Christmas is coming...........
@camomom (7535)
United States
October 18, 2009 3:58pm CST
Are your kids asking for gifts already? What are they asking for?
My 3 year old has already been asking for gifts for about 3 months now. EVERYTHING she see's on TV, she wants. She collects My Little Pony toys. We actually found online coupons for them on Mypoints, $5 off of a $20 purchase so when we have the extra money we use a coupon and get some. We have about 6 of them held back for Christmas for her. Not counting the one's we have hidden, she needs 10 more to finish the collection. There are 6 in particular that she is collecting. They have 3 different sizes or stages of growth for each one. They also have one's with different accessories of the same one's. Of course, she has to have ALL of them. My kids usually are NOT spoiled in any sense of the word but with this particular collection, she is.
My stepson, who is 8 years old isn't really into anything these days except drawing and Spiderman but he has started a collection of Bionicle's figures. I think we're going to try to get him atleast the same amount of them as we have of Ponies that we got for our 3 year old. We did already get him a Bionicle's movie and a "walkman" (or for you younger folks, a portable CD player with headphones). Now we just have to figure out what kind of music he likes and get him a couple of CD's. We don't listen to much music except in the car and he doesn't show much reaction to what we listen too.
Another problem we have is, What do we get our 1 year old daughter? The only thing she shows any interest in is Elmo and music. She's too young for CD's. Maybe some musical DVD's where she can watch and dance along? We already have a Barney DVD for her. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
Now, what about your kids?
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19 responses
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
19 Oct 09
camomom dont worry about what some of these are saying in there response. I'm a single mother of one and I live with my mom and we are talking about what to do for christmas because frankly come christmas we may not have the money to buy if we wait until then. In the past we have always went to walmart and spent 200-400 dollars and i don't think we'll be doing that this year. We've decided to upgrade some of her toys and give her older toys that are too young for her now to day cares or pre-schools or places like Karm. If you are struggling you should talk to karm about the Angel tree. It depends on your income on that. But it might be worth a shot. Also if you want to start thinking about next year you could be on the look out after christmas. Walmart won't mark there christmas stuff down until the day after christmas and there toys are the same way. If you have storage room then you could possibly do it that way. I didn't have that much to buy the last three years because the first year I had my daughter we done that and we done that last year and the year before that. Places like Fred's general store, family dollar store, dollar tree are great place to buy multiple toys and not spend a lot. dollar tree all of them are under a dollar a piece so you could them several small items instead of large items. I might focus on subject or sport that they like the best and even if it's off brand they won't notice the difference. They'll only know that it was you that it got it for them. also, you could think about K-mart. They have an 8 week layaway program and only charge 15.00 for you to put it in just have to go in once a week and pay the minimum amount on the balance for the 8 weeks. There are different things you could do through out the year as well. try to look for clearance specials and clearance section in every store you go in when you go shopping. It may be last season but I gaurantee you that by christmas it will be something that every one will want again because of the season. Also when looking at clothes look at a size higher than what they are now. the legnth doesn't change that much except for maybe an inch and that way you won't have to buy clothes for them until summer or until shcool starts.
Another thing you can do is start looking at christmas over the summer. Start putting so much back for each check. If you want a certain amount to spend on christmas you could put so much back each week in a savings account and let interest billed and then take it out when it comes time to go shopping. You could even do a savings account for each child that you have.
as far as for what to get the kids. You would be surprised as what your 1 year would want or could have. Think educational and think toys r us. Toys r us has huge sales the day after thanksgiving on educational toys to help with her language skills and social skills. Be sure to look at age appropriate items as well. If it says for 3 and up and your child is 1 she might not fully under stand the concepts of what ever toy you get her. Dvd's are fun. you could even get disney dvds. My daughter started watching Shrek and it spiraled from there. We have almost all the disney movies that have come out on dvd since she was born. She likes putting them in the dvd player and turning the dvd player on.
Also you might could try games that you could put in your computer and start teaching her match games and thinking games. you would be surprised at what your younest could do. Also think of something that your whole family would enjoy doing and maybe get that as a one big gift instead of getting a lot of smaller gifts or instead of getting each child a big gift. Maybe a new computer for the kids to use, or a new tv or something like that. Think outside the box. don't think that just because they are 1 and 3 that there is some thing they won't be able to do Just pay attention to the ratings on the boxes and you'll be good to go.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
We used outreach programs the last 2 years so I know what you're going through. We also don't really have much money this year but we're still trying to do as I said in my post.
I've never heard of Karm, what is it?
I worked at Walmart for 12 years and my husband still works there so I know all about there sales. I'm hoping with the ponies and Bionicles being so popular that they be a sale item for Black Friday this year.
We did a few things from the dollar stores last year and everyone else will probably get dollar store gifts this year.
Unfortunately, our local K-mart went out of business. the closest one is about an hour away.
We did buy a few things throughout the year this year, which we don't usually do. I think we will definitely do it more next year.
As far as our 1 year old, we have a Barney DVD and we got Snow White for the girls to share. I think you have some great idea's for her. DVD's and educational works for me. Thank you so much!!!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
You should read it, she was very helpful and not just to me but others can learn from her as well.

