Abandoned animals
By sharone74
@sharone74 (4837)
United States
October 18, 2009 11:09am CST
I know that I have been hearing a lot on the news about people losing their homes and abandoning their pets, cats and dogs to fend for themselves. A little over a month ago that harsh reality came to visit where I live. One day my cat came into the livingroom fussing and caterwalling so I got up to follow him and see what his problem was. We have a cat door in our screen door and it was already open so I knew that it wasn't that he wanted to go out. So I followed him to the bedroom where he clearly had something cornered under my bed. I raised the comforter expecting to see a scorpion or vinagaroon or something that he had brought in from outside. What I saw was a long furry orange tail.
After a little confusion we finally got the beast out of the house. As soon as we turned our backs however he came strolling in through the cat door and went to ground back under the bed. So we put him out again and blocked the cat door. At this point I figured out that this kitten had been abandoned. His ribs were showing through his coat and he was so shaky on his legs he kept falling down. So I put him back out the door and reblocked the cat door with something heavier. I then put some water out there for him. He drank two bowlfuls before he settled down against our screen door and went to sleep.He kept meowing out there, a weak and pitiful meow where little or no sound came out of the kitten. He remained out there the following day so I kept letting my cat out the front door where he would promptly go back there and try to get the kitten to play. He was too weak to play and my heart went out to him so the second day I fed him some of my cats food but still didn't let him in. We are not supposed to have the cat we already have and we live in a tiny little house so by no means did we need two cats.
For two more days he lived out on my back patio, and he would come to the door anytime either of us went near it. I felt sorry for him so I kept feeding him. He would bolt the food down so fast that he wouldn't even chew it. After two days of feeding the trembling went away and he started to play with my cat whenever he went outside. Finally I started letting the kitten come in the house. It was 112 degrees outside and as I told my boyfriend he was going to sit out there on our back porch and die if we didn't help him.
We kept him for a month, and asked everyone we knew if they needed or wanted a cat. Finally I got one of my friends to take him because he liked the kitten and said he needed a mouser at his house. So we found him a home. However my friend has had the kitten for over a week now, and I have called him twice and left messages with him to call me back and let me know how its working out. He hasn't called me back, so now I am worried about little Morris and a little angry with my friend for not answering my concerns. The little monster came here adopted us, woke me up tussling with my cat every morning between 4:30am and 5:30 for a month. But he also stole a little place in my heart. My heart goes out to people that are losing their homes, but they are going to live somewhere and besides when you take a domestic pet you shoulc feel responsible for it and at least find it a home. Especially in a place like the desert where there is no free standing water for aimals to drink for miles.
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9 responses
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I only have the one cat, even though I let Morris stay here until I found him a home even then I only had one cat, the other was just a guest. And a guest who used to wake me every morning between 4:30 am and 5 play fighting with my older and larger cat who used to bounce him off walls and my tile floor multiple times a day. But the kitten wouldn't stop once he came back off the ropes a few days after he moved in he used to go and grab Jenks and lick his head and ears and then bite him, which would prompt Jenks to get up and chase him most of the time.
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@ElicBxn (63826)
• United States
20 Oct 09
the licking and biting is an invitation to play among cats, one most of them know, but some don't care for - The Doctor was of the opinion that you should lick or bite, but not lick then bite and would knock the stuffing out of anyone that mixed that up!
@minx267 (15526)
• Hartford, Connecticut
19 Oct 09
I just can't understand how people can do this. And some ask me why I say I don't like people... for this very reason.. Stupidity! If you take the on the responsibility of caring for an animal.. that is exactly what it is -A responsibility! You wouldn't have a kid and just abandon it.. Oh wait- no there are Idiots that do that too.
All I know is that I would never, Could never do anything like that. My animals are my responsibility and If I have to go into to debt (as I currently am) taking car of them -then so be it. It will all work out in the end.
I'm so glad you finally took the little guy in. I hope your friend contacts you soon and lets you know how he is.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
20 Oct 09
My friend finally got in touch after a little over a week. He turns his phone off a lot so that he doesn't use up all of his prepaid minutes. He says the kitten is fine and happy. His elderly parents who own the house he lives in as their vacation home are in residence and they adore Morris. He says the kitten was a little depressed and confused for a couple of days but after that he just made the place home and is romping and stomping around up there like he has always lived up there he says. He was frustrating me but I am happy with him now. My cat whom we thought hated the kitten is still depressed and is still looking all over for him.
@LilyoftheThorns (12918)
• United States
19 Oct 09
How well do you know this friend that you gave the kitten too? Generally a friend wouldn't ignore phone calls, whether or not something happened to the kitten...they'd call back and let you know.
