i feel like i am being stalked!

Stop stalking me! - Even the cats know where I am!
United States
November 13, 2009 10:45am CST
I don't know about you, but I don't particularly care for "Instant messaging" on computers. Once someone has you in their address book, and if you are on the same browser, they can tell everytime you on the computer. And instead of leaving me alone, I always seem to get IM'd from someone, just to say 'hello'. I have this one person who IM's me all the time...even while she is working. She IM's me when she is on her lunch break at school (she is a teacher), and while she is working her part time job at night. She even IM'd me once when her school was having a fire drill and she was outside. Her famous IM is "What's up?" What do you mean "What's Up"? When I tell her that I am busy, it doesn't seem to bother her, and she will ask "Do you have time to chat?" No, I don't. She asks the same questions every day. I finally had to block her from seeing me on-line. Do you ever have this same problem?
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16 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
13 Nov 09
Hi Sweetchariot, I'm really glad you've put this topic up as I've never used instant messaging but a few people have urged me to get it. You've now put me right off as I don't like the thought of being instantly accessible. I never keep the mobile in call range if I don't want to hear it and everyone knows to never use the text thingy as I'll just ignore them, but the thought of something beeping at me on the computer as well, no thanks.
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• United States
14 Nov 09
Well take it from me...I would not let anyone have easy access to you, because some people can be very annoying. The IM comes with aol, automatically, unless you use AIM. You can choose or not choose the AIM. But the regular IM comes with e-mail, therefore everytime you log on, whoever has the same browser as you, can tell if you are on-line, if they have your e-mail in their address book. I never had someone IM me like she does, and never knew I would have to deal with someone like this. But it has taught me a lesson.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
14 Nov 09
As I said I'm glad you pre-warned me, that wouldn't suit me at all, I can never understand why people feel they have to keep texting each other and I have a friend here who used to do that but I put a stop to it. When I had to change the mobile I got one that doesn't do English and I've never met a Greek yet who wastes their time texting when they can simply phone. My son does want it on his so he and his best friend can message each other but I didn't even manage to fix him up with email yet.
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• United States
14 Nov 09
Texting is one of the worse things they have invented. You see it everywhere around here. The young kids love it, they think it's great. I also don't agree with having a cell phone that take pictures. Those things can really get out of hand with the young people. We are allowing too much capabilities for the young people today...too many choices, too many possibilities for things to happen. But then again, I guess I am getting old, and just don't agree with the direction we are going.
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
Yup, I do have some experiences like that, and until now, just a while ago, chatting me on facebook like "hi" or "Do you have a ym?". But I've already experienced this kind of situations before so the best thing to do is never reply them, not even once, especially if you don't know them, in that case they'll get tired because you keep ignoring them and the act of not replying them not even once is a good thing to do.
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• United States
13 Nov 09
Yup, I regret having answered her before! Unfortunately, she is a friend that I do come in contact with every so often, so I didn't want to insult her by ignoring her IM all the time. But now I have her blocked, and I am waiting for her to ask me why. DUH! She just doesn't seem to get it.
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
I think you should be careful. She's in a state of denial and doesn't accept reality. Try to always have a company with you so that you'll be safe. Don't let yourself off guard.
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• United States
13 Nov 09
Yes, I feel that she does have some issues that aren't good! So I am trying to lessen my time with her little by little. I've even told that she had issues, but it doesn't seem to sink in that she can't do what she does all the time.
@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
16 Nov 09
Hello friend, Most of the times I sign in I sign in as invisible and I know exactly the kind of people you are talking about. They are like always saying 'hi' and sometimes I am not just in the mood for a chit chat. Although fortunately enough I haven't met anybody else so persistent as this friend of yours.
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• United States
16 Nov 09
Yeah, well I think she is a very needy person..that's why I hated to hurt her feelings, but there comes a time, when enough is enough...so I had to do something.
@mommaj (23112)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I hate the instant messaging too. I log in invisible unless I am specifically going onto the computer to chat. Which so far, I never have. LOL I also hate the thing popping up to remind you that someone is on the computer. I really don't care who is on the computer. If I want to talk to them then I will. I don't need a machine to remind me when to talk to my friends. LOL You're right about being stalked. I think the computer is alive and it is watching us!
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@mommaj (23112)
• United States
14 Nov 09
Okay that is really funny. She needs to find something else to do. LOL
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• United States
14 Nov 09
I have only discovered the "invisible" capability recently, but it doesn't save when you log out...so every time I log in, I have to hurry and put it on, because she uses her cell phone to IM, and she's got that darn cell phone in her hands constantly. So the minute I get on, she sees me. She definitely has issues for sure.
• Philippines
13 Nov 09
You are being stalked by a girl, same gender??? Do you feel or have any idea if she is a lesbian or something? I think you should ignore her IMs always. If you are really not comfortable with her then don't reply to her any of her IMs to you. She will get tired of it soon.
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• United States
14 Nov 09
You know..I have a very funny feeling she is...I don't see her very often, and when I do she is with a group of us. But there are others who think the same thing..lol... And I am learning not to answer her IM's...I guess I am always afraid to her hurt feelings.
• Philippines
14 Nov 09
Don't mind her feelings hahahaha... If you entertained her she might think that you are okay with that kind of set up... heheheehe. Just reply to her once and tell her that you are busy, if she still continues to IM you don't answer back anymore... whatever topic she opens up... JUST say SORRY BUSY. period!
1 person likes this
13 Nov 09
Yes, I did have this problem some time ago with someone who was a friend.Because of our friendship, I didn't want to cause any offence but in the end I had to ask my friend if we could just stick to e-mailing each other and thankfully she agreed.