@gogogadgethd (36)
• United States
18 Oct 09
Oh my gosh. It isn't even Halloween yet, your child is asking about Christmas?! Just turn on Nickelodeon or Disney. Or, because they're young, PBS kids or something.
@vikkiz (518)
18 Oct 09
My son asks about christmas...what is wrong with that?? I know halloween is coming up but he already has his outfit, and ive already bought the tickets to the halloween do we are going to, I have a busy life with work and kids so i organize everything ages beforehand so im not rushing round last minute!! It also saves on cost when you have to buy everything at the same time!
@vikkiz (518)
19 Oct 09
My son watches the wiggles which i deem educational and they dont do anything about christmas untill christmas the reason i buy early is because when he does want something i tell him to ask santa so he writes it down.
On the other hand he likes watching horrid henry and transformers which are not educational but he does most of his educational stuff on a computer as his school have a system that your child can log into to do certain school works i think its a brilliant way for kids to learn and not be interfered with on the internet.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
My kids watch the Wiggles too. I think they are annoying but educational. They love them.

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
18 Oct 09
My kids really didn't ask for any certain toys that often. I remember one year my oldest wanted a game that was just about impossible to find. My middle daughter has never asked and my son only once. I never had to deal with them wanting every toy they saw on television. I kind of based my buying on what I knew they liked.
For your one year old, don't sweat it too much. Find the softest teddy bear or something like that for her. Little ones like noisy, simple things and are more apt to play with the box than what's inside of it.
My son, who is now 18, still has all his Bionicles. LOL

@irishidid (8687)
• United States
19 Oct 09
We don't think about the future as kids. Toys are just toys to us. I sure wish I had some of the toys I had as a kid. They're worth a fortune now.
My younger daughter has every stuffed animal she's ever been given save maybe 1 or 2. She even has the teddy bear her sister gave her when she was born.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I wish I had my My Little Pony collection that I had as a kid so that I could pass it along to my daughter. She love's them so much.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
19 Oct 09
I know what you mean about the boxes. All 3 of ours do that still. We did start buying our 1 year old the stuffed Garanimals toys. We should just build on her collection. I had forgotten about them, thanks for the reminder. Now they all can get their collections added too.

I'm hoping my stepson will keep his Bionicles too. I think it's nice to have collections as kids that they can keep for when they get older. I wish I still had my My Little Pony collection.

