Facebook is a life ruining application =)

@redphile (2264)
October 24, 2009 3:51am CST
I have a friend who was having this huge fight with her boyfriend. They both know their facebook passwords and emails and all other online presences. During their war, the boyfriend stared using her Facebook to attack her and putting comments that are very embarrasing to the public. My friend was not able to login to her account and cant reset it because she cant also login to her email. iT WAS really herat breaking for my friend because she cannot do anything on her part. Her boyfriend was so jealous. Good thing that her friends just didnt mind the comments at all and really know that it is not her shows doing that. That guy is just crazy jealous! I believe that we should never lend our passwords to anyone, may he be your partner or parents or whoever. It should only be you. Unless that person that you are going to give it to is a trusted person who you know will never ever ruin your life. Bottomline is, Facebook or any other online presence can ruin one's life in an instant but can be prevented if we are very careful with our security and passwords. I suggest that we should not give out our passwords to anyone but yourself. Have you had any experiences like this before? Did you think that your life was ruined because of something you saw on Facebook or something that happened to our account without your permission?
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15 responses
@msedge (4011)
• United States
25 Oct 09
Oh my GOd, my daughter knows my password.I should be very careful then but i trust her.
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
I hope I won't be seeing a discussion you start with the title "facebook ruined me and my daughter"
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
ahaha hope so!
@malamar (779)
• Canada
24 Oct 09
I think I would keep my facebook account and get rid of the boyfriend. You should never share a password with anyone unless it is someone you trust completely. Anyone immature enough to do something like your friend's boyfriend did is obviously not someone to be trusted with confidential passwords. It has never happened to me, and I can't imagine how I would feel if it did. Hopefully her friends do understand the problem, but she still needs to be concerned about other people who read/view the comments.
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@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
"I would keep my facebook account and get rid of the boyfriend." That's really funny malamar. And I agree with you on that. Apparently, facebook is more worthy of the woman's love than her boyfriend. A guy who is as immature as that man should not even enter a relationship.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
both correct! well my friend was able to keep her account because they became kay for awhile. then I told her to change all her passwords in all accounts to make sure the boyfriend cannot have access anymore. And so she did. And she also got rid of the bf. haha! he is an immature jerk who does not treat my friend right. =)
• United States
25 Oct 09
I cannot argue with this one. Facebook, just like any other social networking site (Twitter being the worst of them all). I know the jealous crazy types. My boyfriend's father is one of those. He is out of his mind. This man gets so jealous that he will try to literally ruin peoples lives if he does not get what he wants when he wants it. I really wish someone could put the man in prison or put him in a psych ward.
• United States
25 Oct 09
The social network sites just bring out the major crazies because you know that you two cannot kill each other on the computer.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
oh my! Too bad! It really is crazy when s0me0ne d0es that to you. But sh0uld be stopped before anybody gets hurt.
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@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
ahaha true! Good way of putting it. =)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Oct 09
Bottomline is, Facebook or any other online presence can ruin one's life I'm sorry but its not the fault of Facebook...sharing passwords is whats at fault..being childish and shallow enough to use someone elses password and account is whats at fault....Facebook had nothing to do with it..
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@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
oh yeah your right! its the users stupidity of giving out passwords. haha =)
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
That guy is really low. You said we should only give our passwords to people we trust would not ruin us. Maybe your friend believed in her boyfriend so much that she gave him her password. I think she should just choose a better guy next time. I trust my boyfriend so much that I would entrust him with anything. And I'm quite sure that he wouldn't ruin me no matter what happens because we've already been through a lot and he has proven his worth so many times.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
Good for her!
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
i agree!
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
that is true. sometimes people can be so insecure thats why the boyfriend does that. well theyre not together anymore which is great. =)
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@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
Facebook and other web tools is not the culprit here and I don't blame your friend letting her boyfriend know her passwords and stuff. It's just that your friend is somewhat unfortunate to have made an immature and selfish guy to be her boyfriend.
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
That's good to hear and I hope she learned her lessons well
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
26 Oct 09
oh yeah she better! Haha!
