Natural birth vs epidural

@nagikka (407)
October 9, 2009 2:21pm CST
I don't have a child and I'm not pregnant but I'm really curious for what concerns this topic. How many of you tried natural childbirth and epidural? does epidural really makes birth almost painless? and is childbirth really so painful? I often find myself thinking that people say it's really painful but some women have more than one kid. My neighbour told me she suffered so much that she would never have another kid, but she's got two now :) please excuse the question, I'm just curious, especially from those who got an epidural.
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12 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Oct 09
Hi there, I've had 4 children. I had an epidural with my first even though I thought I could handle the pain and had told the doctors I wanted her natural. Well I could NOT handle the pain. Even if you go the route of the epidural, you do go thru an amount of painful labor. The epidural was such a huge relief. I gave birth to a very healthy little girl who is now 32. There were no side effects whatsoever. My next 3 came so fast that there really was not time to give the epidural so I had them natural. Every woman is different and we all have our different pain thresholds. I would tell any woman not to feel bad if they want an epidural. It is a personal choice but don't suffer needlessly just for the sake of saying you did it natural.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Oct 09
That is so ridiculous. Even with the epidural the mom is certainly not pain-free. You go thru most of the labor before they even give it to you. By that point for some it is almost intolerable. I know it was for me with my first one. It is a lot of work no matter what. Why endure any more pain than you have to? The ones that I had natural came so quickly that there was no time for them to give me anything. The miracle in childbirth is not measured by the amount of pain we do or don't endure anyway.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Oct 09
I pushed and the doctor did not use forceps. like you said....we are all different. I had no side effects at all from it and neither did my baby.
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@nagikka (407)
• Italy
10 Oct 09
you know I liked what you said, that women who choose epidural shound't feel ashamed. I read a forum once and mommies were fighting calling each other weak for choosing epidural
• United States
10 Oct 09
You are going to get a lot of conflicting answers about whether childbirth is the worse pain there is or not, because there are a lot of different women with different pain threshholds, plus every labor and delivery are different. Every woman's body is different. Some can birth a baby with ease, some have to struggle to get the baby out. I've had seven babies, and I am a total labor chicken. I'm one of the ones who will tell you that it's the worse pain you will ever experience. I'm also going to tell you that having a baby is one of the most delightful, soul filling, spiritual experiences you will ever have too, which is what makes us come back for more. For a few hours of intense pain, you have a the rest of your lifetime to enjoy your child. Some of my children are grown now, and I still enjoy them. I had four of my babies with natural childbirth, including one at home, and three epidurals. They do have what's called "walking epidurals" now, so that you are not paralyzed in bed. I had one of those with my last baby, and it was NICE!! If I were not past menopause now, and could have another baby, I would do the epidural without a second thought, although they are pretty painful going in. We also adopted three children, and one of those adoptions I 'labored' for every bit as much as I ever labored in the natural sense.
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
12 Oct 09
I just wanted to congratulate to you for adopting kids, it's something that's always been on my mind. I'm 30 and have no children yet (nor do I have a boyfriend because he left me last year) so I guess I can't even consider adoption, but it's something I'd LOVE To do and I admire people who do it :) where do your kids come from?
• United States
12 Oct 09
We adopted from the foster care system. There are a lot of children in the US that need adopting! We have fostered more than 50 children over the years, adopted three of them.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Oct 09
no need to apologise. this is something many can talk about. i've had 5 and 3 was with ether or some other gas? not sure. terrible way. one was with sodium pentethol or an injection of some sort. not as bad. one was from epidural it was great. you think the labor pains are a bit bad, but when the birthing starts, they give you that shot and its great after that. easiest one i had!!
