how old were you, when you first drank coffee?

November 17, 2009 12:35am CST
parents specially mothers always say to kids that coffee is not a kid drink. so we never (i mean most of us) never drank coffee when we are still kids. i started drinking coffee when i was 19. i joined my father's band and most of them drink coffee during band breaks. it also helps them to stay awake. so i tried it and now enjoyed drinking coffee. nutritionist also says that we are allowed to drink two cups of coffee per day. come lets share a cup.
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35 responses
@tontunan (254)
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
I think I started to taste coffee when I was 13 because i thought I was older enough or I was already in my adult stage. But I didn't drink much,I think once a week because my mother told me it is not good for my memory as a student. When I was 19, I got Urinary Tract Infection and the doctor told me to avoid drinking coffee so until now I never drink coffee anymore.
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• Philippines
18 Nov 09
really? coffee causes UTI? i thought it was cola? well to bad you stop drinking coffee you miss a lot of fancy good taste coffee example at starbucks. but dont worry i respect that. i think it is better for you to stop drinking than to get infections again. thanks a lot for the response
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
17 Nov 09
My grandfather was a huge coffee drinker but he never wanted me to start drinking it. He wouldn't even let me have a sip when I was little. I guess I was in my twenties when I started to have a cup every now and again. I don't drink it all the time now but do have a cup sometimes on the weekend. I have heard of people that let their kids or have let them have coffee but for some reason it seems strange to me. I guess it's because I was never allowed to have it. I don't let my girls drink it either.
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• Philippines
18 Nov 09
that sounds like my other too. she loves drinking coffee and she never wanted us to try. she always say we should stick with milk and chocolate drink. it is also strange to me when i read something like that or hear something like that. i was not allowed to drink coffee to when i was young so i think its weird for both of us to see young children drinking coffee. thanks a lot for the response
• United States
17 Nov 09
I didn't really drink coffee on a regular basis, if even that, until I was 17 or so, since then I will only have a starbucks coffee every few months. But the first time I ever had coffee was when I was 7 and my oldest brother gave me some coffee with chocolate in it, he was having some and gave me a cup too. But I really didn't have it often at all when I was a kid.
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• Philippines
18 Nov 09
there are a lot of younger generation who loves drinking fancy coffees at starbucks, plus the cakes and sandwiches they have there are really yummy. my son loves the oreo cheese cake and i love a lot of their cakes and sandwiches. har har har. thanks a lot for the response
• Boston, Massachusetts
17 Nov 09
Hi 7thBird, Yes, i used to hear that from my mom when i was still a kid and i did it too now to my kids but you know what? the first time i had coffee when i was 10 years old. It was typhoon and there was no chance for my dad to go out and buy us milk. mom gave us rice alm but its not enough... during merienda time we did drink coffee all of us. and that started my love for coffee. sad to say now i am reaping that addiction to coffee-- it's not good for me now. i was advise to refrain from drinking it as it triggers my acid reflux. i am trying my best to have at least one cup a day from 4-5 cups.
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
4-5 cups? you got to be kidding. i heard it on tv a nutritionist said that we are allowed to drink up to 2 cups of coffee only, hope you can control your intake of coffee so it wont trigger your acid. but it is really hard to resist coffee, once you smell it you cant resist it, just like the smell of chicken joy to children har har har. thanks a lot for the response
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 Nov 09
yes friend. i had i in the morning for breakfast, three cups in the office and another when i reached home. so now i am paying the price. now i lessened it to two cups a day and soon---no more coffee for me. anyway i dont have any problem and reaction with milk so i will just content myself with milk. it will also make my bone more stronger and start saving more calcium when i grow old.
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
I am already married when I started drinking coffee, just 3 years ago... I remember accidentally drinking coffee when I was young and I didn't like the bitter taste of it, though it smells nice. I like its aroma very much. I think that is why I did not try drinking coffee that earlier too. Yes I drink coffee now but not everyday, only whenever I feel like drinking it. One to two cups a day is good.
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
yes the aroma of coffee makes me relax. when i got married thats 7 years ago, i was a coffee addict. but since then my wife introduced me on tea drinking, juice and smoothies. so i have variations already. thanks a lot for the response
• Italy
17 Nov 09
My parents also said coffee is not for kids, and as long as I remember, she also said coke isn't for kids. Lol! I think I first drank coffee at 18 when I started work, otherwie I really never tried it. Also coffee ice cream was 'our of reach' for me as a kid, and anything containing coffee. At the moment, I think it was a bit paranoic.