@vikkiz (518)
18 Oct 09
I started ages ago! My 5 year old son loves transformers,the wiggles,music,football and learning!, I have already bought him 6 of the transformers he need to complete his collection, cds, dvds, basket ball set.
I also need to get him his ''big presnt'' I havnt got a clue what that will be just yet but i know he wasnt the lifesize model of bumblebee from transformers which is about 100 pounds, I will still buy more and more towards christmas, I also have already bought everything for my neice,mother,grandmother,best friends daughter and im half way there with my brother and my hubby! I start early so i can afford everything my son wants as he is spoilt rotten at christmas!, He doesnt get much bought for him except birthdays and christmas and he believes in santa so i try to get everything he asks for on his christmas list to santa so the magic of santa sets in!!!My son believes everything he gets is made in a toy factory so i have to keep up the pretence haha
@camomom (7535)
• United States
19 Oct 09
Sounds like you have great Christmas's at your home. I wait because I don't really have any place to hide things and they are getting to that age when they want to snoop. Transformers are a good idea. I bet my stepson would like them, he loved the movies.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I know what you mean. I want them to have those magical moments now while they are young, before they learn the truth.
@vikkiz (518)
19 Oct 09
My son is only 5 and wants to wear his bumblebee outfit whenever he can!, I always make christmas special as when i was younger we had everything and it was magical, Id come downstairs to see if santa and rudolf had ate their cookies and carrots, Then there would always be the sooty footprints leading to and from the presents! Then youd find the whole settee piled high with presents! I loved christmas! I want my son to have the same feeling as when you get older the presents get less and less and then the magic completely goes when you relise santa isnt real.

@gmatthews (154)
• United States
19 Oct 09
Oh yes...Christmas. My boys have been talking about it too. I am really stressed this year, because I lost my job and my huband doesn't make enough for us to survive let alone buy Christmas, so I'm not sure what we will do. They want a Playstation 3. I klnow that Christmas is not about the presents, but for kids it is and they do not understand when they do not get what they asked for. They still believe in Santa and they know they were good this year so what do you tell them. Anyway, there are a lot of great presents for 1 year olds. I love that age. You could get DVD's, there are a lot of musical toys out now by Hasbro and Fisher Price. They light up and play music. There is a chair, a rolling thing that they can push. My boys always liked the peek a boo blocks.

@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I was in the same boat the last 2 years and we're almost at the point this year. That's why we started shopping so early. We used outreach programs the last 2 years for gifts. Call your local state or county assistance office and ask them for help. You'll have to show proof of income but they'll most likely help. Call local churches too. A lot of churches have outreach programs. Look for freebies on Craigslist too or shop Amazon or Ebay. How old are they?
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
19 Oct 09
we are in the same boat gmatthews if you follow the response that I actually made to her comment you will read on maybe that will get you some ideas. It's always helped me and mom esepecially now that we are raising my 4 year old. i don't have a father for her and so she doesn't get anything from that side of the family. So it is difficult and i will send a prayer up for you
if you are really struggling look at karm or talk to some one about getting on the angel tree. good luck and hope things start to pick up for you.

@missliss08 (766)
• United States
18 Oct 09
My daughter is five, and asks for everything she sees too. I told her she had to pick a few favorites. She picked them stupid hamsters that run around in tubes. I did get them, but very grudgingly LOL I guess it is better than the real thing. My son likes art stuff, video games, hotwheels cars, and money of course. He has started a coin collection, so I got him the whole state quarter set. That is a start anyway.

@camomom (7535)
• United States
19 Oct 09
My daughter wants those dumb things too. As you said, I guess they would be better then a real one though. She says we need a new pet because our cat is mean to her. He's only mean to her when she's mean to him though. She wants her own pet. I guess those hamster things would satisfy that "need" for her.

