Update on Am I really Crazy?

United States
October 14, 2009 3:52pm CST
I may be on to something here! After several responses to my last discussion and pyewacket and her helpful links. I contacted the EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) about what was going on in my house, last night. This morning I began to call the local health department to get a free mold kit,which they do not have nor do the supply anything regarding ways of finding out if mold is my problem. They informed me to call the 211 United Way number and I did with the same results. They suggested I contact my Insurance company which I did and yet another brick wall. So just as I was about to sit down and start searching yet again online for free mold kits or even cheaper ones...my phone rang. To my surprise the caller id said EPA GOVT! I answered and a nice man began to tell me my email had been forwarded to him and he had a few questions if I was ready for them. "Shot" I said. So he asked me a series of questions about my home and my daughter's seizures and such. I gave him all I had and basically the same things I have already said here on Mylot. He asked about the friend I had who's son had had seizures and i told him I was unsure what kind of trailer she lived in and he asked me to find out ASAP. He then mentioned the FEMA trailers pyewacket had mentioned in the previous post. And I told him I did read a bit about it. He said he didn't think the problem was outside my home but in the building materials used to construct my home itself. He said he would be contacting the Wayne County Health Department and he would be speaking with me again SOON! I explained I know I probably sound like a crazy mom but something isn't right and he replied "no you are fine" So someone believes me! I found out from my friend that the woman that had the son that had seizures in this park lived in a simular home as mine. I live in a 1996 Redman and I Googled my trailer and found 2 lawsuits regarding formaldehyde and health issues. A man bought a 1995 Redman and there were wood chips and saw dust in the VENTING SYSTEM that contains formaldehyde,which struck a cord in me since I had stated in my last topic that she seems to have more seizures when the A/C and/or Heat is running. The only flaw is a doctor testified that formaldehyde levels decrease not increase over time. SO I am not sure about this being the real cause of her seizures. Formaldehyde is found in new carpets,cleaners,sugar substitutes and a ton of other stuff. So this may only be the beginning but I am hoping to hear from the EPA again soon. And i will keep you updated. So do you think maybe this formaldehyde is the cause? Or am I chasing another golden goose?
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14 responses
@camomom (7535)
• United States
14 Oct 09
As I said in your last post, follow your gut feeling. This person you talked too obviously thinks there is a problem there too. I would follow up on it, just in case. I hope you find your answer's soon. Good luck and I'll be looking for updates.
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• United States
14 Oct 09
Thanks camomom,I think I will email that man again and have it forward it to the one I talked to today. Since I did find out the information about the person's other trailer and all.
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@camomom (7535)
• United States
14 Oct 09
That's a great idea. My sister in law started having seizures in high school and doctors don't know why. She's 30 now and still has them.
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@Jennlk84 (4205)
• United States
14 Oct 09
I remember I read your last discussion about this. I am SO glad you made some calls and actually had someone get back to you. I think it's great that you thought of this and are trying to better it. I Just hope you get good news back and that something can be done so she is ok again! Hang in there...I'm sure this could be somewhat time consuming.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
15 Oct 09
You indubitably do not soud crazy to me. You sound like someone who loves their child and hates to see them suffering! I would recommend that you test your theory though. If you can send your daughter out of the house for a week (send her to her grandparents house, godparents, anyone who doesn't live in your park tha you feel like you can trust.) You can go with her or stay there but see if her seizures and other health symptoms abate any after 48 hours and even more closely after 72 hours or three days. If after 3 days out of the house her health improves dramatically, I suggest that you contact a lawyer and sue. It is not neccessary, neccessarily, to figure out what is making her sick, if your home is making her sick then sue whomever built it or whomever sold it to you. Once you file a lawsuit they will find the source of the problem and if there is something wrong there the party that you are suing will be resposible for her medical bills, and you will definitely get some "experts" to come over to your home and run all kinds of sophisticated tests until they fid the cause of the contaminant. Sometimes it is where you do not expect it to be. If her symptoms increaseand health is deteriorating as time goes on then it is probably something in the home that is deteriorating as it ages, like fiberglass insulation, of asbestos paint under all of the newer layers of paint. When it comes to your health and the health of your child do NOT allow anyone to convince you that you are crazy or that you are wrong. Operate under the assumption that you are right, because you know your child and something that is going on with her is throwing up all kinds of red flags in your mind. This is what people call mother's intuition sometimes. If you are right and you know you are, don't give up, make someone find the problem and fix it or move. Your little one is too precious and her health and future are too important for you to back down and become complacent or silent about this. Do everything in your power to make people in the right places hear you. Keep filing written reports to health agaencies and federal agencies. They have to at the least investigate every report. Not everyone is an uncaring button pusher. They have kids and families too and seeig what you're going through, you are bound to run into someone who is in a position to help you and who has a family so they can empathize with your plight. Once you find that person, you will know it because they will take the ball from you and run with it. Keep your head up and your faith in yourself, your family, and God strong. You will prevail! You have to right? There is no alternative when it comes to your little girl but to keep on top of this until SOMEONE SOMEWHERE SOMEHOW hears you and responds appropriately with something other than the suspicion that you are nuts!