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@nagikka (407)
• Italy
12 Oct 09
what does sodium pentethol does exactly? I've never ever heard of that
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 09
HI Nagikka, I am a mother of one boy. I remembered well the pain of labour and it sound scary to me if I were to recall back. I still can remembered when I started to get backache during midnight,I can't sleep for the whole night and I am not sure whether is it the sign for delivery. I was sent to hospital in the morning around 7am and according to the nurse, It was the sign of delivery.I was in pain for few hours in the labour room,waiting my the right time to deliver my boy.Actually I was already on 7cm dilated and the contraction is getting stronger and stronger. I just feel uncomfortable to lie on the bed.I even hold my husband's hand very tightly. However,after struggling and in strong contraction for about 4 hours, I decided to go for c-section. I was so worry that I might not have the strenght to push my baby out if I really determine to go for natural birth. Everything was going smoothly and within half an hour time in the operation room,my baby was come to this wonderful world. I am so happy being the first time mom.
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@nagikka (407)
• Italy
12 Oct 09
can you actually choose to have a c-section? I think it works differently in my country
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Oct 09
I can't answer the question about an epidural, but I can tell you that I've had two children, both with a mostly natural childbirth. I intended to go fully natural with my daughter, but she was an induction after my water broke and I wasn't contracting, so the pitocin that they had to give me made the contractions stronger. I asked for an epidural but was unable to get one due to a backup with anesthesology. Therefore, they gave me a half dose of stadol to ease the pain. My daughter was born fifteen minutes later and it was a beautiful experience for me. I swore that whenever I had another child I would do it either the same way or I'd do it all-natural. I did it the exact same way the second time and again I thought it was beautiful. I'm not going to lie to your and say that it doesn't hurt, but for me all the pain was forgotten the moment that my children were placed in my arms.
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@nagikka (407)
• Italy
12 Oct 09
I hope to be able to experience the same feelings you're describing. Maybe one day I will, I'm not so sure now because at 30 I haven't even got a boyfriend eheh
• United States
10 Oct 09
Well I'm not pregnant and nor have I had a child yet but my Mom has told me about each. Shes been through both. And she told me natural birth is the better way to go. Not to mention, I am terrified of how they give you the epidural. First off they put it in your spine and it is incredibly painful and then while they put it in you cant move otherwise you risk being paralyzed. Thats enough for me to prefer natural birth. but thats just me and what I've heard.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Oct 09
That is so true. I had an epidural and I did not feel it when the doctor gave it to me. He timed it so he gave to me during one of my contractions. I was so concentrating on my breathing and the pain from the contraction that I didn't feel it at all. And I have to tell you that I was up and in the shower before I even went back to my room.
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@nagikka (407)
• Italy
10 Oct 09
I think the pain of being given an epidural depends on the doctor that gives it. My grandmother got two epidurals when she had to undergo surgery in her legs and back and she said she didnt feel anything. Kiding, she told the doc "I had been told it hurted a lot" and he smiled saying "well it's because you have a good doc" :)
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
10 Oct 09
I have had three natural births at home. I had an eight hour labor with my first baby. I had the first stage of my labor in a water pool. I had some gas and air as well. I pushed my baby out on a bed. Then I retained the placenta and had to go for a manual removal in a hospital. I had a two and a half hour labor with my second baby. I only had twenty minutes of strong pain. I didn't have to push and my baby came out really easily. I delivered the placenta fine that time. I went into labor at 07.00 with my third baby and she was born at 14.10. My labor had been slow with very light contractions to begin with. I had an early lunch at 11.30 then a bath because the pain was strong. Then the pain got very very strong. The midwife arrived then my baby was born ten minutes later. I delivered the placenta with four blood clots and then I lost two and a half liters of blood. I got taken to hospital. Childbirth is painful but worth it. I have had two births with no pain relief. I have had one birth using water and gas and air.
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@nagikka (407)
• Italy
10 Oct 09
is birth at home safe? do you get a doctor to follow you at home?
