. You really have to evaluate everything at once and make sure your priorities are in the right order. As for you, in my opinion, I would definitely think hard about what you're wanting to do. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders with your job and education, keep up the good work, and don't give up on your goals because of a relationship, you'll regret it. Good luck!
• United States
10 Oct 09
I believe so. When it comes to question, you might need to think it through carefully. Well, most of us go through the same problem, and same process. It is part of the relationship, I guess. We just need to go through it. You will be fine.
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@ptty55 (45)
• Canada
10 Oct 09
Having doubts about a relationship is normal. I think it would be unhealthy not to have some reservations. Questioning your part in a relationship keeps you on your toes. Complacency and acceptance have caused many relationships to die too early. Having doubts, does not mean you don't care for the other person.
@Geone1 (65)
10 Oct 09
There should be no doubts if you are in a relatioship with doubts there, then you shouldn't be in there to be honest! as your only playing with someones heartstrings and wasting each others time if your not sure what you want play the field till you are ready but be sure to mention at the beginning this all you want for now so that there are fair options for both of you to decided on wot to do I guess!Lol.
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
10 Oct 09
Trust is essential to a good relationship but it doesn't grow overnight. It is not wrong to doubt people's motives either but somehow we have to trust someone. If we open ourselves and trust people we make ourselves vulnerable to be hurt but it is a risk we have to take, a price to pay if we are to develop a good relationship with people. Trust grows in the atmosphere of openess, credibility and transparency. In time it grows and slowly erases the doubt. cheers.
• India
10 Oct 09
I think Up's and Down's come in life and in relationship also. All this happens is due to Douts which arise due to any reason.
@srganesh (6340)
• India
10 Oct 09
Nobody can know in and out of anybody.Even we ,ourselves can't swear we know everything about ourselves.I mean to say,we don't realize the potential of ourselves and we couldn't judge anybody in a relationship.If relations are built upon calculations,then it can't serve any excitements.So,it is up to you to continue any relationship,but keep it in mind that nobody is perfect.Cheers!
@ramo44 (76)
• India
10 Oct 09
In my point of view...doubt is the last thing that can occur in a relationship. What i am trying to say is , if doubt comes to the picture, then your relationship won't last..
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@skysuccess (8858)
• Singapore
10 Oct 09
infinateoutcomes, You hold firmly onto your own definition of what love and relationship means to you; it seemed to have rooted into your personal core value. Every relationship is as serious as how you want to look upon it as. You may break up with a guy, citing serious incompatibility, but I believe it's more likely that he is just unyielding towards your decree of how you perceive and desire the structure of your relationship to be like and that emphasis itself may not lie with incompatibility as a whole. You seemed intractable towards your attitude towards love, secretly hoping for a product which fits perfectly into how you want your relationship to shape into. Surely, that might happen to some, (especially people who managed to build excellent beneficial relationship accrued from previous existence(s) or having evolved personality from present life) but more often than not, if your lessons in life lies largely with your relationship, your growth will automatically spring forth from your challenges within and that you have to learn it with humility. Your demand out of love will not materialize at face-value; in fact, it often develops an inverse relationship with your thoughts. What will only happen is that you will meet people that will allow you the potential to grow that personality and wisdom to eventually fulfill this demand or understand why you should drop such thoughts. Ironically, the people who always claim they don't want to fall in love because of the doubts, are precisely the very people who always fall in love and always come out battered. The rationale is very simple; if you allow doubts to govern your attitude towards love, then fear will manifest into reality for you. The quantum of fear you have in love is closely linked to one's inability to accept reality and growth in relationship. If you reject growth due to doubts, then doubts will circumvent you like a pall of miasmatic cloud. A simple relationship per se is never simple - in fact, what simple to you could be a 180 degree change in behavioral pattern for another. A perfect relationship is never by birthright; it always forged through understanding, compromising and maturity by imperfect partners ourselves. Only by breaking down the emotional barriers we have put in place for love and love with wisdom, would our higher consciousness attract the best possible mate in the same wavelength and make that into reality for us. We learn to walk so as to prevent falling - we don't learn to avoid walking just because we don't want to fall. So, take care and have a nice day.
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
10 Oct 09
When you have doubt, it also meant that you are not ready to commit. So, you have to go through some experience or life path to see whether or not that is the guy eventually end up on your side. You might consider many perspective from the past, and in your future. Well, when you have doubt, take your time to think it over. No rush there.
• Philippines
14 Oct 09
at times, doubts may be good. However, it can be said that one's you doubt, you pay no trust to the ones you love. we can be futuristic in terms of finding the right guy but let's just be fair. why not try and explore things out. there's no bad idea about it if you don't just rush things out or by just having your limits. Do not be afraid in taking such challenges. you may be hurt but that's just an instance for you to be stronger and have ideas on what to decide upon entering such relationship. you may not know everyone by easily seeing him as he is. expect for changes.