Still have communication with your Ex?

@sexyposh (575)
October 18, 2009 5:20am CST
Are you still in good term with your ex? If this question popped me, I'd say I am no longe having communication with my exs. Its not that I am bitter or something, it just so happend that it ended there after we broke up. But if ever we'll cross again I think I can still give them a smile or even a tap on the shoulder.. But the funny thing is and I also think ironic, I am uncomfortable when the ex of my current boyfriend greets us or having conversation with my boyfriend.. I already let him know that, and we already compromise.. He is still talking with her but not as much as before anymore..
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26 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
I have ex gf but have no communication till we have broken apart. She is in a foreign land through my help but when she got there. She never say anything to me. Even hi or hello I don't know about this girl? But I know now she is only using me as tools for going abroad...I don't think if I will talk to that girl again? Have a nice day!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
Yup! I agree with you, my friend. That what I did and pray that all pain and bitterness will disappear. I don't like to sow something anger on her. I want to move on and I want to live a peaceful life. She is not deserve to be love...There are more right women than her, right. I hope I can find the real person in me. A real that will give real love...Have a great day!
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
Good that you still keep that positive attitude. Forget about her! Think that she's just another character in your life that molds you into better person. I wish you well, hope you'll find the right one that deserves you!!!
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
That is sooooo mean!!! She doesn't deserve any love from you... Its only right that the two of you not to talk.. Leave her, she doesn't deserve you. Maybe her trip to abroad is also good ridance. But never ever held bitterness against her. The Lord will take care of her.. Just continue to be a good person as you are. Maybe one day you'll bump unto somebody who you deserve more. God Bless!
@mielshare (265)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Yah, I still have communication with my ex but he alredy has a new girlfried. We treat each other the way we used to but we both know that we can't be together. We just enjoy each other's company.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
That is so sweet.... Really, nice to hear that you're still in good terms with you ex. By the way, is it okey with his current relationship with your closeness?
• Philippines
19 Oct 09's okey with his girldfried. He said that his girlfriend said to him that its ok as long as he doesn't cheats on him and if time comes that he fell inlove with me again he has to tell her so that she can stop my ex. By the way I also have a boyfriend right now.
@saraines (154)
• United States
19 Oct 09
we do still communicate,not as often out of respect for their former partner, but yes...we were best friends before we decided to get into a relationship, when we broke up things got bad so we stayed away from each other until the hurt was gone, now we communicate like we used to before we got together, we are even able to discuss our past relationship as well as our new ones, no problem...i guess our friendship was stronger than anything else...
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
What you had was a right thing, starting off as friends and strengthen it. Really, I think every relationship should start as this or if the relationship started in a very short courtship, the whole relationship should invest more on friendship. Spark and Attraction last only for weeks or months but acceptance of ones flaws and became good friends last a long long time...
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
22 Oct 09
When I broke up with my last ex girlfriend nearly 12 years ago, I was traveling overseas without her. I got back in contact with her once I returned and we sorted out some stuff and stayed in contact regularly each week for the next year even though we lived in separate states. We then decided to get back together and have been together ever since. We are now married with two children and the oldest is nearly 10 years old!
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
22 Oct 09
WOW!!! That is so sweet!!! What a love story...
@lwy519 (159)
• China
20 Oct 09
Yes,sometime when I am in the journey lonely,we can talk to each more than 30minuters,and then when the phone ends,I usually feel sad.but everything it's over,we can't change the's very sad to think about him.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
awwww.... Its okey... everything will be alright! Someday, you'll meet someone new that will make you happy...
@gnase99 (172)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Its very impossible to be friends with your ex after the relationship has ended because it will nver be the same again.. the feeling that was felt before will be gone but that doesnt mena that you should stop caring for that person.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Maybe it will take a while... You can't expect to be okey right away. Healing process needs time and space, and once you have moved on then that's the time that everything between the two of you becomes okey. My first boyfriend and I only become friends just recently, we have to wait 10 years to be friends again. Now, he is married and have 2 kids, while I'm engage to my boyfriend and we'll get marry soon..
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
I agree with you
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
18 Oct 09
It's funny that this is a question today. My assistant and I were just talking about it. I have four main exes. I talk to three of them. The other one is just crazy so I don't speak to her. I would if she weren't. I think it's very important to stay in touch with your exes because they know you better than most people in the world. I would not have a problem with my current person communicating with their ex as long as their ex wasn't abusive and all they were doing was talking or occasionally hanging out. Having a significant other who fixates on whether or not you hang out with your ex is a bad sing. Odds are, pretty soon they'll become an ex.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Well for some it is really hard to comprehend and I understand them. To be the current partner, somehow there is a part of you that you'll feel a bit insecure with the ex. But eventually, those insecurities just fades once you gain trust...
@derek_a (10873)
19 Oct 09
Yes, I am still on good talking terms with my ex, but it wasn't always like that. Our lawyers started a fight between us and we ended up not speaking at all. But we met by accident one day some time afterwards and decided to put the whole divorce business behind us and became good friends. We often see each other from time to time and will sit down and have a coffee together. My ex has remarried now and so have I and neither of our spouses mind that we are friends.. - Derek
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
Really, you should put the blame on the lawyers! They are the ones that ruin everything. No wonder many who filed divorce and annullment, never reconcile their differences. I am glad that that moment comes that the two of you meet again and put everything behind..
