Shaken baby syndrome....
By PeacefulWmn9
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
United States
October 26, 2009 10:33pm CST

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21 responses
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
yes i hear about shaken baby syndrome,it makes worst and can have brain damages it can cause blood clot and bleeding to the brain when strong shaken done.and the baby will die unintentionally.yes crying is very irritating but shaken hard is not advisable that can lead to brain damages.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09
Yes, and if they're that irritated, it is their own responsibility to just walk away until they are calm enough not to harm an innocent baby.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
27 Oct 09
It says in the bible that people that do these kinds of things send them back to the Father. He will pay his due when God gets a hold on him. I had a daughter that did this and she got caught by some state worker thank God it didn't hurt the baby. That baby is now adopted by a family that really loves him. I didn't take him cause I knew that my daughter would be wanting to take him back and I didn't figure she was responsible enough. So I thought what would be best for my grandson is that he didn't have to deal with this. Yes I have seen this many times from young mothers and dads. I think this stems from us not teaching our children better. I thought I had taught my daughter better but I guess not. I will keep this child in my prayers. I am sorry for the parents but they will get what they deserve in the long run. I thank God that I didn't see it.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Hi Free. Yes, vengence belongs to God, and so do the souls of these innocent children. God does not remove our freedom of choice, so abuse and killing continues.
So much the sadness when an adult has both a out-of-control temper. It is beyond my own heart to understand it.
Our children sometimes do not follow good teachings or examples. You did the right thing with your grandchild. I had to make a similar decision, and sometimes, the most right thing to do is also the most difficult.
Thank you for your experience and insight.
Bless you,

@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09

@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
27 Oct 09
This IS Indeed Shocking .. Why Do People Want Kids If They Can't Look After Them .. If The World Cared More For Their Own Babies, It Would Have Been A Better World - Peaceful, Wouldn't It Be .. Sad To Hear This Disturbing Story ..
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@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
27 Oct 09
Whether Accidental Or Otherwise .. Once You Get A Child On This Earth, It Becomes The Responsibility of The Parents To Look After The Child .. Did The Child Decide To Be Born
, Of Course Not It Is The Mistake Of the Adults .. There Can Be No Pardon For Any Adult Whatever Be The Reason .. Thank You For Reading Through ..

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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09
Hi Prasha...I think that is part of the problem...not all people do want their children.
Some have them too young or by an accidental pregnancy. Some cannot control their anger at anyone, not even a helpless infant! For those people, they would be kinder to give the baby for adoption.
Yes, this kind of information always saddens me, too. I agree, babies should be cared for well!
Thank you for your opinions.

@bucketkid (237)
• Australia
27 Oct 09
i understand the frustration people may feel from a child crying but i dont understand these actions that people take. this isnt a common occurance in my area but it is still something that you heard about.
i believe that you should be willing to make sacrifices when you raise or look after a child. a child will cry, it is a fact of life - some more than others. why would you bring a life into this world if you werent prepared to taken on the task, or if you cant care for it, adopt it out.
i know it may not be as simple as that but if a parent isnt prepared for a child to cry, how are they going to deal with a toddler in the supermarket - pulling things off the shelves, an twelve year old that wont go to school or a teenager who brings home their first girlfriend?
patients is required when caring for children. harming an infant is a disgusting act, especially when it is the childs instinct to do what it is doing.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09
Hi Bucketkid. I think most parents can identify with a sense of frustration, simply because we wish to comfort an infant who seems beyond consolation. Patience is key, though, and for those who get extremely aggravated, the should lie the baby gently down in a safe place, and walk away until they can regain their own composure. Or they could call someone to come and help for a while with the infant.
You make a good point...if a parent cannot stand the crying, imagine what they'll do at more serious times in a child's life and behavior?? The thought is truly frightening.
I agree, harming or killing and infant, or any child, is the worst crime of inhumanity I can imagine.