• United States
14 Nov 09
I wish I had the guts to do that...Unfortunately, I hold it all in until I finally explode, and when I do, it doesn't end up very pretty..lol...I will have to learn to do your way. Thanks
14 Nov 09
Hi Sweetchariot, In my case, it did help that we had been friends for some time so were able to resolve the situation without too much upset between us. I can see that it would probably be more difficult if the "stalker" is someone you don't know all that well.Sometimes unfortunately,the only solution is to block them.I had the unpleasant experience of having to do this with someone who contacted me through a crafts site we were both on.At first, her messages to me were friendly but gradually, they became increasingly unpleasant and it became obvious that she had a lot of problems.I tried to help her at first but when it became clear that this wasn't possible, I blocked her.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Nov 09
No as I will not allow People to be added that I do not want to be IM'D by You did good blocking the Person as it sounds awful that she is always there and I have to say I would have blocked her straight away specially as she will not listen when you say you are busy
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Nov 09
Some people are really needy people, and I think she is one of them. And I've even told her that she tends to invade my space...you would've thought that she would take the hint..lol
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I quit using Yahoo Messenger for just that reason. Now they have the instant messaging in most email accounts like Yahoo and Gmail. I simply set mine at invisible...that way if I want to talk I can and yet, they don't bug me if I don't. [b]~~I AM WHO I AM~~ **STANDING STRONG IN MY BELIEFS**[/b]
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Nov 09
Yes, I tried to set mysel at "invisible", but I had to do it all the time I went on-line, because it never saved. But now I discovered the "block",and I am very happy about that, until she gets mad at me, and wonders what I have against her....lol But it's apparent that she has issues, and I never realized that until she started doing this. She seems to be a very needy person, and very insecure....Something that I can't help her with.
• United States
14 Nov 09
i hate those things. they slow down my computer,and when i was on AOL people pestered me all the time while i was trying to work.then there were the random freaks from nowhere you had to block.
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• United States
14 Nov 09
Luckily not too many people use AOL anymore, so there is only a few people who have me on their buddy list...but unfortunately she does, and doesn't know when to take a hint. Sad, but I don't need to deal with it anymore.
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
13 Nov 09
I know how you feel. I can think of a few people that are like this. If I don't want to be bothered with when I'm online, then I'll turn on my "away" message for instant messaging. Basically this means that I'm blocking anyone from sending me an instant message.
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• United States
14 Nov 09
I am learning to do this now. I actually never knew I could. I thought I was pretty techy, but I am learning something new everyday...lol
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
14 Nov 09
why not block her from iming you. most instand messaging you can do that
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• United States
14 Nov 09
I do that now...I just found out that I can do it...not very techy on some things.
@jugsjugs (12967)
14 Nov 09
I did have this problem every single time i was online there was thisperson that wanted me to talk to them and when i blocked them they changed their details i added who i thiought was someone else and it turned out to be them again,so now i do not go on there.Easier not to go on there i think as i was getting so angry at one stage.
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• United States
14 Nov 09
Well my IM comes with the e-mail automatically. So if they use the same browser as I do, and they add me to their buddy list, their computer signals them when I go to my e-mails. I can put them on "invisible" or away, but I have to do pretty quickly, because she knows the instant I am on. I think she has alot of issues, that I am not equipped to deal with.
@lindiebiz (1006)
• Canada
14 Nov 09
I have never had this problem, thank God and I hope I never do. Its good that you blocked her cause you dont know if she is a psycho
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• United States
14 Nov 09
I am assuming that she's not, because she is a teacher. But, then again, some teachers can be psychos..lol. I do know that she does have issues because no one in their right mind would bug someone as much as she does.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
14 Nov 09
It almost sounds like she has something more in mind than conversation. I had the same thing happen to me twice which is why I removed all IM from my computer. Some people just don't get it. You tell them your busy and its like you never said anything as they go on and on..It happened to me with guys who very definately had something more in mind than chat. I made the mistake of giving one of these people my email ady and the next thing I knew, he sent me a picture of his "private" parts. Can you believe that?? (It wasn't even all that great! haha) That was the final straw for me so I quit the IM thing and from that day forward was very careful who I gave my email to. Like they say..it takes all kinds but I don't have the time or energy to deal with idiots..and I'm sure you dont either..If I were you I would just be blunt with her and tell her that if you want to talk than you will be in touch, in other words, Dont call me, I'll call you!! Be careful and good luck..
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• United States
14 Nov 09
Oh, my! Well, there has been questions among other people who know her, whether or not she is a Lesbian; and while their way of life is their choice, it's probably why she keeps bugging me. Since I now have her on block, I am hoping that will solve the problem.
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
13 Nov 09
Well what I do, is I don't answer them until I do have time, and that's if I want to! The cell phone and the computer, you have control of it, you can respond if you want to, if you don't, you don't!
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• United States
13 Nov 09
Yup, that's what I have been doing lately....is ignoring it. It just irritates the heck out of me that she doesn't get it! Even when I hear the IM come on, I want to scream at her. But now that I have her blocked, I won't have to deal with it. Unfortunately I do come in contact with her away from the computer, every so often, so I am hoping that she is not so sensitive as to make a big deal out of it. Thanks
• United States
13 Nov 09
I absolutely love Instant Messaging. Thankfully now there is something called being invisible that makes it to where you are still online but nobody can tell you are online. You can still IM people and they can IM you back but it does
• United States
14 Nov 09
Yes, I only found that out recently, that we can put ourselves on "invisible", and I found out that you can actually block them from IM'g you too.