Why, inspite of too much money, a rich person is not yet happy?
By airasheila
@airasheila (5454)
October 31, 2009 2:03pm CST
In life, they say, if you have the money, you can buy things so easy. You can have your happiness just within your reach. As if, you got it all for you.
But, inspite of, rich people somehow remain unhappy. They tend to have a resentment from other people who are not that rich enough to buy. They still longing for something. They still look beyond that money can buy. Maybe the happiness and the joy within inside their heart.
Thus, inspite of all, having too much money, a rich person is not yet happy.
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22 responses
@yuna15 (2706)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
Answer is simple: Money can't buy everything and the best things in life cannot be bought. Having quality time with your loved ones, chatting with your friends while eating and watching a good movie, having dinner with your family while happily talking to each other or sharing jokes with each other... etc... are all priceless!
Even with a lot of money, if you haven't fulfilled you're real purpose in life, you would never feel complete whether you're rich or poor. With money, you can get yourself educated at the best schools, get lots of fancy cars, eat all the best food in the world but if you're all doing it for yourself it would make you feel hollow.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
2 Nov 09
Very well said.
Thank you for the nice response Yuna15.
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@frenzybabe (92)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
It depends. I know a lot of rich people who are happy as well. But as the saying goes, you can never have everything. They are human as well and encounter a lot of trials and challenges in their life. They may not have any problem financially yet their problem may be in relationship, health or business. But I do believe that it is wrong to perceive that just because you are rich, you will have no right to be happy. I think if you let yourselft rule the concept of money over your life to the point where you sacrifice your family, friends and even self happiness, that is where you lose the essence of happiness. You can still be happy especially with all that money as long as you spend it to your family, friends and to yourself. But if you keep on hoarding all those money, and you are so paranoid that you keep on thinking that you don't have enough, you lose to appreciate life itself.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
2 Nov 09
Good day to you.
With reference to your response, I agree with you. People should not allow the concept of money to rule over their lives because, if this thing happen, there are some situation that might lead to greediness. And this is not fine anymore, hence, chances are you will just think that if you have the money, you will become more materialistic.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
1 Nov 09
Personally I think the problem is when people become rich, they often start thinking they are better than everyone else, and turn their nose up to people who are struggling, and then they end up loosing a lot of their friends to where no one wants to be around them. Everyone always says if they had more $$ they would have more friends, but money never buys happiness. For me, the only thing that buys happiness is having a Loving relationship with your family and with god.
@lovelyn_medrano (3070)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
Well not all rich people are sad...
But true, some rich people are still sad and discontented with their lives regardless how much money they have in their wallet, assets and banks.
Money cannot simply buy happiness. Money can only buy those material things which can give only temporary satisfactions.
I believe without God in our lives, no matter how successful you are, your life will remain empty. There will be emptiness in your heart, which cannot be cover with anything that you have. Love is always the answer. For GOD is LOVE.

@colu41 (271)
• United States
1 Nov 09
My opinion. They most likely got rich FAST, and most of the time with no real work or determination. Just fell into a spot where they either got lucky, or had family referrals. But, my opinion is they have everything they ever wanted, so in their eyes they have nothing to look forward to. Thats how I see it.
If I all of a sudden got rich, (say by lottery) I honestly would stick to where I am at now. Work the same job, live in the same house, (possibly buy a new car) and thats it. Every now and again through out the year go on a nice vacation, and have things to look forward to.
@freeli77 (1)
• Sweden
1 Nov 09
Of course money can make you feel happier in some ways,cause thats the kind of society we live in nowadays, a society built uppon money. Everything costs something even if its free! And if you have the money you also have the ticket to be a part of this society.
Dispite all this Im right now living a life far away from the wallet I used to have.My money is gone the same day it arrives! Normally it would have made me misserable since my biggest interest was shopping,partying,restaurants, cafés, concerts....the more I shopped the more I needed etc. etc. and the more I had to work.
This autumn I started studying again....I love it and I get to do what I love the most all day long....creating art.....so when I come home after my day at school Im totally satisfied and feel no need at all to shop or do anything else but excisting....so....money= spending= boredom....what I mean is that before I was bored my mind didn´t get the satisfaction it needed and I got bored and I shopped and spend money on all those other stuff and I belived that this was my life, my hobbie and my interest.
As a student, after all bills are payed, food for the month bought, and the car filld with gas, I have $50 left to live off for 1 month.....that is really tough but it works!!! Its a big change, I really, really have to think before I spend.
One could guess that all I can do is to sit home, but im too restless for that. This starts the more creative Ideas! There is accually soooo much one could do without spending a cent!And the sum of all this is that I am happier and more relaxed than ever!
So... money by it self I don´t think can make ones life happier...easier...but not happier....but at the same time....if you get to do what you really really love in your life one will be happy with or without money....
@selina0625 (1379)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
Work and life balance, that's what we need to be happy. Rich people tend be oveworked,yoo career driven to gain more money and that's why they're rich. Unfortunately they tend to neglect their personal life. That's where emptiness and loneliness sets in. You will just realize one day that the only thing that's right beside you is your money...because you hae already driven away all those people that truly love you just for you to get to the top.
