15,000 Bibles confiscated because they referred to "God" as "Allah,

October 30, 2009 11:51pm CST
Both the religion are from the same roots - so the God that Quran refers and the Bible refers - should be the One and same - so what is wrong to refer "God" as "Allah" - i just dont get it The Roman Catholic Church is challenging the "Allah" ban in court, saying it is unconstitutional and discriminates against those worshipping in Malay language. The case has been stuck in preliminary hearings for almost two years. - will they win ?? I wonder .. So is God and Allah the same ?? In context of language i read that "Allah" translates to "GOD" Ref : http://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/ap/20091029/tap-as-malaysia-bibles-seized-b3c65ae.html cheers
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11 responses
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
7 Nov 09
The english word GOD in the sense the ONE ALMIGHTY GOD is equivalent to the word ALLAH in Arabic and it's ancestor languages like Aramaic. The word ALLAH is used by Arab Christians and Jews before and after Prophet Mohammad and it is used today's Arab Christians living in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq etc. The Bible of those Arab Christians also use the word ALLAH for the GOD. So whats there to be confiscated?
• Malaysia
8 Nov 09
yup this is exactly what they need to know
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
2 Nov 09
Thanks for starting this discussion.In fact the original or personal name of one God Almighty,which He Himself likes the most is "ALLAH" and nothing else.This name gives Monotheistic view of Him whereas "God" is used for many polytheistic or self-created Gods as we find in Christianity and Hinduism.....And the last divine book ,the Holy Quran,is the final proof that He likes Him to be called as "ALLAH" and should never be joined with other self-created gods.......
• Malaysia
8 Nov 09
for hinduism .. god is just a reference as simlar to "Human" - you are a human and i am a human but you are "awapak" as it singularly points to you and i am "sanjana" as it singulary points out to me .. i do accept "Allah" as a singular word pointing to the only God ... but it is not a name but a point of reference .. you can not say .. "the god named allah" as it refers to "the god named god" so in a context of communication in arab ... when you are refering to hindu god Shiva - does your sentence sount - "the hindu allah called Shiva" cheers
• India
31 Oct 09
This is exactly what I told another member here in another discussion…that member was defending Allah as the exclusive preserve of Muslims so I told him NO…Allah is just the Arabic word for God. Today if as a Hindu I am born in Arabia (not possible I know) and Arabic is my mother tongue, then I will refer to the Hindu gods as Allah! What difference does it make whether we call God as Allah or God (which again is just another English word) or Bhagwan (Hindi word for God)…very very stupid people.
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
2 Nov 09
Yes,you are right you can call Him by any name you feel like....But He only likes to be called by a specific monotheistic name "ALLAH" which is not used for other self-created Gods.You will agree we have made millions of gods at our own so far.And Allah Almighty likes this unique name for Himself in the last divine and only divinely-protected Book till the last Day ,the Holy Quran..... And if the Bible also supports the same name then why should we hide it ??This is another proof that Islam is the true religion from one God Almighty having the same roots.......
@systems (459)
• India
7 Jan 10
Almighty GOD (LORD) in various religions: Hinduism: Representation: with symbol "OM" or "aum", call it "Brahman" "Para Brahman" which is different from "Brahma" (Sanskrit). Qualities: Can exist in many dimensions like form-less form, material-form, energy, time etc.. Present everywhere and in everything AND Everything is present in Almighty. Has come in human and animal forms on the earth.. and keeps on coming in future.. knows everything. Christianity: Representation: LORD, Almighty GOD (English), In Hebrew they call it with different name.. Qualities: LORD is in a form of Human, created humans as his image.. Is in Heaven. Sent his Only son. (implies Almighty cannot have more children). Will not come again. Islam: Representation: Allah (Arabic). Qualities: Exists only in Form-less dimension Location is not known. Has no children. and sends prophets. and has sent a last prophet.. Now you only check the differences in the concept of Almighty in different religions.
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
31 Oct 09
Allah is the name of God worship by Islam. This means that allah and God are different. God is the title of the supreme being worship by Christians. If Islam has there name of their God, maybe Christians also has their name and that is Jesus known by many and Jehovah for those who worship this God. Either Allah and Jehovah, it depends on the worshiper how they respect their God.
• Malaysia
8 Nov 09
correct me if i am wrong, isnt "LORD" name of god for Christians ..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
31 Oct 09
Wouldn't a rose by any other name smell as sweet???? Seems that people do not need much of a reason to fight.How many problems in the world could be solved by simply working together. Maybe they are right when they say that the Lawyers are winning!!
@oneshy (18)
• United States
1 Nov 09
When we start dealing with devout muslims as paranoid schizophrenics we'll finally understand their thought processes.
@StarBright (2798)
• United States
31 Oct 09
The link you show seems to have expired. It says the page is no longer available. I found information on cnn.com at the following link: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/asiapcf/10/29/malaysia.bibles.seized/index.html. It is always interesting to see how some people view religious issues. The reasons given are interesting. It is also interesting that they are having this battle when "The Malaysian constitution provides for freedom of religion." It is more understandable when you take note that "the country has a dual-track justice system, in which Islamic courts operate alongside civil ones." I like to think that for those religions that worship one God, no matter what the name, at the end of the day, we are all worshipping the same God. I guess we will have to wait and watch this one.
• India
7 Dec 09
Hello my friend sanjana_aslam Ji, I have difference of opinion. In christianity, who called ;God' first and in Islam, who called 'Allah' first should only reply, as a true witness in teh court and if they find teh same, should be taken. A common person like us may agree with same meaning, but in fact they are not the same. God is pronounced by english knowing people, whereas 'Allah' is not pronounced by english kowing people. So why to compel them to make that mistake. Like this every religion has its own faitrh and belief. May God bless YOu and have graet time.
@May2k8 (18469)
• Indonesia
31 Oct 09
In Islam, God is Allah but in other religion I think different from what I'm thinking. Debate in Malaysia seems very complicated because the disputed religious. Indonesia has any principles of all religion is not at issue, because united we stand and divided we fall.
@solared (1207)
• United States
1 Nov 09
Heres the thing, in Islam they say that Allah is the same God christians worship, because their prophet was instructed by an angel of God. Now the Christians refuse to acknowledge anything from the Quran, so they will never see God as Allah. I myself thought about this, heres the difference the difference is Jesus, an he never says anything about Allah, also you have to remember we also know God as Jehovah.
• Italy
31 Oct 09
OMG...these people have a problem! Aren't we trying to be friends? To share things among religions? To stop fighting? Don't we try to teach kids in school that it's our differences that makes us special and we should accept all? What's the point to destroy 15,000 Bibles for nothing? They should really really practice what they preach! And I think it was wrong to do, and against peace and friendship, that are the only policies I support.