What makes man fall in love?
By fler
@feodda (579)
October 18, 2009 10:35am CST
Many say that when a man falls in love with a woman, he falls hard. What really make a man to fall in love? After the law of attraction and chemistry.
What make him fall --and stay -- in love? What kind of woman does a man really want?
They are looking for a woman would love to pamper them, showers them with compliment and kisses. But man like woman who's immersed in something else other than the relationship -- be her work, engage in sports, or the thing that she is happy with.
Even when they're with the most perfect woman, men still crave the occasional space to spend time. Men love, appreciate, and are thankful to woman who respect and endorse his needs. It's a way not to suffocate him in your relationship.
Guys, what make you fall in love?
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20 responses
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
19 Oct 09
Many things make men fall in love. One is chemical: if you are not pheromonally attracted to your loved one, then you two might not be made for each other. Pheromones play a huge role in how you and your mate are attracted to each other. Women are usually attracted to men who have better immune systems than they do, or they are attracted to them because they have something that they want physically. Second is similarities: opposites do attracted, but you have to be able to agree with your partner on certain things as well. If the two of you do not have similar goals, then that can complicate relationships. People can fall out of love because of differences in goals. Third is certainly physical: you do have to think that your lover is physically attractive to you. So many men and women will settle for people that they are not attracted to physically. I am not asking for physical perfection, but I am saying that this person has to be beautiful to you. Last is space: men need space, and they need time to sort their priorities before they settle. A man will only fall in love if he wants to, and if he doesn't want to, don't try and force him. Things always take time. Love is also about maturity, if a man and a woman are not on the same maturity level, than can cause problems as well. I am not saying in intelligence because everyone is intelligent in different ways, but I am talking about levels of maturity. It's similar in a way to goals, they kind of go hand in hand. My brother fell in love with his girlfriend because she was at the same level as he was. She was a year older than him, but maturity wise, goal wise, physically, and pheromone wise, they were perfect for each other. You could tell instantly that they were made for one another. The kind of love they had, I had never seen that in very many couples before. That was true love.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
19 Oct 09
Let me add that I am not a man, but I have a lot of male friends, and I had a brother (my brother passed away three years ago), and I can say that when I have seen them fall in love, they are different from what they normally are. One of my buddies, when he fell in love, he fell hard. He gave 110% to his relationship with his ex-girlfriend, and his girlfriend never gave back. He gave up a lot for her, and she did nothing for him. They broke up over the phone because she always wanted attention and she never gave him space. He was way too good for her.
@buping (952)
• China
19 Oct 09
hi feodda, i feel fresh to this discussion. i think man does not easy to fall into love with a girl. men always view themselves to be stonger and clever to women. and in most guys' opinion, women should be at home to take good care of kids and the family. a woman is dislike by men if she is too excellent on her job. so i think man is not easy to fall in love with girl
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
21 Oct 09
I'm not a guy but I shall throw my two cents in here. Many of the things that you mentioned contribute to the emotional attachment, but there are a lot of men who like women who argue with them and challenge them on everything. Many men like women who stimulate their minds as well as their loins. American men anyway tend to like women who are opinionated, outgoing, and dare I say it? Smart. A lot of men just tend to make it simple and they like women who like them but love? Love takes time to grow and perfect. Many men start at infatuation and it grows over time into love. It is rarely the need for affection that draws them a need to give or receive it.
Men fall in love when they find a woman who meets the ideals that they have for what a woman should be. She doesn't have to be all that, she doesn't even have to be beautiful (though love tends to make her beautiful to him), she has to feed a place in him that was without nurture before she came along. She has to complete the puzzle for him and she has to fit with who and what he is to truly become a partner in the relationship. For all men the needs are not the same. Some men need a maternal female, just like their mother, while other men would run screaming from the exact same type of woman. I would say that men fall in love with women that captivate, and facinate them. A woman who they want to spend the next 50 years or so discovering just how she ticks, what she thinks and feels and more importantly to him why the feels or thinks that way. Women they love even fascinate a man when she is at her most contentious and frustrating and those times only make a man love a woman more. The opposite is true for women.
@mrfdg1972 (3237)
• Philippines
21 Oct 09
every man has their own taste, but generally speaking, we will fall in love with girls hardest, if you reciprocate more on what we a showing or doing to you.
@tatazbrush (126)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 09
in my opinion man try to say their true feeling to girl that he love, but men usually hard to say their feeling just like me, but i always express my feeling with work or do something, base on my experience, girl like boy that express their love with real thing not only with word=)
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Oct 09
I am not a guy but I do have a close friend who is. He fell for his woman because of the way she made him feel. I don't mean sexually but what he felt about himself. She made him feel desired,and loved,and needed.He saw her as his best friend too.She was the light in his life.
@kkanaka (886)
• Singapore
21 Oct 09
A man will need his woman to take care of him, respect him, ask for his opinion before doing anything, cook for him, nurture his ego by praising him, earn for him and the family but never earn more than him, take care of kids without coomplaining, if all this is fulfilled then he will feel this is the kind of woman he wants to love.....
