Have you ever wasted food?

November 6, 2009 6:57am CST
I have taken my family to dinner last weekend to this Kenny Rogers Roasters diner. When the customers from the other table left I noticed that there were two orders of untouched rice. They just left it there at the table to be thrown away by the waiter when he cleans the table. Honestly this pains me even if I did not order the excess food. I hate wasting food most especially when I know that a lot of people is going hungry nowadays. I often ask the waiter to put my excess food in bag so I can take it home with me. If couldn't eat it anymore I would have my pet dog and cat eat it so nothing is wasted.
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54 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
8 Nov 09
When living with my grandparents we had this rule. What we couldn't eat we'd ask my grandfather if he wanted, and then if so we'd cover it up, or if he wanted it then we'd give him a clean fork. If he heard the disposal running he'd be a bit upset as that would mean we either didn't ask, or we did and if he didn't want it we disposed of it. If he didn't want it at all we would have to put it in the fridge for later, ask someone else if they wanted it, or put it in the fridge and run it down the disposal later when he's either sleeping or not there. At restaurants we usually order what we want, and ask the waiter or waitress if they can hold whatever we don't want, meaning we just don't get it on our plate. It saves them money, and we don't have to get what we don't want... I live with my husband now, we don't have a rule... if we can't eat the rest it's usually thrown away or given to the dogs. It's all just a lesson on putting small portions on the plate and then eating, and if you want more, putting more small portions on a plate.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Giving it to the dogs is ok but for me throwing it away is such a waste. I think you don't need a rule to know that throwing away good food means wasting a blessing. Thank you for posting.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
15 Nov 09
yes throwing food away is a waste especially when it can be kept for later etc. There are some things my MIL throws away that I feel she does too quickly, or maybe it's just that at my grandparents house it was gone much too quickly before even the decision for it to be thrown away. Either way, I know when my husband and I have our own place what food we don't eat will be either kept for later or possibly given to other family members.
@climber7565 (2566)
• United States
8 Nov 09
Well your feelings hit home, and is true so sad to see food go to wait. I would love for that to go to someone who can enjoy so it won't go to waist.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Yes it is always sad see good food go to waste. Thank you for posting.
• United States
15 Nov 09
I wish restaurants would make it a point to deliver the surplus to shelters and people in need.
• United States
8 Nov 09
No we usually dont waste food, that would be consideret throwing money out of the window, and who would do that? We try to eat all leftovers. If at a restaurant, we would always ask for a box to bring home - and let the dog eat up after a few days, if we can not eat it ourself. I often see people at restaurants leave food on their plate and not bring home, which is a total waste - if they can not eat a full serving, they should order half serving or share. That is just my 2 cents.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Yeah I think restaurants should start offering half servings since some people are not hearty eaters. Thanks for posting.
• United States
16 Nov 09
Restaurants could also start encourage/offer their guest to share the servings - not all guests think about this option I am sure.
• China
8 Nov 09
hi, earth2jacq, i appreciate u. cause i do hate those one wasting the food including rice. there are so many people on earth are hungry, while they are wasting. usually, i do my best not to waste any food or just order what i want to eat and how much i can eat. when in the restaurant, if sth left, and if they can be taken away, then i'll take them away.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Thank you for posting. Before I order in a restaurant I make sure that I order what I really want. That way I am sure to finish it. If not I take it home with me and reheat it if ever I get hungry again. If not I give it to my pets. My pets are not picky eaters after all. They would even eat icings of the cake.
• China
16 Nov 09
if i ordered some beyond my imagination, sorry, i maybe only took the ones i can reheat again. cause i have no pet. if have a pet, that's really a good idea to take everything left.
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
8 Nov 09
I dont waste food. This is a habit that wasnt brought up on me. This is something I began to do ever since I was 16. Before, when my family were in better times economically, the way that we would eat would be to make big amounts of food and putting them in a center table, eat until we were satisfied and the rest my mom would store it as left overs. However, my father having a bit of a keen taste he didnt like left overs and tought my brothers to have the same habit. My mother and I were different and we would eat left overs. This, as you can imagine, would cause havoc for my mother at the kitchen, a lot of food was wasted threw out the years, it was not until after when I was a teen, that things were not as good for the family and it became the time of saving up and keeping everything just as you need it and not as much as you want. My father and brothers had to learn to eat only what was necessary and ever since, we dont waste food. A lesson for my family that was hard on them but now, very glad with how things work now and the things that we can do to save food. A lot of the waste of food that we are seeing today is because unfortunately within family homes and some businesses such as restaurants some people dont realize how important it is to save the food that we eat, you never know what could happen in a far or near future were we may seldom have food or any other problem that may occur. Not to mention that we are in a time were to overindulge in western society seems to be the latest thing in our hectic lives. And the best example of it is in restaurants with big plates of food that most likely would take 2 people to eat instead of one. So why leave the food? take it and you have a meal for tomorrow or something for your pets. Whenever I see things like a food eating contest or something like that were food is wasted as well disgusts me. How many people in the world are starving while here instead of trying to use the food intelligently, we do moronic things like that and waste. I sometimes ask myself when will we ever learn. Have a good mylot day
• Philippines
15 Nov 09
I am proud of you and your family. You were responsible enough to take it upon yourself to not waste food. I am happy that your father and your brothers finally learn a very valuable lesson. Food is a blessing it should never be thrown or wasted. Thank you for posting.