@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09
There are these kinds of hotlines or suport groups in every community, at least in the US.
If asking for help feels shameful, I wonder how admitting to harming or killing your child feels??
Yes, anything is worth a shot to keep this from repeatedly happening :)
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
28 Oct 09
What is wring with these people? I still say you should have to have to pass a test to be able to have children!
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
29 Oct 09
Oh, there are parenting classes; people just don't utilize them!
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09

@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
27 Oct 09
Hi Peaceful Wmn: I don't know how to take care of a baby because i'm too young and this really scares me. I think parents must check if everything is right with their babies and if you can't do anything to stop your baby crying DON'T SHAKE IT as if he/she'd be a doll or something different as a human being. This is horrible and i can't understand how a dad could be so irresponsible with his own little child.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Hello Star. There are so many classes and videos and people willing to help new parents learn how to properly care for a baby, and how to cope with the tiredness and frustration, and do so without harming the baby. Abuse is not accidental, but always a deliberate act of anger on the part of the caretaker.
I do not understand it either, dear.
Do take care

@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
27 Oct 09
This is a horrible thing to happen to a little baby. It can also happen to one who is a toddler as well . I have a friend that her ex husband is in prison for Shaking little Hunter. He survived the shaking but with severe brain damage. He was just learning to walk and talk some when it happened to him. He has to be tube fed and is blind, may never walk on his own . He can talk somewhat but no where close to what a child his age can. But as far as I can tell he never forgets someones voice if they have talked to him before. He is adorable and sweet .
I have raised 5 kids and have 4 grand babies and I can't imagine ever shaking them. If the crying is so bad you feel like you can't handle it anymore , lay the baby down, walk away , close the door until you can pull yourself back together. Sometimes a baby just has to cry.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
27 Oct 09
Oohhh ppl like that need a good shaking someone 20xs their size and see how they like it if they survive!...I have NO TOLERANCE for child abuse of any kind...When my oldest was born I had really bad Post Partum Depression and my son was colicy and STILL I didnt shake him...when i started getting ot a point of not being able to handle it I would either hand him off to his father or I would leave the room/area until I calmed down...
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
27 Oct 09
Hi Karen!
It sounds really disgusting and atrocious news to me. Some parents are too impatient and immature to handle the cries of their babies and they just release their anger on the little soul, who just cannot resist their force. Shaking a baby is nothing less than torturing him/her and it could be dangerous and fatal. When our kids were less than one year old and they used to cry, we would try to find out the reasons of their crying and would see to it that what they require is quickly attended to, instead of beating them or shaking them or shouting upon them.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09

@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
this is not well known in the philippines . not unless you have been to school like nursing or other courses that discusses such topic. but the general population specially the poor and uneducated ones though know much i think. cause i just learned it lately when i studied some short course , special education of 6 months and we tackled this in part. and so i can say that this is not well publicized or discussed in our society. this should be discussed or shared or publicized more in a manner the general public can understand in our local language. so people will not be ignorant about his. i have no child yet of my own nor my other siblings and so we didn't have any experience much with crying babies. i used to like babies and every thing about them including their crying cause i thought they are still cute when they cry. but every time i see and hear crying child or even infant at public places, their voices are really irritating and there is nothing cute about it but of course if i am the one caring for that baby i will not harm the baby in any way.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
27 Oct 09
Hi Karen, it is hard to believe that people are still ignorant about the consequences of shaking a baby, and take their own frustrations out that way.
I have never heard of an incidence of this in Greek culture. Babies and children are generally adored here and there would always be someone on hand to help if it all became too much.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09

@malamar (779)
• Canada
27 Oct 09
Hi Karen,
Unfortunately, shaken baby syndrome goes on for too often all around us. I can never wrap my mind around the idea that an adult doesn't understand the dangers of shaking these tiny, helpless infants.
I do understand the frustration(s) a crying baby can create for some people. It would be better to place the crying infant in a safe environment(like a crib) and just close the door until you have time to calm down and regroup.
I don't think there is an easy answer to this dilemma. It appears that these people just have too much anger/frustration with the situation to be able to think in a calm and rational way.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09

@dgundo (5)
• United States
27 Oct 09
I am a father of three great kids, but as great as they are, they still get on my nerves from tim to time. I do not see when it is okay to EVER shake a baby. There was a poster up in one of the doctor's office's that my wife and I have been in that says, "Never, never, never, never, never, never shake a baby!" This is what I picture when I got frustrated with my kids when they were babies. I can not imagine the pain that shaking a baby gives to that poor child. The thing is also that if people do it to try and calm the baby down, all shaking is going to do is make the crying worse. Any time I hear of parents shaking their baby I get sick. A million dollars bond is nothing compared to a life of a baby!
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
28 Oct 09
Hello Dgundo. I doubt if there is a parent alive who's not felt frustration with their children at times, but like you, I cannot imagine that it could EVER be okay to shake or punish or hurt an infant...or abuse any child, whatever the age.
As in your doctor's office, people now know better than to shake an infant, but it is still frightenly frequent, when it would be so simple to lie the baby in a safe place and walk away until one was calm again. someone, anyone for help to ease the exhaustion or tension.
Thank you for your input.

