What Would YOUR alternet Universe Be Like?
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
October 29, 2009 8:22pm CST
I've had a terrible week. My daughter had to have an emergency appendectomy Saturday. Work didn't like the idea of me taking off to care for her. I was told I was on thin ice....
was all I had to say to them as she has four little ones, the youngest being 8 months old and she can't lift him at all for two weeks. My oldest son's car is caput and he needs me to take him to work each morning....and I put in three job applications while the baby slept! I'm fed up with working in an atmosphere of gossip and back stabbing....
I'm really tired.
I'm really sick to death of this universe.
I want to hear what YOU would do if you could create a NEW one?

11 responses
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Oct 09
Hi Debra,
Power hug first for you to appease you in what you're going through right now. You seemed like to be in an office with an inconsiderate boss who won't allow you to take care of your daughter in the hospital who just had an operation. It's diferrent here in our country--our working enviroment is very supportive and caring when it comes to emergencies and cases like yours. You boss will even let you go home and take a leave so you will have more time for your family.
An environment of gossip and backstabbing is really tiring and stressful. You will embibed all the negative energies in your office and you will later be that so negative too about work, people and life. So the best way that you can do right now is to look for another job, have a new environment where you can be fresh again and breath freely. I know you are good enough to find a better one.
If i will create a new place to work it will be a family own business where i will be the boss of myself and give my best for the good of my business. It will be a home-based universe. Good luck my friend. Keep your cool. You can make it!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
The medical field is awful for gossip and backstabbing. Nursing homes especially. I pass meds, and I recognize that 'someone' has to be there to do so, even during an emergency. But yes, boss could have been more supportive. But then, she has to put up with MANY emergencies.
It's time for me to find a new career. Going back to school to get my teaching degree!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Why thank you! How sweet of you to encourage me in that way. I appreciate it very much.
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Oct 09
I feel bad about hearing your story. This is what i always advocate for in an office or any workplace to establish a program for the staff--"Caring for Carers" our employer needs to take care of us and provide all the support that we need as service providers. We all have our personal needs that's always sacrificed to attend to our job and it's just proper that these efforts be recognized and treat us fairly too.
With co-workers who are happy destroying others and making other lives miserable are miserable themselves. Let's not allow them to stress us out. I empathize with you for feeling that way and i support your plan of finding a new job and continue your with your teaching course. I know how tough you are--you can beat them and you'll grow more outside your present job.
Good luck my dear friend. I will here to pray for you and your family. Take care and have a great weekend!

@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
30 Oct 09
Well, Debi, first of all, a big hug to you. I think you need one. I hope your daughter is improving rapidly and I sure hope she is extremely thankful for her mum! I know she is! Secondly, I wish you well with the job applications. Thirdly, I wish you a long, peaceful sleep, so you can overcome the tiredness and feel really on top of things.
My alternate universe? I'm afraid I'll have to pass on that one. I'm more than happy with the one we have, even though mankind has tried so hard to ruin the perfect universe that God gave us.
Of course I would like a universe without Mugabe and so many other leaders who seem to be determined to ruin life for everyone but themselves. It would be good to be able to shoo them off to another universe, but I would much prefer to have them dealt with right here on earth. I just don't have a clue how it could happen. No one seems to be able to stand against them with success.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
That's what I realized when Angelique presented her 'perfect world'. As much as we try....human nature is sinful. If they were given a 'perfect world' they'd mess it up...hey, they did that once, I know you remember Adam and Eve?
Thanks for the encouragement. I'm sorry for feeling this way. I think it's cause this old body cannot take the stress like it used to. lol
That is why I'm going back to school. Gonna get my degree and teach little ones. Hope for the future....thanks my friend!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
I've already talked to the Administrator of the Head Start program here in my county. I've just returned from the College, talked to an advisor and took the forms I need for financial aid. Now, I just have to find a piddly part time job to keep me in gas and food. lol
Thanks for the encouragement. I really need it.