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
19 Oct 09
Clearly I am not a guy. I think that when people meet and ‘fall in love’ there is an unexplainable chemistry that brings the two together; it is their compatibilities that will keep them together or better still their love for each other and their willingness to work at the relationship. As far as the initial attraction, I think it goes way beyond how a person looks. I see it as a chemical reaction of some kind.

@Weizen (144)
• China
19 Oct 09
for me ,I think the linked heart is the most important .I think only I have the linked heart with her ,I 'll love her ,I dont' want to after saying love her ,and I found there is no common topical between us .so I think the smae interested topical and linked heart .I thin kthe same hobby could make us feel closer and closer
@zhanjian1987 (109)
• China
19 Oct 09
I just want to establish a warm family! The desire of building home makes me fall in love!
@nadhneelu123 (45)
• India
19 Oct 09
A real man like true love,not physical attraction. mostly likes helping
nature of girls.
@prettycho (48)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
In my observation and experience, part from the physical appeal, men are naturally drawn to women who in some way or another share the traits of their mothers. There is actually a psychological explanation to this, owing to the fact that the first woman in a man's life is their mothers. This is especially true if the guy has a strong bond with their moms.
But of course, much like physical appearance, compatibility and undemanding friendship makes a man appreciate and love a girl more. According to my male friends, its a rare treat to be able to find a girl that can both be a lover and a friend.
@aking888 (66)
• China
19 Oct 09
Once a man falls in love with a woman,he will fell what the woman doing are excellent. When they go shopping,alough the cloth is not beautiful,if the woman says it is very beautiful.The man will say yes,it is very nice to you.After many hours shopping,they will fell tired,but man alway fell happy.
@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Men, normally falls in love with a woman whom he finds he wants to spend the rest of his life with. A woman whom he cares for and raise a family with. Standards are different from one man to another. Many men find some women to be nice to be with and enjoy their company but not necessarily spent the rest of their lives with. Generally,it's the caring attitude, the charm and the qualities that make a woman potential good mothers make a man fall in love.
That being said, the above are not conditions or pre requisites to falling in love, they just provide an atmosphere conducive to falling in love. At the end of the day, love is a decision to make, no matter what.
enjoy life!
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Oct 09
There are alot of men out there that get married for the sake of getting married to a person as they do not want to be the odd one out with their friends.There are how ever alot of women that do the same as well.I do not think that those kind of people know what love really is and they are never completly happy.
@mrssator2002 (281)
• Philippines
18 Oct 09
Man attracted to a woman on a first sight but forget the woman afterwards. Man won't fall in love to a woman unless he knows her well. He falls in love to a girl after getting to know each other process. Most of my guy friends told me they love a girl who can cook, nice hand and feet, and of course a girl who has lovable nature.
@LovingLife139 (1504)
• United States
19 Oct 09
I actually have posed this question to my husband before. We both had the love at first sight experience, but even afterwards when I realized that the love was truly here to stay, I could tell him every single thing I loved about him that kept me with him. So I asked him..."What are the reasons you love me that also affects you staying with me?"
He has mentioned that he felt he truly had no choice. We both have felt as if life without the other would be meaningless and void. He was not everything I had wanted in a man; nor was I everything he wanted in a woman. Then we met, and our ideals changed into exactly what the other person was. When my husband was younger, his friends were bad influences and his family literally deserted him in an empty house with no food because they wanted to move to another part of town. He starved for nearly an entire week before he found a job and could make the money to buy food. When he met me, I never deserted him. I was never a bad influence. Anything I taught him would turn him into a better person. He has mentioned I am the only person he's ever known whom he feels safe and secure with. He knows that even if I leave when I am angry, I'll return, because we simply belong together. It's as if we're magnets...even if one is mad at the other, we'll ZOOM! back together again.
I think a lot has to do with mutual admiration, as well. He admires that I became a business owner when I was fifteen and made a future for myself. I admire that he quit all his bad habits for a future with me and defends his moral lifestyle well. Personal beliefs and values are something we both hold dear and both admire in the other. We consistently find each other over-the-top attractive. If he leaves to bike to the library and return a book and comes immediately back, we'll let each other know we missed one another. My husband and I have a very unique relationship and stay together because both of us know life without the other isn't an option. The whole "You complete me" statement may sound corny, but it's true when it comes to us. 

@SACHIN2708 (1634)
• India
18 Oct 09
first many people does not know what is love bcz people understand attraction is love but love is sacrifice ,trust,dedication and understanding.generally man fall in love when woman are so sexy and attractive and they want that woman pamper them
@Nicapol (67)
• United States
18 Oct 09
Its different for every man. Sure the initial attraction plays a part in it but in the end its the personality. Some men like more outgoing girls and some like calm quiet ones. I'm in a relationship right now which i am very happy with. What caused me to fall in love was the fact that she actually gave a crap about me. And that made me stay and along the way ive found countless reasons to why i love her. If anyone wants a real relationship then all they have to do is give it time. If you dont want to give it time then you're not ready for a real relationship.