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@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
I'm young when I start drinking coffee I think I'm only 8 when I'm drink coffee because that time our life is very difficult my mother can't afford to buy milk. Coffee that time is cheaper than milk so we don't have a choice only coffee is available to drink in our house.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
18 Nov 09
I think I started drinking coffee when I was 18 years. This was when I began university. I dont think I overdid it at the time, but over the years my coffee drinking has increased a lot. I now have about 6 cups of coffee each day. I dont encourage my 16 year old daughter to drink coffee yet, but she is allowed to have cups of tea.
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
i guess we both started drinking coffee late than other people. i started 19 and you started at 18 years old. i guess i experienced that also. drinking 6 cups or more per day.since i met my wife all of that has been changed. she also taught me how to drink tea but i can only drink cold tea. she also introduced me on fruit shakes and that is one of my favorites. my son is only three i wont incouage him to drink coffee as well unless he is an adult already. thanks a lot for the response
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
20 Nov 09
Hi se7enthbird, I never touched coffee until I was eighteen as I found the smell of it most revolting but then I realised that growing up everyone put milk in their coffee and it was the smell of milk in it which was actually vile rather than coffee itself, I would never have been allowed to drink coffee without milk as it may have stained the cups; I had a terrible time to be allowed to drink tea without the milk as it stained the cups and my mother was always trying to add a drop of milk to it which I loathe. They do make cups differently these days but even if they didn't I would not be in the slightest bit concerned that it would stain and now drink endless amounts of black coffee.
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
if you will let me choose between milk or creamer to go with my coffee i will be choosing milk. i like the taste of coffee and milk than coffee with creamer. i am not a fan of black coffee though i drink it if i dont have a choice har har har. thanks a lot for the response
@happy6162 (3001)
• United States
17 Nov 09
I started drinking coffee when I was fourteen years old. I would drink instant coffee at home but my parents would only let me have some in the morning before I went to school. I could not drink it with every meal.
• Philippines
19 Nov 09
i guess i cant drink coffee every meal as well, for my wife gives me ice cold tea after lunch and dinner, i drink coffee in the morning and at night as well. fourteen is quite young for my opinion but i know there are more out there who drank coffee younger than you. there are also people who drink it younger for they dont have much of a choice. thanks a lot for the response
@stephon8 (300)
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
I dont remember what age i was, all i know is i like to put coffee on my fried rice and egg breakfast. That is the first time ive ever tasted coffee and i like it. I also like to dump bread on my coffee thats why my parents have no choice but to allow me to drink coffee. Now that im 24 im a coffee addict, i have to drink lots of them.
• Philippines
24 Nov 09
yes, i agree that taste good coffee on fried rice. my mother does that and i tried it too. i remember that i was a coffee addict too when i was 24. but now i lessen the intake to atleast 2 cups a day. thanks a lot for the response
@codris (781)
• Italy
17 Nov 09
mmm i don't remember, maybe i was to young to remember it, when i was a child my parents let me drink a bit of coffee, only some spoons, but i like coffee, i'm drinking coffee now, i need it beacause i've to study a lot this night, i've an exam of physics in friday and i need it to stay awake.
• Philippines
19 Nov 09
sure coffee can make us stay awake specially when we really need to stay awake.... like you, for studying on an exam and most of the responder here got addicted with coffee because they started drinking if to keep them awake, now even they need to sleep they still drink coffee har har har. thanks a lot for the response and goodluck with the exam
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
i remember that my mother did not want us to drink coffee at such an early i did not try it even once. i was already married when i tried to drink coffee. at first, i didnt like the taste. but because my husband is a coffee drinker and i make his coffee, i started to like it and now, i think i'm addicted to it. my night is not complete when i dont drink a cup of coffee.
• Philippines
22 Nov 09
welcome to the wonderful world of mylot erlinda. some coffee does not really taste good depending on our taste buds. my day and night is not complete without a cup of coffee too. thanks a lot for the response and enjoy your weekend. cheers to the cup of coffee.