@indybaty (368)
• Panama
16 Nov 09
You welcome dear. I still hope that someday we can use the food in an intelligent matter. Something Im learning now that also kinda worked for my father and family is to redo the leftovers, and create something else with them. It still stays fresh and its all good.
@funkeyguhl (1743)
• Philippines
7 Nov 09
I also do not like wasting food. I know the situation of other people who are not fortunate enough to have the food that they want on their table. They just 'make-do' with what they have. Not only that, they have to make sure that the food will be enough for a family of eight or at times, more than that. As for me, I try to finish my food and am also very conscious about the amount of food I eat... If I know I will not be able to finish it, I asked for it to be wrapped and eaten the next day.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
I do eat my leftovers. Anyway I bought it because I wanted it. I know what you are talking about. Here in my country that situation is very common in the slums where a family of eight would share food that is just good for two people. Thanks for posting.
• Philippines
15 Nov 09
That is true! You bought it because you want it... so there is no harm to have it at least for another day. Though there are times wherein you just want to be adventurous and later on did not like the food, instead of throwing it away, you can give it to other people right? or you can re-do the dish! =)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
9 Nov 09
I'm with you as I hate to see food wasted. Some people think nothing of it. All our food is date coded but I take no notice of that and keep using something till it smells bad or is mouldy. My dog also eats the bits I don't eat and I compost peelings and so forth. I try not to waste anything but I could never make up the huge amounts that others waste.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
I wish that more people are like you. That they are much responsible in handling their wastes. Thank you for posting.
• United States
7 Nov 09
I don't like wasted food either never have. I felt the same way you did. To many people in this world are starving to wast food. I normally eat once a day and what I can't finish I save for later to eat or I give it to my dogs. When I go out to eat what I can't finish I have it boxed up and taken home to for later.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Yeah I hope insensitive people realize that many are hungry in this world. Food is a blessing that should not be wasted. Thank you for posting.
• United States
15 Nov 09
Your welcome.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
7 Nov 09
That is really sad to know about, my friend. Because as we know nowadays there are many that is hungry and not afford to buy foods. I think kenny rogers restaurant or other restaurant owners to brief their employee to set aside those unused foods not throw in the garbage but preserve and gave to those destitute in life that is walking along the street looking for some extra foods...have a nice day!
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
If that is true about Kenny Rogers then good for them for there are really a lot of people wasting food. Thank you for posting.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
12 Nov 09
No..I don't about kenny rogers restaurant only because as we witness almost of the restaurant is wasting more foods...
• Indonesia
13 Nov 09
i also agree not to waste food because there are many people starving out there.order a meal that really will eat it more effective
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Yeah before I order I think it over if that is what I really want. If there is excesses I'd take it home and eat it some time later. Thank you for posting.
• United States
7 Nov 09
I try very hard not to ever waste anything. If we eat out, and it is something you can bag, and bring home we do. Here at home, I try to make only enough, as left overs are not real popular. If I make too much, and they don't get eaten, we have two dogs, and two stray cats we feed, who are more than happy to help us out. I try not to waste anything.
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
Yeah I sometimes ask the waiter to pack the bones (if I eat at any chicken diner) of the chicken so my dogs could also enjoy the treat. Thanks for posting.
• China
7 Nov 09
if you live in the country,you can feed the pig or other animal on food lefted.
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@solared (1207)
• United States
7 Nov 09
We have all wasted foot, I'll be honest I won't anything i bug or fly sat on, I'm a germaphobe like that.
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
Thanks for posting. Yeah I think wasting is a phase we have to go through to appreciate what we have eventually.