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
so immature. I would have to agree with you. =) good thing they already broke up.
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@rsa101 (38312)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
Not only that in anything we post in there would eventually reflect on you as well. Sometimes I see posts in their profiles that would affect themselves. They become the target for attacks if they would post irresponsibly in their accounts.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
we should all be careful in what we say, make sure that we dont hurt anyone or even ourselves.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
I know my husband's passwords and he knows mine. But we respect each other and do not open the other person's account without the other's permission or consent. I think it's pretty childish and selfish on the guy to do that to his GF. He did not think about his actions first and how it will hurt his GF. I know someone who had her BF erase all the pictures in her FB account just because he didn't like some of the pictures posted there. I think those things are major no-nos.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
30 Oct 09
that is true. its selfish, childish and all the -ish that I can't think of. There's no trust in their relationship which is a very important part of the relationship.
@snowy22315 (186915)
• United States
24 Oct 09
I think that facebook has the tendency to be very destructive to people. It is something that needs to be used correctly or it can be harmful to others. If people put content on there that I find offensive I simply unfriend them. It is the easiest thing to do and something that that shouldnt be used as a last resort.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
that is true. we should all be careful and watch our words always =)
@nagikka (407)
• Italy
25 Oct 09
Facebook can be a life ruining application If you use it in a wrong way, especially: 1. if you say stuff that you should better keep to yourself 2. if you post pictures that nobody should see 3. if you spend too much time using it I only post pictures of my drawings and my animals and I got rid of all pictures of me, so people can't share them, download them and post them elsewhere. I'm only scared of what my ex-bf could do with FB and the pix he took of me at the seaside but If I ever get to know that he posted them online, I'm going to sue him and pay myself a long holiday to Japan lol The people that I add to my profile are only people that I trust and that I know where I could find to break their bones If they ever did something stupid with my privacy :)
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
26 Oct 09
ahaha good plan! Its always better n0t to be too pers0nal online because we kn0w that it is never safe.
@l33tgirl (288)
• New Zealand
24 Oct 09
The whole internet can be a life ruining experience if you give out too much information about yourself or share passwords. It's not just facebook. I actually was chatting to someone online and mentioned what city I lived in and he lived in the same city, managed to track me down and followed me to work every day for awhile. I had to call the police! I think some people don't realise what happens online can affect your real life, my friend shares her internet banking partner with her boyfriend - what happens when they break up? He could take off with her money and it would be her fault because she shared her password.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
oh my gosh thats scary! Thats true. Never give important information to people you dont know well. With your friend, i hope that will n0t happen but again we should always expect the worst.
• Qatar
24 Oct 09
in any relationship there"s lines no body can cross askin about password mean no trust so how can we leave together
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
true. asking for password means having no trust. and alot of insecurities arise from that.
@rhan04 (307)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
Sorry about your friend. But we can't really blame facebook. They did reminded us that we shouldn't give away our passwords. It is our own responsibility if something happens to our account. I give my password to a few trusted people. And I believe that those people, no matter how angry they are to me, they won't do something as childish as that. I also have few friends who trust me enough to give me their password. And I wouldn't want to ruin that trust no matter what. I don't want to have a reputation that I can't be trusted that way. So I never really had any bad experiences as that. I choose who I give my password to. Sometimes if it's not really necessary, I don't just give it away.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
yeah thats true. There are really a few people that you can put your full trust in. But bottom line is its better not to share passwords unles necessary. =)
@Brad2289 (184)
• United States
25 Oct 09
The obvious problem is not with facebook. It lies mostly with the boyfriend but also with the girl because she shared her password. People just need to be more careful when handing out information like that.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
25 Oct 09
agree. Bf is an a-hole and my friend is stupid haha!
• Indonesia
24 Oct 09
Well, this is actually not facebook fault, or any social networking site. Anyway, isn't there is law about this at your place. Because your friend actually can sue her ex-boyfriend for ruining her good name. She can also make a request to facebook admin to have her account suspend. The bottom line is, never share your password to anyone.
@redphile (2264)
• Philippines
24 Oct 09
thats right! never ever ever share your password with anyone!