Computer games - Good or Bad

November 19, 2009 7:16am CST
Hi friends, Many of us play computer games, some plays them a lot. But some would say these are not good for our health and there are a lot of research done on it too. How do think about playing computer games? Are they good or bad?
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13 responses
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
19 Nov 09
I play games a lot and simply do not care about my health. It is a good thing that I am not prone to illness. I play a lot of games, from first person shooting games to racing, from strategy to sports. I am currently spending most of my time playing counter strike with my friends. I am addicted to it.
• India
19 Nov 09
Hi friend, Really some games creates addictness, specially strategy games. But this is a truth they effects our health. There is a wide range of reported negative effects of video games on health, playing and observing violent games affects young children and it changes their mind and increases the level of aggressive behavior. However some games like WACKY WORD SEARCH, HANGAROO, etc help them to increase their knowledge.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
19 Nov 09
I do not think any kid really plays those games. Maybe they play those games first. But soon they start playing first person shooters or strategy games. Everybody says playing games affects our health. Kids now a days are more aggressive than before. But that is where the parents should come in. Games cannot be blamed for everything. Every thing has something good and something bad. It is how you use it that defines whether something will be good for you or bad for you.
• India
21 Nov 09
Hi friend, You thought that kids won't play games like CS and other. Thats a quite strange thing. I know so many children who have a craze of cs like games, they are just addict of it. They have created their own servers and usually play throughout nights. Enjoy mylotting.
• Portugal
21 Nov 09
Video games are not unhealthy. It's fun to play them but if you get addicted I would advise you to stop. Video games aren't good or bad, they are what you use them for.
• India
22 Nov 09
Hi friend, Ofcourse Games addictness is not good for our health, infact addictness to anything is harmful to us.
• India
19 Nov 09
computer games are good. but only when played under a limitation. else it becomes a addiction.
• India
20 Nov 09
Hi friend, well, anything that is not done in limitation is hazardous, I guess, the same rule applies to computer games. Once you go out of control you are harming yourself. EnJoy myLotting.
@srija12 (211)
• India
20 Nov 09
Yes obviosuly, computer games are very addictive.If we get used to companuter games, we will continuesly play through out.So restrict urself.Just playing when u r in stress.
• India
20 Nov 09
Hi friend, Thanks for your suggestion. I completely agree with the point arroused by you, computer games should be played for some time, as stress reliever. We should not be addict of them.
• India
19 Nov 09
As far as I'm concerned computer games are GOOD Playing computer games is very fun and can become addictive very fast. Many people say that playing computer games is bad for you. Games are very good and i would recommend playing games. Researchers say that playing games can improve concentration and it doesn't give you any other benefits. and also computer games don't harm you in any way If you want more information regarding this topic check out
• India
19 Nov 09
Hi friend, Thanks for nice link. yah there is a lot of information is provided there about the topic good and bad effects of computer games. Enjoy Mylotting.
@seeiah (73)
• Belgium
19 Nov 09
I think a computer game is a good activity to beat boring periods. I play almost every day about 1-2 hours Counter Strike: Source with friends I know in real life. I think it is important that when you play games you have also a social life besides you computer or gaming console. If you are playing games every day for 6-7 hours, your health will decrease. For example your eyes will get worse and you will have to wear glasses. Unfortunately, my brother is addicted to his Playstation 3, one game in particular: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (at the moment Modern Warfare II). He plays this game more than 5 hours a day, he is always shouting like a maniac in his mic and he gets aggressive when he loses. I feel sorry for him, but I don't know what to do about it. Conclusion: Playing games are fine, if you aren't addicted to them.
• India
6 Jan 13
Hi seeiah, But the question here is what is parameter that defines, you are addicted to play computer games or not. I have seen people who play these games for long but still they are relaxed. So according to you how much time would not make you addict?
@benny128 (3615)
19 Nov 09
hey there personally I think computer games if seen in the context of entertainment are ok to fill in time. But personally I can think of far better ways of relaxing or filling in time than playing on a computer game for hours on end. In this day and age people are no longer interacting in person they use the computer and instead of talking and making friends they generally go on playing games for hours on end.
• India
19 Nov 09
Hi friend, I also thinks that so computer games can help in relaxing, they can change the mood of a person. When a person is sad he can try computer gaming, as in this fast world no one has time to play with you. Only computers are your partners. Gaming can really change your mood.
• India
19 Nov 09
Hi, nitish. You are right, a lot of research has been done on the matter and many theories have come up. As for me, i think playing computer games certainly has a negative effect on our health, the degree of impact depending on our posture and way of handling as well as on the duration of play. But, i believe (and researches also show) that the computer games are a good way to enhance the reaction ability and the sharpness as well as decision capability of human mind and certainly can be afforded on the expense of a little health loss for an hour daily. That`s the time i dedicate in general to computer games. Also, there is a class of games that mainly focus on our reasoning ability and boosting mind power. Such games certainly deserve some time from the busy human schedule. Happy Mylotting!!
• India
19 Nov 09
Hi creationist, I completely agree with you on the fact that computer games have both positive and negative effect on our health. But the effects however vary immensely depending on the types of games played and the frequency of play. Certain adverse effects can be caused by other factors in conjunction with excessive play of games, but can usually be corrected by living a healthier lifestyle. HaPpY MyLottInG!!!!
• Philippines
20 Nov 09
I would say it depends. I do not play computer games that often. I just play when I'm bored or doesn't have something to do. I say it is good because at some point it is entertaining and it could turn a dull day great. It has bad effects at some point because of it's effect to the eyes especially when someone plays computer games often or for long hours and when the screen has no protective screen too. I would say, children should lessen the time playing computer games because that could affect their studies a lot.
• India
20 Nov 09
two advantages of playing video games: 1]Stress Relief Video games are an excellent way to relieve stress. In fact, for the average non-gamer, spending 15 to 20 minutes a day playing an easy to learn, though difficult to conquer, game like Tetris or Minesweeper, will do wonders for stress relief. However, the more complex and involved games may actually be more effective than their simpler brethren. Some people read a book or watch a movie as a way to get their mind off of their problems. Basically, they allow people to be transported to a fictional world for awhile. In that area, video games are actually the most effective form of release, because they provide a deeper and more encompassing transportation. 2]Improved Logic Logical thinking is, sadly, a skill that seems to be mostly ignored in public education these days. It’s truly sad, because finely tuned logical abilities are critically important in our world. Nearly all video games train your mind in thinking logically.
• South Africa
20 Nov 09
Anything we do has positive and negative effects. As long as it is done in moderation there is no harm in playing computer games and as already mentioned have a few benefits. Most of the negative effects on our health can be minimised, for exp. eye strain - make a point of looking away from the computer regularly and focusing on an object in the distance as well as hydrating strained eyes with the proper eyedrops and so on... I believe one should always be aware of the risks involved in any activity that we perform so that we can protect ourselves from the harmful effects as far as possible and parents should always regulate their childerns' activities. As for aggressiveness, there are many other activities that bring out the aggressive nature of mankind, plainly speaking if its there it is not going to matter what activity that person is involved in, the aggressiveness will still make its appearance. To cap it all, playing computer games is good as long as it is done in moderation.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
24 Nov 12
I feel playing Computer games means wastage of time because not earn and learn there. We both are not interested in games. I spend my free time only on mylot. I not like playing computer games.
@Shavkat (140367)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I've noticed that children who are addicted to computer games. It is most likely that they are having poor performance in schools. This will be a tough one for parents, giving them time schedule to have the games.