@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
1 Nov 09
The money gives you many things but doesn't provide any goal. It's a loose end and until you are set with your perspectives, you can't be satisfied. OK, you have money you can buy all these things, but what if you don't know what to buy?
Poor people are not happy even. That being offtrack here,... I'll just say that they tend to have more defined goals than rich people that's why they may end more happily. :)
I see your discussion contains both question and answer. Well done!
• India
1 Nov 09
I can't say much about this. I have not met a rich person who is sad.
Perhaps if you could give an example of a rich person who is sad despite of the money he has.

@Craicha (801)
1 Nov 09
Yes Happiness is a State of Mind and money can not buy all happiness however there is a saying:
Money is the root of all Evil...yet the Absence of Money causes Evil Too.
What Man in general have to learn is Contentment and Gratitude. Contentment in the sense that the world we live in is not all flat, there are Hills, Valley, Mountains, Plains...There are also Heights and Depths; meaning one can not have everything he opt to have for himself in a lifetime. With contentment you learn to see beyond the weight of wealth and just be grateful on what is provided for. After all life is impermanent, if you are comfortably living then be grateful. Anything beyond is just bonus.
@anning (88)
• China
1 Nov 09
nobody tells me that money means happiness.it is just our intution.when i was young i felt happy if i have money and can buy lots of things.indeed the rich people remain unhappy but who in the world are happy all the time.they are nuhappy and they can have methods to make you unhappy too but you can not. at the same time their unhappiness is little campared to us and solve it more easily than us .if a poor man is unhappiness how can he do to solve it .nothing ! in other point making money is not just for fun . it is part of our life .so wake up now!
most of people say that the best place is the heaven but nobody wants to go there .most people say that money is a evil but everyone wants to get it.
@ripnstock (14)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
Maybe it's because nothing can keep them satisfied, be it family, love life, friends, etc, that's why they ask for more. Sometimes greed hinders their happiness. Maybe they feel unsafe because they're afraid to get kidnapped or robbed.
@Skyeblue25 (545)
1 Nov 09
I truely believe happiness is not achieved by money. happiness is achieved by fulfulness in life. For example by having a supportive loving family and network of friends and by having a fulfilling career. I believe without this no matter how much money you have you will not be happy.
Money can make you isolated as you do not know who is truely your friend and who is just your friend because you have money.
I do believe money can help someone to be happy because it can allow you to do more when you want to without the worry of saving. But friends and family are far more important
@olivia1214 (19)
• China
1 Nov 09
If you're so poor, then the money will be your happiness. I think the best state is that neither more nor less. If you are too rich, then there will be many problems that make you unhappy. If you are too poor, you can't dress warmly and ear your fill. How do you get happiness from the life.
Although I think happiness may base on the nice family, friendship, love which you can't buy. Enjoy your life. Whatever you're a richer or poorer, find happiness in your life.It's the most important point.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
1 Nov 09
well, I think happiness comes from circumstances other than money - being healthy, having good relationships with family, having enough to eat and a place to live. You need money for these things, but just having money doesn't get you these things.
@MAllen400 (829)
31 Oct 09
I think the answer to this is to ask how they got the money in the first place. If it is by saving then once they have the money surely they are not going to loose the money by suddenly changing a habit of a lifetime and suddenly start spending it.
I have found that the more money people have the tighter they are with their own money and dont like spending it. Someone with less money will give some of theirs no matter how small to someone else in need. A rich person will do this but usually a tax reduction or some kind of publicity goes with it. x
@tephoz2001 (208)
• Indonesia
1 Nov 09
there is saying money is not everything but without money absolutely can not do anything. happiness can not be bought by money, happiness is within oneself. usually one to find happiness willing to spend your money, such as hopping, watching movie. but it was a false happiness. nature of our own happiness is when we are always grateful for what god has given to us and we can use what has been given by God to help others. this will make heart more peaceful and calm. the beginning of happiness is the tranquility and equanimity
@sirestryder (24)
• United States
1 Nov 09
In my opinion the reason rich people aren't generally happy is because they don't seem to have a purpose in life.Once they become rich they can basically get whatever they want so they have no ambition to improve their life because their at their maximum.
@Clicker625 (196)
• United States
1 Nov 09
I think the reason is that we humans need more than material posessions and all the things that money can buy. Maslow explained this reality with his hierarchy of needs. He showed that once our basic needs for survival are met we have more complicated needs. Those who are rich may have learned to focus on making or spending money but they never learned, because they didn't think it was necessary, how to fulfill their other needs as self-actualization.
@muning (52)
• Philippines
1 Nov 09
How could be a rich person possibly be happy if he just spend all his time to his work to earn money and yet he wasn't able to appreciate people around him. He can buy everything he wants, car, cellphones, cool gadgets but LOVE? maybe not, because they just love their self, and don't care to other people.