What do you know about "Incompetence cervix"? Anyone knows the solution?
By dodyast3
@dodyast3 (1514)
October 30, 2009 2:28am CST
I have a friend who was pregnant for 5 months and suddenly, she was having a contraction. We brought her to hospital but it was too late. The water was broke before the doctor can stitch her. So he lost her baby.
Now she is pregnant again for 5 weeks. I am trying to help her to get some information from the net so she can discuss it to her doctor.
I am wondering whether any members here who have the similar problem. The sharing of your experience and knowledge are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
3 responses
@BART78 (2927)
• Canada
30 Oct 09
hi there friend!..we gonna try to help your friend with available information on the web, here is what i found out with incompetent cervix - it is called cervical insufficiency..usually, the cervix (womb) ramains closed during pregnancy 'till the baby is ready to be born. a normal pregnancy last for about 9 months but for incompetent cervix the womb begin to thin and widen without pain or contraction during 4-6 months of pregnancy, the amniotic sac or the bag of water bulges down into the opening 'till it breaks which may cause miscarriage, like what happen to your friend..know to find out more for what causes an incompetent cervix, signs and symptoms, how it is diagnose and treated go to this like: http://www.pdrhealth.com/disease/disease-mono.aspx?contentFileName=ND0219G.xml&contentName=Incompetent+Cervix&contentId=702&TyepId=
..educate your friend so she will not suffer this pregnacy problem agai...i hope this will your friend...have a nice day!

@hansyraj (11)
30 Oct 09
Hi…I had read an article about Incompetent Cervix.I wish to share my knowledge about the topic,which may help your friend.
Cervical incompetence means a cervix that is too weak to stay closed during a pregnancy. Normally,during pregnancy, the cervix remains closed until go into labor.At that point,the cervix begin to dilate in order to allow baby to pass through the birth canal and be delivered.In women who have an incompetent cervix,though, the cervix is unable to remain closed for the entire nine months. Therefore resulting in a premature birth and possibly the loss of the baby,because of the shortened gestational length.
Diagnosis can be made either manually or with ultrasonography.
The factors that increase the chance of suffering from an incompetence cervix are:
DES exposure,Cervical Trauma,Hormonal influences,Congenitally short cervix,Forced D & C and Uterine anomalies.
Treatment:-Incompetent cervix can be treated through a procedure known as cervical cerclage.This simple treatment involves sewing up cervix with stitches.A cerclage will help to reinforce cervix,allowing continuing pregnancy to term.
Cerclage is usually done between 14 and 16 weeks of pregnancy.In order to be able to give birth, though, those stitches will obviously need to come out.Cervical cerclage sutures are typically removed between 36 and 38 weeks pregnant.Although the initial procedure is done under some type of anesthetic,either local or general,and may require an overnight hospital stay,removing the cerclage stitches can be done in doctor’s office and shouldn’t be too painful.
Consult a good doctor and discuss with him about the diagnosis and treatment methods. and go through the proper way to deliver a healthy baby. may god bless your friend
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
30 Oct 09
I am leaving you a link which you should find useful.
I hope that it will help avoid the problem next time as I know close-hand how stressful this situation is
: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cervical_incompetence