@jenyenh (205)
• Maldives
18 Oct 09
I guess it depends how you parted. I still communicate to my exs but not all. It's just a matter of moving on and I don't know where they are. I had some that still sends me emails even if they got married had kids. If I see them again, I would still say hi or even grab a coffee or tea and talk. I never hated them, it just happened that we parted ways. No hurt feelings. I threat them as special friends.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Yes, it really depend on how you parted.. If the two of you clear things up and accept your differences, then I should say bitterness is very slim to happend.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
18 Oct 09
I'm still very good friends with my ex-husband, and we've been divorced for 23 years. I do feel a little uncomfortable face to face with him so prefer to talk to him on the phone. We hardly ever meet though so that's not much of a problem. There's no way I would ever get back together with him though, even bearing in mind that we still get on very well.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
I know somebody whose marriage hav been annulled for more than 20 years. They both have their new families now, and they remained friends, but the ex-husband is experiencing heart palpitations everytime he sees his ex-wife. So he opted to hide or just look at her from afar. Maybe he still love her or maybe he's just plain uncomfortable... who knows... but hey! I am not refering this to you... It just so happend I remember and just wish to share... hehe
@irene3184 (898)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
I have a good term with my ex but we don't have any communication anymore in response with my boyfriend now. It is not fine that I still continue communicating with them if I have a boyfriend now.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
That is so nice that you respect your current boyfriend's feelings.. Keep it up!
@lyanne (60)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
Me and my ex were still friends. The reason for that is because we never ended the relationship badly. Since we started as friends, we tend to keep it that way to still be friends. We still talk at times mostly about life. We are comfortable talking to one another not because we wanted to get our relationship back but because of the friendship we gained. We both know were we stand and respect one another..
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
That is soooo sweet. Its so nice that the two of you remained friends after what had had happend. Hope your new relationships will understand what you and your ex have... wishing you well..:)
18 Oct 09
Well all my exs are from school because when i left school i met someone and i have been with him ever since. So as all my exs were not serious and they lived in diffrent towns i just dont see them to talk to and a couple i wouldnt want to talk to. I think it would be a different story with my current boyfriend if we broke up because we have been together a few years now and have been through alot together. If he became my ex and i bumped into him i would still speak to him. Because 1.i would feel rude if i ignored him and 2.i love him he and he will always have a place in my heart even if we did break up. I agree with your view on your boyfriends ex, i would not feel comfortable if my boyfriends ex was talking to him alot and wouldnt really want her around either. I guess that sounds jealous but i think alot of woman feel like that and some guys to. I think its better to stay on talking terms than to have a nasty bitter ending to what might have been a great relationship.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Yes totally I agree with you that to remain in good terms with your ex. Also for me, his ex talking to him gives me a icky feeling that she is still flirting with him. May it be true or not.. Doesn't matter... I just don't like the feeling... hehe..
@rebaozi (100)
• United States
19 Oct 09
no,I got girl friend and a wife,I don't want in good term with my know ,It's bad for family,I love my family and I want do anything for my family,may be sometime I think about my ex,but I can control it.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Ah yes love for the family is a different story. I admire your priciples, keep it up!
@dholey (1383)
• India
18 Oct 09
no i have no contacts with her, once we apart , after that we really never meet her..
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
But if you two will meet again, would you still have conversations with you ex?
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
18 Oct 09
yes since 1973 we got married in 1969 divorced in 73 and have remaimed friends ever since. back then we just got married to young had 2 kids and it didnt work out , i see her and her husband 3-4 times a year on holidays and we go to dinner every now and then. just because we couldnt make it work doesnt mean ya cant be friends.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
Wow congratulation that you stayed friends with your ex-wife.. My auntie is also like that.. She is now in a new relationship, but she and her husband stayed friends.. They still celebrate anniversaries too, by the way...
@briyana (15)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
Yes, but not right away. It took us a 2 years before we became friends again. We avoided each other. Actually we missed so many parties. Birthdays of common friends of ours like if he's coming I won't be there. Until 1 day he called me up and asked sorry. Now we're best of friends
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
That is so sweet... Maybe that is the reason why the two of you stop talking for awhile because you never settled past issues... I'm happy the two of you are friends now...
@abhi_bangal (5517)
• Ahmednagar, India
18 Oct 09
That is one thing that still did not happen to me. Or, I should say, I never paid any attention on that part. But I don't think it that right an idea to keep in touch once you are recongized as an ex. When you break up after a relationship, then you don't have the same weavelenth, as you used to have before, right? And so, it is but natural that you are a little bit regressed while talking even after a patch up. But basically, there can't be any patch up, then you can't be an ex.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Well for some they remain friends after the break-up, but I believe the reason behind it is that they have settled things up and forgive each other's differences. When you say remained friends doesn't mean that you are as close as before, but the two of you didn't carry any grudges or bitterness as you part ways. As for my experience, even I don't have any communication with my exs anymore for two reasons: First, I respect the feelings of my current boyfriend and my exs current relationship with; Second, we lose contact. But if ever we'll cross again, I think I can still give them a friendly smile and can talk to them to catch things up and that's it...
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
i have no communications with my ex from the day we broke up until now. we were not in good terms when we broke up because he doesn't want to let me go by that time, but i don't love him anymore so i have to go and break up with him.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
That is so sad... Oh well, there are things that should be left undone... But I still hope you and your exs will become friends again.. Its just so hard to carry too many baggages because of our bitterness in our hearts... I hope I didn't offend you or something... Wish you well!!!
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
Yes I'm in very good term with my exes. They are all my friends. Friendship should doesn't end when relationship ends. Sometimes we have to explain to our new partner if she or he got uncomforted with it. Having communication with exes wont ruin any ongoing relationship if everybody could understand each predicaments.Communication is the key.
@sexyposh (575)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Yes, I think so too.. Even if the relationship is about to end, both parties should explain each side so that there will be no bitterness for the two of you.