@angelsmummy (1696)
9 Oct 09
I have had an epidural and a natural birth. I had an epidural with my first daughter as she was turning into the back-to-back position which is the only thing that made labour painful for me! With my second daughter I had a completly natural birth! I much prefered the natural way. The epidural got rid of all pain but I had to stay in hospital much longer as I needed a caphater and I couldnt move my legs as they tend to paralyse you from the waist down. Not the best way to spend your first few days with your newborn! With my second I gave birth at 23:57 and was home at 13:00 the next day :D
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
9 Oct 09
I read on a forum once that a woman said she got epidural but she could still walk, what did she get ? O_o
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
10 Oct 09
When I had an epidural, I was up and showering while they cleaned off my baby. I was out of the hospital in 2 days and that was back in the 70's. This sounds more like a spinal block which I don't believe is even used any more. the side effects of a spinal block are much more severe than an epidural.
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
10 Oct 09
how longer did they keep you at the hospital when you got epidural?
@Zhizho (1350)
• Indonesia
10 Oct 09
Hi..I have one son.He was 2 years old now.I was born him with natural birth and honestly,yes,it's painful but just for a moment.But,All women who ever born child have different experience.There is who feel very painful but I just feel less one hour.the painful should be lost when you look your baby born healthy.So,if there is no problem in my pregnance,I still choose natural birth.
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@nagikka (407)
• Italy
10 Oct 09
is it more painful during lavor or when the baby comes out?
@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Oct 09
I kept an open mind about both. Before I had my first child, I took all the classes, read all the books . . . and I would have liked to have done all natural birthing, but knew it would be ok if I needed an epidural. When the time came, the contractions were so strong. I have never felt pain like that before - not even with the worst of menstrual cramps. It just got worse and worse - and finally I gave in and asked for an epidural. I was nearly blacking out by the time they did it! But after the epidural kicked in, yes, it was all completely painless. In fact I got too numb (up to my chest) that I told them about it, and they brought down the dosage of it (however you say it in medical terms). All I had to do later, when the doctor gave the go, was to push. And out popped a baby - hee hee. For me, I could not complain about the whole labor/birthing process. While I was waiting around in my hospital room, I could hear women who were doing the natural thing . . . and boy, the screams were hard to take. But kudos to women who are able to do it! I am very happy that the epidural made birthing such an easy experience for me - and I have no regrets. I am, however, glad to have avoided a cesarean. I am pregnant for a second time now . . . in a few weeks the moment will come again where I'll have to make that decision. I will go for natural as far as I can . . . but if not, I know that epidural will help me out - and I'm ok with that.
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
10 Oct 09
hey congratulations !! male or female ? :) also -just because I'm curious- is it true the pain is most in the back?
10 Oct 09
Its much easier second time round! You know what to expect lol! Good luck
@much2say (57326)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Oct 09
nagikka - thank you! My second one is a boy this time . . . so it will be new territory for me! For the epidural, it just felt like a big shot in my back . . . a teeny bit of pain but nothing compared to the contractions. I was so in pain that I didn't care what they did to me at that point!
@marctiu (829)
• Philippines
10 Oct 09
According to my experience many women experience a pain during labor and during delivery, this is because they were not taught the proper way of breathing and the proper way of controlling there muscles when the baby start to come out. I really believe that the pain is really control using epidural because there is an anesthesia being injected to your system so that you won't feel the pain. The difference is that you feel the pain in normal process and the price is not that much, on the otherhand you won't feel any pain during delivery, but the price is high. Well, it is for you to decide what you will be using in your delivery. Have a nice day. Happy mylotting. Hope my response help you understand.
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
10 Oct 09
so simple breathing can help you deal with the pain or lessen it? because many women skip classes organized to learn and are completely unprepared
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
11 Oct 09
Aren't there like private classes or so ? Anyway, is the epidural free too? because I know hat in Italy you do pay A LOT for that
10 Oct 09
Breathing does help yes although not all women get classes I asked all the way through both my pregnancies and never got any was always told they were full, I even offered to pay (its all free in this country)!
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• Philippines
10 Oct 09
I had an epidural giving birth to my son. It was completely painless after the epidural took effect but it was sooo painful prior. My baby's too big for me so I had a difficult time and labor took a little longer so the first one wore off and they had to give me one more epidural shot. Fortunately I didn't need one more.
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