I understand that losing a home can be tragic...but I dont think that is an excuse to abandon a pet...you find them a home...
This kitten didn't necessarily have to be abandoned though :/ He woulc have come from a litter of feral cats and just wondered away from its momma.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
20 Oct 09
Nope Morris was a very obvious pet. He loved people, loved to be touched and rubbed. Wasn't scared of anything including walking in our cat door and making himself at home. He was litterbox trained and every time I would call Jenks in at night Morris would come to me first!
@savypat (20216)
• United States
18 Oct 09
The choices people make for their pets are often not wise, we get many drop offs here and try to help as much as possible, unfortunately for many we just can't save them, they are to wild be the time we find them and don't last long out in the wild.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
20 Oct 09
Yeah even if Morris hadn't been so dehydrated we have dogs that roam our neighborhood night and day and coyotes. A barely healed scar on his head was testament to him tangling with something out there.
@jugsjugs (12967)
18 Oct 09
I think it is a very sad time as alot of people are losing their homes and they can not find anywhere for their pets to live either.I do know that where i live there are no more spaces in animal rescue places to put any more animals in.I do tend to take in a cat every now and again as well as some others help themselves to my cats food.I would rather a cat get house than a cat or any other animal get put to sleep as it is not the animals fault that it has been abandoned.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I live right across the street from one of the local Humane Society "no kill" shelters but they haven't been taking in strays for months now because they are overcrowded as it is. But when people move most of them are moving from one house or apartment to another, cats don't use that much space so there is no reason for them not to take them with them.
@vividdawn (33)
• United States
19 Oct 09
I volunteer for a rescue group/no-kill shelter. Lots of people are bringing in pets because they're moving and "can't" bring the pets with. Most of the time it's because they can't afford the pet deposit at apartments. One lady said she just didn't want the bother of moving her cat (but moving a couch 10 times as big and heavier is okay?). At least some people have the courage to face us with this stuff...several times we've found a box of cats or kittens just dropped off outside, or even a couple times there were boxes of cats just thrown in the dumpster!
The city where I live, the law only allows 2 pets (2 cats OR 2 dogs OR 1 dog/1 cat). I think it's sort of silly, but then I guess they're trying to keep down the problem of people getting overwhelmed by animals and/or the expense. Though I know several people that have ONE animal and can't take care of it...other people have a dozen and do just fine.
Also, the apartment I'm in won't allow more than 2 cats. I don't dare sneak in another, only to have to get rid of it later. So that's why I volunteer at the shelter...I can help take care of more cats, without actually HAVING them. (I am fostering one...then I have my own personal cat)
@kareng (71303)
• United States
19 Oct 09
Well I hope your friend is just busy and that is the reason he hasn't called you back with a kitten report. Glad to hear that you saved this little one. It's really sad of all the neglect for animals and pets these days. We moved to MS last year and since then we have had the following strays show up:
Black lab- we found him a home with kids to play with
English Setter-- we adopted this one
Small dog--stayed for about a month and disappeared
Kitten-- still there
Two hunting dogs--found owner of one of the dogs, he took the other one also
Litter of 3 pups-- still have them, they are going to the no-kill shelter. They said they are having a lot of calls for puppy adoptions right now.
I try to place them all in good homes if I can't find original owners. Really sad how people drop them off and just abandon them.
@LiveLove (443)
• United States
19 Oct 09
I cant stand to see abandoned animals either. My home is also very small but we have three cats that we love and take care of. I miss this so much since I'm away at school right now. But they are well taken cared of. I think I got my need to feed and help strays from my mom because my mother called me one day and told me how we were almost going to have a puppy because she saw a puppy outside alone when it was 35 degree outside. She picked him up, bundled him in her coat and turned around to go back home when the puppy's family ran outside saying it was their dog. Mind you the dog started to wonder into alley while his family were in a warm house. She gave the man the dog but told them to take better care of him or next time that dog wold be getting a new family. Even when some animals have a home the families dn't always take proper care of them.
@skitty1 (6)
• Germany
19 Oct 09
I think it was so good of you what you did for that poor kitten,We have the same the RSPCA are always on the tv saying that numbers of animals that have had to be rescued has gone up due to the economic crisis that we are in.
I have myself last year been in financial crisis,we have 3 cats and not once did they go without a meal,even when it came to a point that they ate what we did they never suffered,i cant understand people who can just get rid of an animal the whole point of a pet is that it becomes part of that family,would they get rid of their kids if they couldnt afford to feed them?????