Would you steal if it meant life or death of your family?
By loneraver
@loneraver (331)
October 27, 2009 2:42pm CST
Im wondering as we all know it is wrong and we should never do it but if you had nothing and it came down to a new born baby or young child or even an older mor vunerable adult, would you steal food etc if it was a last result? Ive just been joking with someone about going to steal some food as i dont het payed for a few days and ive run outa food thats when it hit me would i if i really had to? Im not quite sure as to be honest the embarassment of getting caught would be horrible! and is it ever really that bad? What would you do? Please comment as im very interested!
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26 responses
@katykicker (231)
28 Oct 09
I think this is definitely the right way to go about it as if you were in this situation then it would be best not to cause any trouble and only take what you really needed.
@loneraver (331)
28 Oct 09
I agree its acceptable(ish) for only food in emergencies and certainly without Violence! I dont think violence helps with anything as i think its what some people resort to when they havent got the sense to solve the problem like decent human beings!
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
27 Oct 09
I have shoplifted before and it was stupid and I got caught and I did community service and I learned my lesson,and I never did it again,and if it it came to my wife or my wife and our kids being hungry and us having no food,then I would do whatever it took to get them food even if it meant stealing because I love my wife,and I will love our kids and I would do anything for them,to make sure they have what they need,even if it meant risking going to jail,because I would risk everything for my family,because they are more important than anything else in the world,and I am sure that other people feel the same way when it comes to their family.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
29 Oct 09
I know what you mean,no matter what happens,they will always be your family,and there is nothing you would not do for them.
@loneraver (331)
28 Oct 09
I agree totaly, even though my family and i arent seeing eye to eye at the moment it dont change the fact i would do anything for them.
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@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Oct 09
Are you kidding? If my kids were starving, I'd steal food in a heartbeat. No hesitation whatsoever. Assuming there was no other choice (ie welfare, food kitchen, etc.)
@loneraver (331)
28 Oct 09
Fair play, sraight to the point thanks and your right theres no two ways about it, they have to eat in order to survive!
@iceydon (342)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
As long as there are no other options I won't hesitate to steal for survival of my family. And if there are other people who need it and I'm the only one who can help I would still more and share to them.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
28 Oct 09
I always try to be good and all that... but I already did a lot of things in my life which I am not proud of. So if ever it came to a choice of stealing and feeding my family, I wouldn't have any hesitation. If at all I have any reservation, it's just I don't want to be caught because then I wouldn't be able to continue feeding my family.
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
Thats the problem i would have as ive been to prison before due to stupid drunken mistakes i dont think the judge would think twice about sending me down!
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
Id like to think i would for my family but i would be too paranoid to do it which in turn would make me look dodgy also, so i think i would be watched from the start as it wold be written all over my face!
@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
I think the next best choice is to go to a parish. I believe they are ready to help most especially if a child is involved. Or perhaps you can search for nonprofit organizations that may be willing to help. Or you can go to the mayor or a public official to ask for help or assistance. Lastly perhaps you could ask help from a relative. I think there is always a better choice than stealing.
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
Yes i think nowadays there is always someone thats willing to help, but i was just wondering if it was the only option would you do it?
@katykicker (231)
28 Oct 09
If the situation was so desperate that the life of a loved one was in danger then I would first try and get any help available to me or just ask other friends or relatives for their help.
However, if there was no way of help and nobody could spare any food then I would have to steal just as a means of survival. I personally believe there is always a way out for people and with the right budgeting I never run out of money before I get paid and I always have something tucked away just for emergencies or hard times.
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
I think pretty much everyone feels about the same, ive not ever been any good at budgeting nor caan i save i just seem to spend! So when unforeseen circumstances left me jobless, homeless, friendless and in a town that i didnt know very well i had wished i had been a bit more careful with my money!
@wahmivy (776)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
Ooh, it sounds very Les Misérables! Remember Jean Valjean stealing a loaf of bread for his sister's kids? He spent 20 years in jail for that. 5 for the crime and the rest for trying to escape, lol. Sorry. I'm a bit of a Les Miz nut. Anyway, I think I'm capable of doing that, although I'd really hate to. I think I'd call it borrowing if I don't get caught. I'll probably find a way to pay for it once I have the money.
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
One of my local shops used to lend me stuff if i was really stuck as i new him quite well and it was his own shop not like a Tescos or the like and he knew id always pay!