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
15 Oct 09
Sorry to be so wordy but I thought of a couple other things. It doesn't have to be the house itself or what you suspect. If you live in a mobile home (I grew up in one) it could be something toxic under your house, or even the ground the trailer is sitting on. If you live close to a power substation or a lot of power lines that could be the cause. It could also be something in her school if she is experiencing all these symptoms and you are not. If that is the case, what does she do or where does she go that you either do not do or go, or are exposed to infrequently such as when picking her up at school if it is in her school. A simple way to start narrowing down the culprits is to buy a humidifier. If it is mold it will love the extra liquid in the air, and may come through to where it is visible and thus findable. If it is an airborne tozin the additional humidity in the air will catch the microscopic alergens or poisons and weighted down by the water in the air it will sink down to the floor or adhere to your walls rather than remaining in the air to be inhaled. Change the filter in your air conditioning unit and check where your air intake is and what is around that intake. Also mobile homes are wallpapered so it could be either the paper or the glue that is used to hold it onto your walls. Investigate the materials used to manufacture your home, investigate the manufacturer (which you apparently are already onto), investigate everything until you find the problem. Obviously there is a problem but it could be in an unexpected place. Filter her driniking water, or buy her purified water. If you changed body soaps, or laundry soaps, or your brand of kids vitamins, or anything else, change it back. Sometimes toxins occur like the movie batman the first one, where the joker put his poison into different unrelated products and only a chance combination of factors will create the perfect atmosphere for the products to become toxic and or deadly. I see that the topic you posted this under was anxiety. Axiety is often caused by fear, and fear of the unknown is your problem right now, so the more things you confront and eliminate the closer you get to the cause and once you arrive at the cause, agencies and lawyers aside, then it has a "face" or a name, something you can call it, and something that you can take action against. I assume because you don't mention one that her father either isn't around or is not as concerned about her health as you are. Family medical history is a good place to start looking for answers. If she didn't have seizures before and these are new rather than an increase of an already active illness then take her for a CAT scan immediately. Eliminate as many possiblilies as you can. And when you eliminate all of them, what you are left with, no matter how absurd it may seem, is the cause. Good luck and godspeed. Once you can take some kind of positive action that has an effect on the problem the sooner you can alleviate most of the stress. Because unquantified and unnamed fears are the biggest and the scariest.
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• United States
17 Oct 09
My husband is concerned but he doesn't know how to handle it and I have an outlet here where he does not. I have already checked and rechecked threw any changes since she does have a journal I keep each day. She had seizures at birth and we lived in a 1974 trailer until we moved in here at the age of 3. one month and 3 days after moving in her seizures started and since then and three medications nothing is stopping them or even slowing them down. When the house is shut up she has more frequent seizures and more ones that are not the norm for her. But I will test out the humidifier again and see what happens.
• United States
15 Oct 09
God must have gotten me in touch with the right person because today at 8:39 in the morning the health department called me and the first thing they said is Formaldehyde. The supervisor there is tracking down a tester to see if the levels are as high as they think. I just hope they find one soon. I didn't even know about formaldehyde or anything about it until pye said somehting she is a life saver if this turns out the way I think it will!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
15 Oct 09
It sounds like maybe you are in touch with the right people. Hopefully they will spring into action and get your questions answered. You may be chasing, but when you are sure, it will eliminate or give you an answer. You will feel better knowing it has been checked regardless of what you find out. You won't always be wondering. Next question is, if they do come in, do you have somewhere you can go, if they find something? I really hope you get the answers you need.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I just hope they can give you some answers. At least if it is negative, they will put your mind more at ease. I just wanted to make sure you were thinking about that. All we can do is take one step at a time. It seems they are right on it, and that is a good thing.