@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
19 Oct 09
i actually asked my 12 year old what she wanted for christmas and she said she didnt know. we are about half done our christmas shopping already. i have bought her older sister some stuff but am not sure what to get her this year. (we dont have a lot of cash, hubby lost his job in august.)
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
At that age I'm sure she would understand about the money issue. Our 8 year old understood the last 2 years. We had to use outreach programs for our 3 kids so they didn't get much and what they did get wasn't that great. We're doing a bit better this year but just barely. Good luck to you.
@crys7881 (249)
• United States
19 Oct 09
I have started asking my kids what they are going to want because I know I need to start shopping now! Just thinking about the whole "no money" situation I am in right now makes me panic!! lol but I think if I do a little at a time, or the MyPoints thing like you, it is a little bit easier! I remember last year I got $80 in Target giftcards so I could get some shopping done that way!
My eaight year old daughter is into Bratz and Fur Real Friends. I have no clue what exactly I'm going to get her though!! She is pretty easy to please though so I'm thankful for that!!
My four year old son is into any boy stuff lol He really wants a track for his matchbox cars, one that loops around so I will definitely get him something like that! And they both have Nintendo DS's so I'll probably get them a few games for that. And from Santa they always get a DVD or two, fun bath stuff (bubbles, foam, crayons, etc.) tooth brush & toothpaste, along with a few toys. ALso I absolutely LOVE to read so I have to get my kids books!! I am hopping to pass along a love of reading and books to isn't working so far though lol
I Love your idea for My Little Ponys, I remember when my daughter was into them!! They are so freakin cute! For your one year old I think musical DVD's are great, or even CD's. You could get her a small CD player for her room so she can jam out!! Puzzles would be good too!
Thanks for this discussion, now I'm super excited about Christmas!!
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I would look onto the Black Friday sales for Bratz and Fur Real. They are pretty popular right now, so I bet they'll be at decent price. You could also check Ebay and Amazon for them. The matchbox tracks will probably go on sale for Black Friday too. Sorry to sound like a know it all but I worked retail for 12 years and always worked Black Friday during the big sales. DS games may be on sale too.
My kids like having stories read to them every night. Books are always a good gift for them. Thank you for your suggestions. I hope everything works out for you.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Oct 09
Hmmm. When my daughter was one, we got her a lot of clothes, noisy toys, etc. There are lots of cool elmo toys she might like, also dvds and music are great ideas for that age. They have cool little kid friendly dance mats too that light up and play music.
My daughter is 5, and so far she just wants a digital camera and a basketball hoop lol. I also plan to get her a new bike, art supplies, and I have clothes hiding away. I'm looking at a pair of roller skates too. Her birthday is in January though, so I usually separate things and save some of them, so she gets some big things for Christmas and the other big things for birthday, with all the other stuff pretty split equally.
We have some ponies too, believe it or not she has gotten most of them as birthday gifts from the same friend several years in a row. It was a great gift, she gets them out no matter which friend is over to play, even the boys play with them lol.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 Oct 09
OOOH! I second PUZZLES! My daughter LOVES puzzles so I have already started looking around for some, and I'll stash them away once I start buying them. She already has a set of drawers in her playroom with art supplies and paper, and the bottom drawer is full of puzzles. We started with the little 24 piece ones and now we've moved up to the 100 piece ones.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
My 3 year old is into puzzles but my 1 year old eats them. I think I'm going to try to find Elmo DVD's or CD's for her. I'll have to keep my eyes open for the mats you talked about, I haven't seen them yet. She'd probably go nuts over that. Thank you.
@cheriezhao (246)
• China
19 Oct 09
i think the biggest gift for me at christmas is having a steady job in shanghai of china,and i could send my parents some gifts,this is my biggest wishes this year!
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
19 Oct 09
Christmas started early last september at home. We have decorated already but we still want to buy more decorating stuff. But it was only two weekends ago that we started buying gifts. We waited for the mall sale so when we heard there was one, we rushed and both a couple of gifts. We will be buying some more on the next mall sale.. hehe
@xcalibur201 (55)
• United States
19 Oct 09
i say christmas season shouldnt start until december 1!
xmas is a good holiday, but the hype for it starting months in advance, on top of the excessive commercialization, takes away from it somewhat. it seemed to be better when i was a kid.
@solared (1207)
• United States
19 Oct 09
you know focusing on a collection I think is good, for one it is the one thing that we all seem to keep, even as adults, an you look back an are like mom or dad helped me get all those, so they becomes cherished memories.