• United States
17 Nov 09
I first tried coffee when I was 12. I didn't like it much, and still don't. I drink more mocha-type stuff than anything. My parents never drank coffee either, so I wasn't really exposed to it. My grandma drinks it though, and when I go to her house for supper I'll have a cup of coffee with a piece of cake.
• Philippines
19 Nov 09
nice user name har har har. i think when parents does not drink coffee most of their children does not drink coffee as well. coffee is really good with cakes, thats why all the coffee shops serves cakes and cookies too. hmmm now i am craving for a piece of cake and coffee. thanks a lot for the response.
@tictac213 (118)
• United States
17 Nov 09
Well yes! specially mothers (and only mothers) tell you that drinking coffee is not good for kids. I started drinking coffee when I was 21, and now i m really loving it specially when we have this good health reason and great encouragement from nutritionists :) Enjoy coffee party :)
• Philippines
19 Nov 09
har har har, i guess fathers are not like that. but now that i have a three year old son and i am sure my wife wont let him drink coffee on a young age, i guess me too i wont let him drink coffee for there are a lot of choices of drinks from shakes and smoothies, but if he is teenager already it is up for him to decide. thanks a lot for the response
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
17 Nov 09
I started when I was in High School,I love coffee also and makes me awake during exam days....To this date, I am not drinking it regularly, maybe once a week!
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
how are you my dear friend? you started drinking coffee young too, well of course that is only my opinion. some people started younger than you did. i guess i am a late bloomer when it comes to coffee. thanks a lot for the response hope to see you more.
• Philippines
17 Nov 09
I drink coffee at a young age but as long as I start to taste i develop liking to anything and that includes coffee. I have no qualms or whatever as long s other drink it and i saw it. I imitate it as long as it never taste bitter or have no poison on it.
@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
17 Nov 09
I can't remember something like that. Probably age 5 or younger. It just that I don't consume it as much as I do nowdays. Tea is more a common drink at our house. My dad used to be the only one that consumed coffee regularly. As I grow up, I need to stay up for studying and drink a lot. I heard that coffee is rich with antioxidant. I guess it's a good thing to drink lots of it.
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
thats pretty quite young for you to start drinking coffee, but that is only my opinion. maybe because we are not allowed to drink coffee when we are younger. but as i heard from the nutritionist we are only allowed to drink 2 cups of coffee. there are more foods that you can get antioxidants.... thanks a lot for the response
@BART78 (2927)
• Canada
17 Nov 09
hi there seventh? how's your day?...for me i started drinking just plain black coffee when i was freshmen in high school, back then i woke early in the morning to review my lessons while zipping some hot coffee and soft bread..
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
hmmmm, bread with butter wow i miss that already. its been months since i ate hot pandesal. i sleep in the morning for i work at nights and miss the pandesal. you started drinking coffee early, but i guess there are more response who is much earlier than your age. thanks a lot for the response, and i am doing great.
@Godmother (476)
• Indonesia
17 Nov 09
Nobody in my house drank coffee, so I didn't care much. But when I went to the Netherlands to study for my degree, I found out that coffee is one of the main thing people drink there. Everybody just offers you a cup of coffee. So I learned to drink coffee there ( and learned how to make good coffee too), and that was when I was 18 years old. We drink normally 5 cups of coffee everyday. When I got older, and returned to my country, people say I am a coffee-addict and should drink less. So now, I drink just 3 cups of coffee everyday. Is that better ?
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
you know how to make good coffee? i am envy har har har. i cant say if that is better for i dont really know what is better. i am a coffee adict as well i can drink five cups or more per day. but when i heard a nutrionist said that we are allowed to drink 2 cups of coffee a day a tried my best to drink atleast 2 cups a day. nothing bad if i will follow, for they know better. thanks a lot for the response
• United States
17 Nov 09
No one in my family drinks coffee, but I started drinking it when I was 16. Until then, I could not stand the smell of it. However, I went camping with my friend and her family and we had freshly brewed coffee made over the camp fire. Since then, I've been hooked. During college I drank obsene amounts of coffee during certian times, like exam week, but since then I have simmered down and keep it to one to two cups a day.
• Philippines
18 Nov 09
thats what i heard from the nutritionist on tv that we are allowed to drink atleast 2 cups of coffee daily. there are people who really cant stand the smell of coffee but once they taste the coffee that is fit for their taste buds they get hooked on it. just like you. thanks a lot for the response and welcome to the wonderful world of mylot.