If a friend annoys or offends you, should you just say it to them?

@skaterx (530)
October 26, 2009 12:30pm CST
Hi, I have a tough time being honest to my friends. Cos I don't want to hurt their feelings, but if they annoy me or offend me, I end up ignoring them, which might be worse for them. How should I be to them? Just completely honest and let out my frustrations, or just keep it to myself. Sometimes the stuff people say offends me, or frustrates me, to the point that I don't want to even talk to them anymore. Should I just tell them what annoys me?
2 responses
27 Oct 09
It depends what it is I suppose but I would be honest. If you were my friend and I done something to upset you I would rather know what it was then just be ignored. That way I would avoid doing whatever it was that upset you again.
@skaterx (530)
• Finland
27 Oct 09
yeah i thought that too, so i just told him. I mean, theres always a balance tho. I don't feel like I should complain about people all the time, but if its pushing me away from them, maybe i should make a statement about it.
@StarBright (2798)
• United States
31 Oct 09
Sometimes honesty is the best policy. At other times, honesty is not the best policy. First take a look at why you are annoyed. If you are having a bad day, then your irritation may not be entirely your friends' fault. If your friends are doing something that you immensely dislike and it is a source of irritation for you, then by all means, tell them. They will not know, otherwise. The longer you put it off, the harder it will be for them to understand. They will wonder why you never said anything before and they will feel betrayed by your dishonesty.