REasons! Why Marriages Ended?

@jemaries (321)
Saudi Arabia
October 20, 2009 3:08am CST
I just want to get some ideas to mylotter, or ask what your opinion why some marriages ended?not stay longer?is it because of third party only?
8 responses
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
Generally its because couples choose not keep the marriage alive. ...its either, they're immature or stupid..or sometimes, they're just simply sick and tired of each other's company.
@jemaries (321)
• Saudi Arabia
20 Oct 09
yes!its contributing factors also!
@patzel88 (3310)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
Marriages will not getting lasts if the couple are not giving a way to understand each of their personal likes and dislikes. There are some couple that are too much protective to their partner and it become getting worse to the relation they are building of as a family. There must be understanding and patient when choosing to build a family because not all the attitude of your partner are easy to manage. Also respect to each others decision may last the relation of a marriage.
@Bytemi (1553)
• United States
20 Oct 09
I think there are two reason. I don't think that people really make time for their relationship any more and one person starts feeling neglected and it goes downhill from there. Another reason is over time everyone changes. If you partner is not will to accept these changes and grow with you it causes a huge void between you. Make time for each other, listen to each other and allow each other to grow.
@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Oct 09
The reason why some marriages end is that people are stressed over money,they do not get time to talk as well as trust.If the trust has been broken by anyone in the marriage it will always be hard to get that trust back again.Money always puts pressure on any relationship.If they do not get time to talk as they are both working or are both tired then that also causes a problem.
@irene3184 (898)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
There are those marriage ended because they have too much pride with each other and no one will go down and make up because of some misunderstanding. There are some also end up because a husband has another woman which definitely find the affection that he had before with her wife. The wife become stubborn and nagger which makes the husband get tired and look another woman.
• Las Pinas City, Philippines
20 Oct 09
third party is one of the main reason of course in broken marriages but of course there are also a lot more reason behind it. falling out of love is also one factor because maybe these couples started their relationship wrong wherein they taught they love each other already so much in their first day of knowing each other but at the end it is just pure lust. other factors also includes, misunderstanding that led to a disaster at home, financially, husband beating his wife(battered wife), and unresponsible husband (no goal in life). but these factors that affect marriage can still be fix if only the couples will cooperate with each other and help each other fight for their marriage and not just easily loose hope and turn their back away from their bond of marriage.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
20 Oct 09
Marriages end or couples lead to separations not only because of a third-party but also due to personality differences which they cannot cope with because of immaturity of one or both, lack of understanding, physical violence, verbal or emotional abuse by one against the other, and other causes. Many marriages end up to divorce or annulment for some reasons personal to the couples. In my opinion, one of the reasons exists prior to marriage. A forced marriage has a tendency to end up not working because to be in a marriage, it should be voluntary consent by both contracting party. Same is through with arranged marriages because the relationship of the would-be couple is established and created not by their own will, rather by those who arranged it. Immaturity and lack of understanding to each other play a role in the marriage. It isn't just about compatibility that makes the marriage work, but also acceptance of one's flaws. Supplement rather than complain each other's personalities. Third-party comes in only because something is missing or taken for granted.
• India
20 Oct 09
hi...there may be lack of understanding between a couple..or might be third party between a couple bcoz of which marriages wer ended...or might be coz of possesiveness between a couple... have a nice day!!!