Do you love kids(no not yours but others)?

@mdaazam (826)
Indore, India
November 4, 2009 3:01pm CST
I hate kids , they seem less intelligent and those who are babies are really unhygienic ,yeah i know its not their fault but its just i hate to talk and play with them . I think i would seem stupid to do that ! I know im gonna be criticized a lot today but do like them really ?
20 responses
• United States
4 Nov 09
I know exactly how you feel. I hate kids. You can't reason with them. They're loud. They're sometimes sticky. They get into everything. I think a lot of people don't like children, but they're afraid to admit it.
• United States
4 Nov 09
I guess you hated yourself then when you were a kid.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Hell yeah you know that for sure , but we cant say like that mate kids hating guys are in a bit minority here lol . Anyway thanks a lot man for your response and stay in touch mate !
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
4 Nov 09
i like little kids around the ages of 3-6 and i think they are so cute in their actions. not everyone likes kids and it seems that maybe you are too young to enjoy them but as you age, you will probably begin to like them more.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Yeah you sure are right that not everyone likes kids , actually its not much with the age i guess because all of my friends on seeing my little cuisin or some boy on the street act like so stupid to entertain them and i dont know why they look like idiots , i am not saying that who does this are idiots ofcourse not but all of my buddies seem like them . Thanks for sharing your views though and have a great day !
@syndrix (475)
• Malaysia
5 Nov 09
I think most of the people loves kids and i am sure with it especially the youngest one age below 6 years old.
• Pakistan
5 Nov 09
well... i really love kids. And i think there are few peoples who hate kids. most of the people love kids. as for as your concern i'm sure at some time you will love them alot...
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Oh yeah i pray the same too you know ! I never like being this stone hearted and i have trying showing love atleast but went invain and gave up trying to be friends with them ! Instead i try maintaining my fear over them lol !
@jassi1 (170)
• India
5 Nov 09
yes , actually i dont love so much to others kids but kids u know their smile attract u automatically to speak to them whether u are going somewhere n u dont know that baby but it looks coll when kids give u a smile without any relationship or selflesly every kid attract everybody
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Yeah rarely though but i have seen such kids a couple of times who deserve a cuchi koo huh ! You come from the same crate then mate , if youre not too fond of kids ! Thanks a lot for responding mate and by the way where are from India . I am from Indore anyways . Have a great day !
@Jankar (583)
• Philippines
10 Nov 09
I like those smart, funny and obedient kids. Its really fun being with them and makes me laugh a lot. But there are kids to that are to annoying and irritating. I hate those kinds though. You got a lot of responses now in your discussions comrade. Good Job!
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
10 Nov 09
Yeah i am amazed as well here Comrade !! And its really fascinating to see this happen just after reading your discussion about the nuber of responses thing in which you said that you mentioned that some had above 70 and 80 responses , and just a couple of days later i find mine reaching above 70 as well , i think commenting back does the help. Thanks for the response my brother in arm! *winks*
• Indonesia
5 Nov 09
I don't like kids, not in general at least, i hate kids who are just not kids, but little devils, noisy, snotty brat who's invading my turf, i particularly don't like kids, maybe it has something to do with my childhood, i don't know.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
No way mate nothing to do with childhood , you are so right in your place and im front the same rice crate you come from !! Hell yeah i hate the invading little , tini tiny devils too lol ! Thanks a lot for your response though and have a great day . Cheerz !
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
4 Nov 09
I love most people's children even the ones who don't behave so well. Although, those do get on my nerves after a while. I have no kids of my own but 7 honorary nieces and 3 honorary nephews. I have one actual niece who I haven't met yet. She was born on New Years Eve of last year. One of the big things I'm looking forward to this holiday season is meeting her.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Oh thats sad to hear that you dont have a child but its cool that you have so many nieces to play with lol . Thank you so much for the response and do have a nice day !
@amit2506 (233)
• India
4 Nov 09
I like kids very much. I make the kids my friend very easily. I enjoy with them. Once when I was traveling a small boy was annoying every one. I made him my friend with in few minutes and enjoyed the trip with him.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Hey amit ! Man that proves your negotiation mate ! Anyway thanks a lot for responding and have a great day .
• United States
4 Nov 09
I love kids so much unless they are brats and that is really no different than disliking a jerky adult. And yes I have to rip on you some and point out that you were once a kid, and since you are only 19, not that long ago. Your life would be a lot happier if you weren't as harsh and judgemental of a freaking little child that is growing up, kids don't get born clean, smart, and cool. You crapped your pants when you were a baby, and I think you should be glad that your parents didn't have the same attitude as you.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Hehe your damn funny mate ! Yeah thank god my parents didnt have the same attitude lol . hmmm and may be as years passes by my behaviour too might change . Thanks for responding mate , i appreciate that !