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• United States
15 Oct 09
That is a new problem in itself. I have no were to go if they do find something. I am looking at it one day at a time. The health department contacted me this morning and hopefully once the find a formaldehyde tester they will be out here testing my home,then I will try to figure out where to go.
• United States
15 Oct 09
Yea one step at a time. I am hoping if they do find something maybe they can relocate me or something. I was thinking about asking this other park if my trailer is positive for it if they can work with me to get in there,but not sure what I should do? How is your son doing?
• United States
19 Oct 09
I am so sorry that things were getting worse with you and your little one and I wasn't on here to help you. Not that I really could have done anything, but I at least could have listened and given moral support. I might even have been able to come up with a few helpful suggestions. Who knows, stranger things have been known to happen. It sounds like somebody is taking you seriously and starting to look into this, so I hope that it is a good first step. Follow up and keep on these people, because sometimes they drop the ball, because they have so many cases that it is easy to mislay one case. Don't ever feel like you are being a paranoid mom, because that is your job. You know your daughter and the situation better than anyone, and if you think there is something wrong, then there probably is. Besides, I would much rather be a paranoid mom than let something go and find out later that I could have done something to prevent it. You are doing the right thing, and we are here for you!
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• United States
19 Oct 09
Thanks hun. I emailed the EPA guy again because I still haven't heard from the Health Department since last week. I didn't pay my mortgage this month because well I am gonna need that money if I have to move plus I am not about to pay for a place that might be hurting my daughter ya know.
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• United States
19 Oct 09
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. If the place is hurting your daughter, then they will either need to fix it or you will have to move. In either case, you will need that money for lodging, even if it is only temporary until they can find and fix the problem. I hope that they get back to you soon and find the source of the problem. Mold can be terrible, and you might have it in the walls without knowing it. I know that you said it might be formaldehyde, and maybe it is, but I still wouldn't rule out a mold issue. I just hope that it is something that can be fixed quickly and easily and without too much expense. I have been thinking about you and praying for you and your family, even though I haven't been able to be on here. *HUGS*
@artistry (4151)
• United States
15 Oct 09
...Hi, babyangie27, I hope your child gets. But something is doing this to your child, and you said you live in a similar trailer. I am concerned that you and your daughter are being exposed to the same thing, whatever it is and the only reason you have not had seizures is because your immune system is stronger than your daughters. If you cannot both move out of the trailer until the cause is found and removed, I would buy some of those face masks that construction workers wear. The small white ones that cover your face. You both need fresh air as much as possible, windows should be wide open as much as possible. Your home is attacking you both. This is a serious problem, I have read information on the internet about a man who lived in a home which had mold, he had to retire because of the condition the mold left him in, he was only 35 years old. It can be destructive.I am sorry to raise concerns, but you need to be aware of the consequences of the damage mold spores can do to the body. Or if it is formaldehyde. Take care, but I would get the masks if you cannot leave your trailer. The masks may help a bit. Take care and good luck.
