What has been the consequences of the economic situation on you?

November 10, 2009 8:11pm CST
As you all know, the economic situation was critical and now it's getting better and better. Many people like you and me have been touched by this event and I was wondering if you had been affected and if you have been, how you have been? Personnally, I was just careful, but none of my financial situation or my job have been at risk at anytime, but my friend did lost his job and this is how it affected me the most. How about you??
3 responses
• Canada
13 Nov 09
My mother lost her job and I had to help her out, but as I am a student, it wasn't easy. She couldn't find any other job and I had some difficulties keeping mine while studying... We did managed it, but it wasn't costless, I had to stop some courses, because she suffers from an illness and the medications are very expensive so I had to work a little bit more, but now, she's fine and I did the course I stopped and I am now working full time into a very pleasant company and I really enjoy my life right now!
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
Due to the recession, my employer slashed 20% of our monthly salary. It had a negative effect on us, especially for those like me who were supporting a family. They said that they're going to give our old salaries back by next year. Hopefully 2010 brings positive things for the economy so that everyone can recover from the setbacks caused by the recession.
• Philippines
11 Nov 09
I believe that everyone is affected by the economic downturn. The rich and wealthy felt it and they have removed some of their workers. The most affected are those who really lost their jobs and nothing left. For me, I am really affected by it. The prices of basic commodities soar up and I need to budget whatever funds or money I get from my job.