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
I think this is interesting as most of the comments have had the same sort of answer to this, so when it comes to family things dont seem as bad when its a necessity.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
Nice question! Honestly, if it is for my family I would do it, especially if there is no other choice. However, there are other ways to solve any problem but as much as possible if I could avoid stealing I will. Like asking help from the government or some NGO's that are willing to provide necessary action to my problem. If it was just for food, I can go to social welfare center to ask for it.
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
Yea most people think along the same lines, i think its interesting how so many people agree on doing the immoral thing! Typical moral dilema!
@lichee_china (506)
• China
28 Oct 09
It's hard to say,no or yes,it's a problem when it come to family!but,are you kidding?still another methods usefull about your problem,steal is never ever the best and proper choice.
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
I was just merely asking to find out what people thought, as i find it interesting that when it comes to family often peoples morals go out the window!
@marcelinka (113)
• Chile
28 Oct 09
short answer.... YES!!! if i really need the food i wouldn`t think about it twice. But i`d do it in a smart way... not to supermarket or store, when i go to the country side i like to take some fruits on the way.... ok... i live in Chile, we have a lot of fruit and vegetables, and it`s not really to still (they rather u to take the fruit before it get bad) but still i feel bad when i do it, after i eat it i feel better..hahahaha
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
Well here in the UK we dont have that option weve only got the supermarkets! I do remember eno time actually going to the local allotments at three in the am with a wheelbarrow and helping ourselves to the vegetables for our sunday roast haha
@TonyKong (4)
• China
28 Oct 09
I'd steal if life looks promising for me.i will try my best to subsist on anything.when i overcome the difficulty,i will pay the price for my behavior.
@loneraver (331)
29 Oct 09
Yea its a true saying if you do the crime you gotta be prepared to do the time!
@dorisday1971 (5657)
• Philippines
28 Oct 09
I would rather ask for something than steal .. Anyway, if I don't have anything to feed my family, then I would be honest with my realtives or friends about it and then ask help from them. Stealing wouldn't still be the last recourse.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
27 Oct 09
I have very high morals but if it ever got bad enough to where my children were hungry and I had no choice..I think it would be safe to say I would do just about anything. It's a shame really but there are a lot of people put in that position everyday. I suppose I am no better if it were me. I hope it never come to that.
@loneraver (331)
28 Oct 09
I think to be honest there is alot of help out there nowadays like soup kitchens run by Salvation Army And stuff like so there would be no real need i dont think but its interesting to find out what people think.
@allyoftherain (7208)
• United States
28 Oct 09
There's a famous moral dilemma model where you're presented with this situation: Your spouse/child/parent is sick and dying. There is a doctor in town who has medicine that can help them, but he's charging $2,000 for it. You've scraped up, saved, borrowed, and begged in order to get $1,000. The doctor won't take anything less than $2,000, no matter how much you plead with him. There's no possible way you can get any more money. Do you steal the medicine?
Reading your comment reminded me of that. Most people would answer yes. They would steal the medicine and it wouldn't be wrong for them to do so. I'm not sure exactly what I would do. If I was in a situation where it was steal something or lose someone, I might steal. But I still believe that it would be wrong for me to do so, even if someone's life were at stake. The right thing doesn't always feel right.
Thankfully, we live in a country were if you can't afford food, you don't have to steal to get it. There are government programs, charities, and kind hearted people who would be willing to feed you. Provided with those options, stealing is most certainly out of the question.
@loneraver (331)
28 Oct 09
Here in the UK we have alot of charities that are willing to help too. I was homeless and without an income for a short period of time but i never went hungry as there is a place to eat for free for the homeless everyday and they are always such nice people as they are there because they want to be not because they have to!
@Fireheart (683)
• India
28 Oct 09
Actually there is no choice here, if it was my loved one, i would even give away my life for that reason then,people would steal at this kind of situation,it a compulsion and a duty for me to save people who needs them.good or bad dosen't concerns me as long as i had done something for the people i love.as you said there are many people who are so hungry that they have no choice than to steal for a living.whats pride gonna do without a life sacrifice for someone special.
@Skyeblue25 (545)
28 Oct 09
I work in a supermarket and since the recession has hit us we are seeing people being put in the situation. Only the other day a mother was caught stealing nappies and baby food.
This has been happening more often people are stealing essentials rather than the stuff that they can sell on for money.
I find it really sad that so many people are struggling so badly that they have to steal, but I see it happening almost on a daily basis.
In answer to your question would I steal? I would go to every other avenue first friends and family, the church and charities. But if everything failed then yes I would as I couldn't see my kids starve