An don't overlook the bonding, for me I had a few different ones with my grand parents they gave me Carebears, an the rest of the family gave me Transformers, I still have everyone of them, an one day I will pass them on.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I agree, I love the collection idea. I wish I would have kept my collections from when I was a kid. I think each kid having their own thing to collect makes them feel special too. Thank you for your input.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
18 Oct 09
My kids are already asking, my middle son is the only one I am worrying about financially though because he likes the expensive video games. But he also kind of wants a lap top too, but he know if he gets a lap top he will not get anything else, so he keeps changing his mind back and forth. My daughter who is 13 just wants clothes, so that should be nice, I will just check every where I go for things I know she will like. My youngest who is 5 still loves Thomas trains so any kind of train thing he will like, I already have a few things for him. When my kids were 1 I would get them educational toys to help them learn certain things, but I would not worry about that too much a 1 year old is not going to complain. Just keep an eye on things she might be interested. Does she get excited around dogs or when she horses or anything like that, if so take your clues from those things that tend to make her happy.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
19 Oct 09
If you could afford it, in my opinion I would get the laptop for your son. It can be used for educational purposes and he can play just about any kind of video game on it. Free downloads and can even buy PC games, cheap at Walmart or other stores. My 3 year old likes Thomas too but she's not really into toy trains, just the show. Clothes are easy, CLEARANCE.
Unfortunately, my 1 year old is afraid of animals, ALL animals. I know V-Tech has some musical toys that are good for learning but I think the price tags are a bit steep for what you get. Maybe I can find something similar by another name. Thanks.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
19 Oct 09
It is really difficult to decide on the gifts for everbody keeping in mind the intersts of various people. I have to get gifts for my family and my inlaws this year. I am in a very difficult situations. In your case, it seems you need to spend some money for this Christmas. I think music CD is a good gift for one year old kid. Even though she doesn't know to play a CD, you can play the songs for her.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
A CD might be good for if I can find something she likes, like Elmo. Thanks for the idea.
@amybrezik (2118)
• United States
18 Oct 09
My kids know that Christmas is not too far away. I am glad they tell me what they want now. I make hardly any money so I have to buy things long in advance. I have less now than I was planning on having for them. I really want to give them a great Christmas but don't have a lot of funds to work with.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
19 Oct 09
I know where you're coming from. We used outreach programs the last 2 years. We had no money for any gifts. That's why we started so early this year. We try to buy on sale or use coupons whenever we can. My mom is a great help too, If we can't afford something for our kids and really want it for them for Christmas, she tries to get it for them. We price shop a lot too, to find the cheapest store's for what we want to buy. I wish you luck in getting nice gifts for your children this year. How old are they?
@corrycrystal (1775)
• Malaysia
19 Oct 09
Hi, Camomom!
I don't have my own kids yet, but I have my nephews and niece to entertain me he he... Yea, kids love everything they see on TV!
My 5-year-old niece loves Little Pony, too and other cute and pretty stuffs. She has not yet asked anything about Christmas, though. However, one of my nephews has been mentioning about setting up the Christmas tree and decorations he he he... They used to help me every year. So, I told him that it is too early, but then, he has asked about the same thing again a few days ago. Well, I guess it is because they are moving out and he doesn't want to miss that part.
Anyway, I have never thought of buying anything online with coupons, I mean I never tried to do that. How does it work??
I think it is not so much of a hassle to get something for a one-year-old child. They love to hold and touch every thing, so, perhaps you can get something that she can press like a mini piano or something. Just a suggestion...

@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I find the coupons online and print them then use them in the store. A little piano might be a good gift for her, thanks.
@zhanjian1987 (109)
• China
19 Oct 09
I am chinese and i have to point out that Christmas is becoming more and more popular to celebrate in China and we Chinese even forget our traditional days.
However, i had never received any gifts at Christmas day and it is not very important for me to do any special things and i want to focus much on our own days.
@camomom (7535)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I wasn't aware that people didn't celebrate Christmas in China. I guess I have some learning to do. i wish I didn't have to celebrate it but I was raised too and my kids expect it now. They all still believe in Santa too. I just don't have the heart to ruin that for them.