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
30 Oct 09
My alternate universe would begin very much like our own, but our leadership would be honest, our sciences devoted to environmental harmony, clean (and free) energy, space travel, and medical advancement--as opposed to war and entertainment.
Truth and Love would be the highest virtues taught everywhere, eventually money would fade away as opportunities would be infinite and everyone would get what they need from hard work, smart work, advancements in science, and the plenty that already exists.
Freedom would be guaranteed, but only those who practiced a benevolent truthful, Loving, lifestyle would have the opportunities to travel to the different worlds, space stations, and other centers and realities...
Education would be stellar, that is, truthful, not based on agendae, but rather telling the truth about where humanity came from and where we are going. Religion would fit into the earlier discussed freedom paradigm, but it would be a thing for the home and the individual, whereas public life would be based on sound ethics (shhh!--don't let them know that the highest of ethics are based on spiritual, religious, and doctrines of ancient wisdom), food, like energy would be plentiful, and everyone would be taught about healthier living and being...
This is just a start, I suppose, but the ultimate frameworks of a utopian society, no doubt... (And yes, I know, Utopia comes from Greek for "no place".)

@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
2 Nov 09
Yes, that's illustrative of two distinct but related problems. One, the fact that humanity always needs some level of control over it, and Two, the more power given to the controlling elements, the more corrupt they become...
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
And what do we do with those who refuse to be ethical and love? You know, humans just can't seem to do the right thing....even when given every opportunity to do so. Oh, you have those who do. But what do you do with those who do NOT.
Seems to be a recurring problem with ANY universe we dream up, huh?

@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
30 Oct 09
That was terrible of your boss...of course you are going to take care of your daugter!! Bosses are getting so darn uppity these days because there are 100 people waiting at any moment to take your place....it stinks..
Hmmm an alternate universe....
Well NO ONE would be hungry or homeless for one thing....
People would help each other when they need it and share whatever they have.
People wouldnt hate anyone that is a little different than them and therefor there wouldnt be any need for war.....
Children would never ever be abused (or adults for that matter)
people wouldnt go and have 9000 kids just so they can a) collect a bunch of child support or b) get themselves on tv...and celebrities would NOT be a bunch of jackarses...they would be people our kids could look up to....
Everyone would work at what they love to do and everyone would get paid the same amount and it would be enough to live comfortably....there wouldnt be a few rich and powerful peole taking everything for themselves...and if you truely honestly CANT work then and only then the governtment will take care of you (and by that i dont mean bump you off..lol)
Thats about all i can think of...oh and of course there would be ponies and lollipops and rainbows everywhere...lol

@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
30 Oct 09
You're absolutely right...everyone shares so there would be no need for money...and since it only creates problems its better not to have any...why didnt i think of that?
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
I like ponies too! Can we just do away with money? Everyone shares, no need for it? Sounds like a great place to be....can't wait!

