Are You In Mylot For the Money or the Info

United States
October 18, 2009 9:38am CST
I've been a member here for a while now and at first joined for the money. But I have learned of so many great sites here and also about the bad sites that soon the money became just a little added benefit. This is always the first place I go before joining any other site. That way I save my time before I get scammed somewhere. The members here are the best for reporting who pays and who doesn't. Why are you here? I can't wait to see the responses on this, should be very interesting.
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24 responses
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
I am definitely here because of personal satisfaction brought about by the following in particular order: 1 information/education - I get to learn a lot in here 2 friendship - I get to meet tons of interesting people 3 money - it's great to know that I satisfy a lot of my needs and wants in here and the site is even paying me for's rare that we get this chance :D
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 Oct 09
Very well said..
• United States
18 Oct 09
Wow, somehow I thought most people would me choosing money. But like myself so far it seems to be last on the list. I'm impressed all. Now lets see how it continues.
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• United States
18 Oct 09
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@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 09
for me, myLot is the place to find income and looking For women friends who want to be my girlfriend
@voldrox (7191)
• India
19 Oct 09
is it?! now this is quite a different answer, i wish you all the best... hope i can have a girlfriend too! . . .
@MAX1966 (1029)
• Netherlands
18 Oct 09
I am here for: answers friendship fun money I learned a lot here So learning and earning! thats the best part of mylot
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• United States
18 Oct 09
I agree. I have made some really great friends here and learned so much about other sites. This is one site I will be a member of forever.
@jc_star10 (953)
• Indonesia
18 Oct 09
To be honest, first came here only for the money..LOL. I always like to write something, or comment about something, or at least view my thoughts, so I thought it will be a best way to earn money online. But after several days, money is no longer an ultimate goal..^__^ I enjoy myself here, seeing other people's thought, read about discussion, and sometime even take much more longer time for me to think how to answer a discussion, like your discussion here..LOL. Sometimes you just type and type without even knowing how much words that you have typed, and payment no longer in my thought anymore. It's good to be paid for what you have written, LOL, but i begin to think as a little bonus..
• United States
18 Oct 09
Yea some discussions make you think. The way the responses have been going so far people seem to agree that the money is just a small benefit. This site just offers so much more.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
19 Oct 09
money! i don't see any money here..! well i was never here for money, before i joined this site i was at yahoo answers, i just like to get in to some discussions and socialize, it's just so nice... it's been 5 months i have joined and i guess i have never felt bored of coming here, i have had times when i haven't been much around here and i have really missed out on a lot of things, i am just a student now but i will keep coming, i can't miss you all! have a nice day kittenclaus!
@voldrox (7191)
• India
19 Oct 09
oh dear! well that is not Shames actually, it is just me he is sleeping now...HAHAHA... eh! this is the problem when we use the same computer and don't delete the cache memory, it now looks like i am an imposter! :-/ ... Shames is my referral!
@KompitaPita (2051)
• Bulgaria
18 Oct 09
To be honest, when I came here it was for the money. But now I can see that site really offers more than just earnings. I hope this site will help me to learn English very well, so after a months I'll be able to write everything that I want to say. WOOOOW! MY LOT pay me to learn English! Isn't it cool?
• United States
18 Oct 09
That is very cool. You seem to be learning very well. I'm sending you a friend request, hope you accept.
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
I am hee for both. .. I may have found other paying sites like this but still I cannot leave this site because I enjoy very much with the discussions here. Besides, I became familiar with the people here compared to with the other sites. Have a good day and enjoy mylotting.
@danoluma (817)
• Kenya
25 Nov 09
I was introduced to this site as a money making site. so when I discovered that actually Mylot pays very little I was a bit discouraged but i have made many friends and learned a lot. So its both the info and the money
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
19 Oct 09
I am just here to get information and find answers to my questions. If I was here truly for the money then I would be posting a lot more and my number would be higher. I know Mylot doesn't pay all that much but its just a nice bonus for me for posting here everyday.
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Mylot is a big help for me. Because I found out from this sites which are and which are not the sites that should be trusted. Also Ive learned new things and stories everytime i log in here. So I think Im here in mylot because of money and because of info that I gathered.
@irene3184 (898)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
From the very start I joined mylot because it is recommended by a friend that it grants an earnings then I joined. But after many days of being active to some actions in mylot such as posting a response and discussions, I have gained friends and learn something a story about mylotters.
@dadoods (41)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
first, i always wanted to have a data entry job online.. i always end up to the point of paying for registration fee i was really disappointed and eventually someone told me to try "mylot" i was really curious about it and i did open this site to justify how true it is that it's not that you just earn but you will learn alot of things everytime you sign in. i was able to exercise my exchanging ideas to someone you don't know and not knowing that you have helped them in anyway.. it's a big deal to me.
@maikency (26)
• China
18 Oct 09
I came here for 4 reasons as follows: 1.learn english. My english is poor. 2. Earn some extra money. 3. Get some information. 4. Make some friends.
• United States
18 Oct 09
I see you are either very new here or just don't post alot. If you are new, your response with money coming second is just the way I used to think. Once you've been here a while and have friends I'm betting money will go a little further down on your list. Keep coming back, this site just offers so much more then a way to make money. The friends I have here are so great, we keep each othe rupdated on how sites are progressing along with just words of incouragement. I love this site. Thanks for you response.
• China
19 Oct 09
Come here to learn More authentic English.Although I have very bad English!ha! By the way,you can to learn English while receiving the money!Very good!Double benefit!
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
19 Oct 09
I'm mostly for the info. The money is mostly for incentive purpose and it's great to interact with so many friends here; sharing the same interests and whatnot. Initially, when someone comes here, they would be curious about the earnings aspect. But as time goes by, the prospect of gaining friendship, interaction and stuff like that will totally get to them. I've been a regular here for quite some time, and I intend to stay longer as days go by.
@shontia08 (846)
• United States
18 Oct 09
when i first started here, i was only coming up here for the money. after getting to know some of the members and forming friendships the making money part has become an added bonus. now i am here mainly to make friends, and to stay in contact with some, then to find out different stuff and lastly to make some money. to me mylot is a great place to go, to keep from getting scammed. i know before i join a new program i make sure i ask the members here first before joining or investing in a program.
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Just new here. I joined at first for extra money, then I've kinda enjoyed posting different discussions and questions. Hope to be your friend. Thanks
@shimanaja (493)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 09
Hi there, Mylott is for money, friendship and some informations.Even I dont have the payment yet, but i am sure mylott is not cheating us. ( i hope it badly ). So far i am very enjoy to be here...hope you too..:)
@ramo44 (76)
• India
19 Oct 09
hi.. Actually I came here for money only.. But on participating on the discussions I realized that mylot is not for money only.. It is earn while you gain knowledge... Also a platform to find friends.. mylot rocks man....
@saisakth (77)
• India
19 Oct 09
hi ,, i too first join for money, but day by day i am adicted to my lot.. every mornig i used to see what are the top discussion, and i started giving response to them..