@stee09 (101)
• Ireland
27 Oct 09
I think this is an absolutely disgraceful thing to do. In my opinion many may not agree but I believe anyone that does this to a child should be castrated and given a prison sentence. I don't think those punishments are to extreme either if a person can do that to such a tiny beautiful thing then they shouldn't ever be aloud to create more. This is just my opinion on the matter but I do hope other people agree with me.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09

@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
27 Oct 09
I have heard about this, and it is pretty sad when it happens. Babies are so delicate. You have to be so careful with them.
I have also heard of accidental shaken baby syndrome, and what happens in this case is the baby is sleeping, and the mother or the father is searching for something, they are looking around in the crib, and they baby is sleeping in the crib, and they shake the baby trying to look for something they misplaced or put somewhere they should not have put it.
I have heard of this happening where I live, but none of my friends or family or anyone I know has ever done it. I would hope they would have sense enough to know that babies are delicate and very fragile. When ever I hold a baby, even if it is a doll (which may sound strange, but it has to do with the "Baby Think It Over" program), I hold the head and make sure that everything I do with them is out of caution.
I did the same with my Goldie, she is my cat, when I got her at three weeks old, I held her very carefully. I was scared of hurting her or harming her because I am such a large woman, and she was so tiny (she weighed less than a half pint, much less, in fact, half pint is one of her nicknames because of how small she was). With anything smaller than myself, I have to be extremely careful because of my size. I do my best to use the "elephant mentality" around children and animals. Elephants are careful around their young, very careful.
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@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
27 Oct 09
If husbands has this kind of attitude with infant,
they should not be around with babies when those little
angels start to cry. I just wonder where's the mother anyway?
Men has little patience with babies and sometimes they are
not ideal companion for babies.

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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09

@mesuaky (397)
• Singapore
27 Oct 09
in my place the often have 2 causes of this case "shaken baby syndrome" one is intentionally abused by the paretns or gaurdian or out of ignorance. Periously it saw reported that rocking a baby is actualy helpful in developing the babys brain, but most of the people get rocking ang shaking confued together. thats why the initial damage result on a baby when shaken too much will be brain damage.
But most of the time is because of abusive act of the adult to the child that causes this. most adults do have short patience on this type of things, luckly most of my freind are very patience with their babies, the treat them with total love and care and i am proud of them, they would die before something harms their kids and this is what its suppose to be. I don't have a baby yet but i will guarantee that i too will take very good care of my baby to be and i will not let anything or anyone harm my baby not even my own husband.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09

@doglady112 (604)
• Canada
27 Oct 09
You know I don't let it frustrate me. I usually walk with the baby in my arms until they quiet down. I really have a knack for putting babies to sleep. I'm really quite good at it. But I think you have to have patience when parenting a child and some many people don't. It's so sad.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09
Hi Doglady. My children's crying never frustrated me either. Babies cry! They have no words yet with which to express themselves. And yes, a good parent is patient and loving, soothing.
You're right, patience is necessary!
Thank you for responding, and have a nice week.
@jodylee_04530 (1097)
• United States
27 Oct 09
Yikes. That is terrible. I can't imagine shaking my baby when he cries. I have been up all night with crying baby several nights and have had to set him down and take a moment to myself before but never could get to that point. Yes, it can be frustrating, yes it can be annoying, but my oh my, that is your baby. I live in the States and have heard a lot of Shaken Baby syndrome and can't imagine that anyone would do something like that to something so helpless.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
27 Oct 09

@onlinemoneyjourney (235)
• Australia
27 Oct 09
My heart breaks when I hear stories like that. Poor, defenceless, little baby being shaken about by a grown man. I personally hope he gets a life sentence... he has given the poor baby one. Imagine for a second, if this man is capable of harming a small baby, then what is he doing to the baby's mother. It is a shame that children are subjected to such degrees of abuse. Where I live there are very few reports on shaken babies.
My middle son suffered from colic as an infant for 4 months. It really is tough when your baby cries all the time. You are possibly sleep-deprived amongst other things and you can't think straight. However, I never even went down that road. When it got really unbearable I handed him over to mother for a few hours so I could gain my sanity back. The best thing is to leave the room and regain your composure and if you are angry, to calm down.
Babies cry for a reason but they can't speak so it can be frustrating to figure out what the problem is. There's a fine line and before you cross it PUT THE BABY DOWN AND WALK AWAY!!!!
I pray for this poor little soul who has barely touched the world and possibly had his life shaken out of him!
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