@solared (1207)
• United States
7 Nov 09
food I mean....lol@foot
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
6 Nov 09
Hello Earth. Waste not want not is what I have been taught all of my life. My mother would make you eat what was on your plate. We all fixed our own plates and if we put too much of something on our plate she would tell us we should be more careful and not put more then we think we can eat. I can't blame you for doing that with the left over food. We do the same thing if we have something left over at a restaurant we always get a doggy bag too. Our baby dog loves anything we bring him. Hope you have a great day!
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
You know buffet style (like eat all you can) is popular in our country, it pains me to see people getting more food than they can finish thus leaving so many untouched food on their plates when they are full. I do not understand why people get too much all at once when they could come back later and get some more when they finished the ones in their plates. Thank you for posting.
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
11 Nov 09
I know I have seen many people do that at buffets when they know they can go back as many times as they want. It makes me sick to see people waste anything but when they are wasting food that is so sad, there are so many homeless in the USA and the extra food could go to them instead of to waste.
@Staraven (160)
• United States
12 Nov 09
If possible, I get take-out for what is left of my food. But sometimes I do waste food (not a whole PLATE of something, but say, the last bit of this and that). If I'm too full to eat it all, I'd rather trash it than make myself sick trying to stuff it down.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
You don't have to finish all of in one go if you can't. If you are talking about the bits and morsels left I think that is just fine. What I don't like seeing is whole plateful of untouched food wasted. Thank you for posting.
8 Nov 09
I also hate to see food being wasted.In the wedding parties or ay other parties so much of food will be left over in the paltes .I really regret this action .How can people do this .Even elders do this .They should advice the children to take what they want and not to leave food on their plates .So many people go without food every where .This wasting food is terribly disheartening .I wish people soon realise the value of food .How can we live without food?So it is better not to waste food .
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
During parties we throw away when there are a lot of food that is left, we pack them in small containers and ask guests who wants to take it home. Thank you for posting.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
8 Nov 09
yeah. i rarely waste food, unless i feel it is not worth taking for some reason. i also take home food in a "doggie bag," and eat it later as leftovers. and since i am a vegetarian, if other people on the same table have extra meat they dont want, i save it for my pets as a treat since i left my pets alone at home.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Wow you amaze me and am proud of you to go to the extent of having other people's leftover pack in a doggie bag. Keep it up. Thank you for posting.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
9 Nov 09
I don't like wasting food either. I always wrap un any excess food we have left over for dinner every night and I always hope that someone eats it, sometimes I will send it to work with my husband the next day, and sometimes I throw excess vegetables in meat in a freezer bag and then I make a big pot of soup out of it when the bag gets full enough. At restaurants I always bring any left over food home with me and will usually eat it for lunch the next day. Eating out costs a lot of money and if I can get a couple of meals out of it I am happy to do that. Plus it does seem terrible to waste food when other people are starving.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Yes I do bring pack lunch to the office if there is a left over food in the house. That way I avoid wasting it and I save money because I don't need to buy lunch. Thank you for posting.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
9 Nov 09
I hate to waste food. If I feel something is going to go bad I make sure and eat it first, so I don't have to throw it out. If I get something out that I can't finish I'll bring it home. Sometimes I purposely order something that can be reheated or eaten again. If I get a big salad I will only put dressing on part of it or dip the salad in the dressing so I can eat it again. If it's a chicken salad or something I eat all the chicken, eggs and stuff first and that way if I can't finish it, it's just the lettuce that will be left. Wasting food is only part of it, I hate to waste money also. If you get a meal out, it's so expensive I don't want to waste it. I feel the same about food you eat at home.
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
I do that too. I sometimes order a much larger size of what I will usually eat then ask the waiter to pack the half while I eat the other half. I do that because I am not really a good cook and I don't have much time to cook everyday. That way I can always reheat it if I wanted. Thanks for posting.
@taraelocin (1138)
8 Nov 09
Unfortunately yes. And I feel bad about it. If there is enough left I ask for a doggie bag, but sometimes there isn't enough to justify the packaging needed, so I don't. At home I make sure I reuse rest food.
• Philippines
15 Nov 09
We are all guilty of that. What matters is that we finish as much as possible the food we ordered. If it could still be packed then go pack it. Thanks for posting.
@hobegao (136)
• China
8 Nov 09
this is a tough problem,i wasted food before but not on purpose?if somebody who waste food are your family members you can criticise them,but somebody we don't know,you could complaint in your heart,and you can not complaint in person,if you say something to them ,and they would say “it's none of your business”,and few would listen to you?
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• Philippines
15 Nov 09
Yes you are right. If they were a family or a friend it will be easy to tell them not to do it next or you can lecture them about it. Strangers of course might get offended and may tell you it's not of your business.Thanks for posting.