How long does it take you to reach payout,?

New Zealand
October 23, 2009 10:10pm CST
Well, i desperately need to make money fast, because i want to buy a domain. I am earning around 5 cents a day. Some people earn like 30 cents a day. But i do post alot of times. Probably about 10-20 times. How long do you think most people take to reach payout. And also do you have any tips?
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14 responses
• Singapore
25 Oct 09
Well, it is different each time because of yr posting and discussions. Normally, i think that it will take more than 6 months for you to reach yr payout if u r active enough everyday.
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• Philippines
25 Oct 09
I am already three months joining discussions in mylot and I am not even half of the required earnings LOL. I guess we need to make extra effort in responding to discussions and starting new topics. Topics with lots of respondents, I think also helps. Thanks...
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@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
Hello there! Well, If you want to earn faster, you can try doing tasks, especially the writing type, the reward for it is $4 per approved submission. But if you want to focus here on discussions, just keep on posting quality content. Also try to post comments to other responses, it can also help to earn more. You can also earn from uploading pictures, if you have lots of images on your computer, you can upload it, make sure that it is not abusive. If you want to earn from others, try to get some referrals, give your referral link to your friends and if they sign up under you, you will receive an amount equal to 25% of their participation earnings. The only thing to earn from them is to encourage them to be active in here, posting on discussions or uploading pictures. If you have questions about tasks, just ask. Have a nice day!
• New Zealand
24 Oct 09
Thanks. I dont do tasks, because the ones that I would be able to do are all us or canada only. But thanks. Hopefully if i just keep writing, i will be able to reach payout.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
24 Oct 09
I have recently stopped doing any task. But before that I faced similar problems with tasks. They were mostly for people in US, Canada or UK.
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
Yes, there are some tasks posted by other members here are only for limited countries but there are also tasks that are open to all members such as writing task. Three months ago, lots of research tasks (reward of 20 cents per approved submission) had been posted and it is a good opportunity to earn from easy task, as well as the posting task (10 cents) and I earned a lot from doing those tasks and I also tried to do some writing tasks. By the way, try to make your posts a bit longer because short posts will be paid by a little or nothing.
@suj123 (1067)
• India
24 Oct 09
Hi friend, Try doing some tasks. There are writing task by Sharon bucks which pays you $2 but you should very good in writing if yes then you should definitely try it. Other than that try getting some referrals here in mylot as you get some proportion of their earning too. With some task and few referrals you can surely earn nice money here. Well i hope this helps.
• Canada
24 Oct 09
Well there is a bit of a problem there LOL If you're lazy, you're not going to find myLot to be a place to make "easy money"... you need to be prepared to work at it to earn money here ;) The SharonBucks writing tasks that people are recommending to you are not always about insurance... that just happened to be sort of a "theme" for a lot of them recently. The subject matter requested does change, though, and you might find some that are more to your liking. I make most of my earnings through tasks and I don't have trouble reaching payout. Keep checking that "available" tab and perhaps some will come along soon. Good luck to you :)
• New Zealand
24 Oct 09
THanks. I find sharon bucks tasks hard to do because They are all like insurance writing or something like that. I just cant be bothered to reaserch. im so lazy lol. But ill have a look at the tasks again, and see if i can do one.
• United States
24 Oct 09
I joined here about two months ago and have just made my first payout, which I am quite happy with. But knowing how much I posted and how much I could post, and having got used to how it works, I am pretty sure I could make payout in a month. It really is down to how much time and quality of posts you put in here. Thats what I like about mylot, it is straigh forward. You post, you get paid. You put more in, you get more out.
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
It depends. If you do some tasks you will reach mylot payout more quickly. But when it comes to posting, you must not post responses that are one or two liners only... your responses should be always with quality. The main key in here is to enjoy your time and pick up some information from discussions. Welcome to mylot retrObeat!
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Well, there are a lot of factors that helps you earn $$ faster here, and a lot of it is what a person is willing to do for sure. There are many of us who easily earn $10 or more here a month so if you can learn what some of us others do you will be reaching it in no time for sure. What many of us have learned, it is definately quality over quantity and that goes with the discussions you choose to start in here as well. When starting New discussions find topics everyone here in interested in responding back too, as well as making sure it is clear what you are wanting to learn or hear from others about as well. Also when responding back to discussions here try and keep your responses at least 4-6 lines in length sticking to the topic at hand as well. And if you think the discussion is against the TOS try to avoid responding back to these in order to keep from loosing $$ in here as well. Also make New friends who will want to respond back to your discussions as you start them, and you theirs will help increase your earnings here as well. Welcome to myLot and wishing you the Best.
@AD1970 (116)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
I made a dollar in the past month. At this rate, it will take me 10 months to hit payout.. But, I am spending more time writing my hubs in Hubpages, maybe that's why...
@trinale (1479)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I don't post a lot so it took 15 months to get my first payout. That was May of this year. Looks like it's going to me about the same amount of time to reach my next payout. I may be able to cut it down to 11-12 months this time! Cheers, Stan
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
24 Oct 09
If you enjoy talking offline and can train your fingers to type quickly then you can reach your payout here each month even with limited time. When you receive responses on your discussions go back and comment on them and leave something for the responder to come back and comment on again, just as though you were talking to them offline. Once you get a discussion moving that is when you earn because that is what we are here for, to discuss!
@dodo19 (47305)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
24 Oct 09
It usually takes me a couple of months in order to reach payout. It takes me a while before I reach payout. Although I would prefer to reach payout every month, I have to patience to wait and work on reach payout, however long it might take me.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
24 Oct 09
5 cents! That is really low. I earn something between 40-60 cents per day. I reach payout in a month. I do not have any problem with that. I guess you start a lot of discussions. That is not the way to go. You should also post responses in other people's discussions. Then you can earn more. Have a nice day.
@Jennlk84 (4206)
• United States
24 Oct 09
For me it's different each month, but I think typically I reach payout every two months. When I have the time to be really active and do lots of tasks then I may be able to make it once a month. It just all depends on my free time that I have and how much I feel like posting and responding.
• United States
24 Oct 09
I dont know its taking me forever to even make a dollar here and im trying Do you work on any other web sites?
• New Zealand
24 Oct 09
I know. so far ive only gotten 32 cents. Sad ae. But Im guna try be more active. Hopefully. And maybe ill do some tasks. They are just hard to do, the ones that are available in my country.
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@rosekiss (30410)
• Eugene, Oregon
25 Oct 09
it really varies from month to month, how long it takes to get payout. Some days I will do more than other days, so therefore, it will take me longer. I really don't push muself, as I know I will get it and I just do what I can when I am here, but make them uality, as that is what mylot is looking for. Quality means more than quantity, as you can post a lot of short responses, and you won't earn much if anything at all. They need to be more than just a few wores and one liners. The longe your posts, the better. If you want to earn, then you need to be acitve and paricipate. Just be active and you will earn. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.