@Tushavi (2077)
• Karachi, Pakistan
5 Nov 09
well, Well, thats why Islam is Religion of Peace. I Chatted lot of peoples on same age likes You i am also 19 Years Old. If You are Teen that means not you hate childs??? Childs is our future. Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) is also love with kids not & he Teach them to love & Don't Insult & Torture when you are in War. so its our duty to love with kids & child's if they do anything wrong we teach if they do something nice we wil appreciates. You mind or not but the person who don't like childs are very cruel in my thought. The worlds is Full of Lies But Do You ever saw any kids lies you. Thats why i love kids. I am Muslim & Pakistani. My Conversation is slapping for Stupid Media. that they say Muslims are Torturer Murderer. have a nice day.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Ugh mate im a muslim too and i well know that Islam in no way is cruel from any side but my saying i hate kids i never mean that i am gonna kill them or something . And of course nobody here was throwing any harsh words over any religion , do not worry , the last thing i would want to hear in my discussions is a stupid comment on my religion . So peace buddy , Indian and pakistanis are brothers right ! *winks*(cant use smileys) Cheerz for peace then !
1 person likes this
@victory12 (348)
• Nigeria
5 Nov 09
Hi friend, am very surprise hearing that from you.My best friend is kid because they don't know what is called sin and also they haven't commit any sin, i love carrying baby,play with them and even given them gift
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Hey thanks mate and im bery impressed by your affection towards kids , that is very greatful of you i think ! Thanks a lot for responding mate , i always expect your responses as they are the most polite ones . Have a lovely day buddy !
• Italy
5 Nov 09
I am exactly the same as you as it comes to kids. They are stupid, noisy, unhigenic...I once was a baby sitter and really hated that. That little cute bopnde girl that was just a beast with me, but of course to alls he was an 'angel'. Blah. I can't stand kids and I'm blessed I cannot have any.
@mutia213 (11)
• Indonesia
5 Nov 09
i have two kids, they re ages are 2,5 years old..and 1 year old...i love them no matter how dirty they are... cos i think they will learn from it...u will change your tought if u have kids i guess...
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Yeah i think as time passes by one day ill be loving kids hopefully ! THanks a lot for your response and have great day ! Cheerz .
@yaashmin (42)
• India
5 Nov 09
Yeah u r right. Kids have less intelligence and they are too yaky. I hate the noise made by them. They trouble us a lot. But eventhough some kids are so calm and cute. i like those kids
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Yeah they sure are some exceptions mate , i have seen just one in my life hes my neighbor and is a year old . I agree about their intelligence too lol ! Thanks for responding mate and have a great day mate ! Cheerz .
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
4 Nov 09
I like kids, as long as they aren't crying. I used to say when going to a restaurant around noon on Sunday, "I hope there aren't any wailing babies there today". LOL The last time I rode on a really long flight on a plane, I was surprised to look around and see all of the children around me. I was kind of concerned at first, but they were really quite well behaved. That is always a relief, especially if you are on a 12 hour flight, because kids could really make this horrible for you if you get the wrong ones.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Oh yeah they sometimes create a mass slaughter situation when are great numbers , i think you were lucky that the flight didnt crashed ! Thanks a lot for responding and have a great day mate !
• Southend-On-Sea, England
4 Nov 09
I don't mind babies and kids up to about the age of 3 or 4, but beyond that I can't stand them unless they are really really well behaved. What I hate most of all is the noise they make.
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Yeah you are so right there , well behaved kids are what i admire too , i buy chocolates to just such kids because their presence pleases me , and it should anyway . Well thanks a lot for your response , i appreciate that !
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
Yup, I like kids, especially those infants and toddlers. They're cute and very innocent, although they are unhygienic I could take that, there are more things that are worst than them. You should like them also, you just need to play with them and you'll see how cute they are. LOL
@mymelodake (1338)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
That really depends on who they are. I don't have kids, but I do have a lot of little nephews and nieces. I don't really play with them or cuddle them like my sister does, though I do like them and think they are cute. When it comes to other kids that I'm not related to, then I don't always like them. I mean I like the kids I know, like our friends' kids or kids of people we know, then I like them. Other kids though that I totally don't know, then I don't always think they are cute and I especially don't like those that try to grab my stuff LOL.
@doormouse (4599)
4 Nov 09
i think kids are great,unlike you i like acting and talking stupid to babies,i love making them laugh,they are just fab
@mdaazam (826)
• Indore, India
5 Nov 09
Hey i didnt mean to declare stupid the kids lovers , hell no ! Its just that i dont like the small ones thats all but yeah you should be loving them . Thanks a lot for the response mate and have a great day !
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
5 Nov 09
I hate kids too. Sometimes I love babies who are adorable and nice. But I hate those ugly looking babies. Wahaha. I want to pinch them but of course I won't do it. You're not alone. shadow41