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• United States
15 Oct 09
I am hoping since the health dept called me this morning we will know something real soon. I left my door slightly opened during the day yesterday but now my daughter has a cough and she has had a manageable fever for two days. I have no where else to go and am starting to get even more paranoid in my own home.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
15 Oct 09
...Hi, you are not paranoid, you have real concerns here. I would keep a couple of windows open, just a little bit to have the outside air come in. Remember to try to find those white masks to cover your nose and your mouth. They could help with keeping out some of the smell. Good luck.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
17 Oct 09
Well, this is an interesting situation for sure, and I hope you can get down to the bottom of this one as well. It definately sounds like for Health reasons if nothing else to get on top of what the issue is would benefit you more for sure. I work with someone that has problems like this, and so do her kids, and she is renting a place, plus I think part of the issue is also where we work, but we do not know where to turn either, so any information you can offer us here is appreciated for sure, and Wishing you the Best.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
15 Oct 09
Sweetie, even if it is a touch in the Dark at least it is another thing that is ruled out Doctors do not always get it right you know I am so glad that someone has contacted you and I hope to that they will get back to you Keep going Sweet you just never know Hugs to you
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
15 Oct 09
I am so glad do not worry if there is I am sure they will advise and things like that for you Sweet I am just glad that you got some action out of all of this well done Sweet for not breaking and for coming on here to put the fears here as now things are rolling
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• United States
15 Oct 09
OMG gabs hun the health department called me and the first thing they said is formaldehyde! they are trying to borrow a tester so they can come out and test my home,I am so worried and happy all at the same time!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
15 Oct 09
formaldehyde expresses out of wood over time so that if there is a lot in the wood of the trailer, it can now be coming out of the wood - so, there's less in the wood, more in the air I do know that I have trouble sometimes walking into fabric stores because they put it in new fabric too - some times its so bad my eyes burn from the fumes...
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• United States
15 Oct 09
I never even knew about this until pye said somehting and I spent all day and night pretty much online and I was floored by the whole thing.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
15 Oct 09
Hi there, Yes, Pye is pretty helpful isn't she? She helped me tremendously on an issue a while back. She's awesome. Well I am so glad you are making progress here. Like we told you in your other discussion....It all sounds like it could be a possibility. Could it be the Formaldehyde? Could be. Even if it turns out it isn't, at least you will be able to rule it out. It could be something else in the trailer. Anything you do to track down the cause of your daughter's seizures is a step in the right direction in finding the answer. Don't give up. ok? And yes, keep us updated.
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• United States
15 Oct 09
Well here's a small update The Wayne County Health Department called me this morning and first thing they said it FORMALDEHYDE,the woman I spoke to said her supervisor is trying to track a tester down so the can look at the levels in my home. Even if it isn't that maybe they can find out what it really is.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Oct 09
I so hope you get an answer. There are a number of things it could possibly be. I think it is just awesome that you are being so pro-active on this. Keep up the good work!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
15 Oct 09
Sorry because I was quite late to catch up on this. So how are you coping now? I hope the EPA contact you soon. Hope you are doing fine as I type this..
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• United States
15 Oct 09
The health department called me this morning. The think it is formaldehyde and have to track down a tester so they can come and test my home. I am scared and excited all at the same time. To know we might be able to find the cause of my daughter's seizures is a good thing but I am scared as I have no were else to live if they do find something.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 Oct 09
I understand your dilemma, and it's best to just on standby as an alternative to look for a place to stay, just in case.. Update us on the developments of this case, yeah..
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@bitoffun (203)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I think your on to something. You go girl!. I`m so glad you called them. Now maybe something will be done and she won`t have to suffer with those seizures anymore. The golden goose your chasing is a nice big fat law suit. If it turns out that is what is causing it next thing is to find a good lawyer.
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• United States
15 Oct 09
I hate to be a suer but in this case someone has got to give me some answers. I brought up somehting possibly being in my home to the doctors before and they shot it down. I guess they don't believe formaldehyde can trigger seizures but many parents and such know better. The health dept called me this morning and are trying to get a tester so they can come test the levels,that's the first thing they thought when they called me!
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
15 Oct 09
I think and I really hope that you are onto something major here. Good for you for sticking to your instincts. Keep moving forward with it.
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• United States
15 Oct 09
Thanks Shar and I hope to find an end to this soon. Even if it is not mold or formaldehyde then I can at least start looking into other things.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
14 Oct 09
Honey, I think you hit the right button. See, besides your friends here, you finally found someone who cares. Mold is not only annoying it can cause so many illnesses. I'm just sorry I didn't think of it sooner. Pretty soon, with the help of God and these people, you and your baby girls will be feeling better. I am so happy to hear this news. Love Ya leenei
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• United States
15 Oct 09
Well the EPA and the health department are leaning more towards it being formaldehyde which is pretty scary when you think of it. The Wayne County Health Department called me this morning and that was the first thing they said.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
15 Oct 09
Maybe they will help you re-locate. Good luck Sweetie.
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