@biman_s (1060)
• India
30 Oct 09
I know that things can go wrong and they probably do and people are not nice to us anymore. They care only about themselves. But no matter what I like the universe as it is. I have learned to handle stress and difficulties and I think we should not run from it and face it. I would not like to have an alternate universe. I like this only.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
When it's all said and done...I like it too! After all, for some reason the Creator gave us this one...the only one we have. So we must learn what lessons it teaches us, right? Thanks for your response biman_s.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Sorry to hear you are going through a hard time. Just keep your chin up and remember that every black cloud has a silver lining. As far as your question goes I have no problem with the universe it is many of the people who inhabit it that I have a real problem with!
. If I could change them then I would make it so that their outward appearance would show the ugliness of their inner soul that way we could not be fooled by their lies, hatefulness or cruelty.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Those who want to do good, find that it is often difficult to do so. And then you have those who don't care if they do right...and they seem to be rewarded. The problem does seem to lie within the human soul. Thank God, for forgiveness and mercy.
And thanks so much for your encouragement. I feel better reading all of the responses. I'm off this morning to talk to the financial aid office at the college. Talked to the Head Start teacher that has taught my granddaughters going back seven years. She's a good friend and she is going to put in a good word for me at the two learning centers in town. When they have an opening, I will take it. Meanwhile, getting my teaching degree. Surely working with kids will brighten my outlook!
@tamarafireheart (15384)
30 Oct 09
Hi debra,
Don't blame the Universe, its the people in it, there are millions of back stabbers in work places, I have experienced that when I was working, why don't you take the baby into work? tell them your daugther is sick and you have to look after the baby, as they are making a fuss about you not being at work so this is the only solution, they can't sack you for that. You can sue them if they do.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
I work in healthcare, passing meds. Wouldn't be able to have the baby there. But thanks for the suggestion...and the encouragement.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
30 Oct 09
Hi Debra, that's a horrid situaton you are in, there's nothing worse than an insecure and hostile work environment, I am so glad I'm done with the days of office politics and the stress of commuting. Aren't you allowed to take some of your holiday days over there for things like the emergency you had with your daughter? I think that your entitlements were less than we had in the UK but you get so many alloted sick days which we didn't at all - is that right.
Anyway good luck with changing jobs and with teaching courses. It's not the universe though, its just things.
My new universe would be totally selfish, stress free, unlimited financial security and a large parcel of books of my choice delivered to the door each morning by the mute cleaning lady who makes coffee on the half hour. I could wish that for everyone else too who is nice, that way everyone would be stress free and all the unpleasant ones would be busy cleaning whilst muted.
And my universe would never ever be cold, brrr cold already.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Thanks for the ecouragement. I did have sick days and used every last one of them. lol
I've just returned from the College and now have some idea of what I am up against. Still need to find a part time (low wage, I'm sure) job to help with my half of the bills and food and gas. OTherwise, I'm very optimistic today that I made the right choice. It's a little daunting...I AM 53. But the Admisitrator at the Head Start (early childhood education program) office here in my country told me that they have found that older people who've had experience with actually RAISING kids often do much better in this field. So, YEAh! I'm off on an adventure!
I'll keep you posted. I'm sure I will have much to cry about....lol!
@EnglishTeaDuck (862)
• United States
30 Oct 09
I am listening to music from the British Sci fi series, Doctor Who, as I type, so I guess (for those who know what I am talking about) my alternate universe would involve traveling in space and time with the Doctor (Ninth Doc, please) and visiting all sorts of places.
So thats my actual UNIVERSE thing....lol
I know what you mean though - it would be nice sometimes to create our perfect little planet and go and live there. Or even just have it there so we could just visit for a week every so often to recover!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
Oh, and I'm well known for burying myself in my own little cubby hole and ignoring the mess in the outside world. I've struggled with that tendency my whole life. That's probably why I am so vocal here on myLot about the wrong I see in the world. I have to make myself face it and deal with it. YOu guys only see that side of me, so it might seem a bit over board. lol
I am learning to find the place inside of ME...that is calm, peaceful and secure. Cause the LORD knows, you won't find it out in the big bad world. lol
Thanks for responding English! (and I can relate to Dr. Who....

@darmakawasa (85)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 09
I think for as long as the inhabitants consisted of humans, any universe will be filled with the same thing all over again, because human will behave into destructive pattern, that's why law and order are imposed, the universe are perfect, imperfection comes from the peoples who perceive that it is not.
hopefully things would work out good for you and your family debrakcarey.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Oct 09
YOU get the best response! Cause you recognize what I see too! lol
HUMANS are what make the problems....even those of us who want to make things beautiful and right...mess up once in awhile. We can try and try and try....but there will always be imperfection if humans are involved.
Thanks guys, for helping me remember...we humans need the perfect love and justice of a merciful God, there is no perfect universe, the problems are within US. And only by seeing this and turning it over to God to mend, can we hope for 'perfection' anywhere.